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With all due respect go see an other dermatologist!!!! Hair follicles are very sensitive and can easily be damaged which means no more hair growth in those spots. You look fairly young I’m pretty sure u want keep ur hair so I strongly advise seeing multiple dermatologist until ur issue is resolved


This! That doesn’t look like regular acne. Not sure why the previous dermatologist couldn’t help, but this definitely looks like something that needs professional treatment.


Or even just a regular GP!


No, they need a dermatologist. Only thing the GP should do is refer to a derm.


Seconding this. There is a reason there are specialty doctors and it’s not so you can get half assed ill informed treatment from someone who only knows general practice


It looks like the trimmer caused it. If you went to a barber, don’t go back to the same one again! If it’s your own trimmer, sanitize it really well. Avoid touching your scalp and don’t let other people touch it either. Keep your scalp as clean as possible, shower every day until it clears up. I’ve had really painful scalp pimples before, and that’s the only thing that helped me. Hypochlorous acid spray can help sanitize your skin during the day if you get sweaty.


Someone isn’t using Barbicide!


And clearly not hitting with the spice ball after 😤




Ludicrous speed go!


In addition tell the barber this happened so they know they are dirty and need to clean their tools.


And tell future barbers about this so that they can try to avoid triggering a flare up


He said 2 years


Yes my daughter- told me exact same thing just the other day ! We have sensitive skin and inflamed dermatitis is what we get from chemicals they put in soap! We have to use Dreft for laundry, all natural handsoaps with calming plants/herbs also.I just found out i have K.P. also and non systemic allergy to latex, but they all look like his pics. Starts off with a bunch of tiny water filled blisters that break open and then large pieces of skin come off cause their so close in proximity to another its like they're all one. It's not fair that people have to suffer like this. It is open to infection or secondary infection or any number of things. Its almkst like Frustration is always on, never gets a break.i swear It causes anxiety. But so unnecessary


.ake sure your hair razor or trimmer is sanitized. change pillow case frequently. clean car headrest. don't lean onto bus headrests. these are lifestyle changes. drug wise kindly consult a different dermatologist one who doesn't specialize in aesthetics and actually specializes in disease


Yeah, to me this looks like an infection spread around by clippers. OP could try a salicylic acid shampoo, and buy some clipper sanitizer spray


My scalp acne is not as bad as this but salicylic acid shampoo did help.


That’s what I thought too.


Bring your own clippers to the hair dresser that you sanitize at home.


This advice is crazy. OP should get their hair cut somewhere else and ask them how they sanitize their equipment, because their last place caused an infection. Nobody is going to be happy with a client bringing their own crappy clippers in because they don't trust them to keep things clean. And that's if they agree to it at all.


I wouldn't use random tools as a stylist. If a client has concerns i will walk them through my sanitation process. I will not use random tools. I dont know ow if they're sharp enough, clean enough, precise enough etc. Fuck any professional that doesn't sanitise properly


Eew no. If you cant trust your stylist go somewhere else.


THIS! A 100%


I think this is Barber’s Itch, which is fungal infection- you can treat with Nizoral shampoo or by getting a little tube of clotrimzole Tho it could just as easily be folliculitis so obviously best to always see the dermatologist


My husband got this after going to a barber once. He never went back even though they did a great job with his hair. They went out of business less than a year later. Took months to get rid of but eventually went away with just normal washing and dandruff shampoo.


Nizoral works like a charm, just leave a fee minutes on the scalp before rinsing.


This also get new clippers or stop going to the barber that’s doing you hair. Let your scalp heal before getting another hair cut.  For the Nizoral shampoo leave it on for several minutes before washing out. 


I'm surprised OP didn't think of this tbh. The "acne" seems to exist almost exclusively on the shaved portion. My immediate thought would be that the barber is the problem


Exactly 💯.


Yeah I agree it looks like yeast


You said you’ve seen a dermatologist but didn’t elaborate, what have they said? Have you been to any general practitioner? I think your issue goes beyond what this sub can help with and requires medical attention


Selsun blue has salicylic acid in it I believe I’ve also found that sometimes if you’re doing too much to clear your acne, you can make it worse. So if you’ve been using harsh chemicals on your head to try and get rid of it, and it’s getting worse, I just remember that. You also need to moisturize ! Otherwise, I agree with whoever said that you had to clean your trimmers, or there’s a possibility that your barber/stylist was not cleaning their trimmers I would go to the doctor and ask for some sort of antibiotic or antibacterial some thing


Selsun blue healed my scalp. Great product!


