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how expensive is that gaming chair?


what fucking cheat is that? That’s crazy that something like that can exist


It's a free to play game and it has Easy Anti Cheat, the best they can do is scheduled banwaves so that way the people still doing smite cheats for some reason have no idea when their cheats get detected. It's like this with any game, Try playing tarkov every raid there's atleast a cheater and they pay 30$ everytime they get banned to go back into it.


Hope u reported her




Thanks mate


Nut, more like Wut


Works even better if you take the German Wut




Anhur : \*Jumps\* Nut : So anyway, I started blastin'.




We all been there 😆


For reference I'm a solo main. I can hit abilities about 90% of the time with the damage to my hand but sometimes autos just escape me.


I feel ya there, Skillshots are easy. But the moment I play ADC my hand stops working


I stg my brain slows down when playing adc. I literally cant hit aas consistenly.


AA gods on console are my nightmare


Friendly tip; after knocking up with your jump, you have time to auto once before impaling! Pretty sure that would have been enough to kill with the auto + extra impale damage from your passive.


Exactly! If he AA cancels into impale that should be a kill and if not u should’ve still been able to get another auto off after the impale stunned em


Bro especially against people that are clearly on mouse and keyboard. I get cracked half the time. It's so annoying because they way you can move on kb&m is much better for juking autos. Can't wait for cross progression with ps5 and PC so I don't have to suffer anymore


I didn't know you were playing galaga


How tf is SHE whiffing autos with a machine gun???


Cheaters need to cheat for a reason


Smite 2 announcement has drawn in lots of toxic players of various types. Been getting lots of new players thinking they know the game and being toxic about it


No kidding. Had a mulan in joust the other day invade enemy blue by herself at the beginning of the game, die, and get mad at us for “not knowing how to play the game” and quit. Haven’t even cleared a wave yet. Yes, it’s casuals, but it’s still a complete waste of 20 mins of my day when someone does crap like that. Been seeing it a LOT lately


What the fuck jah


Could have left your self I think u would only get like a 2 min penalty.


I was high elo when I left, came back after like 4 years of not playing, couldn’t play ranked due to the new 20 god limitation so I went to normals to get mastery and familiarize myself with the changes. The absolute number of awful as fuck and degenerate players is astounding. I know it’s the nature of norms and MOBA but no one blames themselves, and with that much time away I was consistently the best player in the team. Imagine being held hostage by garbage people and losing like 14 matches straight, you would be toxic too.


Yeah it’s tough to have a good time when 100% of the matches that you play in a day have _someone_ throwing the game. I get it’s a team game, and focus on your own gameplay n stuff, but even when I go to Arena to be as casual as possible and have fun, you have people flaming and feeding 15+ kills for the loss.


Honestly I take mini breaks after long losing streaks or queue a different role. I’m by no means some great player but I shouldn’t have to be expected to basically play perfect every game just for a chance at winning😂 I played the other day and literally had all 5 of my matches have some one go AFK or my team just arguing. I’m not even counting the game where the other team just decided to start 5 man ganking every lane 10 mins in.


Yeah, but imagine you have to hard carry 9/10 games. You aren’t EVER allowed to have a bad game because none of these other players will ever carry you or make up for your one bad game. It’s so exhausting having to always perform or you’re just wasting 20 min for nothing.


Yeah. I’m not asking for the best players in the world. Just decent players. Not multiple team mates going 1-12.


> I know it’s the nature of norms and MOBA but no one blames themselves >Imagine being held hostage by garbage people and losing like 14 matches straight, you would be toxic too. Hmmm sounds a bit sus here..


As a full tank support with no damage aura or items I had top damage in a 17 min game. And I was sobek, not whale.


I have never ever seen anything like that. Wow


That's messed up Imagine using cheats on an top tier god


Top tier? Definitely not. Strong in the right hands? Yeah.


