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Sid always had a fresh idea. Joey kept things interesting with a simple concept. Paul & Craig kinda ran out of ideas after Iowa. Chris didn't try to fix what wasn't broken. Jim & Mick have just coasted on slight changes the whole time, and it worked. Clown I feel like wasted his potential. And Corey's been either a huge hit or a huge miss from album to album.


Clown has had some of the best changes. The brain exposed and gashes in Iowa. Sub verses bandages. The creepy torn mouth skin mask. He has had so many that always seem to be so different but also undeniably him. Weird that people say clown hasn’t done much when Chris Craig and Mick literally did nothing to theirs haha


TESF era mask was corey best mask since vol 3


Id say since AHIG. Idk if thats the norm but thats a top 3 corey mask for me.


Yeah I agree 100%


Corey always tries the most stuff but I would argue half of them are terrible


Which ones don't you like? Only misses in my opinion were the WANYK (which was a really good idea, just had execution) and his TESF one with the top cut off.




For me it's Chris or Jim for the worst mask evolution lmao. Corey had some bad ones too...


corey wanyk and that one memorial one he had were abysmal


Corey’s I got stung by a bunch of African wasps mask


Yup..that was raising a lot of wtf's..😂


That Corey WANYK mask had some great moments but when it looked bad it looked BAD. Though it looked ghastly when he stitched up the cheeks. Wish that one stuck around longer. I wasn’t a fan of baseball face Corey.


Lol I love that milk jug mask 😋 The only mask I didn't like at all was all hope is gone spot mask 🤮




Memorial one?


What memorial mask


forgot to add a question mark, I'm wondering what he's talking about


They did like a self titled throwback show in 2011ish abd corey had a throwback dummy head mask that looked and fit so awfully




Can't forget the jellyfish mask


I really don't know what them men were thinking...


The concept was really good, it just got executed poorly


That's molding for you, any intricate design can turn it to crap like a tattoo kind of.


The main issue was the material used and the fact that Corey lost weight between the making of the mask and the 1st time he used it


Yeah made him look bloated lol


Such a shame, the mask was legit sooo cool when he fixed it for 2020 EU tour. If it wasn't for Covid, we would've seen this version much more and ppl would appreciate the concept way more than they do now


Yeah he should have came back with it in 2022 but he had other plans tbh I love/hate the 2022 mask it makes him look like a turtle the more I look at it. The first time I saw it I'm like that reminds me of the movie 9. And then after that, it just looked more and more like a turtle


Craig. The helmet to the bondage hood was fine, but then he made the nails comically long for Vol. 3, and they just got longer. Then add in the goofy sculpt he started using from AHiG on. I did like the Mohawk pattern from WANYK though.


Legit looked like an antenna at one point.


0: Sid can do no wrong. Even if you don't like one particular mask, give it ten minutes and he'll come up with a bonkers new concept. After all, he's the only guy that has ever incorporated digital and animatronic effects. 1: Joey's mask was fairly stable and nothing special, but it sure suited him. And, fittingly, he peaked with his AHIG crown of thorns mask - his last variation up there among the best of the band's history. 2: Paul. I assume he wanted to double down on the pig thing and would have [done great things with that concept](https://www.reddit.com/r/Slipknot/comments/qyq761/paul_gray_modern_mask_concept/), but dropped it for whatever reason (lawsuit from Mushroomhead according to legend, which there is no evidence for and would be silly if true). His masks were fine, no real evolution here or there. 3: Chris. Fine, stuck with the concept which was a very recognisable part of Slipknot. I absolutely hated it when he went for a spell without the hood and just wore the mask, though. It was like seeing a guy in the office put on his usual shirt and blazer for work, but couldn't be bothered to change out of his jeans. 4: Jim's evolution is up their with the worst, because he's stated that he HATES wearing the mask and has been turning it into 'as little as I can get away with' ever since. I loved his AHIG mask, but everything else has been 'meh'. That said, I can't blame the guy for wanting to highlight his stunning beard and gorgeous locks. 5: Craig. Putting aside the brief "helmet" era at the beginning, the spikey mask simply went through variations of being shit. The only reason it isn't top of the pile for two reasons: (1) it instantly tells you everything you need to know about how approachable he is, and (2) you've got to give credit to a Slipknot member who is that dedicated to wearing the most uncomfortable mask imaginable. 6: Clown is an interesting one. When he's on, he's on. When he's off... I dunno, we get whatever the fuck his .5 Grey Chapters were. The WANKY masks were pretty terrible too. But I cut him some slack, because the West German mask was literally the pinnacle of it all and at least he plays around. 7: Mick. What the hell do you say about Mick. To his face, nothing. On Reddit, maybe at least play with the mask material/colour/texture a little? Nobody disagrees that the design itself isn't perfect. 8: Corey. Corey, Corey, Corey. Albums 1-3 were peak. Not just peak Corey, peak Band-As-A-Whole, Then you just did a speedrun to the very bottom of everyone's least favourite masks. Hit rock bottom with whatever that WANKY nonsense was, made us think "oh thank fuck he's pulling it back" with the End mask before chopping the top off to show us your broccolli hair. But then you've got the latest '99 reunion mask which might be the best thing ever, so maybe Corey isn't the worst evolution but the biggest in terms of peaks and troughs. ------------ BONUS Tortilla: Fucking killing it. Genuinely, my pick for the best mask evolution ever and he even STARTED brilliant. Jay: Definitely an upward trajectory from the 'newby' mask he was given! Vman: FUCK YES. I absolutely love this broken Grecian warrior concept!


