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Please go to a Dermatologist. And see a therapist if you aren’t already. Your skin will heal. Your loved ones won’t.


This is well said, don't joke about that shieeee


He probably isn't joking... don't disregard his feelings like that.


Not an attack just trying to understand, how was that comment disregarding his emotions?


It is assuming some one with suicidal ideations is not serious. Example social scenario: Person 1: "hey it really upsets me when you do ____" Person 2: "stop joking around person 1" Person 2 is assuming the emotions expressed by person 1 are not real because of internalized bias in their perception of person 1's statement


Gotcha! That makes sense, thank you for taking time to explain


It's making light of his feelings and saying he's not feeling as much pain as he is.


By saying he’s joking? That’s blatantly disregarding his feelings.


Already got a reply before you replied. No need for further explanation


It's just an expression but the person above took it as literal.


Why would you simply assume he's joking about his mental state? He obviously seems distressed


I have felt that way before, and it wasn't a joke.


Number one your face is not bad at all. Go to a derm and get a prescription for internal medicine to help with the persistent acne. It looks like it would clear up from inside out.. but go to a doctor. You don’t look bad at all. You’re judging yourself too harshly


Go to a dermatologist and get on accutane. Don’t leave us we would all miss you bro


If he’s already having suicidal thoughts, Accutane is not likely a course of treatment that he should try. Accutane is known for mental health changes leading to suicidal thoughts as it is. He would need to disclose these thoughts and any practitioner worth their salt would keep him away from it for fear that his mental health would worsen. Instead OP needs to seek treatment for his mental health then hope it is not contraindicated for Accutane. Mental health first!


I have to disagree with this. If acne IS the cause of the depression Accutane can save a person. Saved me


The key word is IF. You don’t know this person, you don’t know his mental health history! You need to take OP at his word. His first words of his post are that he’s having suicidal thoughts! Your depression may have been “cured” by Accutane but your experience is not a mental health blueprint by any means.


This this this. He has pinpointed the external cause of his depression. Get the Accutane. Tell someone you trust what’s happening.


I had a very bad mental state with my skin before too and also had suicidal thoughts. I went on accutane at the same time as antidepressants and it was the best decision ever and saved my life


Your experience is not a blueprint for everyone. Even if OP could make a good candidate for Accutane, it’s not for redditers to decide for him. His first words on his post should be taken at face value!


Not saying it’s a blueprint I’m just saying my anecdotal experience and how beneficial it was for me


If someone did this they would be in the care of presumably 2 medical practitioners.


No one said their experience is a blueprint and surely op is an adult and can decide for himself


But one who is suicidal is not likely thinking objectively about themselves.


My BiL went on it in high school due to cystic acne. I don’t know if it is the reason, but my wife believes that it changed him and made him a piece of shit. He’s always been against people not like himself but he’s really a shitty person now.


i got on it with a long history of depression and suicidal phases. it didn‘t worsen anything and i being very aware to stop if i realize somethibg. it‘s definitely something important to mention, but it‘s a side effect that doesn‘t have to show off. i also feel like op‘s wish to end his life is related to his skin condition (which btw op, is not as bad as you see it!). isotretinoin is like a sure way to get better skin, so i still think it‘s worth a try, but with awarness of the side effect


You can’t assume it is only circumstantially related and not a true sign for help. Your experiences are not a blueprint for others. It’s negligent to assume so. ANYONE claiming suicidal thoughts should be told to seek help and find someone to trust about their thoughts. I can’t believe you would suggest otherwise. 🤦🏾‍♀️


in no way did i say anything about not seeking professionnal help? i just said, it seems to worsen his momentairy mental down and sometimes a simple solution for one of the things that tear you down can give you hope for further healing. i just wanted to say that your claim about no „professionnal worth their salt“ would prescribe that is not true and he could try it but being very aware of it, where you destroyed a safe option to clear the asked abiut problem with assumptions that you can‘t generalise


Maybe he’s on a accutane and that’s what is causing the suicidal thoughts?