Oh my, stop getting your hair cut at that barber first things first. If you cut your own hair by sanitizer they use at the barber shops and salons for your own clippers. Stop shaving it until your healed your spreading bacteria into your body every time you nick one of these bumps. It looks incredibly sore, can’t imagine continually shaving it and cutting those, but you do it frequently enough there is scarring, those scars may not grow hair and you will have tons of tiny bald spots if you don’t stop to allow healing. Then go to the doctor and show them because it looks like you’re gonna need an antibiotic and a topical. You may even be sent to a dermatologist after an antibiotic but you need one this rate. I see everyone telling you to rush In like you already haven’t went, but if this is a new development in the last 2 years and not a life long affliction then you need to run not walk to your family doctor, the bacteria on your scalp can be tested and treated, also College hospitals are a longer drive but they also spend more investigatory time than your average family doc. After you’re all healed find a barber you are absolutely certain sanitizes their clippers and blade. Just a little information some of us are colonized in different bacteria than our friends and neighbors, some of us have this all over us but once you get nicked by the blade and someone’s or even your own enters the party it’s a baaaad time for our skin. I have h.s I’m also colonized with bacteria and have had surgery multiple times to clean up infections that get huge from this, I don’t believe that’s your issue but I do know that bacteria can spread to the rest of your body, but it’s pretty happy on your scalp since you keep shaving your hair and giving it new places to live. You can ask your family doc if they are willing to test this bacteria, like most things of this nature it will Most like need healing from the inside out.


Looks like folliculitis. Please see a dermatologist asap.


Definitely! Fungal folliculitis


I also believe it's folliculitis and needs a prescription


Looks like seb derm or a fungal rash


Hey bro it’s clear to me you just got a fresh ass fade and I hate to inform you that your barbers razor was not properly sanitized.


For 2 years?


I mean if you keep getting clippers over it then yeah


Looks like folliculitis, which is inflamed or infected hair follicles. I would get a high quality REPUTABLE brand of tea tree oil and add drops into your shampoo (scrub your scalp when you wash), and I'd also dilute organic RAW unpasteurized apple cider vinegar in water and scrub your scalp with it daily after you shampoo then wash out. Both tea tree oil and RAW unpasteurized apple cider vinegar are antifungal and antibacterial.


Question: do you take a B supplement? I searched high and low for the culprit of my hairline/scalp/ and even eyebrow breakouts and realized my B vitamin had high doses of biotin. Once I eliminated it cleared up!


See a different derm


What kind of shampoo are you currently using? Also, how often do you change your pillowcase? 1. Try Dercos from Vichy, Skin-Cap shampoo, or Nizoral. 2. After finishing the tube, buy a mild shampoo. For me, the Madara Kind Shampoo is the only one that worked. 3. Change your pillowcase at least every 2-3 days, and make sure you’re not using fabric softener; maybe you’re allergic.


i wash my scalp with the panoxyl bars to prevent acne, but i agree that you should probably see a derm.


this is a chronic condition unfortunately - it’s called scalp folliculitis. my dad has it and it’s something that can be treated but it’s not yet cureable. my dad has prescriptions for dapsone gel (topical antibacterial) to be used as needed for inflammation and ciclopirox shampoo (topical antifungal) 2-3x week, which he rotates w/ OTC benzoyl peroxide 10%. He has also taken oral doxycicline antibiotics in past to help clear his scalp when it gets especially bad. In order to maintain the condition, it’s essential to keep the skin exfoliated and avoid anything that can irritate the skin like hats and harsh shampoos/ creams/ fragrances. He benefits from getting his head shaved atleast once a week which helps keep his pores unclogged. Disinefect any and all tool you use and avoid touching/ scratching your head since it can contribute to flare ups. Wish you the best!


