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Thank you for submitting to /r/SmallYTChannel. You have spent 2λ to submit here, making your current balance 0λ. /u/Ars3ne_Lup1n, please comment `!givelambda` to the most helpful advice you are given. For more information, read the [FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/) ##Video data: **Field**|**Data** :-|:- Title|I talk about netflix's 'SPACEMAN' Thumbnail|[Link](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8i0YZmwOu20/hqdefault.jpg) Views|6 Length|25:00 Likes|0 Comments|0 Description|god damn this movie was good.⤶I will make a vow right here: wait actually I don't know.⤶But One day I will talk about SNL, Sandler, Farley, Spade, Sneider, Nealon, Dennis Miller (miller is such a common last name) Chase.... and of course Norm.⤶I only really know about Norm, and I know a lot. Still not enough to say I know him well though. ##Channel Data: **Field**|**Data** :-|:- Name|MojoSpy Thumbnail|[Link](https://yt3.ggpht.com/BBHxJgbyWtXaZcuxK7fCUY8xy4tOTsS2EqcgvVdz8ybpwPPUZOtioI7PYo7uHbZGmx1cpaPO=s800-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj) Subscribers|1 Videos|5 Views|758 ^/u/SmallYTChannelBot ^*made* ^*by* ^/u/jwnskanzkwk. ^*Message* ^*@eden#7623* ^*for* ^*bug* ^*reports.* ^*For* ^*more* ^*information,* ^*read* ^*the* ^[FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/)


If you invest into better equipment you 100 can, you can also play with settings to improve the mic you already have. Simple Settings you can play around with the make sound better - lower input levels in 'control panel' > 'sounds' > 'recording' > then pick your microphone, you will have to talk closer to your mic but the mic will pick up less of the background noise, if you notice pods and stuff they always have the mic up close to their mouth for a reason - add filters to your mic in the recording software you use, a compressor, noise gate, noise supression, a combination there of - use audio filtering audio software, audacity is a good free one, most editors have some level of audio editing built in aswell Also most talking people still edit out a lot of stuff for pacing, and to make the video flow smoother. Stuff like mistakes or fiddling with your thoughts. A raw one take type of thing can work, but cutting it would appeal to more people.


Thank you! I will look into those techniques. !givelambda


You have given /u/UnpoppableBalloons 1λ. /u/UnpoppableBalloons now has 994λ ^/u/SmallYTChannelBot ^*made* ^*by* ^/u/jwnskanzkwk. ^*Message* ^*@eden#7623* ^*for* ^*bug* ^*reports.* ^*For* ^*more* ^*information,* ^*read* ^*the* ^[FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/)


To be a professional yapper you must first take a college course in yappology. Preferably at a good school like Yale or Harvard. It’s one of the most prestigious of the dark arts and not a power to be taken lightly. Best of luck to you yung yapaholic


I see some good feedback here props to the community


You must maintain eye contact about 80% of the time


Hey dude! I watched a bit of the video and I do have some things to point out. To answer your question, I think the foundation is there honestly, you just need to build on top of it. I liked your personality but the video itself was a bit boring, especially since it's 25 minutes long, way too long for unedited content. Now, I think you have two options for your content, depending on where you want to go with it. You can either edit your videos a bit more or if you don't want to you can go the Cr1tikal route and do it a bit more compressed and with your own spin to it, of course. The second option is easier but less likely to succeed and also I wouldn't have much advise to give. But if you want to edit I guess one thing you could start by doing is adding some background music. Don't put something too loud or that doesn't fit the tone of the video, light jazz sometimes works, depends on the video. You could also splice in some footage from what you are talking about, like the trailer for the movie or scenes from tiktok, even just showing the movie poster is good. This is good to let the audience know what you are talking about. I had to look up the movie because I didn't know it, so something more could make people stay longer. That's about all, I think, good luck!


!givelambda lambda has been given do to response time, comment is locked to prevent double lambda


The moderator /u/UnpoppableBalloons has given /u/INDIEGUY_PMPT 1λ. /u/INDIEGUY_PMPT now has 3λ. ^/u/SmallYTChannelBot ^*made* ^*by* ^/u/jwnskanzkwk. ^*Message* ^*@eden#7623* ^*for* ^*bug* ^*reports.* ^*For* ^*more* ^*information,* ^*read* ^*the* ^[FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/)


> **Start with smaller length videos**: People still don't know who you are and whether to trust your judgement and opinion or not. Shorter video helps establishing the trust factors in the early days. > **Make an interesting title and thumbnail**: For example this video could've been titled as "Adam Sandler worst movie is worse than I thought" or "I'm embarrassed I paid for this trash"(Penguinz0's recent video title). This sparks an intrigue among the viewers to click on the video. And put a provocative/curious screenshot from the movie as the thumbnail. As I said before people don't know you yet. So for them to click on the video it is best to use name/face of a famous person instead of your own. >(This might sounds harsh but hear me out)**Your video lacks structure**: Take any commentary channel Asmongold, Penguiz0, Mogul Mail, someordinarygamer etc... Even though their commentary sounds spontaneous, they still maintain Hook, Body & ending structure. Your video sounds like a monologue we have with ourselves at 3 am in our head. It lacks structure, has too many pauses, video isn't going anywhere, there is no buildup & no resolution. Write a script and follow it for the first few videos until you master the structure. > **Make more videos on trending topics**: This might sound obvious but as a commentary channel don't make a video on old topics. Infotainment channels will easily crush you in that niche. Your work is almost like a news channel. Look for interesting things on the internet and talk about it(use twitter to search for topics). It is completely okay if big commentary channels have talked about it. Chances are you'll be recommended next to their video. Carve your niche, by having a unique identity with more research or talking about less popular topics or shorter video or quicker uploads or fancy b-rolls do whatever you can to add more value and carve a niche for yourself. There are some technical aspects you'd have to improve but I think you'll solve it on your own as you upload more so I wouldn't stress much about it.


