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Joey’s not with this world anymore, dude. R.I.P.


I mean, wouldn’t it be super cool to have a ghost drumming? Not to talk Slipknot politics, but I’ll take a ghost drummer (granted he’s good) over Joey or Jay any day.


Yes indeed


Slipknot politics lmao😂😂 but you're right, some people take "Slipknot politics" too seriously


That's more Slipknot than I could think of.


I wish the OG Nine were all still alive and together. 🥺


Fr they had something no other band members could replicate


Aye. V-Man and Tortilla are great replacements (and I'm still eh on the replacement for Craig), but they don't have whatever it was that the OG Nine shared.


Ya there chemistry was unmatched


3 was awesome onstage, sorely missed


As a fan from the beginning, it sucks and im sad that its only 5/9


0 and 4?


The good ole days.


Chris fucking Fehn deserves that Grammy of best metal performance


Two of my favorite members, Imo slipknot ain't slipknot without them + Paul & craig


100% loved joey sososo much. such a horrible way to die :( joey is and always will be my favourite drummer.


We all do!


Joey will be missed but I never gave a fuck about Chris.




I think everyone (especially those who wanna shit on the group) kinda overestimates Chris being in the band. He was great onstage but that's about it.




bc they were the shit 😭


chris was a percussionist, which lets be real, was never actually important to the band. him and sid and shawn fucked off. a lot. he added nothing of substance. neither does the new guy. joey was good, and absolutely needed for the time but he was not a seasoned drummer in the sense that he couldnt keep time at all. he ALWAYS played way too fast or later songs were slower cause he blew his load and he was not as technical or proficient as jay. jay is far and away the better drummer of the two, but joey's style WORKED far better for the band in the early days. though live, he was all over the place time wise which is annoying. and i know the band hated it cause theyve commented on how overly fast the opening songs were cause joey couldnt chill out and manage his nerves. many musicians have this problem (i did for years) but at the scale they were at, joey should've learned. in reality, losing them lost nothing except nostalgia. edit-instead of downvoting, engage in a conversation and explain how im wrong cause, thats all fact. edit 2-10 downvotes and not one valid argument lol


Chris was the fucking man, he was legendary. It's not about his importance. He was one of the few members that actually was a cool character and actually just made Slipknot a bit more badass. That's what I think. People miss him/care about him because the person he was.


Also the backing vocals tortilla cannot replicate.




Joey definitely was a seasoned drummer


seasoned meaning he had never gained control over nerves and couldnt ever calm down or maintain through a show. it was always too fast or too slow. all gas and no breaks and not in a good way. there are hundreds of videos backing this up online. never said he wasnt good. absolutely perfect for the raw sound they needed and were going for but jay is still the better drummer regardless if people like it or not.


I saw Joey with Sinsaenum and Slipknot and didn’t notice him go out of time once. As opposed to Jay who can’t even run through the double bass section of disasterpiece without doing a linear fill to keep time. I have a video of him getting raw dogged by tempo. At the same time though, you’re saying nobody’s providing any good arguments yet you’ve failed to explain how Jay is more “technical” (seems to be a buzzword at this point) All you’ve said is that he struggled with tempo (????)


L opinion


How was percussion not important to the band? The extra percussion was important albeit obviously not the main act. He and Shawn and what they did in the band was also part of the spectacle, which is arguably of equal importance as that kinda stuff made them blow up. Chris was an iconic member of the band and it went beyond the music. Joey wasn't the best drummer in the world but he was good (as you said) and honestly everything post Joey hasn't been as good or raw. Thats what made early Slipknot so good. That's not on Jay but the band. Also the new guy can't jerk off his own nose lol. Also, hating on Sid?...bruh The band was never overly technical. They were raw, passionate, and angry as hell. Hitting kegs with a bat kind of exemplified that.


The percussion was for the specific sound they we're going for.


Every ‘fact’ you’ve given is why Slipknot was Slipknot and not some other run of the mill band…


Chris not only had the most iconic mask but provided the best backing vocals his and corey’s voice blended very well in live shows


No downvote from me


sadly jay is now gone


im sorry, what happened to chris?


Got the boot for filing a lawsuit suggesting corey and clown hid money from the rest of the band