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You have a fantastic smile!


He’s literally a 10🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I'm a straight man and I had to stop in this thread because of how gorgeous this guy's smile is.


Same. Guy is magnetic.


Literally. 🤍


Honestly he has a smile that when you walk away from him you think,”damn that man had a great smile” !! 🤣


I agree.  I love to see smile lines around the mouth and etes both.


Hell yea! He look fine with that line. It just show how happy he is that he is always smiling.


This smile actually made me smile. Dude looks great


I completely agree! His smile makes me happy! Who could ask for anything more?!


And the lines are reminiscent of crows feet- they’re so attractive because they show he’s been smiling his whole life ❤️❤️❤️


I feel like this could potentially fall under body dysmorphia. OP, just be aware of how you might fixate upon something you dislike about your body. Next time you get in front of the mirror, just focus on all your good attributes. I think you can see from all the comments that you are viewed as very handsome.


OP please consider this! You look fantastic!


No you look perfect! That smile is incredible!!!!


You have a beautiful smile and kind eyes.


Right, you look like a good person 🩷


Everyone is their own worst critic! I love your smile 😊


Scrolling and legit stopped because of your amazing smile. Embrace that face bc it's awesome!!!


Yes, you said it!


You look great


It makes you super cute! It's lovely! I hope you know how awesome you are


I think they're gorgeous. Big, genuine, heartwarming smile. iMHO you don't need to fix a thing.


Exactly my thoughts. We're all our own worst critics but OP's smile is truly so heartwarming and his smile just exudes an authentic, warm person. It breaks my heart when people don't see such a great quality in themselves/ focus on perceived shortcomings or "defects".. although I know I'm the same way lol.


I can see how they'd bother you, but very often the things that bother us about how we look are the things that other people find unique/cute/distinctive/*us.* I think you're adorable and I wouldn't change a thing.


Exactly. Like 95% of the people I see on Reddit saying they need a nose job have great noses, imo!


I work with a girl a few years younger than me and she always says she wants her nose done, but it’s literally the perfect nose. I tell her that her nose is what people show their doctors and she just doesn’t see it, it’s kind of heartbreaking honestly


It's charming. Enjoy it.


Um those are dimples? Your smile is gorgeous


Dimples start from your nose???


In your case, yes. All diff kind of dimples, it has to do with how your muscles lay across your facial bones/pull when emoting. They are very endearing, and don’t come off as “wrinkles” or some sign of aging. You’re handsome!


Okay, thank you. I didn't consider the musculature layout.


No prob. Honestly, they do what they are meant too- frame your smile, perfectly!


Yes I thought they're dimples too! Not naso labial lines. I mean I have a cute little dimple, but yours are freaking awesome! 😎


Yes that’s what I couldn’t put my finger on. The smile lines don’t have a hint of “aging”. In fact, his great smile is very youthful!


Lmao I don’t see that. Your smile is truly gorgeous, I think you’re being harsh on yourself.


They’re awesome! Don’t change your face.


You have got to be kidding! That smile is contagious! Your eyes are twinkling and I'm smiling just looking at your pic! I bet some kid made fun of you in second grade and you let that make you self conscious about your beautiful teeth and happy grin (do you know how many people would love teeth like that???) Don't you dare hide it!!!


Funny that you say thay because only only just recently finished the first part of my invisalign treatment. I had a 4.5 mm gap in my front teeth that I was always self conscious of and yeah I was made fun of for it a lot. So, like you said it did ingrain a lot of negative thoughts of my appearance on me.


That's so sad! Kids can be so mean sometimes.


you have such a friendly smile 🥺


Aw man. Your smile has SO much character. It’s warm and safe.


You are way too critical. I think you look great! Picture 3 is 😍


I was going to say, picture 3 is so good! Very handsome.


Umm sir you look incredible


Embrace these, love. You have a fantastic smile and these just add so much to your face, in the very best way. Gorgeous!! 😊


It makes you, you. embrace it


Please don’t…you have a beaming smile! Let it shine!


