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Sometimes a certain ingredient just simply doesn't work for your skin. I've tried damp skin, wet skin, with occlusive after, etc and all HA does is make my skin feel drier and tighter. I use other types of humectants which work better for me, such as cheap old glycerin, butylene glycol or beta glucan.


Me too. And I live in a super humid climate


for me it started to work only when i started to put it on skin sprayed with thermal water - before i tried simply damp skin, and it did nothing, with spray water it does wonders




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^^^ Avene thermal water did the trick


hello, im curious to know by simply damp skin are u referring to leaving it damp with water because thats what ive been doing and still felt dry, could u let me know which brand of thermal water u use


yes, previously i left the skin damp just from normal water. Now i spray a lot of thermal before i apply hyaluronic. I live in germany and i use generic drugstore brand for like 2 euro/bottle


thanks for the info


this might be a dumb question but do u spray the thermal on dry skin or do u kinda leave ur skin damp with regular water then spray the thermal


i spray dry skin


Same for me, with one exception: The Hada Labo premium lotion (it's basically a gel HA lotion). That hydrates the hell out of my skin. Any other HA product seems to dry it out.


Probably because it has glycerin in it. If you google glycerin vs hyaluronic acid, it will make tons of sense . Hyaluronic acid protects and hold moisture of what you have already and isn’t what provides more moisture . Glycerin adds moisture


The forlle'd AC Clear hyurology line is fantastic, but the creams or essence (primer) are kinda a must.


I have the same exact thing!


Correct, I know for me Hydralic Acid doesn’t work for me and breaks me out so I don’t use that on my dry skin .


same for me, but it does work very nicely in my curly hair! squalane products similarly leave me feeling dry for some reason.


Oh really? I wouldn’t have thought of that. Thanks for the tip!


of course! it's a good way to use up HA if your skin doesn't like it.


Glycerin is a ride-or-die.


In my experience HA is beautiful when I’m really well hydrated, otherwise it starts drying me out. Afaik it hydrates the surface of your skin through bringing water from wherever it can - which will be both products you put on with it and the deeper layers of your skin, whether or not you have moisture to spare in them.


No hyaluronic protects and hold the moisture in your skin that you already have, does not add more moisture. If you want more moisture then use glycerin, also using both together is awesome because you add moisture and then protect the moisture you added to your skin


Which products have Butylene glycol and beta glucan that u use?


My personal favourite is Kikumasamune High Moist Lotion (it's actually a toner but toners are called lotions in Japan).


Does that mean you have to remove it once you put it on?


No, you leave it on your skin.


Same. I just have to avoid it.


It’s because hyaluronic acid is only to protect the moisture you already have, so if you got none you’re protecting none. Many industries false advertise that hyaluronic moisture. It doesn’t, glycerin adds moisture. But if you add moisture like the ones you quoted and then add hyaluronic acid on top, then it likely benefit better


Make sure your skin has some sort of hydration on it before using this serum. I use toners, but also just a splash of water on your face will help. Then top with a good moisturizer.


Should you let the HA dry before topping with moisturizer?


I wait for it to be mostly dry and then pat moisturizer on top


Huh, TIL, I thought I had to put the lotion on quickly after the HA and toner to lock it in. I’m going to try it this way tonight


Thank you!


I am horrible and will slather stuff on if it isn't dry. I don't have time for stuff to completely dry down. The good thing is my skin sucks it up fairly fast.


I hate waiting around too so I help it dry by fanning myself with one of those handheld silk fans for a few seconds. I always feel like a snooty rich movie villain when I use it and it makes a difference without being a time suck.


Ooooo that is a great idea!!!! :)


Try using a moisturizer with glycerin then add hyaluronic acid after. ( glycerin adds moisture while hyaluronic does not, but it holds and protects the moisture already in your skin


I always apply moisturizer while my serums (especially HA) are still damp and it seems like it helps everything absorb better.


