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I feel we need a better way to group up for these events. “Call for Help” stinks. There’s no way to let the person calling for help know someone is on the way - the event will finish before I’m able to get there to help. “Find a Group” never finds a group. Convoy or other events that require you to manually join in will often leave you solo. I know I’m not the only person running these….fill that group up.


A teleport option for the call for help would be a huge help with this. I see these all the time and think that I'm not about to spend 10 minutes to maybe make it in time.


I have only ever been within 2000m of a call for help once and still got there way too late. The plunder was over and I could plunder so it had already reset. WITH the old reset time.


That would be pretty good to have.


I just decided to go help someone because it was close to a fast travel and I happened to be docked. By the time I made it there, they were already destroyed and decided to give up. Why make a persistently online game if you don't make worthwhile multi-player feautures.


Agreed. It's odd, but in the Codex it kind of implies that calling for help would result in someone joining your group by answering your call. But how can I do that if there is no option to join? It should be the same way you join events and that way the person will get a notification and it becomes a group activity.


I find the event on the map that they are requesting help on, hit X (xbox controller), and then it shows me tracking the event. Definitely get more silver for going and helping this way


That would be awesome af


Open your group for anyone, I got Rando’s all the time during beta. Now it’s set to friends only cause I play with my wife and a few friends off and on.


To be fair, I have it set to open and I am having the same issues


For my own sanity, I try to help newer players when I can but it sucks because I can't if I am doing my full time Amazon job and can't fast travel before getting back to St. Anne. The grind really pushes you to not group, which is a bit of a dagger. Once we can unlock NPCs do that for us, things will change. But if that is a mid-late season feature (ie, research level 24) then not much will change.


Also, the best way to grind is my purposefully not completing delivery missions and farming the waves of unlimited Rogues. Again, that means no fast travel without canceling the mission first. Just a drag that the two main activities done by high infamy player don't allow fast travel.


So you should be able to do a delivery order and just fast travel there? What's the point. I wouldn't call it a main activity anyway, and it's far from the best way to grind silver.


Are you responding to me? Because I said nothing about deliveries having fast travel enabled or grinding silver. I am talking about the most efficient end game farming.


The only reasons you grind the rogues from delivery missions is either helm wares or silver. Which isn't the most efficient grind for any of them.


Silver is never an issue. What way is easier to grind helm mats? Because that is already awfully easy.


What are the most efficient grinds for them?


I am non-sarcastically very interested in the answer. Farming Rogues just north of St. Anne and running mats back to the manufactories just south of St. Anne is extremely fast but there can always be faster.


Where is it mentioned that we will get NPCs to do it for us?


It's been mentioned by the devs that there will be some form of automation. I get the sense that they are building that system on the fly but, who knows? The core combat of this game is very fun but everything else seems tacked on and scattershot.


As a solo player I agree I call for help all the time but 9 times out of ten no one comes or I dunno so I just move on


I try to join in if I can get to them in time. I am usually just too far away to make it. Though I was in one event last night and there were 5 or 6 of us attacking. Which was nice. Typically it is either solo. Or if you are lucky enough you may get one other player to join you.


I’ve been in a few naval battles of 4 or more but they’re there for the their own gain ahah expected but I did have one guy help me on a few call outs yesterday


Not nearly enough players running around in your area for most of the content. I get notifications all of the time for things I would be more than happy to help out with. But they are clear across the map and would take me 10 minutes just to get there.


Proximity chat and server-wide chat are heavily needed, a multiplayer game that for future events requires grouping up will lose its edge fast without a means to effectively communicate, even a means to say "hey does a support want to come help with this event?" would help out immensely.


Skull and bones has a discord you can join and has a bunch of voice chats to where you can find people who’s doing the same thing


I feel this. Looking at the Season 1 features, it sure seems like we already have about 70 percent of it. However, there is a teaser for the upcoming season I came across. Southeast corner of the map, there's an outpost next to a tower that's it's own faction, and it's always hostile, and it damages you in a unique way that seems eerily close to the new boss captain.


Yea I got beamed by that Green Ooze


Dude I got hit and braced the hit then kept getting damaged and was like you wtf




Seems plausible philippe la peste means Philip the plague


Translate to the rescue. According to Google, it's either plague in French or to fish in Romanian. Idk man, I'm thinking it may be to fish.


Not sure if you're being ironic or what, but the French (La Compagnie, which is a reference to the historical French East India Company) are a faction and a huge presence in the game and in The Age of Sail in general. Trust me, it's a French captain.


No I know. I was making a joke because Google translate for some reason recognizes la peste as Romanian, and says it means to fish. But manually selecting French, it says plague.


But I must say, would be pretty funny to have a cutscene with some plague ridden captain, sitting off the stern with a pole, then absolutely losing his mind once his crew reports a sighted ship. Screaming out "I JUST WANT TO FISH!!'


