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Demicannon is a shotgun culverin is a rifle. Demicannon shoots a bunch of small projectiles that are very effective up close and personal. Culverin is more of an all rounder.


But it says damage is per shot. Are they considering each pellet a shot?


I believe so. I haven't run them myself but there is a mission where you take another ship that has them equipped (won't elaborate because spoilers) they definitely felt like it was per pellet. It melted pointblank broadside. Plus I believe they have an added effect that culverin doesn't.


Culverin has some added effects too. Different type of damage but same amount. I’m gonna run one on one side and one on the other and see what it looks like. Maybe it’s considered all shots at once vs having 6-8 shots with the Culverin




Oh I meant just to test damage output. Go on a test run with one side one cannon and one the other. I don’t have the brain capacity to run that set up full time haha




Bombard, DemiCannon and Basilisk for me currently


I run the long guns on the front to engage from a distance or when in pursuit, culverts on the sides and ones on the back that damage sails to slow pursuits, might change to mortars or torpedoes if you can put them there, haven't unlocked to find out


i use the bombards in the back i love to smash them point black while they chase me aim very low if you try it


**wink wink** that ship was badass! The zamzammas melt mofos.


Yes per shot. They are very effective up close then you can board right away to.


Yea the damage is per shot+ effects for the Demi vs. The Culv, below the surface dmg numbers is the dmg per shot an d the amount of shots . What I have noticed is that not all the demi shots hit, so there is some dog falloff compared to a accurate culv shot. I am not in front of the numbers rn, but that's how I counted it to work.


Yeah its a shotgun tons of pellets


I don’t know why this is downvoted. It’s a really valid question. I’d also like to know. I’m guessing there’s some kind of hidden bonus with the demicannon that it does more damage the closer you are to the target. However there’s a ship you use that decimated the fort towers even at range with the demicannon. Is there a reload difference????


There is a reload difference. You can see a detailed description of each weapon in the codex. I prefer demicannons because it fits my play style of keeping on the move and boarding ships. Specifically i'm running Zamzamma III's on both sides. I don't play at range so I don't value the range of the culverin. Generally speaking, aside from range the primary differences are that (using the rare versions of each, Basilisk vs Zamzamma): * The Culverin requires several buttons presses, all requiring accurate aim to deliver the damage over several shots which can reach a range of 600m without furniture. * The Culverin deals piercing damage if you get the rare version which is increased damage to weakpoints (red spots). * The Culverin takes 6 seconds to reload. * The Demicannon requires a single button press to deliver a shotgun blast at short range. Cannot exceed 250 meters without furniture. * The Demicannon deals burning damage which if stacked does high damage over time to the target. * The Demicannon has a reload time of 4.2 seconds. For my play style, I like to play close and run one of two major furniture. Either the one that increases damage after a crew action or the one that heals me after a crew action. In order to use the crew actions, i generally need to be close to the ship as boarding counts as a crew action as well. With this in mind, I typically run head on at whatever ship I'm after, lob some Mortars or start my rocket barrage, ram the ship (I use the +25% ramming damage furniture), sea fire as I turn to the side which catches it on fire and then Zamzama it and generally it's dead or if it's a higher level, ready to be boarded. I'm also using the furniture to increase elemental damage of Demicannons and increase damage to targets that are ablaze. I just swap the Zamzama's out when I got to kill Forts and I take bombards and rockets. Mortars is for sure better in my opinion, but I love the rockets so I use them when I can.


NB: You can hold down the fire button on culverins to spam all their shots. I discovered that in like the last hour of the beta, heh. Also I think there might be a volley mechanic, but the tutorial message that was trying to tell me about that vanished before I could read it.


Interesting, it's still not enough for me to use it.


I’m thinking since it’s a one shot and reload that maybe it’s a multiplier so x6-8 for that demicannon shot vs 6-8 individual shots with the Culverin


I also personally don't like the demi cannon, the fact that it blankets the area, therefore not focusing on weak points, seems kind of meh. They do seem to do more damage, but at the risk of getting close to the enemy. Also, they are practically useless during some Fort plunders where target is too far. Personally I'd think they would be good on certain setups and for specific purposes. I personally just use the bombard, the angling is no problem to me and I hit weakpoints with like 70% accuracy. Also I can fire as far as my mortar can.


