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Fellas watch out, this is what happens if you accidentally use moisturiser "for women" even one time. Many such cases.


One of us, one of us, one of us




If only it were that easy


If only! I think so many wouldn't hesitate as much!


It's a rough road lol I smile a lot more,but I have my cries. People can be very mean.


I'm only at the beginning but yeah I've already experienced a few heartaches, and headaches but giving myself space to cry has been one of the best things ever!


People are mean with each and every of us, even the most feminine women and the most masculine of men. People will always find a spot to be mean on, it is rarely about you, more about them, but thats another discussion for another sub. Your skin looks great, you look great 😉


This happened to me after using women fragrance... Make sure to use sweet fragrances only with huge FOR MEN written on the back!


what my boyfriend thinks will happen to him if he starts using skincare:


My favorite part of these kinds of before and after pictures is that in the after the smile reaches your eyes. You are lovely! ❤️


Agreed! The best part is how happy she looks in that second photo 💖


Seriously. Before and afters like this always make me all choked up. Just nice to see people finally able to be themselves.


Wow! Your face routine is so good you went from male to female!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Lol, that was also the main plan. Hormones do play a huge role in our skin, I wasn't aware the effects would be this good, though, but I'm overwhelmed with joy of how it's going !


Haha yeah, my girlfriend also says that estrogen is the best skincare routine. Can't believe how much her skin improved!


If spironolactone is part of your HRT, lots of cis women are prescribed that to treat normal acne :) so it would make sense your skin is glowing


My endocrinologist just started me on Spiro, I don't think it's been long enough for any effects, most of my transition has been just estradiol and 2.5 mlg of finnasteride for my hair, iv stopped using finnasteride though and started Spiro, then in one month I'll be on a dose of progesterone ( supposed to help with breast growth and sex drive ) I would think a T blocker wouldn't do anything for cis women though..


I’m on spiro for acne, it helps with our hormonal acne in particular. It’s kinda wild that going on low dose HRT can help a lot of cis women’s acne (spiro + birth control)


Most trans-care medications are 'off-label' from their original use in medicine.


I’m on progesterone now (perimenopausal cis woman)- take it at bedtime, that shit will knock you out!


I too spironolactone for pcos for a while, it’s a very common drug used for women. It’s also prescribed for hair loss and acne.


Sorry I meant hormonal not normal


You look great! Just the smile in the second pic is priceless!


As a FTM currently suffering through the reverse effects, that's cheating. 😭 But seriously, great work, you look amazing (and so happy)! I've been trying to see if cold rinses would be any help, but I didn't think to try after showers.


The one thing I miss is my strength. My job is harder now lol I dread having to pull a wall hung toilet off the wall, eel a line out, then re hang it, my abs are on fire after. Or carrying cast iron pipe 😮‍💨


I will admit, I had gender euphoria through the roof the other day at work when two cis men couldn't loosen a bolt I had tightened, but I undid it without any real effort. Sometimes it's the little things.


Hell, I’m a cis woman on spiro and even I have extremely weak muscles now. I feel like I get a Charley horse just from looking at my calf the wrong way.


Fellow plumber here and skincare enthusiast.


Helz yeah 😄 sweat or press ??


Haha, the big debate. I say whatever gets the job done quicker.


The best answer !


Weirdly enough I’ve had the opposite experience on T. My acne cleared up and my skin became softer lmfao it kind of felt like a medical miracle


Damn, skincare so good you changed genders




im weakkkkk 😭


Also, disregard my frizzy hair. LOL I'm still trying to figure out how to maintain a wavy bob cut style


I have the same haircut and wave with similar texture. Use leave in conditioner spray on wet hair, then comb through and tussle while still wet. Let it dry like that and don't comb/brush again. Avoid blow driers. Use a cotton tee shirt to dry instead of a towel. I recommend ion brand shampoo, conditioner, and leave in spray from Sally Beauty. I use the healthy scalp line, but every ion product line has had good results for me.


The cotton T-shirt is such a gamechanger! Makes a huge difference in my hair.


Your hair is great!


Sea salt spray/texturizer!


Kevin murphy young again oil, it is amaaazing. But it is quite expensive. Though my bf and I both use it and we have it now for 6+ months and it is mot empty yet. Use it after washing/conditionering your hair on towl dry hair, comb through.