I have scalp acne and have suffered with it my whole life. Lots of things contribute to it, but your proclivity to have it is genetic. First, yes you must go to the dermatologist. For the acute breakout happening right now you need to be on an oral antibiotic together with a prescription shampoo and potentially also a liquid steroid or anti fungal that you will gently squeeze and massage into your scalp. This acute breakout is bacterial - meaning you probably had bacteria and oil in your scalp already and a few bumps, but something irritated or jump started it, and it spread like wildfire. 1)you must sanitize all clippers you may use and always tell the barber you need him to sanitize clippers before and after they cut you due to scalp acne. He won’t mind, just be super nice 2)after this prescription shampoo is done - you’ve got to find a mild, sulfate and phosphate free, and fragrance free shampoo. Preferably something with tea tree oil in it. I use bondi boosts’s growth factor shampoo because it’s mild and non drying and unscented. This will take some work for you to figure out what does best 3)after a haircut, couple cotton balls and alcohol all through your scalp go a long way to dry up bacteria. Do that every day for a few days to hold back breakouts. If you notice new breakouts starting, do it twice a day. 4)think about food. Chocolate and lots of dairy always cause me to breakout. 5)consider no more razor cuts. Can you do a longer look? If so, that could be the best solution. 6)no conditioner on that part of your head, if at all. Ever. 7)when all else fails, back to the dermatologist. And don’t pick at them if you can help it. I know it’s super tempting 8)no hats. 9) wash your hair and face and neck daily until this resolves and change your pillow case daily as long as it’s acute like this. 10)neutrogena T-gel shampoo may help, once a week or so, but it smells terrible. It helps some but not others. And if you can’t get to a dermatologist right away, call Teladoc or a telehealth provider. They can look at pics and prescribe the 3 things I mentioned. You need this now, not weeks or months from now. There is a very real risk of scars and hair loss if you don’t get it under control


What did the doctor/derm suggest? Have they tried an anti fungal shampoo?


Nizoral shampoo solved mine. Also make sure to change your pillow cases and towels often.


I am being treated for folliculitis, it was a 4 week treatment with meds and a wash. Was this the kind of treatment your dermatologist provided or was it just washes? It could just be the clippers used for your hair but if its full on follicular infection meds are needed. I would get a second opinion and start keeping notes of flare ups, stop using certain products and document how it affects the acne then same going back on, between hair cuts etc.


Get Tea tree shampoo


My brother had that, bad.. the ONLY way I ever hot rid of it is Sulphuric Shampoo. And tar Shampoo treatments in-between. It really made a HUGE difference.. don't buy the high dollar stuff either.. Walmart off brand Tar works fantastic.. also get suffer Shampoo from Amazon for about 6-10 dollars.. now.. THIS IS STRONG.. don't use it every day. Once a week for sulfuric shampoo.... twice a week with tar.. the rest of the week with head and shoulders of your choice


I second this. I got it from target and it was pretty cheap.


Everyone else is giving great advice, especially about the shaving. As an acne prone girlie I have to double shampoo or else I get acne on my scalp (mostly along my hairline). Years ago an esthetician told me to double cleanse my skin and it worked wonders. It made me realize I wasn’t getting clean enough with just one round of shampoo or body wash, so this really helped my body and scalp acne too


Dude, somethings require immediate doctor consultation, so rather than asking it on a social media app. PLEASE CONSULT A DOCTOR.


He literally said he went to a derm


Immediate may be a bit exaggerated. Its not like he’s gonna die if he delays the care


Me when i don’t read


Stealing this and using all over Reddit


Tea tree oil, but you should actually see the doctor again.......


Look into using Panoxyl or something similar as your shampoo for about a week. The active ingredient is benzoyl peroxide which kills the acne causing bacteria. I get them at the start of summer season but usually go away after I use this treatment. However, I have a buzz cut so not sure how it would work with your longer hair.


Please be careful with panoxyl it can bleach fabrics and I have heard isn’t great for you


The only thing that works for me when my scalp is like this is the Head and Shoulders shampoo that comes in a dark blue bottle. It has selenium sulfate in it and that particular chemical is the only thing that helps. Wash every day and maybe get some fungus cream? I know they itch like hell… so don’t pick them! It will make healing worse.


Tsal shampoo is made for specifically this. I had terrible follicular dermatitis last year, and this shampoo worked wonders. I also HIGHLY recommend a hypochloric acid spray, like tower 28 sos spray (but there's way cheaper just as good ones on Amazon) It's a topical antibacterial spray for face and skin. Stuff works wonders.


Have you tried not cutting your hair so short? Or seeing a different barber?