Are you making sure your skin is damp before you apply it? Any moisturizer should be sufficient layered on top, so as long as you’re using one, the problem is most likely how you’re applying it. I use the Peach Slices Snail Rescue Moisturizer myself.


Also shouldn’t there be humidity in the air? So the HA has something to soak up? OP add a humidifier and see if it helps.


you can just mist your skin after with an essence or just water


make sure your face is wet when you apply it and put moisturiser over it


I live in a desert and refuse to use hyaluronic acid.


A smart choice. The low humidity would make the ha do more damage than good.


how come?


Ha draws moisture in from the environment, but, in a dry climate, it can't do that, so it may end up drawing up water from the deeper layers of your skin instead, resulting in dry skin.


This is the accurate info. Many people don’t know this. But yes this is absolutely true!


It doesn’t work where I live but when I took my Farmacy hyaluronic acid to DC in the summer (a swamp), my skin was GLOWING


If this one is drying, you might take a look at the Multi-peptide one. It also has HA. I prefer it personally as it's hydrating. They might be able to be used together, but I'd ask first. Honestly, I didn't like this product, nor the Marine Hyaluronics, because the texture is so thin. The Multi-Peptide+HA has a more serum-y texture. Just my preference.


Hyaluronic Acid takes in moisture from either your skin or air. So if you’re in a drier climate, apply to damp skin.


I spritz my face all over with rose water spray and then apply this then layer my moisturizer and occlusive on top. If not yeah it dries so much.


I mist my face with water (dewey, not dripping) before using any HA product so that it can actually bind to water and go into my skin, rather than pulling hydration from within to bind to the HA molecules.


This is supposed to be a humectant. It's supposed to bring extra moisture into your skin. Of course, you should use a moisturizer after it, but if you have to use extra moisturizer just to mitigate the effect of this product (which are the opposite of what it's supposed to be doing, for you and for many other people, myself included - my skin hates high concentration HA with a passion), then this product brings nothing into your routine that warrants its being there.


Apply it just as you get out of the shower or chilling in front of a humidifier. The HA will draw up a lot of moisture so if your skin is dry to start, it may be pulling moisture from you.


This, this this! I use mine after spraying my face with rose water. Always put HA on damp skin


This one dried me out too (even on damp skin). I switched to the La Roche Posay one and it's wayyy better (for my skin, anyways).


I don’t know about your face, but I love that stuff as a first layer on my freshly-washed hair. It does a great job.


Can you explain more please? I’ve never heard of this but am intrigued!


Right after I have towel-dried my hair, I just flip it upside down and add hyaluronic acid to all but the roots and work it through. Then I just go on with my regular hair product routine.


What effect does it have? I know it attracts and holds moisture, but does it help with frizziness?


TO also sells Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA for Scalp, which also contains HA. I got it last year because my scalp often itches in winter and this soothes most of it. Makes my scalp generally more hydrated, less flaking. Makes sense that just straight up HA would have similar effects.


It adds smoothness, helps with my curls, and makes my other products work better.


Ummm You wash your face, and put it on your damp Face. Or like just put your hand under water and drive your hand over your face, And Then apply HA and then oil based and then creams also actually need to drink water cause it doesn't magically moisturise your face, and no 1l, or more of mostly sodas isn't enough


I love the reply, but it’s not helpful because I was asking the commenter to explain more about applying HA to their HAIR. If you want to make others look/feel dumb, its necessary to read what you are replying to first.


Wasn't the intention, missed the hair part true but there's lots of comments it'd be a good reply for so no need to body me


Whoa yes, please elaborate


It’s supposed to hydrate not dry Apply on damp skin, quickly apply any moisturiser on top, you can put few drops of face oil to seal the moisture inside I have read that it doesn’t work well in very dry climate


If you use vitamin C what's the suggested sequence?


Just started using HA today; I did toner, spray (plain water), HA, spray, vitamin C, spray, snail mucin, then moisturisers. Seems to be working well so far. I’m repeating it tonight after my shower, except niamicide (sp?) instead of C, and tretinoin between moisturisers. Hope it works!


