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I hope I am understanding this correctly.


closing the app does prevent the damage


Technically correct


Haha I knew it, I got the joke 10 seconds later


Lol Noooooo!




Remember the 5 D's of dodgeball: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.


No it's Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Don't throw the ball unless you're one of the sporty kids you lazy sack of flour. That last one won't help for krill tho.




I heard you could put down a tent. I don't know where you can get a tent though. I just find it funny that if you have a tent on your back and get attacked, you can plop it down and the krill will be all "Wait, where did that person go?"


There's at least one tent available from the treehouse spirit in the forest realm, it costs hearts 


I head they patched that? Like I know it used to work but heard it doesnt work anymore. But I've not tried it lol


Pretty sure they patched that. Props used to be able to block krill attack and also used to break krill line of sight and hide us from krill. It was there for months after TGC patched home trick, then they decided to [patch it also at one point in 2022.](https://thatgamecompany.helpshift.com/hc/en/17-sky-children-of-the-light/faq/938-patch-notes---august-17-2022---0-18-5-198405-ios-199070-android-198186-huawei-197821-switch) "Resolved a bug causing placeable items to block damage and hide avatars from Dark Dragons." That's why I've taken up learning how to dodge krill and care less about losing winged lights. There's only one krill in the crab field so that one get abused a lot by sky kids learning how to dodge lol. EDIT: I just remembered dragging your sky kid feet then tap the sit emote to lie down to sink your sky kid into the ground still works. Can only do it on touchscreen I think, so doesn't work for PC. 🤔


I can use spells I've horded from days of mischief to hide in the sand. NOTE does not work when going thru shallow water or are too close to said water.... or such. That krill at crab field is a mf. I'm real cautious as my friend has a habit of attracting him when we really shouldn't. But since you mentioned he gets abused no wonder he hates us hahahahaha. My other friend said exit/lock phone works. As for PC I am at a loss. Just get stealthy hahaha. It's all I can do so far


If you play on mobile, lock your phone.


If you don’t want to quit out I recommend learning to dodge. Good places to practice include the krill at the entrance to forgotten ark and the one in shipwreck (be careful not to accidentally lead the krill to anyone else!) and remember you can still quit out when practicing to avoid losing light. For the one in shipwreck I recommend bringing a light prop (the one in ark you can just use clouds if you prefer). There are videos showing how to do it, but when starting out the basic premise is fly away in open wing mode and barrel roll to the side a LOT at the last second. I’ve seen people dodge them on the ground but I don’t really get how they do that so I’ve not included it here, but you can look that up too if you want.


I once saw someone using the spinning emote while flying. It made them immediately drop straight down (while spinning). That made it possible to get away from the krill attack fast


I heard that if you put a cake down the Krill will go for the cake. Krills LOVE cake.🎂😂