I have seborrheic dermatitis that is pimply instead of dandruffy so maybe it's also the case for you? The issue is that it's caused by a fungus/yeast that naturally lives on our skin so it's a chronic condition. I've seen the best results from salicylic acid pre wash treatment from The Inkey List once a week, mild anti dandruff shampoo(head'n shoulders) once a week on a different day and every two weeks a harsh anti dandruff shampoo(nizoral). If I had short hair like you, I would just cover my whole scalp in 2% salicylic acid for face every once in a while (like the one from Creightons, Minimalist or The Ordinary). I do that on my hairline and it's the clearest part of my scalp now. That yeast feeds on our sweat and oils, so it's extremely important to have all the hair products that are light and not comedogenic. I don't style my hair, but I use a conditioner, so try to have the conditioner not touch my scalp, neck and back (not very successfuly, and it shows)


Hairstylist here.. I see this when people get very short haircuts. As in, getting a very short clipper guard and then having hair grown back ingrown as a result. I love the Paul Mitchell tea tree shampoo. Does help with oil control. And shampoo twice


Are you trimming your hair yourself or seeing a barber? That looks like a fungal infection from dirty clippers... I'd go see a GP and ask them to test it.


I had scalp acne and realised it was because I was constantly touching/picking my scalp and I started to wash my pillow more frequently. Yours is more extensive but maybe consider these possible causation factors


r/folliculitis. Sulphur soap has helped my case. I let it sit for about 5 minutes in the shower.


Could you try letting your hair grow to see if that makes a difference ?


That’s probably bacterial or fungal. You need meds


I have the same problem, honestly the only thing that have worked are NO scratching or touching and head and shoulders! There is grease and it’s potentially creating infections maybe from even really expensive shampoos. There are more expensive options that include treatment for the following: Folliculitis, Seborrheic Dermatitis Shampoo, Anti Dandruff/Antifungal Shampoo Good luck :)


That's scalp psoriasis, you need to see an immunologist.


Use a Salicylic Acid shampoo


Dirty Barber 😂😂😂


Ketoconozole shampoo. And sanitize your trimmer. Are there any on top where your hair is long?


My son had the same issue. I believe his barber was not cleaning his utensils. He saw the dermatologist and none of the treatments helped. I had him mix clove oil in his shampoo and that was what got rid of it.


Hmm could it be a skin infection. Do you use the same razor for your face?


What clippers are you using or your barber using, what shampoos and conditioners, and do you use a scalp scrubber? I’m asking so I can help. My exes son got scalp acne along with him and the barber they were going to was using older clippers, which lead to this reaction as well.


Dermatology PA here! Looks from the photo like folliculitis. Try incorporating benzoyl peroxide such as Panoxyl or hibiclens wash. If it doesn’t work, you’ll likely need topical or oral antibiotics prescription.


It’s Folliculitis. Scrub with Hibiclens and apply triple antibiotic ointment. Just had this same issue from dermaplaning- and it was gone in 2 days after doing what I’m recommending!


One time I saw a post (I can't remember which thread) that looked exactly like this. Guy's barber said he wasn't doing enough aftercare. Guy tried more aftercare and it didn't help and came to reddit asking for advice as nothing else worked either. Turns out his barber wasn't properly sanitizing his tools. Don't go to your current barber any more. Take a break from cutting your hair to give it time to heal and prevent scarring (possibly see a derm for antifungal or antibiotics) and bald spots. When it's fully healed, get a new barber that you can be sure is cleaning their tools properly.


That is folliculitis. As tempting as it may be, do not pick or pop those (unless you want it to spread). Go see a dermatologist. They will either give you an antibiotic or a topical medication.


That is not acne my friend. See a dermatologist ASAP


As a hairdresser… Whatever you do… do NOT go get your hair done until shits all clear. Until doctor says you’re clear.


Everyone is giving good advice, please get a new pillow as well. It's not enough to just change your pillowcase frequently, at this point your pillow is probably full of puss and exacerbating the issue. I would recommend a new pillow, cover it in a waterproof plastic pillow case and then use a regular pillow case on top. Wash and sanitize the top pillow case and sanitize the plastic waterproof cover as well.


This is called folliculitis and you can treat it easily. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/folliculitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20361634](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/folliculitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20361634)


Make sure you trimmer is sanitized, pillow case is clean, switch your hair products or any product you use on that area. I would also see a dermatologist.


looks painful, please consult a reputed dermatologist


Hibiclens to the scalp, but be very careful not to get it in your ears or eyes. I mean biohazard lab careful. It is seriously toxic to those organs.