Bombards are hands down the best weapons atm.


Hell yes. Thought they were gonna be more like mortars. But i was thoroughly satisfied with them. Fort take downs are cake


Everything is cake bc you outrange pretty much everything




I’m gonna try demis on the sides. The long guns in the front. Torpedos or bombard in the back. If I do torpedos, the mortar will be the structure damage one. If it’s bombard, I’ll make that the structure damage one and change the mortar to flooding damage.


Get close enough to use them effectively and you can hit multiple weakspots in a single shot.


Yeah, I get that, but the difference is that only a few shots will land while on the other hand I can just use bombard and land one big hit on the weakspot.


I often land the entire load of the Demi cannons using the flooding ones, hitting 3-4 weak spots and actually or nearly one shot stuff. Honestly it’s kinda broken w the right furniture. Bombard still better but I have a feeling they will be nerfed they’re too good.


Currently with the Padew/e ship, the bombard does wonders with it. Since it benefits from the ships perk. The Brigatine could use the demi cannons since it's a ramming ship but I hate how up close it is.


For sure people have different play styles, I love blasting a ship right in the weak points just before slamming into them at full speed, many die from that alone, or they’re now sideways next to me and I’m boarding instantly.


Hmm, I should probably see how people do so. I just personally couldn't possibly imagine getting so close to the enemy where I could take tons of damage. But if there is a method to stick to enemies and end fights quickly, then I'd be down for it.


I’ve been using the snow ship, it has crazy brace strength and hull health. You can block all damage from most sources constantly and need only occasional repairs. Like seriously I will charge headfirst into the big ship in any encounter and just go absolutely ham and as long as I eat food to refill stam and try to block the majority of shots it’s easy to tank everything. And it’s super fun ngl. Try it


I did, I made and used both Snow and Brigatine. My biggest issue with them was that my dps or time to kill seemed to have gone down significantly. Probably because I use bombard, and the Padewakang perk was boosting it.


Oh for sure, of course there will always be a meta and I abused that combo too, but it gets old and boring pretty quick imo. Killing stuff fast is cool but FUN man are you having it? Js


Demicannons absolutely wreck when hitting weak points. Its great for charging into an equal or weaker ship to kill it quickly so you dont get overwhelmed.


I’m thinking it would pair well with the hull breaker since it has higher ram damage. Ram them and then one shot to finish. Just worries me with the lower hull defense


That's my plan with the Brig.


They are devastating up close and I like to board so I’m close to my victims a lot.


I feel like they really should have switched the bonuses on the Basilisk and Flooding Demi-cannons. Having a demi-cannon that buffs crew attacks makes more sense, and then have the basilisk do flooding damage.


Culverins are good for targeting weak points and demis are shotguns plain and simple. I think I prefer culverins for the range and ability to focus weak points, but haven't had a good direct comparison with same level examples of each yet. Culverins are definitely better against towers because you can just drill every shot into the weak point.


Long nines onto towers wrecks due to the extra weakpoint damage buff and their DPS. Its wild.


Demi cannon damage is insane with flooding and at close range. It stacks status damage FAST. The tradeoff is that you need to be right up on them, but hey, thats where I want to be to board anyway. For me, since I want to be up close anyway, its an easy choice. Long guns on the bow, demis on the broadsides.


I wish it said the distance to target when aiming. I’m trying to see what 250 meters 😂. My buddy uses them on the sea beast and it’s crazy. I do wish the sea flame was better suited. I got it from the ghost ship but it’s just not the best. Maybe in the final ship with the fire damage bonuses


Pop a few pieces of fire furniture ('+10% damage to ships on fire' is a perfect choice) on the ship and pop blue Spectre up front of the Brig. Its amazing at starting fire damage as you go in for a ram and right after as you turn post-ram. Soon as you do turn, fire the zamzama III, turn back front or rear depending and if the zam's charge back up by then (usually do)- that ship's dead. Works on pretty much everything but elites. Blue Spectre is amazing for up close and personal builds, it wrecks shop once you find the sweet spot for its begining range on a charge in. Its an amazing set up for any scenario requiring you to be close in on non-event-special ships. Even rogue's get wrecked just takes a few more shots.