Yeah, I was doing all the wrong stuff and paying for it now, I was blow dying and flat ironing or hot curl brushing my hair for weeks😢 Iv just letting it stay damp up in a towel for 5-10 mins then air drying with for leave it cream and mouse for the past few days trying to let it repair. I'm screen shooting everyone's product recommendations though, I should find a hair advice subbreddit lol


there are subreddits for curly and wavy hair! :D (sorry don’t know how to link on mobile but just type “curly” or “wavy” in the search bar) good luck girl!


Your hair might be curlier than you think it is! You should check out r/curlyhair - also you look so happy in the second picture!


my wavy hair gets frizzy like that too! i like to use a very light hold leave-in conditioner or curl cream and a little bit of gel. at night i sleep with it up, or put a silk scarf on it. silk/satin pillowcases are also really helpful


Thanks I will try this :) so far iv been using mousse and sutra leave in cream when I do blow dry or flat iron.


Also try K18 - It's very expensive (about $75 for a little bottle, but the bottle does last) and really does your hair good. Also makes my hair grow much faster. I have a keratin treatment in my hair and the K18 really helps with maintaining definition with my texture.


I have very frizzy, very wavy hair, I always comb a dab of conditioner through my hair and squish it all together before getting out the shower, then I use mousse and keep squishing until it's nice and wavy. I recommend a hair dryer with a diffuser.


Thanks !! I'll look for one


I have the same hair type as you, wavy but very very fine. I cannot leave any conditioner in my hair, it I found the mouse from Living Proof, or their light hairspray work very well. My fine hair gets sooo limp after an hour and then oily in three. It’s a pain! I wish someone told me about those two lighter products ages ago, hope I save you some headache- they come in minis too. Oh and of course your skin is flawless!




Girl, if you figure it out, let’s the rest of us know!


girl what frizz lol my hair is pin straight and i’ve never been able to pull off a bob despite many attempts so i’m super jealous of your hair texture it looks amazing! and your skin looks so good, you’re winning


Use a rinse-out conditioner when you wash your hair. While your hair is full of conditioner, detangle with your fingers and a wide toothed comb. Once you rinse the conditioner out, don't detangle again or it will create frizz. Blotting your hair dry with a cotton undershirt is a good idea. If you want your hair to look curlier, you can use the shirt to scrunch your hair up toward your scalp. Styling depends on factors like your climate and preferences. You'll have to experiment to figure out what works. You might try a curl cream with hold, or layer a silicone serum under a light hold gel.


Try color wow dream coat! It gets rid of frizz


Same, girl.


Your skin looks so good! The glow up 👏🏼🥹 also you should look up the curly girl method on here! Changed my life when it came to caring for my wavy hair.


Is that a sub ??




I have one but I wake up with it under my pillow !! Also, FYI Rogaine and finnasteride helped regrow quite a bit of my hair if your looking to preserve yours.


I like the hairstyle, it really suits you.


I some little bangs would suit this style so well. Just small ones off to either side. Great transformation!


Your skin looks wonderful but that SMILE says a thousand words! 🥰


I'm so tired in this picture too, this was late last night after doing a 70 hour work week LOL Over the moon happy though, I went from depressed in bed to model employee lol


Oof that’s definitely a long rough week! I’m so glad you’re happier now though 🥰


URIAGE eau thermals XEMOSE: cleansing soothing oil. I thought this was a Neutrogena product, but it's not lol I love this stuff, I use it morning and night. Farmacy deep sweep 2% BHA pore cleansing toner. I feel so refreshed after using this, my skin tingles 🥰 - use this morning and night. Glymedplus comfort cream with aloe, my beauty tech sells me this. Originally, I was using this after my laser hair removal sessions on my face, but it's been a great moisterizer too !! I use this morning and night Sephora HYA brightens eye cream, I use this morning and night. I use Neutrogena hydro boost exfoliator once a week. 8mlg/ day of estradiol sublingual has been the biggest game changer !! 🥰


Okay dang though, the lines on your forehead totally disappeared, that’s amazing. Was that the laser treatment? Or do you think one of your products was what worked? I am considering Botox for my forehead lines haha. You look amazing!


I edited my comment to say " laser *hair removal* on my face" Lol sorry, but fewwf thankfully I never got forehead beard. No I think a combination of my hrt and skin care routine tightened my skin up, I haven't done any surgery or botoxing as of yet.