He’s already tried accutane. Another round will make it harder to recover mentally. Based on the prescriptions he’s tried I know he’s seen a dermatologist, but am I the only one who doesn’t think this is acne?


Firstly, it is totally understandable and valid that you are being affected emotionally from your breakout. We often talk about how to cure it here, but something that really helped me was also trying to accept it. You are a beautiful person worthy of love no matter how the skin on your face looks. It's just fucking skin. It only defines us if we allow it to. The skin is not so much of a problem as the psychological effects of it are. Skin can be just as much of a bitch to sort out as mental health, and if you're feeling this desperate (again, understandable and a lot of us have been there) it's worth working on both. No one cares or notices it as much as you do, I promise you that. Having said that, as others have said it would help to let us know your current skincare routine if you have one. Some things you might try that aren't too harsh or intense - cutting back on sugar and dairy (or eliminating it), upping your water intake, drinking anti-inflammatory teas, using a cleansing face wash morning and night, sleeping on a fresh pillowcase/side of the pillow daily, patch testing tea tree oil, mixing some rosemary oil with water and applying that. For me personally I found treating individual spots with Mario Badescu Drying Lotion before they popped and pimple patches after, to be psychologically and physically helpful. Gives you a sense of control. But the Mario Badescu Drying Lotion can be quite intense, and for your breakout, based on the size and lack of a head on the pimples, they look like they might be cystic/forming very deeply, so be careful with topical treatments as they sometimes have minimal affect on cystic acne and can break your skin barrier (I learned that the hard way). Pimple patches are gentle and helpful though, you can wear them to bed. If you have availability and the financial ability to see a derm I would definitely be making an appointment. It's nice to feel like you have an expert on your team helping you work through it. Best of luck to you and chin up! One day this will be a distant memory - there's so much good waiting for you on the other side of this and happening around you right now, if you just hold on and look out for it.


This is well-written


Do not let Ur bad thoughts overwhelm you! Skin heals itself and changes itself continuously!! Little things like drinking lots of water and less dairy helped me Pleeeeaaaase do not let it overwhelm U, you got a bigger purpose


Understand the feeling, sorry you’re experiencing this. If you’re able to, see a derm. I could recommend products but from the appearance, it looks like something a derm could treat with a topical medication. Sending love


The good news is: you’re trying. My favorite quote is “if you’re going through hell, keep going”. Because, why would you want to stop in hell? Keep going, my dude. You will find your solution and it will heal. You’re handsome now, and you’ll be handsome then ♥️


If you are truly feeling suicidal, please seek help!!! You are worth more than your skin! Plz talk to someone you trust! You’re very handsome! Your skin doesn’t change that!


My first husband committed suicide. It forever changed my life , and the lives of our two children. You need to seek help immediately. This isn’t a laughing matter for ANYONE who said it’s a joke. Your feelings are YOURS, but you should go to nearest ER. and tell them NOW. I can’t stress enough how serious this is. He is gone, and we won’t ever be the same.


I agree with this wholeheartedly.




Demodex mites


My sister tried to kill herself after a car accident that left her terribly scarred. She had glass in her face and the scarring was bad (we are black so our dark spots are dark) she was unsuccessful, thank GOD. She eventually got to a doctor, got into skincare and she models now. I know this is the internet, and people like to lie, but I’m telling you the truth so you know, there is a solution for you, and you will find it. It took my sister a couple years, but she found it. You will too. Go to a doctor, talk to a few (find someone in black dermatology or maybe who looks into hormonal issues) you are not as bad as you think. You will get through this, and I, as a stranger, am rooting for you.


Someone with experience in black dermatology is truly worth searching for. Our skin does not always present the same as others.


What have you tried so far?


Tetracycline, Accutane, BP wash etc


change your diet, maybe plant foods based and exercise lots maybe a dermatologist could help you with some sort of chemical peel but only if you eat better (making sure you get the nutrients you need, and that you are not eating only because of flavor), and training lots so that your overall body recovery improves you might want to google about growth hormone role in body recovery, which translates to potentially healthier skin in your case


Since you’ve tried Accutane, maybe it’s something in your diet? Chocolate f’s me up 😅


Did Accutane clear your skin and it came back? I’d do another course


Tactuo gel 


Check ur diet sometimes dairy 🥛 or gluten could b the problem


You are a handsome man. Skin is just skin 🙏


You better get those suicidal thoughts out your head immediately! You have plenty of living to do.