Vitamin c always goes first. Then toner, and everything else. I use the Evian thermal water spray after toner, then HA, then the rest of my routine. Acids always go first, with the exception of a first essence.


I read it too Vitamin c first Anyways it’s so expensive I want it to go first 😀


If you’re seeing weird flakes when you wake up in the morning after using this, I had the same problem. It’s the product bunching up and rolling off the skin, for some reason it would never fully absorb into my skin despite applying onto damp skin (as you should with any hyaluronic acid serum). I’ve since switched to the Good Molecules one and I love it.


Good Molecules FTW!


make sure to use a hydrating toner, essence, or leave your face slightly damp before applying hyaluronic acid.


Hyaluronic acid can dry your skin out if you apply it on dry skin. Make sure to dampen your face before using it.


As most people have said, making sure your face is wet when you apply is really key for HA. I also go a step further and make sure my face has a little bit of moisture when I apply my moisturizer. For reference: in my routine, I apply after a shower (where I’ve double cleansed with a balm before jumping in and a gentle toner in the shower at the end) and make sure to wet my face before applying. I let it soak in as I brush my hair, put my hair in a towel, and brush my teeth. Making sure to add more moisture (usually just getting my hands wet and applying to my face) as I go. Then I finally add my moisturizer- this process seems to help me the most. I live in a dry climate (high dessert), so since I don’t have a humidifier yet, this is my go to. I also slug at night, sometimes adding rose hip oil to soak in before that. :-) I really hope you give HA another try!!


Make sure to apply this on damp skin. I actually will wet my hands before applying it, because it can feel really sticky and drying without it.


I feel like it dries my skin out too regardless of what I do. I just stopped using it and use Cerave moisturizer.


What moisturiser are you currently using?


This product didn’t work well for my dry skin, either. Marine hyaluronics from TO works much better for me, applied on damp skin


It’s prob the Pantothenic acid. My skin hates it.


I tried The Ordinary products when they were super popular around the pandemic. It’s a good price and so many people swore by the products. They literally did nothing but ruin my skin for weeks. It took me so long to get back to my “normal” skin. I don’t know how or why I had such bad luck with the brand. I wanted to like it. I reaaally did but it just didn’t improve anything for me. It broke me out more and made my skin super dry and sensitive.


You need to put it on wet skin, then once dry out the HA ordinary moisturizer over- without the moisturizer over you don’t seal in the moisture form hyalouronic 👌


Because it is! Hyaluronic Acid is the biggest scam there is! It “plumps up” your skin giving the illusion that it is actually hydrating. But in fact it just draws the moisture inside your skin out, and by defect dries out your skin. A horrible product I avoid at all costs. It is very overrated.


Okay, thanks for this. I've been using this product on and off for a year, and I always feel like my skin gets worse when I use this. But everyone says it's so hydrating!! I couldn't wrap my head around it. Started using one drop of vegetable glycerin in my lotion, and my moisture actually lasts all day.


Yes! My dry skin has been so much better since I stopped using this in my routine.


I live in the Southwest and I have to make sure my skin is sopping wet prior to applying HA, then I'll wait 30 secs and apply moisturizer and spritz my skin with water again.


Try mixing it into your moisturizer.


Don’t think the hyaluronic acid will be able to be absorbed that way


You need to apply HA on damp skin


I normally splash my face a bit before applying any acids Edit: I don’t understand why? Is it because I should’ve said dampen the face first instead


Downvotes are likely because applying acids on wet or damp skin is not advised as it allows the acid to penetrate the skin deeper. So for acids like AHAs and BHAs, applying to damp skin can cause irritation or even chemical burns.


so why do they get downvoted when the top comment says "Are you making sure your skin is damp before you apply it?"


Probably because this commenter said they wet their face prior to applying *any* acid. Applying HA on wet skin is advised, applying all acids on wet skin is dangerous advice that shouldn’t be followed.


ahhhh okay makes sense


Happy to help 👍🏻


Hyaluronic acid isn't really an acid despite the name, unlike other acids (actives) that should not be applied to damp skin because they will get absorb more deeply that way and may cause irritation, inflamation and skin damage.


