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A night, day map transition would be cool. Maybe weather also.


And that change would make some nice changes to gods! Like some Buffs for nox at Night and ra/amaterasu at day. Durning rain chaac is healed for example


I would also like to see model transitions, either to passives, time of day. But i understand that takes more materials and would cause the skins to function the same way


All chat


Pls no


All chat, both text and voice during pre- and post-game, CSGO style


Role que


I doubt they'd do this but I wish all skins going forward were colorforge skins, so you could customize it to your liking and get more out of the skins. I'd happily pay more for a skin if this was the case. Then there could be settings where you could turn on team colors and then select a colorforge option for your team and for the enemy team and the health bars and ui would match. This means in the pro league we could see each team have their own colors that they pick so as a viewer you wouldn't have to look up to see who is the red team and who is the blue team. You could just know from the colors themselves when watching a play. It would also allow more customization for colorblindness. I think Overwatch did a great job with giving their teams more identity through the team colors. I don't watch or play Overwatch but I appreciate that feature and wish it was used more in competitive team games.


I just want to be able to pick my role for conquest. I’ll gladly wait longer to play the role that makes me happy


Ur gonna get some OW queue times in ranked atleast


just make it a opt in/out option and give people who use the current/legacy queue system a slight priority to faster queue that way everyone would win


didn't rank initially allow like full teams and slowly over the years they lowered the max part size from 5-4-3 to now 2 because premades had too much control compared to a solo group


No, there used to be a 5-man ranked mode, but that was removed because no one played it. They experimented with larger party sizes for a few splits (somewhere around s4-5 I think) and it was, like you say, skewed towards the team with the parties and removed. Other than that, it has always been max party size of 2.




We used to be able to queue up with 3 or 4 people before in conquest but that got a little too wild so it got knocked back down to 2. Don't think they'll add that again


More unique god kits. A god which is controlled by two players. An omnipresent god that controlls his minions with a view from above like in rts games.


a skin filter, i dont want a can beans or some cartoon advertisement jumping around in a fantasy world. it would also help out new players who are unfamiliar with gods and their abilities, considering smite 2 will probably get a huge boost of new players this would be a big win


for Smite 2 to succeed I really feel like the dev team needs to balance the game against frustration, some gods are just obnoxiously unfun to play against and just because these characters aren't out of bounds doesn't mean they are healthy for the game. For instance if Nox makes it into Smite 2 unchanged I'd be pretty disappointed 90% of the community despises that god not because she's op or anything she's just insanely unfun to play against.


Can you explain why she is unfun to play against? I played Smite few years ago, but never encountered her.


I would love to see a god that’s 100% summon based


A few things for ranked. - No F6 except for disconnects or being behind by more than 15 deaths and STRICT bans (at least from ranked) for afking an fountain pouting. This F6 shit at 5 minutes first death needs to stop or ranked will continue to not be fun and a joke. No fun? Play another game. Seriously. - Block out roles for one role. Even if people choose it to be support. I'd rather someone like me be support that will try than troll or gripe all the time. Or someone who hates jungle be forced to jungle. Even if queue is longer. - Chat disabled. Must use vgs. Anything you wish to say can be done via VGS. If you are typing stupid hateful bullshit, you aren't playing. If you want a group chat to listen to mentally ill children, I'd go to Discord where we can boot them.


I don't think chat should be disabled, I often type who's ultimate has just gone down or something, it can be genuinely useful if people aren't flaming


They have a VGS command for that. (Though I wish it let you specify WHOSE ultimate is down). Anything someone wants to say, they can say in VGS. Or, what would be even cooler is have an in character voice line play automatically if your god sees someone use an ultimate and is closest to it. Followed by curses if it killed the god.


that's what I said, you can't VGS whose ultimate has gone down. So you can't say anything you want to say with VGS. just turn in game chat off if it's that bad surely? is that a thing?


I wish. There's only two ways to disable chat. Both have issues. One is you mute everyone start of game. Problem is, not only is it inconvenient, it blocks EVERYTHING including pings and VGS. And that's 4 swipes. Not to be lazy, but some games like Apex have "mute squad". One button, done, and VGS and pinging still works. Second is a bit more convoluted. You have to go in to edit UI and hide the chat window. But that hides ALL chat including system messages, gold messages, who is pinging, and other things. But neither are ideal.


Hmm well I think being able to mute just typed messages would be the best option here. Like Rocket League did I think? Doesn't seem to hard to implement either


Im trying be positive at Chat and After kill/death im „selling” myth curiosuty to relax the tension


I know I'm in the minority of this sub, but please just 1 more friend would make it so much better AND will encourage more people to play ranked. As it stands like 1% of the player base has touched ranked


This. I know they tried 5-man Q's and it failed, and that's fine. But I desperately want a 3 man queue. With just two people I can't always stem the tide of a team that has bad coordination/tactics/etc... but with 3 people, I can usually turn around all but the most lost of a cause.


Just make it allow for 5 man queues. If you know that 5 man queues are allowed and still choose to play solo, that’s your choice. I even personally know people that would continue to solo or duo queue even with 5 man queues being enabled. In fact, for a game like smite, 5 man queues would reflect your skill a lot more than solo/duos anyway. Smite does not play like League, and you cannot solo carry games in Smite.


Bronze take




Would be even harder to matchmake. And queues would take eternity. And the constant bitching of "why are we 5xsoloQ vs party of 3".


It's crazy how you're getting down voted for speaking truth


Reddit moment.


Remove CC diminishing returns


Have ranks be a reflection of your skill in each individual role rather than a rank to reflect all roles. It annoys the hell out of me that I'm terrible at adc, but still being matched against people that reflect my skill in my best roles. How does that make any sense? Also, if you get the required amount of mmr for a rank, you should get that rank! Mmr should trump TP.


What they should have is team ranked and the normal ranked from smite 1. Having too many people in a pre-made can drastically change the outcome of a match.


That already existed a long time ago and they removed the team ranked because nobody played it


There’s a couple things but the main one would be to make jungle camps much harder to kill and have jungle starters do most of the camp clearing for you (like maybe AoE damage for each basic attack or ability use as a passive from the jungle starters). This way the junglers will actually by junglers and play in the jungle. It’s frankly quite absurd that a lot of the play time as a jungler is sharing waves with mid, and the same with mid laners coming over to do jungle camps. This just shouldn’t be the case, there should be a genuine cost for junglers deciding to tank instead of clear, and laners should never be able to solo and camps without losing the majority of their health. This would not only reduce a lot of the OP-ness of junglers but would also reduce the frustration that laners have of being killed by junglers all while th way don’t really miss out on anything.