!givelambda lambda has been given do to response time, comment is locked to prevent double lambda


The moderator /u/UnpoppableBalloons has given /u/pranav339 1λ. /u/pranav339 now has 3λ. ^/u/SmallYTChannelBot ^*made* ^*by* ^/u/jwnskanzkwk. ^*Message* ^*@eden#7623* ^*for* ^*bug* ^*reports.* ^*For* ^*more* ^*information,* ^*read* ^*the* ^[FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/)


!givelambda bonus


The moderator /u/UnpoppableBalloons has given /u/pranav339 1λ. /u/pranav339 now has 4λ. ^/u/SmallYTChannelBot ^*made* ^*by* ^/u/jwnskanzkwk. ^*Message* ^*@eden#7623* ^*for* ^*bug* ^*reports.* ^*For* ^*more* ^*information,* ^*read* ^*the* ^[FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/)


Here are some thoughts on becoming a YouTuber who primarily talks on camera: 1. It's definitely possible to become a successful "talking head" style YouTuber. Many popular channels focus on a person simply speaking to the camera about various topics. 2. The key is to find your niche and develop your unique personality/voice. Don't just follow trends - focus on what interests you and what you think is missing from YouTube. 3. Content is crucial. You'll need to consistently create engaging, informative, or entertaining videos that provide value to viewers. Think about what expertise or perspective you can offer. 4. Developing your on-camera personality and presence takes practice. Don't be discouraged if you feel awkward at first - it's normal and you'll improve over time. 5. Technical aspects matter too. Invest in decent audio and video equipment to ensure your content looks and sounds good. Learn basic editing skills. 6. Be patient and persistent. Growing an audience takes time. Focus on consistently creating content rather than obsessing over views/subscribers early on. 7. Engage with your audience through comments, social media, etc. Building a community is important for long-term success. 8. Consider collaborating with other creators to expand your reach. 9. Be authentic and let your real personality shine through. Viewers connect with genuine people. 10. Have a clear goal for your channel and understand who your target audience is. While it takes work, becoming a successful talking YouTuber is certainly achievable if you're passionate and willing to put in consistent effort. The key is finding your unique voice and creating content that resonates with viewers.


Interesting, thanks for this! A lot to take in, will think about this for a while. !givelambda


You have given /u/RyanRebalkin 1λ. /u/RyanRebalkin now has 1λ ^/u/SmallYTChannelBot ^*made* ^*by* ^/u/jwnskanzkwk. ^*Message* ^*@eden#7623* ^*for* ^*bug* ^*reports.* ^*For* ^*more* ^*information,* ^*read* ^*the* ^[FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/)


I think with a lot of practice you could definitely become a YouTuber that just talks. I do think you could benefit from minimal visuals and probably more of a script. Especially when it comes to creating a hook in the beginning, I know I'm not the best example but I do a similar style but more comedy scripted commentary if you wanna check that out or Jarvis Johnson and Ted Nivison are great examples of this. Although Ted leans more heavily into the editing and filming processes. Things I think you could subtly add - Simple edits (Zooms, centering frame more, a sound effect here or there) - Music (Especially during beginning unless it doesn't feel correct in that intro) - More B Roll of the content you're talking about - More of a scripted intro if nothing else will be scripted (scripted as in you at least have an idea of what to talk about and when, like how you made notes on the movie and then shared your thoughts) Overall I think the best mindset to have is nobody is there to watch you but they are there to see the thing you are talking about. Anyways, I hoped this helped and let me know if you have any more questions regarding this


Interesting what you say about that mindset. I did not know that. And B-roll stuff is probably exactly what I need. Thanks, will refer back to this. !givelambda


You have given /u/andindeathwetrust 1λ. /u/andindeathwetrust now has 1λ ^/u/SmallYTChannelBot ^*made* ^*by* ^/u/jwnskanzkwk. ^*Message* ^*@eden#7623* ^*for* ^*bug* ^*reports.* ^*For* ^*more* ^*information,* ^*read* ^*the* ^[FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/)


!givelambda bonus


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Your account is too new, come back again later. Your account has to be older than three days to comment or to post, this is to combat spam. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SmallYTChannel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


From a sound design standpoint, I think here are some things you could do to up your audio quality: Audacity is free and really easy to use, and comes with a lot of preset features so you don't even need to have knowledge of how to adjust things at a micro level. Test this out and see how it works 1. Upload the mp3 version of your video into audacity 2. If you have notable background noise that isn't just white noise, you can use "noise reduction". (There's a lot of 1 min tutorials on youtube on this) 3. Add a noise gate (use whatever default numbers are on there). This gets rid of white noise. 4. On eq filter curve, there's a factory preset called "bass boost". Use that once. After that, also do the one called "treble boost" 5. Do a compression with default settings 6. Do a limiter with default settings. And that should get you some decent quality audio