Stop using the product altogether. Instead use the hyaluronic acid by the inkey list. It’s so much better tbh.


Cetaphil Hydrating Moisturizer, works so well and definitely hydrates


R u using it right? Cuz u must apply it on damp skin or it will dry ur face


She is probably using it right. I had the same issue with The Ordinary hyaluronic (dryed me out and left patches on my skin)and soon as I stopped it and switched to another brand my skin started feeling and looking better. Some formulations and ingredients don't go well with everyone's skin and it is a reality that we have to face with skin products.


I dont know if someone specified this but you need to apply hyaluronic acid on damp skin! It'll dry you out otherwise.


I use this with CeraVe SA Cream for rough and Bumpy Skin. (I have acne) They work **amazing** together for me. But again, I have oily acne prone skin, so those two are a good match for me.


“This product hurts my skin. How can I keep using it?” ????


HA is a moisture retainer. It shouldn't dry your skin out.


This actually isn’t true. HA is not a “moisture retainer”, it’s a humectant. It works by binding to water molecules. This means it pulls moisture. Ideally, HA pulls moisture from the air around you, allowing your skin to absorb it better. However, if your skin is more moist than the air around you, the HA is going to pull the moisture from your skin, making it dry.


Does this mean in a moist environment it doesn’t matter if your skin is dry or damp before putting on HA? Or is it still better to apply to damp skin?


It’s still best to use on damp skin. Personally, I don’t use it all though because it gives me cystic acne. I switched to beta-glucan


HA can’t dry out your skin. It’s much more likely that it’s simply not providing ENOUGH moisture or hydration alone.


Cera ve


This is not a moisturizer but helping to oily skin


The buffet and using a moisturizer after is good


TO Amino Acid + B5 works way better for me! Super hydrating.


I use this and I am very happy with it. I apply and wait a few minutes then I put a moisturizer on top of it.


I thought HA was supposed to hydrate skin— I’ve been using it to help the dryness I get from tret . Should I stop using the HA?


Your statement is partially right, HA can help increase hydration levels in skin, but it, by itself, doesn't hydrate skin. As called out in other replies, HA helps skin retain water by binding to water molecules in skin and essentially 'holding' more water in skin. Thus, the convo you're seeing about humidity in the air and dampening skin... HA needs water to bind to as it does not carry or transport it alone. It's the water retention ability that makes HA deliver hydration benefits and the instant plumping smoothing of skin as it 'fills' skin with water.


Okay good to know! Would putting on moisturizer after putting it on help it retain water?


There are different ways you can help the water that HA needs to bind to. An easy one is to apply the HA serums after a shower and/or washing your face and rinsing with warm water (warm water will help open up skin for absorption / penetration) Your skin will be hydrated from the water and steam and have water available to bind. Applying a moisturizer after can also help as long as the moisturizer is a hydration, meaning it is carrying water - not all moisturizer use the same mechanisms of action to provide the feeling of moisturizering. A good moisturizer will have both hydrating component and a barrier component that helps create a barrier to hold moisture in and repair your natural skin barrier (think ceramides)


Thank you so much!!!


Please make sure to use it on damp and as moisturizer if you can get babe repairing moisturizer. This one was quite moisturizing as prescribed by my dermatologist. But if your skin can tolerate snail mucin cream, then it's good too. But for HA serum, I find hada labo lotions much more moisturizing.


spray a hydrating toner over the top (or just water. or apply to damp skin) then use an occlusive moisturiser over the top


Hyaluronic acid does cause skin to get dryer during winter months, I would discontinue use until summer months, as it can disrupt your moisture barrier if you apply too much when you skin doesn’t need it.


I would recommend niacinimide to rehydrate after


Niacinamide does the heck out of my skin It’s not hydrating


If you are applying it on a damp face and putting moisturizer on top, and it still dries you out, this product might not be good for you, HA doesn't work for all skin. Try something differeny, like glycerin, snail mucin, etc.


