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If you think "Pim eats a bagel" is one of the best episodes of the series; then you have no taste. It's basically the same plot of "Glep eats an icecream" but with some minor edits. Plus, "Mr Boss vs. The National Nuclear Security Administration" is not even canon.


Mr Boss vs. The National Nuclear Security Administration HAS to be cannon because we see Wibbu in future episodes


Listen, we all know Wibbu was only introduced as fan-service. After Quombly died, all the fans wanted a Quombly-like character to fill that void. Wibbu's presence means nothing.


Quombly was only introduced to fill a diversity quota on the show, and no one even liked him. There’s a reason Zach and Michael killed him off Plus how can you say that Wibbu’s presence means nothing after “Alan and Wibbu Go To The Farmer’s Market”? That’s my favorite episode. I almost cried during the realistic depiction of a panic attack


How can you say that Quombly wasn't liked. If Quombly wasn't liked, then why did Zach and Michael revive him on Episode 7, season 19??? Huh? Plus, you are entitled to you owwn opinion, I have to agree that "Alan and Wibbu Go To The Farmer’s Market" is a pretty good episode. But, have you ever seen "What's Wibbu hiding under his desk?"? I know it's lost media, so it "doesn't count"; but that episode changed my way of looking at Wibbu for ever. That sh&t was f*ed up.


Wibbu haters will never cease to amaze me. A nothing character? Are we even watching the same show? Glep's character growth during the dementia arc is widely accepted as one of the peaks of the series, and "Spirit Guide Wibbu" was an absolutely crucial piece of that. Wibbu is basically the entire reason the show was able to evolve into what it is today.


Dude getouttahere, during the national poultry appreciation day special they clearly explained that Wibbu was actually a figment of Glep’s deteriorating mind.


Can you not enjoy an episode if it's not canon? (Also, as OP said, it IS canon)


It's not good for the story. It good for the ANIMATION. I can't believe they got multiple retired Disney animators for that episode. The spinning shot at the end of the episode? Some of the best animation I've ever seen


after zach was cancelled for paying too much in taxes, the show was of course forcibly handed over by PepsiCo to nanette and joe biden to animate, write and produce. these seasons (8-15) are the peak of the show imo. it became a timely, cerebral exploration of post-structuralist storytelling without losing that raw bad boy edge ‘Pim is Jerry Seinfeld Now’ is the best episode of this era. and yes, i know, it was banned in 900 countries and it explicitly and *intentionally* escalated the civil war in bermuda to nuclear proportions, but great artists don’t ask for permission - they inexplicably become jerry seinfeld in season 14 Pim eats a bagel was a little nouveau riche for my palette but i understand why its a fan favourite


I though Zach got canceled after those videos resurfaced on twitter? Regardless, his new voice is by far the worse thing about the new seasons


> I though Zach got canceled after those videos resurfaced on twitter? Yeah, the video of Zach paying too much in taxes.


I have to agree that "Pim is Jerry Seinfeld Now" is one of, if not the best, episode in the whole millenia. It wasn't able to watch it entirely however. I was halfway through when it got banned. Seconds later, the police showed up to my house and arrested me for watching a banned episode. I have been in house arrest in Bermuda ever since; it hasn't been easy. The nuclear war and stuff made living here a bit of challenge. The god thing is, I get to watch the episodes dubbed and in reverse (local nuclear policy, you know how it is)


Man, Zachs desire to see this country build bigger and bigger bombs was ultimately the explosion that killed his career :/


and the crazy thing is, he was 100% in the right


Pretty crazy how Joe didnt die while making the show. The guy’s still alive Ive heard. Also I am of the opinion that his dementia actually helps with the joke structure. He’s a walking joke machine !


I still think the amount of celebrity cameos became overbearing. Like, cool, in the episode “Pim was adopted” you got David Tennant to voice Pim’s real father, Pem, doesn’t change how hard the show fell off


Yeah but we did get Hulk Hogan as Grub Dog.


Hulk Hogan voiced the Eight Eyed Chimp, dude. iirc Kanye West was the one who voiced grub dog


You blew it


I love how his biogical father looks absolutely nothing like him while his adopted family bares a closer resemblance to the pink creature he is.