Babe my heart breaks because i understand how it hurts 💗 but life can be so beautiful and joyous and there is beauty in the pain as well . Just breathe.


I have absolutely been there — suicidal thoughts regarding my skin. My heart goes out to you so much. Growing up, my family was against prescription drugs, so it took me until I was 30, still with cystic acne and nonstop breakouts, to get to the point where I finally went to a dermatologist. They gave me topicals and pills. Within a week, it was almost all gone. I don't even take the pills anymore and just use a fraction of the topical amounts I originally did. So if you haven't gone to a dermatologist, I highly recommend it. It was literally a lifesaver for me.


Don't discourage yourself. I can see interesting male facial features, a beard, a head full of hair and nice full lips, you've got a great potential for being handsome. See a dermatologist and try to get a solid diagnosis and a cure.


He IS handsome! Humans get acne sometimes! It's fixable with dermatologists or medicine. Please don't take your life over this.


Please don't go on accutane!!


Are they cystic/sore? I’m not sure this is acne based off the photo


As well as going to a dermatologist, I also recommend a psychiatrist and psychologist.


Especially the psychiatrist. Not sure why everyone is glossing over the fact that OP has admitted having suicidal thoughts. This is not a drill, people. When ppl say that we should take them at their word. First step, seek mental health help!! 💚


Hey man. There’s a way out. I promise. See your regular doctor and get a referral to a dermatologist. I’ve been there much worse than you. It’ll get better. Skin evolves and changes all the time.


If you can’t go to a derm u can get over the counter Differin has a whole line of treatment products


Go to a dermatologist and they can help you. Your acne doesn't take away from your attractiveness or worth.


Find a dermatologist who has Aviclear laser. It is new and can help you if you’ve already done accutane. You might need more than one course of accutane as well- especially if it was stopped too soon.


Never thought I'd be crying after reading comments on a skincare sub but here we are. You guys are so sweet 😘 Op, sorry you're going through this. Just remember that it can't rain forever, and things WILL get better. Lots of great advice here re skincare and self help. Some things take time to do its magic so while healing your skin, remember to heal your heart and try to learn to love yourself 💕


I have been there and I promise you this too shall pass! Do you have access to a dermatologist? If so, I would schedule an appointment with them or your primary care physician even. It’s also good to note that while many of us tend to focus in on any of the minor imperfections that we might have on our own bodies..most of the time, no one else even notices or even thinks twice about it. Based on your picture, you seem like you’re a very handsome guy, so I wouldn’t let a little skin issue throw you for a loop. Confidence is key! Also if you don’t have access to medical care, perhaps you could try at home/OTC remedies for fungal acne first to see if that rules it out. (Lots of great info on this sub for that.) From there you could try other at home/OTC remedies for bacterial acne. If neither works, try going back to basics and doing a simple face wash, moisturizer, and spf and leave it at that to at least try and avoid exacerbating things. (Cerave is a great brand to try for the simplicity route.) Also, make sure to change your pillow case and towels out daily (and try not to touch your face too much). Lastly, please make sure you vocalize to your physicians that you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts as there is a path out of this pain you are feeling. I lost my brother to suicide a few years ago and it was absolutely devastating for me and others in my family…so just remember you are loved and again…you will get through this! 💕


Why the suicidal thoughts, u good?


Go on accutane mate and that will clear it up in several months. You still look good even with spots bro


He’s already tried accutane and suicidal thoughts are a known side effect.


I am so sorry for you. I still think you have a beautiful face tbh. I know how having bad skin effects your mental health, but you are not alone. Please find someone to talk to and maybe go to a dermatologist.