Thought it was already established that your face doesn't need to be damp before using HA so why am I seeing that suggested here so much? Preference?


I’ve always used cerave with it!


I have switched from hydrating serums that only have only hyaluronic acid to ones that have glycerin in them. Glycerin is another solid humectant but doesn’t have the same potential for dehydration that HA does. I currently use the good molecules multi peptide serum, which is only $12


[it may not work in general.](https://youtu.be/RnrMi-PbBWA?si=9JRw4NznUtq7UhiX) Cosmetics industry snake oil in most cases. I would unfortunately toss it and follow derm’s advice.


Is it winter or dry climate where u live currently? I live in Wisconsin where the winters r incredibly dry so I only use HA in the summer.


This product says on the bottle that it dries out your skin and to be careful with how much and often you use it. The Ordinary has an acne set that includes this + a little gel like moisturizer that I like.


You may be thinking of the Salicylic Acid serum?


I am!!! Sorry!!! Thank you!!


Neutrogena hydro boost the night gel one is more moisturizing but heavier but the regular one is good too


Put it on a damp skin and follow with the moisturizer


Isnt Hyaluronic acid a moisturizer?


you may also want to consider another hyaluronic acid serum as well (I like the inkey list; same price points). many fans of this product have actually started to turn on it, claiming it feels more dehydrating than hydrating.


I think it’s also drying me out. Whenever I put it over my eyes I wake up with all these flakes covering my eyes. Even when I apply it to damp skin.


the first aid beauty moisturizer works really well for me , it took my dry combination skin back to normal in just a few days!!


I use the Tatcha essence beforehand, then the ordinary HA, then moisturizer and it’s hydrating. On its own it felt drying.


It could be (depending on where you live currently) the humidity. If there is no humidity or if there is cold dry air, its going to dry out your skin. I use hyaluronic acid products in the spring/summer. Petrolatum products during cold fall/winter days.


I never have a problem with hyaluronic acid but anything by the ordinary that contains HA breaks me out and gives me weird bumps all over my face.


I was using the one from la roche and it was drying out my skin, literally everything in my routine had HA and I didn’t realize that it was making my skin dry. I stopped using mine and started using something with glycerine. Coco kind had a really good one which didn’t leave my skin dry


Provence Beauty has a much better HA serum. Been using it for a while and turned a lot of friends on to it too. Ordinary brand is overrated.


I use cerave night skin renewing night cream after this.


That shouldn’t dry out your skin, hylaronic is for moisturizing and restoring your skins barrier. Try a different brand!


My skin is also extremely dry after using this so I stopped and switched to B5 serum from La Roche Posay. It is loads better and never makes my skin feel like this serum did.


This is not a great hyaluronic acid product IMO. I much prefer ialuset cream




I personally HATED this brand, it was sticky and sucked *for me*. I love the ordinary for other stuff, but this just wasn’t it. I love the good molecules HA


my skin didn’t like this serum so i just bought a different brand that also has HA


I spray thermal water on my skin first before applying anything with hyaluronic acid in it. Used to make my skin feel worse too but really it wasn’t letting any hydration be absorbed by my skin. Honestly hydrating my skin with thermal water between products has made the BIGGEST difference in my skin.


I use Saturday skin’s moisturiser. Love it


thayers moisturizer!! i absolutely love that brand and the toner is amazing too. 😁


If you live in a dry climate or have drier skin than the average person, hyaluronic acid can actually cause more dryness than anything else because it needs moisture to create the moisture barrier. The molecules bind together with the moisture on your skin and in the air to govern that “plump and moisturized” feeling. It’s become more of a fad in the skincare industry than anything, and is 99% marketing bogus. You would be better off using a light facial spray with a touch of aloe and plain glycerin and would achieve the same effects, possibly even better if your skin reacts this bad to HA. If you insist on using up the bottle, the only suggestion I have is to make sure your face is sufficiently moist (soak a washcloth in cold water and lay it on your face) and apply the HA IMMEDIATELY while there is still some visible moisture on your skin


I wanted to like The Ordinary hyaluronic but it disliked my skin. It dried me out and left me with dark patches. I now use a $5 hyaluronic serum and it just adores my skin. Some formulations just don't go well with everyone's skin.