Literally, like blind/ deaf. Thanks for bringing this up in case people weren't aware


I had the same thing on my scalp, my dermatologist prescribed me Keralyt shampoo and Amzeeq topical foam, amazing stuff, started to clear up after 3-4 days. Definitely see a dermatologist


Please see a good dermatologist Nonetheless. They will first recommend Mupirocin, see of you get get this and apply. It will settle it down to quite an extent. Post which you will need antibiotics to ensure it doesn't come back Post 2 week of mupirocinum, Mupirox, use a ketoconazole or such anti dandruff twice a week However pls go to a good dermat


Are they painful when you try to pop? Like exquisitely painful.. are the hard to pop? Also not produce near as much pus when they do pop?


I just read an article about this today. It could be a fungal infection, you need to go to a dermatologist. It is very common in recent times in the barber shops, unfortunately.


Get a gentle shampoo and watch your diet to spot potential triggers.


I see you went to a derm already, did they have you try antifungal shampoo like nizoral? Were you careful to leave the medicated shampoos on for at least a couple of mins and also kept up with them regularly (starting and stopping can actually make it worse by making whatever you have resistant to treatment). Either way no matter what you try, a lot of the time they fail to drive home how important hygiene is to beating fungal or bacterial acne. Things like pillowcases, smartphones/cases, computer mouse/keyboard, showers, washing machines, mattresses can all become carriers for acne causing microbes. You don't necessarily need to constantly sterilize them, but you need to evaluate all of these for an area where maybe you've missed routine cleaning and allowed biofilm buildup. Washing machine, razors, pillow/mattresses are the biggest hubs for microbe buildup. Do a monthly full hot water cycle with a half cup of ONLY bleach in the washing machine, swirl your razors in clean moushwash then rinse off after use, get pillow+mattress encasement/wrappers that fully zip around and seal them off (should be labeled for allergy reduction). Be careful not to pick them with your nails or you'll spread them elsewhere on your head and face. Wouldn't hurt to keep nails trimmed tight and regularly wash hands with special focus to the finger tips. Anything you put on your head regularly or touched with your fingers regularly enough like your phone to get oily should get wiped down with hypoallergenic baby wipes (anything expensive double check what cleaners can be used).


This could be fungal acne which can be treated with Nizoral or Ketoconazole shampoo (a higher strength can be prescribed by your doctor if needed). Make sure to lather it in and let it sit for a few minutes before you wash it off to allow the medicine to penetrate and work in the affected area. The soap doesn't need to be used long term, just until it clears up. Definitely take a look at your surroundings and ensure that you're keeping a clean space and the surfaces that your affected area oftenly touches needs to be cleaned or replaced (hats, pillow cases, hair styling tools, etc.).


Oh no, not the dredded scacne!


Tell your barber to clean his clippers


SEEN shampoo is specifically to avoid this. I’ve also found charcoal based shampoos help prevent it too.


Nizoral shampoo. Let it sit in your scalp for 10-15 min before you shower or while in shower before rinsing. Tretinoin is another thing that will help. But I agree with other posters about prevention as far keeping thing sanitary eg razor/trimmer, towel, and pillowcase


I don't think this is acne. Make an appointment with a dermatologist.


Are you on any medications (not dermatological medications)


Selsun Blue Medicated Wash. You can find it at any Walmart, target, etc.


Salicylic acid shampoo. Neutrogena makes one. Look for 2%.


That’s folliculitis


I have this. Go to a doctor. Only meds can help you.


You need an anti fungal from a derm. Cleared my scalp right up.


This isn’t acne. This is a fungal infection caused by dirty clippers.


Looks like folliculitis… my dad had that after surgery, from having his head shaved, they gave him a steroidal cream & antibiotics. Good luck 🍀


Folliculitis. See a dermatologist.


Questions to as yourself: - hoe often do you wash your scalp? - do you wash your hair after working out? - do you use conditioner on your scalp? - does it get worse during certain seasons? - have you tried going to different barbers? - are you using lotion on your face and it’s getting in your hair? I only see it around your hair line - are you a hat dude? How often do you wash them? What’s the fit like on them? - has eating gluten or yeast made it worse. My husband has a yeast sensitivity that started out as scalp irritation Here are my thoughts: Part of me wonders if this is gym or barber related. You discussed going to 2 different dermatologist, I didn’t see anything about your barber. There are some really gross people and why some people shouldn’t make food for potlucks. The problem comes when these individuals are in positions that makes sanitization a priority. Barbers and stylist state exam is legit sanitation. That doesn’t mean everyone is doing what they are suppose to. My guess is that your barber isn’t the cleanest. Their lack of hygiene is causing your scalp to break out. The breakouts look to be where your hair is at the shortest.