Honestly it struck me when playing the >!scurlock!< ship. Put long guns in the front to snipe the weakspots, then close in for the finish with the demicannons, culverins in the back to slow the chasers. Works like a charm


I’m loving the torpedos in the back. Except it has gotten me in trouble a few times with accidentally missing a pirate or player and hitting a faction 😂


If you "dance" your ship correctly you can close to double your damage with most cannons except demicannons. The problem with the demis isn't the range, it's the targetting requirement.


So far, I feel DemiCannon is only great for Fort plundering. There isn't a ship good enough to make DemiCannon build good. I would imagine a ship that is incredibly fast with amazing turn speeds.


The hull breaker is fast but almost two fast to take advantage in combat. If I’m getting that close though, I want the biggest hull defense


That is true. A tank build will probably be better with those "shotguns". But I would imagine fast ships just kiting you away. So I guess it is for teamplay purposes.


Demicannon can melt targets if you hit weak spots at close range. They are my go-to broadside guns since the closed beta


Reload speed is much faster on the demis. So you will get a higher dps out of the deal, plus their base damage is higher. Their enhanced version also does flooding instead of tearing, which does more damage over time but still slows them down a lot.


I rotate through all of my cannons though so reload isn’t a huge concern. I’m rarely firing the same weapon consecutively but I do like the damage over time aspect


Something else is that the damage caused by flooding can’t be repaired, which is relevant in some cases. They also get raider which makes it so you can board quicker.


The discussions going on here about which is better is honestly a testament to how well the weapon system is designed in the game, it truly is down to your playstyle as to what the best option is.


This comment doesn't have enough upvotes for its truth.


Demicannon is kind of useless. It'd have been useful as an anti-personnel gun, but this game doesn't have any crew HP. They definitely need 2 more bars: crew HP and Sail HP


It’s absolutely not useless. They can easily it multiple weak points, do a ton of damage, and w the upgraded ones they one shot or leave a ship ready to be boarded asap.




It’s missing a single letter from the word “hit”. If your critical thinking skills are that bad you need help.


Doesnt the demicannon also have a bonus damage to weakspots?


I play very close to targets, controlling broadside angles to stay out of range. I can slam a weak point until they are dead and never take a shot.


With Demi? I do that with the Culverin currently but I’m thinking Demi might be the better fit because it would go faster


That was my theory. It seemed to work very well. The only downfall was with many enemes. It was too hard to manage angles, and I couldn't get enough damage out fast enough to compensate. It's worth noting I had a culverin on the front just for periodic longer range needs. If I had more time the plan was to to put a long gun on front, culverin on back, and demi on sides. Never got the chance to try it this way though.


Personally, I prefer the demicannon. I like the single “burst” shot feeling better. I think it’s bc I like the idea of all the cannons going off at once. Plus, with good enough armor and the opportunity to do crew actions, I’m more oriented to getting closer to enemy ships.


Yea that’s true. I’m using the purple long guns on the front so between that and auxiliary weapons, I’d still have the range


Both. Culverins for side cannons. Demicannon for the ass cannon. Generally when you're being chased, they're right up your ass so a shotgun like blast really helps. As for the culverins, I use the enhanced with the faster rate of fire


I'm like the exact opposite haha. I Like the Demi-cannons for the sides and the culverin for the ass. I feel like I get close up from the sides and as I pass ships I can switch to the culverin from the rear. I use the long cannons from the bow.


I use the ones below the standard. I forget the exact name but, they start with b. On the bow, I use bombards. I tried the torpedos after having them used against me but, I'm built for fire rated and damage


I’m this exact same build. What ship are you currently using?


Padewakang at the moment


Try long nines on your rear and fire at rhe enemy sails. You can stop them dead in water, do extra damage due to hroken mast perk, and they are stuck in place with torn sails- perfect for a well timed mortar. No more chaser.


What heavy ass ship are you using that they are right on your ass? Haha. Turn on the turbo boosters and get out of there 😂


The last ship you could get in beta. If it's not bolted down, it goes in my ship


Oh I’m the same way but i also inhale cooked food so I’m usually max speed unless there’s wind.


