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Your post is a discussion, meta or collab post so it costs 0λ. ^/u/SmallYTChannelBot ^*made* ^*by* ^/u/jwnskanzkwk. ^*Message* ^*@eden#7623* ^*for* ^*bug* ^*reports.* ^*For* ^*more* ^*information,* ^*read* ^*the* ^[FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/)


The differences in view counts are typically due to processing delays, verification processes, and the way YouTube aggregates and updates data across its platform. This is a normal part of how YouTube ensures the accuracy and integrity of its view counts.




It's important to note that while most discrepancies are resolved within a few days, occasional longer delays can occur, especially for videos experiencing rapid view growth or during platform-wide updates. However, in the vast majority of cases, view counts should stabilize and accurately reflect true viewership within a week at most.


Is there any reason a video might just suddenly hit a wall? I had a video get a pretty nice bump in numbers across the board then all of a sudden an hour after it skyrocketed (for my content at least lol) its almost entirely stopped getting recommended


It most likely stopped getting as much engagement so YouTube stopped promoting it as much