Although I loved season 8, I hated Pim Fucking Kills Charlie. I can't believe they'd kill off one of the main characters and not bring him back in some shape or form. As much as I love Alan, I hated to see him replace Charlie. And don't even get me started on Smormu.


Resurrecting Smormu was the worst mistake of the show and I will die on this hill


Smormu’s Revenge in Season 8 blows. You’re telling me that, one, Smormu can rise from the dead, and, two, that his only goal after being reanimated is to steal Allan’s credit card information! Make it make sense. The writing for season 11 really sucked sometimes.


idc what yall say about smormu, hes the only reason we finally got Zongo my favorite smiling friend


No, I really really don’t want smormu!


Blame the damned electoral college and the Smormu fans at the University of Wyoming


if not smormu, then who? someone had to be resurrected after charlie made the deal with the devil. canonically there wouldn’t have been continuity unless smormu’s grotesque corpse reared its wretched head


I didn’t recognize the episode from the title, I keep forgetting they changed the title of that one here in the United Schweppes. We call that one “Charlie Dies and Absolutely Comes Back”.


I think it really hit its stride after Zach and Michael were fired by Adult Swim and Seth MacFarlane stepped in in their place, he took it in some really neat directions.


sorry but the whole show and multiple spin-offs and films became rotten to me after zach and michael hugged on stage at the oscar’s. they showed there true colors that day and i can no longer support that kind of lifestyle even if the show has given me countless belly laughs and squirts.


You have to admit The Allan Chronicles had potential.


Despite being a banned episode, “DJ Spit Gets An Onlyfans” will always be my favourite of the show. Adult Swim is allowed to show extreme violence and gore, but apparently showing a live action hot dog onscreen almost got the show cancelled!? I was overjoyed when Zach Hadel leaked the uncensored episode on Pornhub. The controversy actually increased the ratings of the show, and I’m glad the full episode is now available on 4k disc in all its sexy glory. DJ Spit actually knows how to spit! I’m glad they followed it up with an episode where he becomes part of the Smiling Friends cleanup crew. It’s great he can live inside their walls now vs. that random dude in Episode 1 that no one liked.


This is the best one I’ve seen yet. He’d absolutely live in the walls after being in Crimeville for so long.


lol Thank you, I appreciate it. I’m a socially isolated autist, so I thought this would come out weird, but I guess not.


I mean that's exactly the kind of unbridled imagination that would thrive among the fans of a zany show like this one


New gen take, I bet you weren't around for season 3


I'm sorry but my parents raised me on Smiling Friends, my imaginary friend as a kid was Pim and I went to watch the movie on premiere night with my Allan plush. My parents made my 3rd birthday Glep inspired. That said, OP is not in the right, the movie and seasons after made this series what it is today, even after Mr. Boss's character was changed to be Spamtopia's true king and Glep finds true love, episode.


I didn’t like how political the show had gotten. Like we really didn’t need a full season arc on making Slobodan Milošević smile.


Glad you specified FIRST movie because the second movie was where they really jumped the shark, even if the realistic orgy scenes were pretty impressive


I personally enjoyed the “Smiling Friends x Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure” crossover, definitely one of the highest budgets I’ve seen for an episode of ANY show. Sure it was only a short 3-episode mini-arc, but seeing them drawn in Araki’s style was just a treat.


I lold with the scooby doo episode when they kept doing the wonky hanna barbera animation style. And the reveal was cool too. Who would've thought >!Mr. Landlord!< was doctor monster. That whole crossover season was amazing.


I legitimately need Charlie and Pim to cheer me up from how this post makes me feel


Darn time travelers, get out of my feed


Bro thank you, I was scrolling this post thoroughly confused.


I just think it was disrespectful for them to make the Mr.Boss prequel series after Zach died considering he was adamantly against spin offs


I mean Tylers come back was pretty good and unexpected not sure why post movie get so much hate and I mean come on we finally got Zongo after the tease in the movie


The show was great, but when Zach Hadel got kicked out of Walmart for starting a mooning contest none of the networks wanted anything to do with the show and that’s why it was cancelled.