Ohh haha that’s okay! Wow that’s interesting though, but nice side effect then! Congrats on your transition


Estrogen is kinda cheating :D You look great! Happy for you


I thought it was different person


Sorta is lol I used to be a miserable a-hole


YOU LOOK GOOD! Happy for you!




Wow you look beautiful


You are absolutely glowing


So obvious the ridiculous improvement I won't bother saying! Sorry for prying but based on other comments you seem super open and I commend you for educating us - you're a credit to humanity! Wish more were like you. If okay I'd love to know a lot about how the fiance situation works; I know nosey but not coming from a bad place at all I promise just hopefully obviously if all is good there you must be lucky? To put it bluntly most wouldn't be able to be attracted to their fiancé if they (outwardly only I know) swapped genders, including me I'll admit simply due to biology not bigotry at all I promise. Assuming (correct if wrong just going with probability!) your fiancé is a woman, is she okay with it? Is she bi and therefore (again no offence) you're lucky or? Sorry just super curious and happy for you if working out but hope you understand my point that most people would probably support you but it would end the relationship due to no longer having the appearance of the sex they are attracted to. Really maybe seems like tiptoeing but don't want to cause any offence and purely support but hopefully obvious why I'm fascinated. Either way, reading your comments, you've seriously learnt a lot about how to let yourself be happy and become a much better person for it so aside from the classic remarks seriously heartfelt congratulations on escaping the bigotry defence mechanism that hurt yourself the most no doubt and growing as a person :) truly wonder how common your story is (projection bigotry - seems so ironic yet definitely a human trait based on how homophobic a lot of gay men used to be when having to hide - fascinating!)


Way to bury the lede lmaoo


I'd wager it was predominantly your HRT. No skincare product will give results anywhere close to this drastic.


It looks like u have makeup on tho


Some mascara and did the corner of my eyes with liner which clearly smudge, I did some concealer on my upper lip due to going through electrolysis biweekly, still have some hairs and redness from my biweekly torture sessions, it's very minimal as far as makeup tho, no foundation etc..


Yep no other transformations worth mentioning lol




Fabulous. Thank you lady for sharing and walking us through the details. :)


You look amazing!


Your smile in your second photo says everything


Look at the joy in the after! Congrats to you ♥️♥️♥️


Kinda just looks like makeup and estrogen no?


yup and a smile


The change in your skin texture is incredible! It's like you aged in reverse. Going to have to give this routine a try.


Gorgeous!! I mean this in the best way possible, you look like somebody’s certified fun aunt! 💃🏻




Your skin looks more hydrated, firm, and omg those cheeks - you look amazing! 


You look so much happier!


It's absolutely crazy how hormones turn certain make and female genes on. As a scientist, this fascinates me to no end. OP definitely looks happy and gorgeous in the second. I don't know enough information to know if OP is transitioning or taking estradiol for another purpose, but happiness is all that matters! Yay! And that skincare routine looks so simple!


Yeah I'm transitioning:) Iv always been curious if I have an intersex condition like xxy or something, I didn't find out untill I went to a fertility clinic that I never produced any gametes, then just based on how I felt and think which is impossible to " prove" unless I have like a brain scan or somthing


I'm a sucker for a before&after and have to admit this one is my favorite and makes me super happy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Now that’s a glow up. Looking good babe. ❤️


You look so much happier - it's amazing to see. Well done :D


Tool fan? :)


Yes :)


wow you’re glowing


You look 20 years younger and so happy, congrats ✨


Skin care plus hormones?


You’re looking so good! Congratulations :)




Makes sense to me you're happy and now your skin is happy too! Congrats!!!!


Wow, that moisturizer is doing wonders! You look like a whole new person! 😉


You look so happy and beautiful! Flawless my dear 🥰❤️


You look fantastic!!!💥💥💥


Beautiful skin! You’re glowing!


Skin looks better but you also turned into a girl.


Really !? I'm totally going to sue this moisterizer company, LOOK WHAT tHeY did ToO mE 😫


Omg your skin looks amazing!!!! Also your eyebrow game is 👌


Thanks!! I did some over plucking at one time :/ trying to let the front grow back in lol


Glowing all the way up!