It's not as bad as you might be thinking it is right now. But even If It was, it should never be a reason to consider such thing. Your value is immeasurable and has nothing to do with physical appearance. Sending much love your way, hope you feel better soon man ❤️


You are really handsome and things will eventually improve, hang in there and keep seeking help and looking for the right solution 🤍


would you tell another person to kill themselves just because they had acne? be kinder to yourself <3 healing starts from within


Hey skin issues are temporary. Trust me I’ve been in your shoes, physically and emotionally. What country are you in? Check out Apostrophe online dermatology, you speak with a derm and they create custom rx creams for skin issues, i had a lot of success working with them


Start jujutsu,


Hugs. this is completely fixable… do not despair love…. get to the dr, and be kind. ( and also get some mental health support to help you out)


Id say go to a dermatologist if you can who has strong experience with acne and melanated skin to ensure recommendations from them take into account hyperpigmentation and nuances of effectiveness of laser options others might have had work for them aren't always ideal for darker skin due to how the wavelengths work. I myself have come across many tips that just aren't right fit for people of color. If seeing a derm isn't in the cards consider following derms or cosmetic scientists on Instagram or YouTube who aren't trend chasers and back up their advice and content with grounded research and experience with Black skincare needs and treatments. Javon Ford is a great account I personally follow. https://www.instagram.com/javonford16?igsh=djc2NmNlb3B6cm9m Also try going the less is more route to ensure if too many actives and potentially irritating marketing add on ingredients are causing more harm than good. That said from product world panoxyl 10% face wash was a game changer for me. Make sure to use white towels tho when drying off and not splash any on your clothes when rinsing as the benzoyl peroxide does bleach fabric dyes out so I usually will use it in shower only or when shirtless at sink. Main tip is cleanse gently and let it sit for a minute after you're done manually cleansing with your hands so the BP can soak some in. Then rinse. Wishing you luck. It isn't easy managing acne so I salute you for reaching out for help here.


See a dermatologist if you can.


You’re clearly a handsome man. Your skin needs help and it’s easy and curable. Go to a dermatologist and you’re gonna be okay. And don’t allow such negative thought to hurt your heart my friend. We are here for you.


Your face isn't bad at all just so you know. Remember that when you look in the mirror your brain if it's having a bad day is going to attack even the smallest of things. I repeat the phrase 'water off a ducks back' until my brain calms down. Take it one day at a time. Go to a dermatologist and maybe focus on a healthy diet as well. Really changing the way I ate to be more healthy has helped most of all.


Hello, I was on accutane for 7 months and had depression. They monitor you through iPledge every month along with getting your blood drawn. Accutane has done wonders for my face, however, it has made my skin very dry so be sure to drink water often if you do go this route. Please don’t leave this world because of temporary issues 🩷


You are not your skin. Believe me, I know what it’s like to have suicidal thoughts due to poor skin and resulting bad sleep. Please, if you need help talk to a family member or friend, they don’t want to lose you. You can do this. Please DM me if you need to talk to someone who’s been going through this since they were 2.


Clean shave first.


Get yourself to a doctor buddy. It's your health and it ain't worth messing with! That must be so painful and uncomfortable. I think a lot of people here think it's only self esteem, but that's not the half of it I imagine. You could research dermatologists in your area and see if they'd be able to help. Please see a professional, feel for you guy. Take care, chin up!


Have you tried red light therapy, there are many success stories for acne. https://www.reddit.com/r/redlighttherapy/s/GZRMdHHNAf


“This gunshot might kill me, but it hurts everyone that it misses.” -Call Me Karizma, *Put the Gun Down* Don’t go there man. It’s alright. 💜


Have you tried accutane? It’s not a pleasant experience but it will cure your acne!


I say this with love as someone who's face used to look like this (and I still have mild but persistent acne) its just acne. Clear skin is not the most important thing in life and isn't worth your life. You are beautiful and worthy exactly as you are. Exactly as you are! That being said, Accutane might be needed but it is known to worsen mental health. I think you need to tell your doctor what you told us and they should be able to find you a safe treatment plan. Please hang in there.