Great smile! No one but you sees a flaw. 


I understand (from personal experience) that when you are fixated on something on your own face that other people's comments don't really mean anything, but I truly love your smile and don't see anything wrong with the lines you hate!


Like…I think they’re lovely. Your opinion matters more, of course, but I like seeing people whose smiles have been used a lot


My dude, smile lines aren't the creases that happen in your face when you are actively smiling. It's impossible to smile without your face creasing if you're a human being with skin. Smile lines are permanent wrinkles in your skin that are visible when your face is relaxed. They develop if you smile and laugh a lot, with age. So, from what I can tell, you don't have smile lines, but even if you did, there wouldn't be anything wrong with them. Smile lines are charming as all hell - and so are you.


That’s one gorgeous smile tho! A little juvederm filler could help.


Filler can last upwards of a decade in your face and will just move around. Bad idea.


Are you an experienced injector or recipient of modern injectable fillers? Curious about the basis for this comment.


Recipient. Also, there are plenty of studies on this now and my personal experience is irrelevant in the name of science. But if personal experience matters, there are online groups with thousands of people sharing their stories about long lasting and migrated filler.


As someone who is finally loving myself after so many years of harsh criticism… I hope you find a cheaper and more sustainable way to realize your beauty.




Yes! Okay so Im gonna write a lil list 1. Find authentic role models who you FULLY appreciate for their beauty, even though it is clear that they don’t “fit in” to all the socially constructed standards. Follow them online, hang out with them, listen to their music, etc. My first authentic role model was Jessamyn Stanley. She made me feel like I could aspire to be physically fit in the body that I have rather than the body of my fantasies. 2. De-conditioning shame. For me, listening to the psychologist Tara Brach’s podcast, (she’s the author of “Radical Acceptance”) changed my life! One of her techniques is called RAIN (you can find YouTube videos in varying lengths). It stands for Recognize, Allow, Investigate and Nurture. It’s a great guide for how to handle shame with care. 3. Gratitude practices. In particular this guided meditation that walks you through feeling gratitude for the body is very helpful. It helped me focus my thoughts on how beautiful it is that my heart beats constantly, supporting me non stop to experience life. It also helps me FEEL embodied, what is the sensation of having a body rather than focusing on harmful thoughts. 4. Therapy. I did EMDR for trauma and I think way more people can benefit from it than realize. [body scan](https://youtu.be/MKClq7FHExc?si=MS66k1dLGdx6F0Nl)


These are all wonderful! But also Juvederm filler. People are allowed to just wanna tweak lil things here & there without shame. It’s ok. It’s just some filler. Not dysmorphia.


By all means, if it builds confidence then I think it’s a good thing. I think the process of finding more self-love takes a long time (or perhaps even is never ending!) and it can be life changing to give yourself a boost along the way.


Thank you for the reply! I will definitely look up the juvederm filler. Thank God for invisalign. I used to have a huge gap in my front teeth, but Thank you for the compliment.


You don't need filler. Don't change a thing. Seriously. Those smile lines give your face character and beauty.


Problem with filler here is that it tends to migrate and you end up chasing the lines and get big puffy cheeks as a result. I agree with others, you look fabulous and I would hate to see you mess up that beautiful face! On another note, if you have very low body fat and could stand to gain some, I found getting fat in my old age made my smile lines less prominent.


Yes, I will try to bulk up and decrease my in gym time.


Honestly… this may be a large component of it. I had deeper and multiple smile lines in my twenties when I was a gym-o-holic with very low body fat, than I do now in my forties. Now I have zero lines without smiling and only one when I smile.


Don’t ruin your perfect face with filler, seriously that would be a shame!


Here's another way of looking at it: you're still young enough that your skin is firm and not sagging. They will become less prominent as you age. With time your cheeks will thin out and the lines won't be as deep due to losing mass in that area.


I wish you wouldn’t touch your face!