The show suffered from its own success, its not BAD but just not as good imo in the later seasons we got some banger memes out of pim eats a beagle, and "Gwimbly 3: taking down the industrial prison complex and big pharma" had me fucking dead but then we had "Charlie w4 tax exemprion filling out special" as well as well as "gleps annual ostrative colloids checkup with special guest Dr.Rosenbaulm" those were some of the weaker EPS imo but like I said it was never bad just not as good I do think bringing Tyler back in the movie was an amazing send off he deserved tho, crazy what the writers did to him in the jewel ep


My favorite part in the smiling friends movie is when Pim says “I guess the real smiles we got today, were from the friends we made along the way” and all the smiling friends laugh and Charlie n Pim have hot sweaty man sex for 3+ hours while the opening theme plays on a loop


I personally dont think Season 7 belongs in the golden era. I dont think its the worst season, but the change in writing was pretty noticable after Zach stepped down. The new VA for Charlie always sounded off to me, too


Dude... They used AI. It sounded like shit for the most part, but it "was" still Zach. Adult Swim started forcing a clause in the contracts years ago that made VAs give rights to use their voices with AI in case of death, cancellation or them stepping down mid contract. If I'm not wrong they still had 8 more seasons in the contract when Zach walked.


remember that episode where they just played the video of r budd dwyer blowing his brains out on repeat for like three hours? great shit. the photos of all the children who were murdered in the my lai massacre just super zoomed in on their faces was a nice touch. very artistic. the burning skull won't stop screaming.


That episode was the EXACt moment my wife left me Bravo Vince




Get out of here. None of those, NONE of those episodes hold a candle to “Glep’s Seance”


Yeah, I mean there are still a couple of good episodes here and there, but I felt this series really jumped the shark when they had Bart Simpson jump over the Springfield Gorge and his penis lands in Groundskeeper Willie's mouth.


Strongly disagree. In the first movie we finally got to meet Charlie's uncle, how do you top that? The answer is you don't.


Damn you got me excited thinking I somehow missed a SF movie


its restricted and censored in a lot of countries. lots of people never heard of it or seen it because of those reasons.


Oh, please, season 9 episode 3, "DJ spit gets his G.E.D" is a timeless classic. His mom's forgiveness monolog will be studied for centuries to come


I just think it became clear that they weren't doing it out if love anymore. Zach was almost completely driven by his need to fuel his FUNKO POP obsession and Michael just turned the show into a personal platform to push his "Nicaraguan Agenda." Mark M is more machine than man these days and I hear nothing but bad things about Tomar's Blood Farm. Yeah, the episode where Charlie breastfed Glep is, at this point, a cornerstone of modern TV, but that's an increasingly distant memory. I hear rumors that there's gonna be a three-hour season finale set on the Transiberian RR and for all of our stake I hope they just end the arc of Mr. Boss and Mirror-Alan so we can put this beloved show to bed before things get too silly or worse, predictable.


Idk, I stuck with it for a long time after the movie but I think what really did it for me was Pim and Charlie's relationship arc, I think that's where they really jumped the shark...


The episode "Pim Does and Actually Comes Back" was heartbreaking. He didn't come back. And Charlie's suicide was upsetting. Both are in Heaven. Too bad Zoey found out too late after Charlie died. Great episode for making me cry so bad.


“Mr. Boss vs. The National Nuclear Security Administration” and “Pim Eats A Bagel” were both banger episodes, no question, but Season 11 also had some really, really bad episodes. “Smormu’s Revenge”, “The Margaret Thatcher Episode”, and “Sproingo Larry” are all god-awful. However, “Intergalatic Bliblie Laser Annihalation” is overhated. I actually thought it was pretty good.


Say what you want about Smormus Revenge its the only reason we got Zongo the best smiling friend


Zongo only appeared in what, five episodes before he got killed off when he was ripped in half? Yeah, he was good, but he didn’t have enough screen time for me to call him “the best smiling friend”.


7 if you include the end credits of "The Margaret Thatcher 2: electric boogaloo" and the cameo in the movie. While I agree they could have done so much more with the character what we got is iconic and really pushed what Zach and Michael could do when given free reign.


I mean you only have to watch like Season 4 through 17, pretty much. The rest you can just skip.