Yea for real if you’re being chased you want them far away, not up close. The bombards way better for the rear. Especially for PvP. It’s straight up meta rn.


I meeeaannnn I still use Demi cannon at longish range. I love it. Try them both out and see what you think is better. This is a very opinion based question.


I’m assuming it still hits but less damage at range?


They can if in the sweet spot (their peak range opening)- but you wont see the red crits like close range. In a pinch they help with fire damage though. A hit is a hit.


Depends on your play style


I use the fire long gun and the mortar primarily, to start. By then I’ve done decent damage, get in close and use the flood demi cannon to finish off or board. I have the bombard on the back just in case tho.


Let me spin it a different way. A way I think the devs are intending these guns to be used in pve. You have 3 max party members. 1 tank ship, 1 healer ship and 1 dps ship. The tank is going to want to pump out large, quick damage to take threat (they have furniture to increase your threat to help with this as well). Demicannons are a great way to do that. Charge in, toss heavy mortar, get close and pump damage as hard as you can. Healer, well, heals from the back lines to keep the tank alive. Dps is going to be two or three types. If you look at the ships, they have a very fast, nimble ship that can dive in, ram and get out. Likely going to put the culverins on one side and Demi’s on the other. Charge in, ram, make sure you are angled to the left (theoretically) and fire demis on your right side. Turn ship, exit quickly and pump damage from rear guns (your choice). Rotate ship, volley with culverin and ram again. The other dps ship is more of a DOT ship. I think I’ve only seen the long guns with the ability to add fire damage (I’m forgetful and can’t remember what they are calling it). This ship will likely stay way back out of the fight and snipe damage. It really is interesting when you start reading the furniture and ship effects. You can see they want to promote group fighting big time. Makes me curious what they have planned in the future? Dungeon style cave runs with bosses? Who knows. Anyways. This is just my take on those guns. There are plenty of ways they can be used, obviously. The way I’ve shown is definitely not the final version of anything. Experiment with different load outs. That’s the joy of a new game like this.


I prefer staying at a distance. My ships built around it. Others like being close.


For me, I have that weird named one so it helps with crew attacks and fire. They all shoot at once and right up close its just GG lol. But normal demicannon's I dont like


They also reload faster.


i have demis on one side and culverins on the other. so if i want an intermediate engagement, i approach from that side. otherwise if im going to board i approach from the other side. but i also have mortars, bombards, and long guns on the top deck so the demis and culverins are mostly for finishing off anyway for 99% of the fights. i havent gotten into PvP and the world events much yet. been harvesting resources so most of my fights are me swooping in and taking some screw mechanisms then slipping off to a cache. or plundering. we do some plundering


I have the purple enhanced demi’ 2’s (can’t remember the name, zam something?) but they do like 287 damage per pellet and it knocks enemy health out like crazy. It’s nice to have a shotgun style broadside with a quick reload when there’s a ton of long range options for bow, stern and auxiliary.


I do think it would be fun to rock an entirely up close and personal build on a tank ship with Demis and flame throwers and the like and just charge in. I think combined with the ghost ship flamethrower it could be a pretty devastating combo.


I ran a demi cannons on my bedar, and they are going to be more effective with SvM ship combat. They absolutely shred weak points and are great at applying effects. But yes, the display on dps is misleading.


They are nice on your ship flanks with a long gun in front for range


Demi vs culverin Culverin: more damage, higher range(so less dmg falloff), is single shot, is your regular cannon Demi: shotgun, dmg per pellet(hence the lower dmg than culverin, it evens out) and gets hit much, much harder by damage falloff(the gray numbers you sometimes see)


The tank, superspeed getting in close with a tearing sails/root and shotgun is already a possible option I guess. Would be interesting. I myself want to main healer but afraid so far there is not enough time spent in group for that.


Never hurts to have a healer ship set asside for group play. 3 of us took down the kega fort in game and it was a complete breeze thanks to having a healer on the team.


Just don't use longgun. You are not hitting anything at that range anyway


i personally prefer culverin but i prefer the traditional pirate ship vibe of cannons blaring off the sides. with a piercing culverine and a firebombard as my front weapon i am fine on 99% of fights.