You. Are. Gorgeous!!! 🥰 You have the sweetest, most genuine smile!!! Don't change a thing, Dude!! ✨️💙 You're Radiant!


You have one of those smiles where if you're smiling, I'm gonna smile too! It looks infectious! And congrats on your straight teeth! Maybe I'll take the jump someday too 🥲


I have decided for my own mental health to mute these skincare subs because of the insane number of posts by people with beautiful faces asking how to fix what is wrong with them. It's starting to mess with my self esteem 🙃 Your face is wonderful sir. Whatever is making you feel this way, mute that shit


Why would you dislike somthing so endearing !


Love your smile!


Don’t change anything‼️‼️‼️you have a super nice smile


I think you have a really pleasant genuine smile. You're very handsom


At first I thought you said “I really like my deep smile lines” and I agree with that. Very handsome and your skin is beautiful.


I got to be honest, I think you would look less attractive if you filled them in. You look really joyful and like a fun guy to be around- if you fill them in, you're probably just going to look puffy.


You’re absolutely 🔥 Sometimes it’s the little differences like this that make someone a 10 instead of a 9.5. Don’t change a thing!


You look great ! Your smile is kind!


Imagine it gone. Your cheeks would look like those Botox gone wrong cases and could make you look robotic. You have a nice smile. 😃


you simply look like a warm person who smiles a lot! i think most people (including me) would love to be around someone like that!! and for those who don’t, they have poopoo energy and we don’t talk to them


No way, they light up your face. It makes you look approachable, full of life, and just a happy person (I have them too and my partner pointed out these traits).


do you have a girlfriend? because this is the sort of facial feature that girls melt over source: am girl


Marry me maybe please?


your smile is so genuine, i love it


You're wonderful just the way God made you!


You look great! I love your smile!


I am confused as to why though. that's a proper fucking smile


Please don't change anything, you look great!


Try retinol, I personally don’t think you need it but if don’t like the line I say to start slowly implementing retinol. Start with 1x a week, 2x, 3x.


You genuinely have a fantastic smile! I don’t know what to suggest for “fixing” the lines, but as you figure it out, know that your smile is contagious.


You have beautiful energy ✨️ 😍


That's just how your face makes enough room for a radiant smile. 😃


Those are handsome lines sir. Your smile is incredible. Never stop smiling.


those smile lines make you unique, great smile! 😉


Definitely agree with what everyone is saying - your smile is infectious and one of the most charming and handsome ones I've seen - I'd heavily encourage you not to change a thing. My little anecdote? My husband (and his whole blood related family) have an overactive lip so when they smile you see gums and all. When I first met my husband I thought it was a little odd, like his smile was so big it edged on creepy. Within a couple days I was used to it and fell in love with this huge, beautiful smile. Unsurprisingly it is easily one of my favorite parts of his. His sister sometimes gets Botox to lessen the smile and I'll admit, it just doesn't seem as genuine and not as endearing. No flack on her, do what you like, but jeez I really fell fast and hard on that smile and I'd be devastated if my husband lessened his. Please believe all these people who are telling you that you have a 10/10 smile - it is so handsome, authentic, and unique - one of your best features.


Your smile is wonderful! It brightens up everyone's day!




Embrace it man. You look GREAT!


You have a radiant smile!


Your smile puts me at ease. ♡


I love your smile, stranger! Please don’t change a thing! I hate when we’re hard on ourselves 🥺


Don’t change a thing


If it’s any consolation, I absolutely LOVE your deep smile lines. Please keep smiling ❤️


I love your smile!


Ur so handsome please don’t listen to yourself sometimes


you have an excellent smile sir




You are handsome—and the smile contributes a lot to that!!!


You have a nice smile and the lines only adds to your friendly happy demeanor


I can understand why you do but truly, you’re so handsome. 💚


You’re literally smiling in the pictures. Even babies have smile lines when they’re smiling. I’m in awe of this post. Like this is next level. I’d understand if you *weren’t* smiling in the pic and had deep etched lines and wanted to smoothen them, but like who tf thinks it’s normal to have a smile without smile lines? There isn’t a person on earth who doesn’t have that.