Ok, top tier for my hands lol


Wdym she just used your ult against you. Seems legit


Gave him the Nut Fury


Sounds like it's time to get a better gaming headset.


Put her username to report please. These people make the game experience so bad for the rest of us.


Dawg I got the same issue. I can never aim auto attacks appropriately because of my hand disabilities so I never play ADC


Yeah, I'm a solo main and I tried swapping everyone, including support. Nobody wanted ADC. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It is what it is.


That's a speed hack if I ever saw one because there's not enough attack speed that can boost you up like that


skill diff 🤣


Wtf was that. Im glad I quit smite 2 years ago.


Change your sensitivity to a lower setting bro. Obviously you’re reaction time and hand control are one second delayed. Hand eye coordination be oof. Try not predicting where they will be but try just following the hand of the enemy character. It could also be the autos u make. Example Anhur autos are on the side while characters like jing wei izanami are centered and like heimdallr his autos are alternating left right and center.


Bro you're giving advice on how they should have beaten someone who was using infinite high powered ability hacks. Why? That's basically victim blaming.


What? I was giving him advice on why he was missing autos. He was probably overthinking how the enemy would move / juke or his hand eye coordination was off and changing his sensitivity would help his playstyle and reaction time and changing to a different character would help because not all adcs autos are the same. “Infinite high powered abilities hacks?” What? Are u saying that because of how Nut’s ability does a lot of dmg? Yeah she’s a new god release they usually are “broken” on release (exception baba yaga) You can beat any god it’s just playstyle and matchup and the player. There’s a lot more I can say but ok.


Lol mate rewatch it. Nut doesn't have an Anhur-level ult for a basic attack! The person playing her is cheating. They're basically using a machine gun. They shot like 28 times in 3 seconds. That's a hack. You came in and started going on about how OP was missing his auto, when the match up was literally rigged against him


Oh yea haha lol, I assumed it was from nut’s abilities (I haven’t played her so i assumed it was her ability) didn’t. See the word cheaters I just assumed op was missing autos during the 1v1.


If you read anything I posted, I stated that I whiffed some serious autos there and that I have nerve damage in my right hand, limiting my ADC gameplay. I am not an ADC player. I got stuck with the role.


It’s not a cheater. If you use Nut’s 1 right as she gets displaced then it turns into a machine gun




It very well may be a cheat...but are you really doubting Smites spaghetti code COULDN'T have a bug like this?


It happened to me a couple games ago. When khepri pulled me right as my 1 went off. If you cancel your 1, ult, or die then it goes away


If it's hacks why it looks like it shoot only 1 of the 2 beams at a time ?


Cuz it’s not a hack it’s a bug lol. You also can’t hold down the 1 and do that. You have to spam click


why not just disengage?


"Why didn't you just do the optimal thing instead of being flabbergasted by a nut that ignored the strafing penalty and kept on throwing 1s that never run out?" If they are ignoring the 1 cd who says they aren't ignoring the 3 cd, too? That Nut might have just chased him while constantly teleporting and slowing him. There are just too many things that don't make any sense happening, it's hard to fault someone for not doing a 180 from when what should be a kill transforms into a cheater encounter - a cheater that still is only a few autos away from dying and you starting out with a nearly full hp bar. Who even knew what kind of cheats he had enabled or what if the finishing autos would have connected? I don't understand people like you.


Well his leap was on CD. That NuT could have easy popped her 3 and he likely dies to the free beam it casts


That guy didn't cheat and you don't have nerve damage in your hand. You're just bad.


Lmfao absolutely.


He must be fucking blind lmao I don't know what world he is living in where Nut can use her 1 for 8 seconds straight lol




Yeah, I do suck on ADC. I'm a solo main on controller with nerve damage in my right hand, limiting my aiming for auto attacks. 🙄


U didn't have a less embarrassing clip to post?


Dude missed auto’s, who cares everybody does. Did you miss the Nut using her 1 for 10 seconds straight?


