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they need to make nightmare mode harder if anything


Why make nightmare easier?


I wouldn’t say make it to be easier just more manageable at least with a faster revive. I mean it’s not the hardest thing once set up unless you’re playing with others. Or a similar to a Double Tap 2.0 where it increases damage about 20-30%.


I see what you're getting at gotcha


Well once you have the godkiller you’re set to at least round 50 on nightmare. Also if you get the invincible miracle you don’t need a quick revive


Dead shot won't happen when they have can't miss


how is that miracle? I always stick to ice/heal


If you're speed running EE then the Cat/Crit build is Pretty good. When you upgrade can't miss you can hipfire cirts


shit eh? I'll give that a go, cheers


I'm hoping they add some perks, so a melee build Is a little more viable.


Personally, I would love something like death perception. Knowing when 8 zombies are right behind you would be so useful. If they add quick revive, I'd rather them just add the effects to life tokens.


I’d say the deadshot wouldn’t really work, 1: guns are already extremely accurate, 2: they have the “can’t miss” miracle which I’d say works just the same


Mule Kick for sure, its sucks on sewers having to have a plague to open the whole map and same with Fortress needing the sword for the 2nd part of ee taking up a whole weapon space or having to ditch a weapon that u have probably already upgraded to that point so a 3rd spot would be so nice and it's already there considering the lanterns and torch take it up when u do those steps so just gotta set it so u can replace those with weapons 


I honestly like the game without deadshot, how about something more creative or just making it slightly faster to revive with the increased in difficulty to balance out the game but don’t waist the perks on dead shot or quick revive


maybe something that recharges your abilities faster?


We have miracles for that though


goon brenn T3 charges ult 100% faster. T2 has a reduced cooldown for abilities. those mixed with the ice/thunder storm is phenomenal for high rounds, especially with shock and load


Well from what I’ve conjured in my mind but haven’t tried I can imagine tick damage for certain elements and high rounds eventually becoming useless almost from scaling health, I would say something that helps amplify of make them more worth it. Also a miracle class they could add one that concentrated on ammo. I noticed that not really being a thing yet. Unless it is a perk to come.


If you're having problems reviving people you need to pick the two maiden miracle lines light blue and white those miracles on legendary you're basically invincible