So, I am not an oils person but tea tree oil is shown in studies to have antibacterial and antifungal benefits which should help you out until you can figure things out with a dermatologist.


Looks like yeast


Get a benzoil peroxide wash at 5% use it everyday and leave it on for at least 5 minutes max 8. Get an ozonized sunflower oil and put it on the scalp after showering with the benzoil peroxide. No more. Ever


That looks like it could be psoriasis, go see a dermatologist it’s specific to treat. I think washes with salicylic acid help but that’s the route I’d take.


There’s a Europe wide outbreak of an infection you get from barber shops. You need to go to the doctor.


I use witch hazel (without included alcohol!!) on my face/hairline to help clean it up and prevent bumps, maybe it could help here? I take a cotton pad, douse some witch hazel, and rub the areas


Buy some castor oil- hyxane free- dark glass bottle. Take a few drops and massage into your scalp at night before bed. Don’t soak your head in to- its sticky, just a bit. Then wash your head/hair in the morning with a good shampoo like Nexxus Clean and Pure detox. Do every night your going to wash your hair. I know theres a lot on You Tube about castor oil benefits- some are very good- others are nuts- but this is something my Irish Mom used to make us take a teaspoon in the morning growing up- we are all incredibly regular 🤣🤣🤣🤣. And acne is gone.


See a doctor for medication, if it’s not eczema, ingrown, bacterial, or dry skin. It looks inflamed or irritated a bit. Keep it clean, try not to itch, and you can always express them. Better out than in, seeing as it’s not in a sensitive area.


I used Nizoral. Mine went away after two weeks. I still use it.


Have you tried anything antifungal?


Nizoral for a couple weeks


Definitely need to see another derm. That looks painful! They can easily do a biopsy. You may need a prescribed scalp steroid. No matter the cause of the painful sores, there is definitely something that can be done.


I know you’ve been to a derm. A cvs minute clinic or similar might be a good fast choice, and more cost effective. Most are staffed by nurse practitioners and have been good for my family on identifying things like this, getting you a strong Rx steroid liquid to ease the inflammation and whatever you need to treat it too (if it’s fungal/ bacterial/ contact). For example- if it’s fungal a 2% ketakonazol shampoo is $10, vs paying $13 for 1% Nizoral that will take longer to work, even if you guess right.


How clean was the person who cut your hair, looks like reaction to the equipment used


I had this. Tried salicylic acid and it didn’t help. Went to my GP and he prescribed oral antibiotics. I was extremely skeptical, but it worked!


For everyone saying it’s from the barbers tools I can tell by the little hairs he literally just got home from the barber. It does appear to be a fungal infection but you can’t instantly get folliculitis, even if the tools were nasty. It was there before the most recent cut. Perhaps he initially got it from the barbers tools a past haircut but we don’t know long he went between haircuts and his current scalp hygiene routine. Never be shy to ask your barber to spray their tools and use fresh combs it’s within your rights to ask and they should be doing it anyways but I really don’t think it’s from the tools. You said you have been to the derm. What did they say? The shampoos you have tried what were their active ingredients? How often do you wash your hair? You said you stopped using products I would just stop all together and see. How often do you change your pillowcases? Do you wear hats regularly? Getting a haircut and immediately putting a cap on would introduce an ecosystem of bacteria and yeast to follicles that were disturbed by the haircut. If it was me I would start with a shampoo containing Ketoconazole (Nizoral for example) and be cautious about your hygiene as in avoid caps and keeping pillowcases clean. Shampooing your hair regularly don’t believe in “training” your hair you need to wash the bacteria and or fungus away. I have heard there’s now shampoos with salicylic acid that could be worth trying if the anti fungal isn’t working. Don’t pick them please it will create “bald” patches from the scarring.


That looks more like an allergic reaction to me than acne. What are you using on your scalp when shaving? Are you moisturizing after? I stopped shaving my legs cause of skin damage (think "fish scale" type of damage). I'd definitely get your GP to look. Also, review your routine for shaving. Change one thing every 10 days and watch for improvements. Don't change too fast cause you won't be able to identify the culprit. Since you've changed shampoo and conditioners, you may want to focus on getting some allergy testing. I have a histamine intolerance and it presents in all sorts of wacky ways.