Man I bet you're a blast at parties...😶


I got a furniture module from a chest (think it was one of the legendary ones) that is for fighting them forget exactly what the effect was but I think it was resistance to the poison cloud. I think it is the one pictured in the graphic.




love to slap some aluminum hull cladding on my boat to defend against \*checks notes\* the plague


I'm pretty sure that's only supposed to be available through the season pass from what I was hearing. Probably a bug you should report.


Kinda reminds me of when Marvel's Avengers was dropping gear with Cloning Lab perks despite the Cloning Lab activity not having been released yet. Turns out that activity got delayed and didn't show up for another year or so yet I had a few pieces of gear in my storage with perks for it.


I got that from a rare treasure map. I assume that without that furniture equipped, the fleet of pestilence won't have visible weakpoints


I have that also, used it for a lil bit. That extra 10% on top of other body I have was nice. I've changed my setup now though


La Potence Schematics I


There’s a tower to the south that does poison damage where you mine Magnetite


Its already been shown, one of the things shown during some of the content creators early access was fighting him, and there was new armor and I think guns too. If there were also new guns it was because he also is only weak to the new dmg type as well iirc.


If they release poison weapons, I'd think armor would have to them be a necessity, or else PVP is going to be nickelodeon slime simulator.


And with the green aoe being similar to the tan of the healing mortar and bombards...


Poison bombards and maybe mortars. I'll be using my orange ship paint for this. Gotta rep that Nickelodeon lol


It's slime time!


There's also a quest called "Foreign Menace" that spawns Sultanate of Sohar ships - and you can find some BTA ship wrecks (British Empire) in the northern open ocean. So likely teasing for the top part of the map opening up the arabian coast.


I forget who said it in the Indies, but I remember an npc saying something like, “those British ships are really doing some damage.” That’s not a direct quote, but the gist of it. It got me curious to the point where I researched all the ships in the game to see if any were British.


I certainly hope so. Sometimes I feel a little wrong for beating up on the Dutch and the French all the time.


You should never feel bad for sinking the French.


Maybe just the Dutch


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch. Don't ever feel sorry for the Dutch.


Yeah but, until they can let me side with the English, I'll be a semi-national man of little to no mystery, so I can't back that up lol


I always feel sorry for attacking my fellow dutchmen. Can’t wait to absolutely destroy English ships tho.


Sink the Opwelling a couple of times and get yourself that Dutch captain's uniform to represent your countrymen!


Wait there is a third Dutch uniform in the game?! Thanks for letting me know!!!


According to this post there is! https://www.reddit.com/r/SkullAndBonesGame/s/Xqlzzao51o Happy hunting!


If only I could.. dude absolutely destroyed me. But then again I need better gear. Passing with a newborn in the house is.. challenging.


Groovy, baby!


Read up on the dutch activities in the congo and you'll never feel bad for sinking the dutch again


Oh no I'm aware. Makes it feel awkward to use a mortar called a Leopold.


Belgian. It was the Belgian Congo.


Oops you are correct; the Dutch were in South Africa


There's also a hint that another mentioned famous character went to Arabia>!Freeman (from the investigation of the same name)!<


Also, the final rumor treasure teases the Arabian coast.


How do you get the uh quest?


It's a side quest from one of the African/open ocean areas. I think Ile Michel? That's close to where the ships spawn


Right that one, Peh ive been grinding the Helm for a while now and have some of the lower levels quests left imma do it rn and see


BTA wrecks? where did you find em exactly?


They're in one of the random atolls around the northern open ocean. There are BTA and Sohar wrecks on a single circlet


They may only spawn when you have the quest to sink sohar ships.


Yeah I saw that, too!


I hope they give us weapons that deal poison like that… gonna be fucking wild. green gas explosions from a bombard 😏😏🥵


Caught me off guard, and gassed me to death. Came back, blew up the tower of ooz, and all seemed ok.


Same here. I attack it every time I'm down there. Just because. First time it got me, I was looting the shipwrecks and it decided my ship would look better green.


Yep, that was an intentional setup by Ubi. Those two ships in the nook glimmering with treasure lol.


Little tricksters I tell ya


That must be one of the better parts of being a Dev. Knowing you’re going to mess some people up when they fall for it. It would be for me. 😂


Same here. I'd love to be able to hide surprises in games like that.


Yup you experienced it, his special weapon you can earn from killing him is a mortar that does dot to stamina, great for killing snows in pvp


The faction is something like "Fleet of Pestilence", it's clearly something accidentally left in to do with La Peste's content, yes.


Idk if accidentally, or purposefully, as a teaser.


There is like a 99% chance it was an accident, lol. The game is very clearly a feature-stripped version of what we are planned to get after the seasons are over.