Did you use one of Naturium's products? If they have an SPF that protects against 5G, I'm sure they have a TRANSformative serum! All joking aside, you look really happy, and it's a joy to see! When I looked at your eyes in the photo on the left, you looked like your spirit was crushed. Life is back in the other pic and even if we do not know each other, it makes me happy to know that there's one less person feeling so sad and hurt in our world. I know that it doesn't fix every single problem that you may face, but you at least get to tackle them as yourself!


Thank you for your kind words 😊


It’s genuinely like looking at two different people!


girl ur literally a little fairy omg :,) also idk what ur like eye makeup is but i can NEVER get my eyes to have the shimmer AND the eyeliner without looking like i just smeared mascara all over my face HAHA i luv it




That’s uhh, quite a drastic change😅.


did something else change or am i imagining it


This post isn't a good example of a comparison in regards to a skincare routine. Why not show your skin with the before portion already including the hormone therapy? If you're showing the before when you're still on test of course you're going to have massive skin changes. It's like a bodybuilder showing his before and after when he gets off test. Ofc bro is going to look massively different, it has nothing to do with their skincare routine


It’s really not that deep, so maybe calm down. There are many before and afters on this sub that meet your requirements.


Let me roll up my lab coat sleeves with you and get down to brass tax: every single person who shares before and after could have any number of external or internal factors that affect their skin aside from their skincare consumer products. What we eat, our hormone levels are, how stressed we are, other socioeconomic conditions all affect our skin. Are you policing the other posts like that? Is it cheating when someone has the budget to eat mostly fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats? Furthermore, OPs post and comment are clear and transparent about their transition. No one is mislead here and others can benefit from seeing what OP shared in addition to being included in the conversation. Check yourself before you come in here repeating talking points you heard on TV and referring to them as bro. Gross.


Thank you 🩷


Huh ? I started taking care of myself in general when I started HRT ( major depression doesnt allow self care typicallylol ) , so all of my " after pics" will be on hormones. I just don't know what you want me to post, but I understand your POV, I'm clearly going to have more skin changes since I'm medically transitioning my sex and doing a second puberty.


Your skin looks the same, and you're wearing makeup in the after photo. This is no different than every other attention seeking selfie post.


You look great. And cold water wash after the shower sounds like a great idea.


You and your skin look so beautiful! 🥰


That’s some serious hair growth for 9 months congrats


I found the pic on the left in my gallery, and it says it was taken in April 2023, but I didn't start hormones until July 2023 So, the hair has been almost a year, and I was mistaken on the timeline. My bad Although I did cut off a couple inches in February lol


Wow, it's crazy how much changed in only 9 months. You look great and, most importantly, happy! I know that it must be tough right now with all the fearmongering by politicians who use trans people and trans issues for political gain. I wish you the best on your journey, and know that you are not alone❤️


Thanks, it is, I try to keep myself out of all the rage bait news feeds and other social media's. I find alot of the anti trans people influences and media's cherry pick the loud obnoxious people to splatter all over their socials and say " hey look, there are all crazy like this person" And sadly alot of people buy into it.


Estrogen is the universal beautifier


Your skin is so clear I am jealous lol. It looks like your skin is even firmer? 💌


Yeah it tightened up iv noticed. Around month 5/6 alot of changes happened, i got chubby cheeks, I got hips, a butt, more of an hourglass shape and I'm a B cup now lol I also lost half inch in height, half a shoe size and my rings are looser also. Muscle atrophy and tendons and ligaments are shrinking.


I mean setting aside your skin (which looks great), you look so much happier 🥰


I am, my depression is gone !! My anxiety has been higher, though, since there is some backlash in the media, and I work in the skilled trades, so I'm around a lot of immature guys. Still way better then living in a closet depressed.


Girl you are stunning!!! You look so happy in the second one.




Is that your husband on the left?


That was me 9 months ago. I started HRT and came out as a trans woman : )


Hi there, It's awesome that you want to celebrate your skin here in /r/SkincareAddiction! However, I'm afraid I've had to remove your post for now because it doesn't abide by our [post requirements](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/postrequirements). The users of this sub like to know *why* your skin looks as good as it does. That's why we ask everyone who posts a selfie or before&after pic to list their full skincare routine in the comments. Please be sure to include ALL of the following: * The names of all the skincare products you’re using and the order you’re using them in (AM and PM); * Quick reviews of your top 3 products; * Your skin type and skin concerns - and in what way they have changed; * Daily behaviors that you think helped your skin (e.g. changing your pillowcases or cutting out dairy); * Medications; * And anything else you think has contributed to the way your skin looks. After you've done that, please reply to this comment so I can approve your post. Thank you!


