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Imo the default is "You want to get in? You spend the candle." It's just good manners, I think. But at the same time, I have plenty to not care about having spent, idk 30 or so total over the years to take some people in. However if they are being annoying and persisting on me buying them in I will make it a point to not do it.💀 Otherwise it just depends on what mood I'm in.


Just do evil laugh emote to rude players lol


Perfectly normal. Some people are just nice to other people and they enjoy doing that...some people will even give you IAP for free just because you mention you want them lol. So I'd like to think that if they have no issue with it and aren't pressured in "losing" things, then let them do what they want haha. Accepting is another form of kindness after all.


Wow really? Thanks for the tip. I will now cry about wanting IAPs to strangers 🤣 (Im kidding) but yes it is rude to refuse a gift


done this but with the nintendo cape whenever i find a moth repeatedly weeping at the entrance. lol


Considering the candle amount some of us older players have, 5-6 candles is literally nothing. Like spending pocket lint. If they initiate the spending don't sweat it.


depends on the person, imo its not a huge deal as long as both sides of the party agrees with it. Its not a huge amount of candles and as you mentioned, they have the beta cape so theres a chance that they dont have anything to do with their candles as a vet. One person or the other would’ve likely initiated the friending process eventually, it just so happened that the beta cape person did it. It was a kind gesture from them and i doubt they felt unhappy with the transaction. Probably also gained a few light buddies as a result of the friending too


I don't think it's that deep tbh, it's really just a matter of whoever gets the white candle out first, they could also have a lot of excess candles that they wanna use


Ah it is a "its not that deep" moment lol


I’ve had it in other situations where once I’ve offered to friend someone the other person then offered to unlock high five so that each of us had spent the same amount to make the connection. As others have mentioned though friending is always personal choice on who offers but for something like the office I would agree the asker should be the one to offer.


for me, it's a non-verbal communication thing; like an unspoken rule. That skykid is doing you a favor. You were the one asking for it, so have some humility. If the other one insists, that's okay! But still, you must at least show your gratitude and appreciation towards that person for doing you something without anything in return. This type of communication might be subjective depends on the settings. In reality, that may seem like disrespectful or arrogant to other people, esp in Asia based on my experiences; hence this conversation. So, it varies on what type of people whom grown in different cultures and levels of communication. Regardless, you could show your appreciation in many different ways. That's what matters


I think it's pretty nice they did that lol. When I was a moth doing that I didn't understand, I thought I was like, staff only. Then someone ran up and through, and then I spawned into a crowd of screaming moths, with beta(?) people on the other side. It was absolute chaos and there was no one being helped. Sometimes one of the betas would come out and a massive crown would swarm them and beep. No help ensued. I'm not proud to admit it took me about 15 minutes and 6 of those beta trips to realize they were waiting for us to friend them XD. So unneeded story for small opinion, maybe it's to reduce time? If their an older player they probably have candles to spare anyway, so why wait around for dumb moths for 3yrs?


Today, I was at the 4 person door on the first floor of the vault and was going to chibi into the area when I saw 2 skyds that wanted in. We waited for a while and then I friended them and took them through. I had no problem using the candles to help them .. they were both so happy, it was worth it. I agree with you in theory but some players just don't know what to do in a situation like that. If you're not able to give on the front end, send them a heart when you can as a thanks. You did the right thing OP, it was very thoughtful.


I think it’s important to consider that you (as the person without the IAP cape) wouldn’t know whether the other person has it. So you could end up friending that person and it turning out that they don’t have the cape. Whereas if you were the person with the cape, it’s easier to tell who doesn’t.


Personally I carry a table with me when heading to office just incase I run into any players wanting in then I send them friend codes so neither of us waste candles


I think it's fair, but it's best not to overthink it. To me 1-2 candles wouldn't be a problem, if there were 6 players that I had to bring in then maybe I would prefer that they were the ones to pay the candle, but overall it's not a big deal I'd agree with it more when it comes to heart trading when we don't have high five unlocked. The person that wants to heart trade should be the one to buy the upgrade, unless I know them and they are broke on candles Also the way I see it is that if the stranger offers the cansle then they for sure are fine with helping, no putting them in a corner where they might feel obligated to accept the candle, but that's just my point of view


I guess if you want to get someone with the beta cape to friend you you must at least give them a heart or something to compensate for it. Unlock all the nodes and stuff but make sure u don't go in with an empty pocket lol


I have the cape, wanna be my friendo?


I got the cape last night. I offered the candle and a very nice dude let me in. Not sure who it was but they have a cool motorcycle thing built with furniture right inside the office. I wanted to return the favor to some strangers so lingered around for awhile but no one else showing up at the entrance seemed to have any interest going inside.