Jays monster mask was easily my favourite mask to come from the newer lineup and same with tortillas devil horns mask and that jester sorta look he had going during TESF. Eloy’s mask is pretty cool for simplicity’s sake I think, pretty cool starting mask compared to jays or tortilla when they first joined


I think Craig… it went from cool and creepy to looking like it kinda just lacked any thought


The newer masks just ended up looking like a Spongebob sea urchin






What evolution




It ain't broke don't fix it


kinda off-topic but i REALLY hate when corey cuts his mask to let his hair go through (asides from the first 3 album cycles) it ALWAYS makes him look like he belongs in a boy band


He only did it with his TESF mask. Vol.3, AHIG, .5 and WANYK were all initially made with his hair uncovered. It’s really uncomfortable to wear the mask over long hair anyways


I didn't see Chris complain (he had long hair under his masks since at least Vol. 3 if not earlier.


Chris and Corey aren't the same person


Actually, i remember back in 2014-15 somewhere on Facebook a guy who was lucky to attend one of the band M&Gs wrote the whole post about how he talked to Chris and Chris complained about constant headaches because of tight mask over his hair. Guess what? Very soon Chris was wearing his mask without the hood covering his hair. As soon as Chris got his hair cut short, the tight hood returned. At the beginning, when Jim just joined the band, he cut his hair. What was he wearing at the time? Bondage hood At the beginning of Vol.3 and AHIG eras Clown used hoods/tight masks over his hair and always ended up letting his hair out. I guess over the years more than one member had issues with having long hair under tight masks. Almost each time the had to find a solution either by cutting the hair or cutting the mask


in terms of “evolution” mick by a country mile lol. i like it tho so i’m not mad


Craig 'cause always wear the same mask only changing the long from the spikes


personally for me jim because i prefer is S/T and Iowa jester compared to the one he wears during gray chapter and after. Do i hate it with my gut no just a little disappointed now the worst mask of them all WANYK Coreys. Bro looks like he munches on glizzys for about 6 years


The worst was the Sonisphere/Paul tribute tour mask


Maybe Shawn's or Corey's


Corey had dips, but his mask from TESF and the 25th anniversairy are top tier imo.










His newer ones for the last two albums were just mid or awful. Like the sparkly one for the end so far just looked like something a “luxury head” would by at balenciaga despite it looking like it was made in an arts and crafts kids studio. Clown’s We are not your kind was just boring masks, and was later adapted by adding some shiny stuff to it for the next album. Though, before those two, they were amazing.


At least he’s trying different stuff. Having no mask evolution is way worse than having a few bad masks out of a plethora of incredible ones.


I thought vol 3 was lazy and agog is the worse and I thought it was the worst slipknot mask until the last 2 but the new one from the new era it awesome




Probably Clown. Some of his masks weren’t the best


Either Clown or Craig. Craig's mask on ST was nearly perfect imo, and then Iowa was that final push that the mask needed to be absolutely perfect. After Iowa though he started making the nails WAY too long and it just started to look goofy (TESF Mohawk mask was kinda cool tho). Now in my opinion, Clown hasn't had many good masks since ST. The devil Clown mask on Iowa was way too much, the weird bandage mask just didn't work, the black leather bondage clown just sucks, and every single half mask Clown wears just doesn't work on him.


Mick. Never really changes much


in his own words "Why fix what isn't broken?"


If only the whole band thought like Mick.


Mick. Barely any changes






jim tbh, just not a fan of the mouth being cut off. after jim would be craig fs, idk they nailed the iowa craig iconic mask but after that it looks like a mask youll see in a porno magazine with a bunch of nails, i bit too dead, loved the iowa one fucking menacing!


Jim reportedly absolutely hated wearing the full mask, so there’s that.


he said rhat about iowa and st im pretty sure, im not sure if he hated or loved vol 3 and ahig.


Def Shawn


I don't look at them "like this" but there have been a few I've really liked at different times (#3 Green / #6 Silver) i wouldn't say anyone who isn't wearing them can say a whole lot - but I'm glad they change often


Clown and Taylor never liked clowns disco mask




in terms of “evolution” mick by a country mile lol. i like it tho so i’m not mad


Actually think they could lose the masks. Here for the music.


Craig, Chris, Mick and Jim masks have always barely evolved. They never even tried. So many missed opportunities to make amazing masks.


sid only 3 are good




Craig, 1000000%




None 🤘🏻


Clowns were mixed across the years imo. Apart from that, probably Sid’s as nothing really topped the gas mask era for me


Clowns masks across WANYK and TESF were awful; and his Vol 3 and AHIG masks weren’t really that good either and I find the Iowa clown mask to be kind of overly edgy. I really think ST, .5, and the current Anniversary masks are his top tier.