The only answer is SEE A DERMATOLOGIST. Ask a professional, not a bunch of strangers on Reddit.


Bro my sis took accutane and her skin cleared in 5 months. Acne everyone gets so dont be hard on yourself. Eat clean, drink water. Go private dermatologist if you have to. Itll clear up dont worry king💪


My man, I didn't even notice, dead ass it could be worse like imma quote eminem, "I've got genital warts and it hurts when i pee" Glad you ain't got that. but seriously you're adorable and It will get better Ilysm <3


Though I'm hesitant to suggest specific products, I want to encourage you that this will all pass. Skin is our largest organ and is affected by lots of different things that we can't exactly control. As cliche as it sounds, please keep focused on the things you can control. Drink lots of water, take your vitamins and wash your pillow cases, clean your shaving materials regularly and wear sunscreen too. You can feel much better knowing you are doing good for yourself, regardless of how your acne is. And patience, patience is the most important. These big acne transformations you see online don't happen over night, many take years. But give yourself grace and allow your skin to heal with consistency, and find peace in knowing that this will pass like all things in life.


Hey brother, please get help if you’re considering suicide. You’ll get through this ❤️ Please see if you can see a dermatologist and get Accutane. Regular facials can help too. I’ve seen people with much more severe acne than yours recover. You’ll get through this, there’s always treatment and hope.


I just saw a documentary abt fasting. Maybe a 7 day fast would help you detox and reset the body. The documentary is called “fasting”


Please see a dermatologist. They can help ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


As a mom this hurts my heart so much. My son has acne as well and it doesn’t bother him but I try to clear it up for him as much as possible. Here are some things we try. I don’t know your financial situation but none are more than $20. Sephora has great facial cleanser wipes. Differin gel Panoxyl facial cleanser (this one really helps) Elf has great pimple dots The inkey List spot treatment Try ice on the very swollen areas


Please go to a doctor. Im begging. You are so much more than outward appearances. My brother committed suicide 15 years ago. Our hearts are still broken.


My dude its just dermatology. You can get better and even then you are not a horrible looking monster. Your face is not a reason for suicide.


So sorry you feel this way 🤗. It's always an expensive battle. American healthcare will break the bank (even with my shitty insurance). Assuming you are in the US... There are online derm type things you can do like curology, apostrophe etc. Might save you time and a little money in the long run. You can always do your research on subs like r/tretinoin to find a good routine and order your own scripts online. I recently found a legit pharmacy online where you can order antibiotics, retinoids and they write you a script...you receive the meds in a couple days. IF they want you to do a tele health visit it's 22$. It's called telyrx.club ...if you have an HSA they will accept your card for payment too! My derm was 343$ a visit, insurance covered NOTHING. I wish I would have done my research first. Anyway. I'd recommend getting serious about a twice daily routine- Am: wash, moisturize, spf. Pm: wash, tret or adapalene (aka a retinoid) and moisturizer. Simple and effective. Maybe get an antibiotic to help get through the purging stage. (It usually gets worse before it gets better) I also think tea drinking is great for skin! I used to drink a lot of soda. But it's really helped me almost stop completely. Spearmint tea is GREAT for acne. Not my favorite though. I did find a peppermint probiotic tea that has spearmint leaves in it that tastes so good. And probiotics are great for balancing gut health. Also if you decide to take antibiotics you will want to take probiotics! There are other teas that help for inflammation. It helps with hydration. I stared noting my skin looking better about a Month after I started drinking a couple cups a day. Do some tea research :) The most important thing is consistency. I had to set alarms in the beginning to remind myself to do my routines. I went through the suicidal phase myself. I found a friend on the tret sub that was starting her skincare journey same time as me. We have been friends for 2 years now! We could send each other updates, before and afters, vent ...we really helped each other get through the hardest times. Hang in there. If you ever want advice or encouragement send me a message!


Use salicylic acid and zinc ointment, after acne finish go get chemical peel. You should always follow good skincare routine as well which is: washing face in the morning and before bed with appropriate face wash, moisturizing skin, using paper towels to wipe face after wash instead of fabric towels, using only clean and new pillows and pillow cases (old pillows attract bacterias that cause acne), change bed linen at least once a week and preferably keep pillow under the sun in day time (it kills bacterias).


