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I went to my derm and got a script for glycopyrrolate to treat hyperhidrosis. I’ve been on it for over a decade and it’s changed my life for the better. Worth looking into if you can!


Thank you so much! I'm not sure it's available in my country but I will look for it!


Uhm, may I ask you: is your face more swollen now? Do you feel swollen? Because that is there only thing that stops me…


I never noticed that! I maybe slightly noticed some GL symptoms as well as dry mouth if I took it more than once a day. I didn’t know there was a risk of a swollen face


No, wait: I am prone to being swollen, so I am asking you IF the water that didn’t “come off” from you stuck to your face inside :D (sorry I don’t know how to say it better, English is not my first language) I mean, that water comes from somewhere!


no worries! I didn’t notice anything of the sort


No, it doesn’t block the sweat from leaving the body. Hypergidrosis usually occurs because of a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system that causes the sweat glands to be overstimulated and produce more sweat. Basically those drugs “tell” your body to stop producing so much sweat.


Ok, ty <3


as a serial sweater, there's not much you can do as far as skincare products go besides getting prescription face creams and wipes. there are also prescription pills, and botox can help, too. there are even some surgical procedures. but, unfortunately, nothing over the counter. if you sweat a lot in general, it's worth trying to make some lifestyle changes, if you feel there are other things besides weather and humidity that contribute to sweating. the biggest things that helped me sweat less were definitely cutting back on caffeine, wearing lightweight hats that shade my face, lightweight clothes, staying hydrated, and managing stress and anxiety better. however, at the end of the day, when your only factor contributing to sweat is the heat and humidity, it is super normal and healthy to sweat. it's your body's way to keep you cool, and it's good for your skin — you have beautiful skin! i understand it can be frustrating, though.. so, what i do is have a small hygenic sweat towel i bring around, or sweat wipes depending on how much stuff i want to bring, and dab the sweat from my forehead before it gets a chance to drip down. i also use blotting paper on parts of the face that look oily or sweaty, but aren't dripping. it's not super sexy, but it gets the job done.


Thank you so much for your advice. I'm actually not much of a "body sweater" but my face is like a waterfall the second I'm out of the house


i see! i am a full body sweater, so i am very jealous. after looking into it, i did find that some facial antiperspirant wipes and creams are now over the counter instead. sweatblock daily antiperspirant face wipes, and facade's facial antiperspirant are two that seem to be pretty good and reasonably priced. you could try them! but as someone who has tried some prescription ones before and had terrible reactions, i would recommend a test patch on the arm, then only trying them on the forehead for the first few times to see if it works for you.


I am the same, so watching this thread with interest! It’s weird as I haven’t always been like this. I suffer from an under active thyroid maybe it’s something to do with that.


Carpe face cream


Carpe face cream - thank me later


I lost almost 200 pounds and I STILL sweat like crazy 😭 it’s not as bad as it used to be, it used to be just awful. But any type of heat or activity makes me start sweating. It no longer drenches my hair and body within 20-30 mins. Takes more like an hour now.


My small tip about clothes, not excatly lightweigh but also breatable with small holes. Materials are different - I mean event simple cotton may be different in breatability. I find most cotton tshirt sucks, they act like plastic bag. Same with socks, thick cotton making my feet hot, polyester are not that bad - it can be pretty light and with micro holes it can breatathe very well. Linen is good for clothes or viscose for socks.


Dude use Carpe face cream it will change your life


I use sweat block face wipes for my hyperhidrosis, very effective if you can stop sweating for a few hours when you apply them before bed


What brand/kind of wipes did you purchase?


[sweat block brand!](https://shop.sweatblock.com/products/face-wipes) I’ve also used their extra strength ones on my face with no ill effects


I live in a city with similar climate, I don’t use foundation at all during summer and I carry with me little papers that take in the sweat.


What are those papers? Tissues hurt my face


Blotting tissues


I relate to the pain, for me its my scalp. You should consider speaking to a doctor if you can because they can treat excessive sweating, I keep meaning to but I have a lot of medical trauma so I'm always avoiding it. In the meantime though you can get neck fans, they look a bit like headphones. My one has been absolutely amazing so far, they can sound a bit loud in your ears at higher speeds because they're right next to them but they're quiet for other people. Another thing I do is get a vacuum flask and fill it to the brim with ice, then add water as needed, the water gets way colder than it does in a glass and its really good for keeping you cool. The Ice lasts forever too.


Carpe has a scalp product, I swear by their face and hand creams.


Move to Alaska


Your skin looks good!! Whatever climate you live in I know my skin needs it 😄


Definitely sounds like hyperhidrosis to me, this amount of sweating in just one location isn't normal as you're surely aware. Can you get to a dermatologist? Even a regular GP might be able to help. Skincare can't help with this For what it's worth, your skin looks beautiful despite the sweat and I love your eye makeup!


This happens to me bc of anxiety and I hate it sm.




I’ve heard a lot of good things about carpe


This, discovered Carpe last year and it has changed my life. They have a face sweat cream that I swear by. It’s like a miracle and it’s so light on the face too. I have sensitive skin and I get no irritation or dryness whatsoever.


What exactly does it do


Blocks sweat


That sounds amazing!!


murad toner will control oil but not sweat




My friend use to get botox in her armpits for sweating.. maybe try that?


1. MicroTox. 2. https://mycarpe.com/products/face 3. https://www.popsugar.com/amphtml/beauty/face-antiperspirant-editor-experiment-48950975


Hi! Are you on any medication? I take fluoxetine and just realized that it raises my core body temperature. It’s a common side effect.




i haven’t tried it but there’s a brand called Carpe that is for this exact purpose!


Botox, baby


I love the ink and I thank you so much for sharing your picture with us You have more guests than I do I know that I shouldn't care what people think but unfortunately I'm very new at all this and I'm not sure what kind of reactions that I would get about my looks and how I would react to I do thank you for sharing your picture I think you look very nice


Carpe, they have one with spf too. It stops sweat on your face like an antiperspirant.


Botox!!! It is seriously magical for hyperhidrosis.


Don’t change anything


Do you apply sunscreen or any foundation?


If other comments don’t help u but , My girlfriend did some Botox for her arm pits and face and that worked .


DRYSOL!!! Life altering, used it for three months, been drastically sweat free/ minimal sweat over 15 years. It’s cheap af and effective, can grab it online or at any drug store


Way too harsh for lots of people, try Carpe


Quick fix is certain dry


Woah, scrolled past and thought this was Vanessa Hudgens lol




No feedback on the sweating but I honestly think you have beautiful skin!! I'm sure the sweating is annoying but you have a beautiful face!


Losing weight


I don’t understand why this is getting downvoted Excess adipose tissue has an insulating effect. Excess weight means your body has to work harder to move around. Both of these contribute to excessive sweating


I know, I study medicine I wrote that because is true, not for offend or anything 😅 since people are downvoting this let me explain better: adipose tissue is a way of keeping heath, in particular during the summer our body needs to regulate the temperature and to do so it starts expelling water as a result we have sweat, if we lose weight, and so adipose tissue, our body will directly sweat less since there isn’t anymore something that keeps the heath.


I recommend drinking lots of water. Keep yourself hydrated.


Yes. Drinking water helps to reduce stress and reduce the body temperature.


I know someone with excessive sweating. They go to the dermatologist for Botox in armpits Are your eyebrows mismatched?


Thank you. Its a reflex I think, I lift only one eyebrow all the time