I used to use this by itself on slightly damp skin and it would dry my face out! but i started to use it with these other products. I still have damp skin, and i put a small drop of each one into my hand and apply. it keeps my face moisturized all day with/without sunscreen :) https://preview.redd.it/jodlq8aatm3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60ba8ab534a40838819999d3877caa7f63135978


Also i should add that I would initially use all of these products individually, applying them separately and the hyaluronic acid would still dry up and peel on my face. it doesn’t do this when i mix it first with the other products.


Apply on a moist face, don't let it dry all the way before you moisturize. Hyaluronic acid pulls in water, so if you don't occlude it, it's gonna evaporate with the water from your skin.


Cerave pm facial moisturizer




I read somewhere to NOT use this in the winter when the air is dry bc all it will do is pull hydration from your face instead of the environment. Unless you live somewhere really humid it’s not great


I used a cotton pad with water on to wet my skin then put this one.


I only use about a drop of this along with my rosehip oil and it’s made my skin amazing for the first time ever, but I could never use that alone.


Do you live in a dry climate? If so, HA will do the opposite and instead suck out the hydration from your skin which will dry you out.


You may use Neutrogena Hydro Boost


Deep hydration by cetaphill


Is this Low molecular HA? Because that’s the one that can cause more inflammation


I have used it for a long time and I feel that the effect is okay.


You don't need a hyaluronic acid serum. Watch this from the words of a derm https://youtu.be/RnrMi-PbBWA?si=_f7d_q8AzS5bRSiG


HA doesn't work on me during winters. It's really hydrating during Summers tho


Hyaluronic acid is a humectant, meaning it draws moisture. If used on non-damp skin, it draws water from your skin. It should always be used on damp skin. I’ve no idea why this isn’t recommended on the packaging? Same with glycerin! In and of themselves they’re fantastic, but use on damp skin then seal it in with a moisturizer.


This is a very drying product! Unfortunately as are most HA serums…many dermatologists call it the craze of the moment but many of the HA ingredients used are low quality and do not actually sink below the surface of the skin


I believe this is a water-based serum, so try using your anhydrous solutions (e.g. salicylic acid or squalane), then oils (e.g. rose hip seed oil) and then some moisturiser. The Ordinary also recommends what are called suspensions after oils and before moisturisers like their vitamin C one. https://preview.redd.it/9rlunkejaq3c1.png?width=1194&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0583d2c0e19fcb562a170d932b05e8728033475 \^ this is what I'm basing it on BTW, i have zero incentive from The Ordinary or anything of the sorts. I just like their products lol


Hyaluronic acid protects your moisture, if you want something to moisturize get something with lots of glycerin


Are you using this for injecting ? I am a Doctor with my own skin line and curious what your goal is with this product? Btw great product , I use ordinary not only as is products but to mix into my skin line as well. I have a 8 in 1 bio serum step two three and eye serum if you would like to try? The eye serum I use with this same ordinary serum. My name is Dr. Parsons I am a naturopathic medical doctor with an advanced esthetic background.


You can’t use it in place of moisturizer. It’s not making your skin dry, but if you use it instead of a moisturizer then yeah


Make sure to use it while your face is still damp from cleansing otherwise it will draw moisture out from your skin. I made this mistake


With hylauron u need to be doing hydrations mists don’t forget x


make sure your face is damp when applying moisturizer, it helps it absorb better. i’ve had good luck with la rosche posay. it’s a bit pricey but a little goes a long way and it lasts a long time!


NIOD HV. Thank me later. Neutrogena blablabla for dry skin is also fine. Anything that seals in moisture!