I was just scrolling and didn't immediately catch the title. My first thought was, 'he has a great smile'


Beautiful smile man!


Such an amazing smile! It lights up your face!


No one is lookin at the lines when you have that beautiful smile, I promise


Oh you have a gorgeous smile!


Your smile rocks


Just shows you smile a lot more than you frown 👍🏼😁


So yeah besides your amazing smile, your second pic looks like me after I used to work 12 hour nights at bedside. Do not judge yourself when you’re tired. Just don’t. But I see other people offered solutions like jive derm. I hope you find something that works.


Try using a gua sha. Im young but already have forehead wrinkles. Using a gua really helped! I have little to no wrinkles now! Mine wasn’t super deep but was notice able.


You look fantastic.


No man they look great!! They make you look really friendly and happy in a contagious way


We really are our own biggest critic.. you have an AMAZING, highly contagious smile! So handsome


These aren't wrinkles, these are just part of the structure of your face. You have a great face! Please don't mess with it.


They look good, first thought was how fantastic your smile is


I’m a straight dude and I think your smile is amazing


You are handsome and darling at the same time. That's not easy to pull off. Don't focus on them so negatively. The best surgery is inner mental surgery starting with kind and loving thoughts. You have this whole thread to refer to for assistance with that. Every time you look in the mirror, tell your dimples how sweet they are, how they give you such an unique face and frame your perfect smile. Do that every day for 30 days and make a new post. All you need is love. ❤️


I love them!!! I have them too. You are beautiful


You’re so gorgeous 😍 just keep moisturizing and sunscreen :)


Some people out here hating their BEST qualities fr I love the smile lines on you, stunning smile


Your smile lines are incredibly attractive!


Your drop smile lines are perfect don’t be weird about them


That's really too bad to hear you feel bad about your appearance. You're super, super handsome!!


As long as you don't dislike the fact that you're a great looking guy with a lovely smile. Your face is lit up. Chill.


You can try facial yoga specific for that area (I recommend Masumi channel), fillers (but never directly in the nasolabial fold but more on the upper part like the cheeks to add a bit of volume and lift), microneedling and of course skincare with vitamin C, retinol, peptides and AHA-BHA peelings. The hyaluronic acid silicon patches are very nice too but the effect isn't definitive.


it really baffles me when people say their insecurities online, because you don’t realize how unnoticeable they are. trust me if you didn’t mention it i’d think they were cute and normal! and even mentioning it they’re still cute and normal! it’s crazy how differently we think about ourselves compared to how others think of us.


Me, going to the mirror to smile now to see if I have lines. I would never have noticed the lines until you pointed them out, they are just part of your smile. Now that you have pointed them out, I see them but I still don't focus in on them. You have a GREAT smile and they are just part of it. I know you came for solutions and instead everyone is telling you don't change a thing. But how can 267 people be wrong? Embrace them! They are not a flaw!


I’m sure this has been mentioned but face yoga, gua sha, and massage will help with keeping the face plump. There is an app called Luvly that guides you through daily facial massage and you can also find a trillion videos online for free. Hope that helps!


You fool! What a gorgeous big smile! Don’t change a thing.


I love them; Smile deep man, it's a beautiful smile


I love them; Smile deep man, it's a beautiful smile


I feel like they make your smile contagious because why did I just smile with you before reading the caption? 😂


I get you don’t like it but not is great. I don’t know of anything to help u but just know your smile is amazing❤️


We are our own worst critics. No way is there ANYTHING wrong with this.


You are a gorgeous man!!


Nah they are beautiful - so much character and warmth in these lines. I hope you learn to love them in time.


I actually think they make you more attractive. They’re like a picture frame for your big beautiful smile. Makes you look friendly and approachable.


I think its cute


You have those infectious smiles, it’s lovely


You have a beauty smile!! Don’t change a thing!