Is the context too hard to grasp? Do we need to explain it for you buddy?


If he sat and laned against dude, he has 10min worth of clips showing the hacker. This clip where he misses everything isn't doing him favors when he could've won. Looks more like a bug than anything


Bruh there ain’t no way you’re actually clowning on Anhur over some whiffed autos when there’s a Nut with a machine gun in the same clip.


They didn’t miss everything, they landed all of their abilities properly. Not sure if you read the fact that OP plays on controller with nerve damage in their aiming hand, they are a recognizable and memorable poster and commenter here. Let’s see you try it. Handicap yourself and play on controller and I’ll spectate and fucking roast you. This clip very clearly showed that the guy is using hacks. This might be the only clip where the hacker used it in front of him, genius. My bad, I thought your comments were being based off of something more concrete than ego and assumptions.


Op could've won this fight. Which is why he should've shown a diff clip of them hacking. If this is the only instance of hacking it could've been a bug, don't think a hacker would select one specific 1v1 to hack in, and not the rest of the game. If op could've won the 1v1, what would be the point of hacking? Would he upload the clip if he killed him? Things not adding up , that's why I'm asking why choose this clip of all things


Hello? Are we in the same conversation? YOU could’ve addressed any point I made, such as their nerve damage which you conveniently keep ignoring because it would then invalidate everything you are saying. You could’ve made a single valid point in this conversation, but you’re sticking to your delusional original comment because you’ve lost in this comment thread. You could’ve tried to win, but there’s something holding you back. OP had something holding them back, but it’s a legitimate excuse. What’s your excuse? Brain rot? Lmao.


The mental gymnastics you’re doing to justify roasting the OP and protect the Nut is mind-blowing. I’m honestly pretty convinced you’re the Nut in the clip


Not roasting op, not protecting nut, another comment I made said it. U spent a whole game with a guy and only uploaded the clip of u losing a 1v1 with him? Was he really hacking or was it a bug? Op could've killed dude, that is irrefutable, op didn't for whatever reason and the reason op died isn't because nut had infinite 1s, it's because he missed alot of basics for whatever reason. I'm not gonna assume nut is a bad guy and hacker off a 20sec clip when there was probly 20-30min of gameplay to clip


Take the hint. No one gives a shit if you think the Anhur sucks because that's not the topic of the discussion. Take the L, pack it up and move on.


Who cares if the op could have or couldn’t have. You literally cannot comprehend that this is a clip of a Nut being exposed as a cheater. End of story. Period. What is so hard to understand? What is not clicking in your head? If this was a bug there'd be a hell of a lot more posting about it and HiRez would have more than likely acknowledged it by this point. Yet none of those points have been met anywhere.


Why would a post where he kills the bug abuser be more convincing than this one? It could be a post of them clearing minions if they're shooting nut 1 100 times in a row, I'd be pretty convinced they're doing something they shouldn't be.


Ur saying urself nut clearing wave with infinite 1s would be better, which is my point


They absolutely did not say those words, you are living in a fiction novel about how the main character cannot get a grasp on context. That main character is you. You don’t have context of the OPs nerve condition, or don’t comment with it in mind. And you also don’t have context of what the commenter above you just said. You are completely unable to have a legitimate conversation. Check your deficiencies, there’s something off.


I play on xbox. I have limited recording length due to the settings I have in place. They threw up an F6 about five minutes after this clip, because my Jung and Mid rotated over and the Nut used this same hack/cheat/bug on them and killed them both as well. I don't find the clip embarrassing at all. I stated in the post that I am NOT an ADC main, that I did in fact whiff quite a few autos and that the nerve damage in my right hand makes it difficult for me to hit ranged auto attacks. I don't even play Bellona or Osiris very often because I cannot rotate my character fast/accurately enough to land consistent auto attacks. I'm not really sure how anything in the clip is embarrassing at all, other than the fact that the Nut player has to hack to win fights. 🤷🏻‍♂️