Pop pop pop


Tea tree shampoo until you can get to your PCP!!! #🍵🌳


Head and shoulder shampoo will clear this right up


I used to deal with this and wondered how I would get it. Turned out after seeing my doctor, we narrowed it down to it being my barber’s dirty, improperly cleaned clippers. I’ve since stopped going to a barber and get my haircut by a family member, and I can clean the clippers exactly to my liking. To get rid of them I was given antibiotics (Keflex) and it cleared all my scalp zits. I’d start there first. I also change my pillow cases, x2 a week, which I think also helps, in some way.


I had the exact same problem. And the infection looked almost the same as yours. What you have is likely scalp folliculitis. What was successful in my case was a course of antibiotics PLUS some low dose isotretinoin (accutane). Low dose isotretinoin was in my case what helped me the most, because it reduced inflammation and oil production of the skin. Also, low dose isotretinoin keeps the side effects to the minimum. You could try something as 10-20 mg for the first two weeks and after that 5 mg per day for a couple of weeks to keep it at bay, but only a doctor is able to give you medical advice, so consult one.


This is either folliculitis or a fungal infection from contaminated clippers. You need to be referred to a different dermatologist


same happened to me


After you get a haircut . Use aftershave some thing to disinfect your skin/scalp . I have to do this or I’ll get small rash when they razor cut shave .


Use a gentle, medicated shampoo with salicylic acid or tea tree oil. Keep your scalp clean and avoid using heavy hair products. Rinse thoroughly after workouts and avoid tight hairstyles. If persistent, consult a dermatologist for potential prescription treatments.


This definitely looks fungal (especially if it’s itchy and tender), I had it all over my neck and cheeks… I used head and shoulders shampoo as a mask on my face and it made a WORLD of difference overnight. Hopefully this helps!


If it’s only on the parts of your head that are tapered/faded you need to clean your clippers (or whoever you’re going to needs to). Run the tips of the blades in a little isopropyl alcohol


Have you tried changing your shampoo?




Keep looking around for dermatologists! I had similar, but only on the back of my neck/rear scalp. I got prescribed antibiotics and a topical ointment. I’m still on the treatment. It’s not 100% gone, but significantly more under control.


Have you tried nizarol shampoo or Neutrogena tgel


I would also say try a non-sodium laurel sulfate and related shampoo, my scalp breaks out in acne when I use one


I thought I had scalp acne. It was really scalp folliculitis caused by Behchet’s.


Is it itchy?


This can also be an allergy and also unclean tools for cutting hair!


maybe ask a doctor about accutane?


Find a new dermatologist


Have you tried chlorhexidine wash? It's pretty effective for treating folliculitis. That or use a facial exfoliator that has some AHAs in it. St. Ives makes an apricot exfoliator that's pretty good. It's both a physical and chemical exfoliator. Use that maybe twice a week, followed by a chlorhexidine wash, or that soap surgeons use when prepping for pre-op, I forget the name. Once that's rinsed out apply a coating of pure tea tree oil all over the effected area. The aroma is herbaceous, maybe a little woody and quite pungent, but it has potent antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties while being harmless to the healthy skin. I do hope this works out for you. Best of luck!


I am an Esthetician. I am not a dermatologist but that looks like a fungal issue.....


Put Aloe Vera gel fresh from the plant.


In the meantime see if Tea Tree oil shampoo or conditioner help.


Seems like folliculitis, or chronic psoriasis. I’m no expert but I struggle with chronic psoriasis and I flare up in a similar way. Check in with a dermatologist and in the meantime try the “Dermarest” shampoo on your hair, works a treat for me. Hope it gets better dude


My dermatologist prescribed topical clindamycin that worked nearly over night for folliculitis.


Go to a dermatologist, that will take care of your problem ❤️


Free game head and shoulders. U not washing ur hair properly. The head and shoulders will take care of the psoriasis


I would look into Traditional Chinese Medicine if you can. They have a unique perspective and have personally never failed me.