Am I the only one who thought it fell off after the Fortnite x Smiling Friends crossover ?


I liked the episode where pim and Charlie take Alan's cheese


I can’t believe they brought Tyler back in Season 6 just to fire him again at the end of the episode


I think the reason for this is. Because Michael cusack got cancelled for grooming his hair. He left in season 5. And you can clearly see that's where the show went downhill.


Pim i think im having a god damn stroke right now


“Pim eats a bagel” is not a banger quite tame compared to “Charlie gets his nose pulled off, again!”


I still quote *"C'mon Charlie! Let's make 9/11 EPIIIIIIIIIIC!!"* from the episode where they go back in time to make the hijacking terrorists smile to prevent 9/11


I really liked the episode in Season 4 when we finally met Charlie’s uncle. He's a great guy.


Can’t tell if I’m in the blursed timeline or not now


Really, nobody’s gonna mention Season 6 took 12 years to make so that kid could realistically age? Their dedication to art is astonishing.


Mr. Boss just hasn’t been the same since he was exorcised and became just a normal boss. Hopefully he gets repossessed by the noodle demon next season and turns back to his old goofy self


Is no one gonna mention how Charlie is just a baby from now on?? Maybe by season 12 he’ll grow back?


I fucking told time and time again that 20min episodes would do wonders for the show. Hell, the top 5 episodes of the show now are all 20min long and would've felt very rushed if the 2nd act got cut down to fit 11min.


I did really enjoy the “Charlie’s super secret secrets” special, but it was weird seeing an anthology in this show. Probably the best episode was “Jimble 2036”. It was a great follow up.


Nah. Season 2 was better imo. Aside from the pilot still being the best episode.


MBVTNNSA is overrated as fuck. I think the sauerkraut episode was **far** funnier than anything that that episode had to offer. Besides, the Zongo and Glep subplot was horrible in the Mr. Boss one. Whereas while Charlie is dealing with the sauerkraut in his nose, we get Pim and Allan cheering up the jet-ski guy. Also had a ton of foreshadowing to Pim Is Jerry Seinfeld Now. L take on your part tbh


Yeah I think Smiling Friends Do America’s ending was a pretty good send off with them all dying and going to hell after President frog nuked the earth… and then season 8 just began without any mention of it somehow. I agree that there are great episodes after the movie, but ‘Pim eats a bagel?’ Really? ‘Glep eats a hot dog that’s roughly his size’ was way better.


Having The legend of aboobie as season 8 episode 2 was the greatest design choice they could’ve made. Surprised I haven’t seen a post chronicling the obvious literary parallels between the scene when Charlie and Mr. boss eat the Yeti and the entire episode of Mr. Boss vs the national nuclear security episode


No it doesn't! See! This is why shows go on way past their expiration date, cause of fanboys like this. Can you name even one good post-movie episode besides "Alan Finally Goes To The OB/GYN". I mean, we've got like 12 seasons now with Spoogie, and no one likes Spoogie. It should have ended a long time ago.


An Allen Adventure 2: Battle is underrated gem from Season 12. 


Oh. Another one of these posts. How original.


i really liked pim sucks charlie off even though it was after the movie


I wasn’t a particular fan of the Armenian genocide episode, but to each their own.


The best episode so far is "Mr. Boss gets an iPad" and it's not even close, maybe "Smiling Friends in Minecraft" but that's a distant second.


How can you mention those 2 dogshit episodes but not " Pim Jombles The Gilbos", widely regarded as the Ozymandous of Smiling Friends.


I think that Frasier crossover shows the show still has some legs when the writers are put under enough pressure


the only good episode post s7 is season 9 episode 2, fuck


I personally really enjoyed when it was revealed Allan had a clone the entire time named Alan


How come no one ever brings up "Tyler's revenge." Sure the title is basically a lie, but it really illustrates just what makes the Smiling Friends such an effective friend group and even ends with >!Charlie and Zoey's marriage and Tyler getting his job back.!< I get people weren't fond of >!Alan's landlord stealing the Rune of Death, killing Godwyn's soul, and, shattering the Elden Ring!< But it legitimately lead to one of the best episodes so far and a great follow up to "Glep and the racist tribunal."