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They say they have no plans to shutdown smite 1 servers for the foreseeable future, but realistically, i doubt the servers will stay online very far into smite 2s official launch.


Okay that's good, I kind of hope they keep Smite one online until they get all of the gods boarded over, But who knows how long that will take


i believe they plan to release with 50 gods, it will probably be a good year or two after release before the game is back to 130


That's fine with me as long as smite one is up until that's finished


I don’t think anyone has a definite answer but that seems like the most feasible, maybe what they’re gonna end up doing. Stop adding new gods to smite 1, put it on maintenance mode, work on porting over all 130 of them to smite 2, once every god is in then send it on S1


Nut was the last god for S1. S1 has a expiration date when that will be I don't think TFG even knows. Even with S1 being on consoles such as the switch the game won't live on indefinitely.


Man, I want Janus and Hel to be there on release


Iirc, they said late 2027 for all gods in smite2. Honestly, I'd be pretty shocked if smite 1 is still up by '26.


I thought they said they were going to release one God a week once the game officially comes out, which I know is probably BS claims just for hype. I hope it doesn't take that long, I feel like if it does, they're probably going to lose some valuable players if smile one shuts down before then


One god every two weeks*. So far, they're holding to that. I doubt its hype stuff at all, that's a great way to piss off the community lol. By 26 smite 1 will have received no meaningful updates for over a year (been stated that after release of s2 s1 will stop getting as frequent or large of updates). I doubt it will have a playerbase of much of anything.


I will not be playing smite 2 much until at least 40+ gods are added. It’ll get boring after 3 games of seeing the same 10 gods over and over. I’m sure many who played ranked modes are in the same boat.


Yea I'm in the same boat, That's what makes smite one. An interesting game is the mass amount of characters, if it's the same amount of characters every time it's gonna be boring


They'll keep Smite 1 up as long as people keep buying gems in it


My guess is it will probably will stay online for 2-3 more years.


There has been nothing official except that Smite I will be online for the "foreseeable future". That said, if I was a betting man I would say that it will probably go into maintenance mode with fewer patches after Smite 2 release. As far as how long after that, depends on how Smite 2 takes off. Which it seems at least if what is out there is to be believed, doing okay. If it does okay, I'd say Smite I will be shut down no more than a year after release. Mainly so they can move away from having to support older tech like Flash and Unreal 3 and move on to more modern and easier tools that are less labor intensive.


I'd be surprised if they lasted more than 5 years


They are going to force people to smite 2. I hope they don’t, smite 2 needs a lot of time to cook.


I have no plans to switch over yet. I haven't even been paying attention to Smite 2.


I bet at least until smite 2 has all of the gods maybe longer


I think it really depends on how big Smite 2 pops off. If it has a massive launch and cuts way into Smite 1's numbers, im sure Smite 1 will be gone sooner rather than later. If it has a horrible launch and takes a while to actually get rolling, I think they'll keep Smite 1 running for the $$$ income while Smite 2 picks up steam


There hasnt beeen a game in hirez history (from 2015) that did not die... literally smite is their ONLY game that lives to this day. So keep your hopes up for that ONE. :))


Given that Paladins is still patched and maintained with 4,400 average players on steam I honestly expect Smite1 to last for years. Patches will likely be smaller, and no new gods, but I expect them to keep going. Smite1 will be the only option for those on old-gen consoles and some people will also not want to swap until their favourite gods are in Smite 2. So I expect Smite 1 to tick along with like 4000 average players or so once Smite 2 hits full stream (and hopefully tempts some new players). It's a somewhat scary future though, Smite 2 will have to tempt new players to have a hope of succeeding. We need to grow the overall playerbase or Hi-Rez might struggle.


I mean as long as Smite one makes them revenue, I see no reason for them to shut it down, even then, whether not be some way they could just put the servers on steam or something, or reworks and matchmaking logic. All in all, I hope the game never officially shuts down or if it does I hope that it can be brought back by somebody in the future, No idea how you do that type of thing, but I have seen some people resurrect old games by hosting them on custom servers, or old games by purchasing something that allows them to be able to edit stats and stuff in the game while keeping it up, But honestly, I don't think Smite one is going to go anywhere until Smite 2. Either blows it off the hook, and even then, I don't see why they need to shut it down, if it's making the money and they still have old console players on it, and people who don't have more modern computers to play unreal engine 5, also known as unoptimized engine 5


It all depends on if people actually pick up Smite 2. Right now after playing the play tests Smite 2 looks great and runs good but that’s about it. I’m not a fan of the change in items and going from magical/physical damage to int and all that other stuff. Plus there’s only one game mode, conquest. So me being a Slash/Arena/Assault main, I don’t plan on actually playing Smite 2 if it doesn’t have at least one of those modes come beta. I’d expect Smite to get updates and hang around until at least a Smite 2 full release.


You're assuming Smite 2 won't die first... It's a possibility after all. It has more gods. More skins. People have it installed already. What's the incentive? Look at Overwatch 2 and all the other "parts 2" of a game.


Hopefully a long time because Smite 2 kind of sucks right now. Not enough gods and the map is super boring. I know it’s alpha but I have no interest in Smite 2 right now.


Me neither and I haven't seen the alpha.


I played it tonight and it was pretty interesting with the new itemization but if you like smite one then you can keep playing. Surely its not going anywhere any time soon


Itemization is the only thing that is better than smite 1. And tank items completely suck, like I said. It needs a lot of time too cook. I enjoyed playing a few games but the game kind of sucks right now.


I would say at best 2 years but prob only another year.


The sooner the better I would think. A split player base will be no fun for queue times