Its definitely not an accident, the investigation ambush mentions it and how every ship was sunk and the place is 'cursed'. So I'd wager 99% that it isnt an accident given its mentioned in the connected investigation.


Ambush doesn't mention it. Ambush says "the DMC set a trap". And specifically mentions "fire and brimstone rained down upon us". Which is literally the DMC trademark carcass shot description (the type of ammunition the Leopold uses). Not a poisonous gas cloud like the Pestilence tower uses.


That tower is related to one of the rumor quests. Ambush! I think.


Maybe not ambush. I haven't done all of the investigations, but I've done ambush, and it didn't send me there. I came across that tower just sailing around. Must be one of the ones I haven't completed yet.


Ambush sends you to dutchman camp and the shipwreck next to the tower, when you finish the investigation it mentions that the area around the watchtower is cursed.


Oh ok I gotcha. I did a handful of investigations all at once so it got a little fuzzy


Yeah I got hit by it took me off guard I let out a yell that I'm not to proud of


Yep, encountered that myself and my Brig nearly got one-shot. Pretty neat.


It was an interesting experience.


Hopefully there is more, I felt a little baited during the beta. The map appeared as if there was so much more content to uncover, did not realize I would be endgame by beta end.


Imma be honest, if nothing really changes in the endgame, im quitting this game until the 2nd season. Im already bored and just doing chores basically. I wish we could get better gear with FIGHTING and grinding bosses, events and so on. Why not make the Po8 drop by certain endgame bosses and activities? Like raiding a rogue fortress, rogue bosses and so on? All this Helm stuff just feels like a mobile idle game.


that's because it probably didn't exist until sometime in the last year, when they realized they needed to make endgame systems and that it was faster, easier, and cheaper to make some menus and timers than it was to make actual gameplay systems. This was a 4v4 arena deathmatch game for like half its dev cycle.


4vs4 arena was always supposed to be a Mode as a vehicle to show off your PvE ships and builds though. Hopefully it will still be put in.


We don’t know what the content is actually going to look like. It can either be completely new gameplay features or the same stuff we have now with 1-2 more steps. I agree that if it’s the same stuff we have now, just rehashed, t will disappointing. We will have to wait and see.


I honestly don’t think things like the takeover opportunities are going to change at all for the season, but I guess I could be wrong.


Introduction of peste and "new takeover opportunities" make me think a new section of map. new monster. new ship parts.


No new section of map. Highly unlikely. The arabian coast will have its own season. And that’s the only major area we can clearly see should be part of the game


Faction convoys I would assume are Pestilence Fleet convoys with their respective armaments (there is already a landing bridge in the batavia reef if you want to sniff the green poison) Big version of Tylosaurus sounds fun, the current babyboi is more of a tutorial pushover. "new takeover opportunities" I would hope "new" is the key word here. with "hostile takeover / legendary heist" indicating that both PvP and PvE takeovers get new targets. New takeover targets automatically means new territory to control, so this is a bit of "lets make this one feature sound like two" marketing speak. all in all not too much for twelve weeks, so I can see how people who need constant feed of content will leave after first week.


The cannon at the bottom isn't in the game right now. It looks like a Carronade, which was shown in a video Ubisoft uploaded a month ago detailing endgame content. If they make it anything based on reality, a Carronade was a short-medium range, short barreled, big bore cannon. It just fires an absolutely massive cannon ball.


speaking of cannons just me that is irritated by tiny stubby ones we got that don't even protrude out the gun ports? like seriously wouldn't there be internal damage from the concussive blast of a cannon going of with the muzzle inside the ship?


They didn’t stick out very far because of the base, and roller system they were on. That’s fairly accurate historically the way they are projected in the game in that respect. Remember the recoil had to roll them backwards to reload, and they’d be held by natural fiber ropes. You would’ve wanted that process to go as quickly as possible. Another thing to note was that most pirates favored medium sized ships like we see now over larger ships with a few exceptions. They usually didn’t have cannons below deck at all. There simply wasn’t room.


Pretty cool short read if the link will go through. http://thepirateempire.blogspot.com/2014/01/pirate-cannons-and-how-they-work.html?m=1#:~:text=Range%20could%20be%20up%20to,gun%20deck%20with%20gun%20ports.


Kind of disappointing that we aren’t getting a new ship in season one


We are, the barque will come season 1. Looks similar to the Snow but different rigging on the back mast, a crane and the support role. You can see it if you look at the endgame preview videos


Oh, OK thanks for clarifying that. I’m just looking forward to when we finally get some bigger ships such as the frigate which I’m pretty sure is used by the privateers.


Yeah I agree, unfortunately I doubt we will be seeing them before season 2 at least, likely even 3 or all the way to 4. The 3 ships I've seen so far are the Frigate, Brig and Galleon or whatever the name is of essentially the 3 masted Dutch snow.


the ship people keep calling a privateer frigate sure just looks like a Snow with the model scaled up and some extra gunport textures on the side. Am I missing something?