Call 988. Address your mental health first... Then deal with your skin.


Licensed aesthetician here! I would advise going to see a dermatologist, however, a lot of people do not have the funds and or health insurance to see a dermatologist and it can be very expensive. I would also recommend looking up any aestheticians and advanced aestheticians that own their own business ( social media is really good for this, Instagram and what not) I would send them some photos of your skin and ask them if they would be willing to take on somebody pro bono to promote their business and their skill set. There are a lot of services, products, treatments that can help effectively with the cystic acne on your face. Because baby, I know that hurts. And when touching your face causes you so much pain, It’s no wonder that it’s starting to affect your mental health as well. Until then change your pillowcase every single day. Every time one of them ruptures it’s putting bacteria on your pillowcase that is then gonna spread across your face and cause more outbreaks. Stop trying to pop and poke and squeeze them! I know it’s very tempting but with cystic acne (which is my educated guess based on this one photo) that is only going to make it worse. Because the infection is deep within the second layer of your skin squeezing it is just going to cause more inflammation and more pressure. And with more pressure comes more bacteria and fluid. And then more pain. Also, like someone else pointed out above red light therapy is amazing. There are lots of masks that you can buy on Amazon that will help to get rid of the bacteria within the layers of the skin. Just do your research and make sure you’re getting the right type of red light in your mask. But again, I do want to reiterate that you need to see a dermatologist, a Doctor that is specifically trained to treat the skin which is going to be the largest organ in your body. Unfortunately, with acne like this, that is persistent and painful usually it’s going to require some type of antibiotic. That is why a doctor that specializes in the skin is important because the wrong antibiotic can make it worse as well. YOU GOT THIS! 💜


Breathe in breathe out, acne is fixable…


Have you seen an allergist? Start there.


Try dryfasting its worth a shot. Go 5 days


I know this sounds crazy, but eating raw garlic has cleared my acne and apparently is a well known natural remedy for acne. Please don’t give up. I love you


How much?


Like, I went from having terrible cystic acne to no cysts almost overnight. I always eat one or two cloves when I get a cyst and it’s gone the next day.


Sounds like your acne was probably bacterial/fungal.


You might be right. But I got the cysts on the sides of my chin and that made them go away. I get cysts all over though so it’s probably what you said


Bro trust me just try this… Go buy cera ve hydrating facial cleanser… It’s a white and green bottle there at all Walmarts and also buy the cera ve moisurizer (white and blue bottle) they’ll help significantly and get something with benzoyl peroxide my boy… trust just give it a few weeks and you’ll notice a big difference… But if your main problem is acne scars then go se a derm but if it’s actual acne jus go buy those 3 products right now 💯


Stop eating processed shit


Don't listen to people saying to take accutane. It can leave you with permanent side effects. I took it for a year when I was a teen and it's one of my biggest regrets, and my acne was way worse than yours. Clean up your diet, get rid of sugars, maybe try some lower dose pantothenic acid.


Go to a naturopath - acne comes from your gut. Not your skin


We are what we eat! I know dermatologist are expensive. So here is another way? Recently I’ve been reading a herbal book. Here is what the book recommends for skin, acne and abscesses. Drawing ointment, to draw the infection and pus. 20g marshmallow root powder or slippery elm powder. 20g bentonite clay. 5g honey. 50ml herbal infusion of calendula. Blend all ingredients and apply thickly and leave up to 6 hours. Also make a brew of Echinacea or Burdock. Hope it helps!




Dramatic, not even close to what I had. Do as others say, be well.


Pretty fucked up to call someone suicidal dramatic. How would you have felt if someone did the same to you? It’s not a competition on who has it worse. If he feels this way, he feels this way. Being a dick won’t help. You should delete this shitty comment before he reads it and learn some empathy.


Agreed. Terrible thing to say.


You’re welcome to your opinion as I am mine. Be well


Naw, it’s dramatic.