Jim for sure. I loved the old jester mask


Corey. It went from awesome to even more awesome to blah to even more blah and even more blah. Until this newest mask where it became awesome again.


Sid imo. I like that he goes unique and full wacky, but I hate how different he looks to the rest of the band with a completely different costume and masks that don't even look scary, more sci-fi techno.


i like micks mask because it stayed relatively the same. i don't really like Corey's gray chapter mask as well as his WANYK mask




Corey, Clown


Jim. Not really a fan of his masks post AHIG. His Vol 3 and AHIG masks were also a bit weaker than his ST and Iowa masks


To me Jim Root




Corey, no hesitation


Mick or craig. Micks hasn’t changed since 04 and Craig’s just ended up looking like a bowling ball


Corey just for the piece of plastic he wrapped around his head and then wore a gaiter over. By far the most laziest mask of them all. All of his other masks were dope. Especially his new one.




Mick. They all look 90 percent identical to previous ones.


i know this isn’t the question but i think alessandro has the best mask


Prob Corey but the new mask is fire I also love the TESF mask but WANYK mask and the TGC mask I didn’t like that much Iowa and st masks are the best mask but I’d honestly say Corey and it’s cool that he’s going back to the old mask


I’m sad to say it but mick, you can’t really even tell the difference between some of them


Clown should have just pulled a mick and very slightly tweaked his original mask for every album cycle


Craig. After Iowa the sculpt of the mask just looked so goofy the shape of it looked like a bowling ball and the nails were just stupidly long. His ST and Iowa mask were freaky lookin then after that just looked goofy.


Jim 😭 HE HAD THE BEST GOD DAM MASK the others were good but the one now and some of his others are bad


Definitely Jim in my opinion. ST and early Iowa were great. Late Iowa, Vol 3, and AHIG were too uncanny to be cool. Gray Chapter, WANYK, TESF, and the anniversary masks were good


for me it's probably Jim, his early Jester mask is still one of my favorites. Although i don't think you can blame the guy for not wanting to wear a mask like that with how much hair and beard he's grown




Clown and Corey have the most misses for me, personally. Corey's Grey Chapter and WANYK masks were terrible (though his WANYK mask looked good with the collar over it in Unsainted, and was very much improved with the cutting and stitching). But I think overall, Clown's had my least favorite masks. His first two are iconic, and his AHIG one was rad, but the rest were awful or unmemorable. Overall, those two change their looks the most (outside of Sid, but his always hit), and they both have my favorite ones and my least favorite ones.


Clown honestly. Yes the first one was a store bouhgt mask but it was pretty much making a mark. The Iowa mask with the exposed brain was epic. The bloody clown from Vol. 3 was terrifying in its own way. And then it just went downhill from there. Apart from that melted s/t mask he wore once none of them do anything for me lately.


Corey’s vol 3 mask is the most iconic to me. Like half his masks look bad to me.


Mick, nothing changed.




Clown. AHIG was his peak with the SM mask, after that it went downhill.


Corey, I love only his masks from the first two albums.


It's a tie between Corey and Sid


Craig and mick in my opinion have the best evolution, mick kept the same idea after s/t and made it better, craig also kept the spikes idea(needles) and made it better it was obviously kinda uncomfortable because of the built up sweat and rusting needles. But the worst evolution, again, in my opinion is corey.


Craig....sorry bruh


Clown 100% His masks post .5 are fucking horrible


I think Corey's 2008 mask is the worst




Tbf, Mick and Craig are truly what kept everyone’s masks iconic for me. I think Jim’s mask is what does the for me though. It’s cool, but since it’s not insanely iconic, the differences in each album doesn’t do it for me.


Probably already been said but Vman's masks after the gray chapter are horrible.


Corey’s newest is awesome


Craig, anything past iowa looked ass and the WANYK look very bad


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SlipKnotscummin: *Craig, anything past* *Iowa looked ass and the* *WANYK look very bad* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Craig's masks post Iowa were just a miss for me. I still wish he could've had something from someone like Bob Basset


Honestly, the only masks I really enjoyed were Corey's later ones, especially the 2008/2009/2012 masks


Mick Thomson


Maybe its just me but ST-Iowa James' mask is my favourite. I know his later masks are more known but to me he looked amszing back then


i think its craig, it looked evil during self titled and iowa, and since vol. 3 it has gone downhill..


I think evolution-wise, Chris and Mick changed/evolved the least. But I really think Jim’s masks have been the least inventive across the board


Obviously Craig But also Sid


Sid had cool mask but once Paul died and he went back to bcd gas mask it kinda went downhill


Mick, Jim, or Chris


Corey has only gotten worse since self titled and maybe Vol. 3 + AHIG


Nah, last 2 has been insane.


No wayyy. His 2016 .5 was good, the wanyk became really cool during 2020 and everything after Covid was top tier


Worst evolution of masks is as follows in order; Paul Joey Chris Craig


y joey


Cause he was the second to exit the band.