I put my routine in the comments just now!


You just look radiant in the second photo. Congrats on figuring out your new skincare routine! I have somewhat similar hair (I saw you mention it in a different reply), and I never brush it after it dries or it gets really frizzy. I really like to put some hair serum in when it’s damp and it keeps the frizz down too. Mine is longer than yours, but I like to braid it when it’s wet and let it dry like that and have really great curls/waves when I take it out.


You look amazing 💕 fellow Tool fan here! 🐌


Spiral out 🤙


Forehead transformation!!!


Beautiful ♥️


Ur skincare is so good that ur gender changed wow


Is it cheating to use soft skin juice? Either way it's working. Congrats on the good skin and the feeling better in your skin!


That’s quite the 9 month transformation 


You look incredible!! Whatever you’re doing, keep it up!! 😍


I can’t believe this change is in 9 months 🤯 even your bone structure and facial fat distribution seem to have changed not only skin quality


Bone structure can't change, but fat redistribution does make it seem like it changes bones Luckily I was never close to being a 6-5 football player lol 5 foot 9 and wear a womens size 9. Could be worse lol


Are you sure that’s only skincare or did you change genders?


So soooooo soooo happy for you!!


Truly thought this was a meme till I read it


😆 funny thing is, some of the people at my work have said they haven't noticed anything as they been "bro' ing" me alot so I showed them this picture and they shit themselves 🤣


I feel like something else changed besides your skin improving……Did you get a new shirt??


Yes !! Left I wearing my work uniform, and on the right I'm at home on the couch after a long day ! That must be it 😋




Your skin looks so much softer and healthier—you’re glowing!💗


You’re absolutely glowing 💖


you look great!


Your skin looks amazing!


Absolutely beautiful


You look incredible girl 🥰


Stellar improvement, and you definitely look more comfortable with yourself ☺️ lots of love from a FTM




I thought it was a joke 🤣🤣


Beautiful! 💖 It seems like you got more volume in your cheeks. How did you do that? I want to try to get more volume in my cheeks if possible.




Just genetics I think, my mom has chubby chipmunk cheeks, I kinda look like her now, it's wild lol Cheeks Implants are not a FFS surgery I'll need thankfully, the two I'll be getting is already 20k lol


Congrats on your new life step! Did you find any difference on your skin on these months? Male skin is supposed to be thicker, oilier and less prone to wrinkles, while female is smoother


Yes much different indeed, I never used to moisturize my face, it was so oily and my pores were big, now i have soft dry skin and moisterizer is essential( full body )The skin on my entire body changed along with almost everything else, but iv notice I bruise alot easier as well so I wear gloves always at work, I have a rough job ( plumber ) so I have to pay better attention to the little things since I no longer have these caliced leather hands, even my ring size shrank lol guess I had some fat redistribution in my hands too lol


I'm not really seeing any difference between the two pictures. /s


Damn, your skin is *glowing*! Looking great!! ❤


Wow your skin is glowing! You look great!


Thanks 🤗


Gorgeous everything! You look so happy in your after picture. <3


slaying!! looking amazing 🌟


Beautiful skin! You are glowing.


You have quite literally perfect skin.


You're so pretty!


You look gorgeous! Living your best life can do wonders for skin also and it shows. You’re glowing girl 🥰


Plot twist! Glad you look so happy and healthy.


You are GLOWING in the after picture!


Really successful difference—lighting always plays an effect, but the fine lines have definitely decreased and your skin looks vibrant. Not to mention you are clearly glowing from the inside. Congratulations!


What do you think helped with your cheeks?? They’re so smooth and beautiful now !!


Washing my face with cold water, using a toner, I didn't know anything about skin befour, I would boil in the shower then toss on clothes and run off to work on a construction site getting coverd in dirt and absorbing all the dirt in the air. So sticking to an actuall routing, and I won't lie, hormone therapy does change the skin so that helped me also. But, I mean, I have no skin advantage over any other women who post in here. My Testosterone is 2.4 nmol/L and my E is 755 pmol/L