You would look like a totally different person without them. I think you would regret any procedure that removes them. These aren’t age lines, they’re part of your big gorgeous smile!


You should dislike that hair style way more 😆


I don’t. I think they’re nice. You look jolly and that makes me wanna smile too


You have a beautiful smile!


You have a nice smile .


It makes you look so kind!


Smile lines are sexy.


I literally didn't notice them until I read the title.


I think they look great! If you want to make some changes, I’d recommend exploring regular self massage on your face. Check out @anastasiabeautyfascia on instagram for some guidance and examples of what face massage can do! It’s also a really lovely and soothing self care/self love practice!


Ur cute as u are…


It’s part of your face, its the shape of your facial muscles, can’t really get rid of your facial muscles, you’re gonna have to accept it, I promise no one dislikes them as much as you do, people probably don’t even think about it, or see anything wrong with your face at all


You have a beautiful smile. Don’t change a thing! I wish I had a smile like yours!


You are a very attractive man and have a great smile. Your lines are from the way your face and jaw are shaped. Everyone is differently shaped and you really can’t do anything about it. They are not wrinkles. I have deep hollows under my eyes because of the way the sockets are on my face. Tried fillers but it’s too expensive to keep up with and it made my eyes look too squinty when I smiled


Please don’t. It’s because you give off such a bright light. People are drawn to smiles like yours because they are so genuine. Would you think it was unattractive on someone else? I wouldn’t at all!


Smile lines are attractive bro


Omg your smile is the best ever!!!!!!




Personally I think they make you look really friendly and approachable.


There is nothing wrong with your face/smile! It’s fantastic and tells me, you’re probably a fun guy to be around! Don’t you do anything to alter that perception!


I like your smile! You're very handsome. But your hair is busted


I’m not sure which lines you dislike because I think you look great. Your smile is amazing and would light up a room.


You have a huge, warm smile, nice teeth and count your blessings. Those lines just emphasize your smile. Do not get rid of them— even if you could, you shouldn’t!!!!


I love them, you look so happy and it's so refreshing!


You are gorgeous. Your smile is genuine and contagious. Its a small price to pay (the lines).


I love them!


Why would you want to? We have smile lines because we smile. There's a difference between wanting to prevent wrinkles from dehydration, sun damage and other aging factors and having natural lines in the face. If you push two ends of paper together, it will fold. When you close your fist, your skin folds. It's anatomy. We've just been brainwashed to think that any line in the face is bad because of media and people pushing their products. You're an extremely handsome person with great skin and an infectious smile. The kind that makes other people happy when they see it. Change your perception and learn to love it because it's normal and you look amazing. I mean, how weird would it be it we smiled and our skin shrunk with no lines? I think we'd all look a bit crazy, don't you think? Lol


You really are so handsome.


Wouldn’t change a thing buddy.


Isn’t this what a face… does, when someone smiles? Like every single person’s face creases like this with a big smile? You look great, you don’t need to change anything. You have a wonderful smile!




Aw, you have a beautiful smile! There is literally nothing wrong with your face.


Please don’t. You look so kind and warm and welcoming


Don't change a thing! This smile was on my feed this morning and literally made me feel good about the day ahead. That smile is your superpower. It would be a disservice to humanity if you messed with that visual brilliance.


I just went for a facial. She said she could add collagen to my laugh lines to remove them. I told her “Don’t you dare. I earned the depth of them.” 😁


Why? You have a gorgeous, contagious smile! Lines are art, humans are art. Look at yourself more positively✨


Nothing needs to be fixed here


Good sir you have a smile that spreads to others. Be Happy and keep that smile and be happy the gods made you so handsome king.


Your smile is absolutely lovely


HA filler. Lasts about a year. Sometimes more, for some it's less. It creates or replaces lost volume but doesn't freeze your face like botox.


trust me manyou don’t need to do anything to your smile lines u majestic as helll


Sign of a life well-lived.


You are one handsome mofo. Don’t be dissing that smile it’s gorgeous.


You have a great smile bro, don’t change a thing