I’ve never seen that before 😅 go to the doctor if you can


Cold showers. ✅️


I suffered from seborrheic acne (hair acne), dandruff and eczema. What will help you heal is lemon balm and camphor Essential oil. This stuff cured me. Take a few drops of each and massage 💆‍♂️ your scalp. Leave it on, and use a Garnier Fructis Pure Clean Purifying Shampoo and conditioner Silicone-Free. Lemon Balm and Camphor Essential oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Which means it will kill whatever is making your scalp break out. Hope this helps. 🙏


It’s folliculitis. See a derm


Watch that dairy


1 - go to a doctor 2 - get yourself some antibacterial and anti fungal shampoo like one with selenium sulfide, or any other sulfur based shampoo 3 - wash your pillow case every few days. Buy more if you need to. And maybe even change it daily for the first week or two. 4 - throw away whatever hair brush, comb, razor, etc you are currently using for your hair and get new ones. If you’re getting your hair cut somewhere and using the same person every time, stop using them because they might not be cleaning their stuff properly. 4 - I’ll say it again, go see a doctor.


Your dermatologist didn’t provide and suggestions for using salicylic acid? Order Neutrogena T/Sal Therapeutic Shampoo and wear a hat as it can make skin sensitive to sun. This will clear it up. Stop all hair razors for couple weeks to let the follicle less agitated.


Tea tree oil. But I’d see a doctor




Tbh, I'd shower with nizoral for a few weeks see if It gets better. It won't make it any worse if it's not fungal..


One thing that helped my boyfriend was buying a big pack of cheap pillowcases and switching them out every night. Silvon makes an antibacterial pillowcase for people with acne


Change Shampoo and conditioner


This looks like folliculitis.


Folliculitis, a script can clear it up


PanOxyl 10%. I’ve been using it on my scalp for about a month now and I am shocked by the difference. It needs to be left on 2 mins. It will absolutely bleach whatever towel you use as the 10% is peroxide. I keep an old towel and only use it for when I’m using the PanOxyl. I’m down to using it every other day now.


Nizoral shampoo will fix it. Use it for any fungal/bacterial issues on the skin! Anywhere, doesn’t have to be your scalp it can literally be used anywhere!


Try Nizoral shampoo, bud. It absolutely saved my life! Looks like it may be some type of fungal issue (at least from my experience).


Change your barber man, that could be non hygienic tools like the electric razor


Get the selsun blue shampoo but check ingredients to make sure it ends in -azole. You will not benefit from the salicylic acid shampoo. Leave shampoo on scalp 5-10 minutes. Then rinse.


Head and shoulders original for scalp acne!


Get a water filter and see a dermatologist doc just to be safe. My husband gets this all the time. Turned out it was our water and/or he doesn’t wash all the soap off.


Just ingrown hairs. You get them when you shave your scalp it looks like you share your hair I would just watch the way you shave it


Go see another dermatologist! I had this for years, of varying severity, no matter if my hair was long or shaved. Tried different shampoos, nothing worked. Dermatologist prescribed me a course of roaccutane, which cleared it all up! I get the occasional small one from time to time, but it is so much better. Have you had any other forms of folliculitis anywhere else?


Swim in salt water


You've gotten many helpful suggestions man, I have nothing to add, except to tell you that I really feel for you. I really hope you find a cure soon. Best of luck to you.


Stop all hair styling products except shampoo until this clears up. Take the other advice about cleaning your clippers, pillowcases, towels, anything coming into contact with your head needs to be cleaned regularly/everyday until it clears up. Also don’t touch this area- dirty fingers can cause break outs. I also wonder if you should stop shaving this area for now. It almost looks like a razor burn/ingrown hairs to me. I wonder if using a product for razor burn would be too harsh for your scalp? Ask your dermatologist. Also find a new dermatologist you shouldn’t have to suffer for 2 years with no improvement. Sorry you’re having to deal with this.


Took me decades to realize I'm allergic to all plant oils and extracts which are in most shampoo and conditioners. Try johnson and johnson baby shampoo for a bit, it's a lifesaver for me.


I'm not a dermatologist, but I am a hairdresser with a background in herbal medicine. Maybe consider a shampoo high in zinc? Diet effects a the skin s lot to, and are. Additionally my buddy has a similar looking issue, a dermatologist found him a anti allergy shampoo, he wasn't breaking out, he was have an allergy.


Nizoral shampoo and a calming tonic too. Sanitise the clippers if they’re your clippers, change all sheets and pillowcases (silk is best)


Maybe get tested?


Scalp folliclitis. Use a dilute bleach cleaner like CLN