Yeah the privateer ship is a frigate. The oversized snow as I called it is not the privateer vessel, it's the biggest ship the Dutch have in-game and I'm guessing that would be classified as galleon or maybe war-fluyt or something like that, I'm not sure


The barge is already in game. It's before the sloop on the ships list. I sailed around in it for a bit.


My bad, I meant barque, not barge


I was kinda hoping for a xebec and a junk, respectively. :(


Definitely agree with the junk, but still hopeful they may add it in S3 since the elite captain will be Chinese as well so could be good timing As for the xebec I also don't think all hope is lost, but perhaps higher chance in S1/2 as after that I feel like it may be time for large ships which will likely mean less or even no medium ships anymore


Im worried that we are going to get disappointed


Philippe La Peste, Factional convoys, Territory Control, King Tylosaurus and new takeover opportunities.


Is Season 1 content still playable if you were to pick the game up today? Or does all Season content disappear once a new season launches?


I think we just have to wait and see. I will say the latest 2 patches have surprised me. I was expecting poor customer service so this is nice


La peste will be available. We currently don’t have faction specific convoys(dmc only) another monster to hunt, as for the territory control that seems to me like it’ll change which ships are predominantly in the area.


We have a french convoy as well. It is called “The Colonial Shipment”


congratulations , you've just realise that they removed and reduced content from the base launch to have things for upcoming seasons


I actually said the exact opposite but okay.


Duh... A paid for season pass... obviously... Say what? you paid $70 for the game already?


Citation needed.




Maybe you got downvoted for your tone.




Yea, and you'll rarely hit.


They'll add more coin grabbing locations and paid for cosmetics. That will be the continued focus of this game. It's nothing more than a mobile game that should be free to play, and will likely go free to play in a year or less.


To each their own on the cosmetics. It doesn’t add anything, but flair. I would be against it if it were P2W.


Agreed. Just frustrating for them to call it AAAA Game to make you think it's more than a AAA when it's not. Although AAAA could be a new term for shitty mobile game.


Your forgetting new ship, weapons, and furniture. All of which I assume will be centered around poison.


What's launching is the a drop in the playerbase when they realize they have already played most of a game that was in development for this long.


I mean, read the text on the image. New stuff we dont have: Faction convoys, Territory Control, Tylosaurus legendary sea monster and the Phillipe Le Peste legendary boss fight event. Along with whatever else the battle pass/seasonal content will end up being.


I want to know what are these faction convoys.


Season 2 is when it gets good. Season 1 is just to add some stuff to keep it going it looks like.


We have the territory control, takeovers and faction convoys. We are technically in Season 1 for the empire stuff. Don't expect anything different in those regards, but the other stuff will come when the battle pass is released.


Looks like the philippe fight the big sea monster boss and season exclusive rewards but if a dry season hope the bosses aren’t slow to spawn


Diddly squat


Does anyone know when season 1 is supposed to release


27th feb


I don't know if it was accidently,Otherwise that rumor quest was asswell .the one to go there for a missing schip thats now a wreck nearby the plague area.


Looks like a battle with some goober named "Philippe La Peste", faction convoys, a kingpin tylosaurus, some kind of territory control, new takeover opportunities, both hostile and legendary heists, a new gun, furniture, and ship cosmetic(s). Seems pretty clear to me idk. :/


Dig the Philippe fit


Will our current characters be used and kept or is a season like No Man's Sky or Diablo 4 where the character starts fresh?


One boss basically 


The real important addition Color options on all clothing, and crew shanties not stopping ever unless out of stamina.


I know they want to maintain the "open seas" buuut..... Battle/Event queue and/or LFG As barebones as this game is right now, it doesn't seem like a group finder or event queue would be difficult to implement. Summon aa group to the nearest port and start a countdown to combat? Let us queue for an event with a public notification to join and start the timer... idk y'all I'm just spit-balling here


It would be nice to have 2 solid friends to group up with, I can play at work and my schedule 9-5 is this game but I am basically crippled if I can't get two team members to help go up the ladder.


Nothing. We’ll get a new 7 mission story line, and some cosmetics. They cash grabbed then dipped. 10 year development and we got 2 story lines and end game territories. What a joke.


Death. Death is launching with season 1. Of y'all haven't been to the South-Eastern-most island, which is east of Grand Falaise and currently had no markers, go check it out. CAREFULLY. Don't loot the shipwrecks. 


Anyone else think the ‘Healer’ ship is a bit rubbish especially given the complaints re lack of end game ships.  The healing effects could have been done via a furniture or armour.  Either a super speedy/manoeuvrable  high dps, mid health but low cargo frigate with extra broadside port or 2nd aux in lieu of stern weapon spot or a tank of a ship that can actually take a massive beating would of been better.