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Young children often simply do not know how to describe sexual abuse. This child must have had a premature menarche, which can occur without any secondary sexual characteristics developing.


The literature about her case said she had been having periods since she was just 2 years old. A pretty textbook example of extreme precocious puberty.


I cannot imagine what she must have gone through. Bad enough trying to deal with that as a young teen. Ouch.


I got my first period right before Easter when I was 7 years old. My gramps had picked me up from daycare and I only noticed when I got back to their house. I was mortified, I didn’t tell either of my grandparents and waited for my mom to come as we were staying with them for Easter weekend. Had wear my nana’s big ol’ granny panties lol. I envied the girls who didn’t get theirs until 13-16.


i got mine at 9, my sister got hers at 18. life is unfair.


Imagine what girls living in Red State Rape jurisdictions will be, and probably already are suffering thanks to the legislations lowering the age of consent to worrying levels, while forcing them to stay with their rapists in many situations.


Thats not the part of this that bothers me!


Wow, it took this many comments down the page for someone to identify the real issue.


Both things can bother you! That's how empathy works!


Due to a pituitary tumor, Lina began menarche at 8 and a half months old. By age two, she was having periods on a regular basis. So, by age five, her body was "ready and capable" of pregnancy hormornally. I'm surprised Lina survived labour and delivery. That poor girl. Apparently, she engaged with her son like a little girl would play with a doll. Lina's mother raised both her and Lina's son in the same household.


So weird to me folks are focused on her early periods and sort of ignoring the fact some man got a 5 yr old pregnant. And I am guessing nothing happened to the creep. I run cyber intelligence and criminal investigations for a tech giant and after all these yrs I am done with those who abuse children. They should get death row. There is no fixing them.


I absolutely agree, Child Predators should get either life in prison without parole or death. A dead Child Abuser can never abuse children again. To my knowledge, Lina's rapist was never conclusively identified. She has never revealed who assaulted her, or his identity, if she knows it.


Life in prison at taxpayer's expense? Nah, a single, well placed .22 LR is much more economical.


Economical, yes. But sometimes, being in prison, in the same cell, or a cell just like it, can be worse than death. Plus, with wrongful convictions, some people get their second chance. You don't come back from being wrongfully executed, as low as the risk may be. But people like Vinson Finlaw, Scott Tyree, Paul Bernardo, Myra Hindley, Clifford Olson, Valmae Faye Beck, etc, etc...yes, I'd have no problem with them being taken to a remote field and shot. Personally, I think someone sexually abuses | exploits a child *one* time once the perpetrator is, say, 20, and automatic life in prison without parole | death penalty. The child doesn't get a second chance to go back to being unabused, the perpetrator (s) should not get a second chance either.


My biggest gripe about the US has to do with mismanagement of funds and healthcare. Why do criminals get unlimited second chances? Why do they receive healthcare benefits, and educational opportunities and 3 meals a day and recess? Why do they get church time? We have countless people in nursing homes literally rotting in beds, getting decubitus ulcers and dying because CNAs and LPNs are either overworked or playing on their phones (depends where you are in the country). These are people who literally can't take care of themselves, whether it be from strokes or heart attacks or any of the common comorbidities found in this country due to lifestyle and food. The government is pushing free narcan and safe injection sites for drug users, meanwhile we have asthmatics and anaphylactic people suffocating to death without access to free albuterol inhalers or epipens. This country needs reform, and priorities need to be sorted.


Oh, preaching to the choir. I'm going to guess it's because some of the criminals are running the country, have friends in high places, and because the U S. has a legal system, and not a justice system - just like Canada. Plus, I think governments generally don't give a fig about the average citizen. They only care what they can get from citizens. Canada is quite similar. Law-abiding citizens suffer. But if you commit rape, destroy someone's life, or kill a child or your ex-partner, you can get legal representation, education, healthcare, and your "rights" protected and "free" (as a prisoner). One woman, with her husband, killed three teenage girls. He got life with parole eligibility. She did twelve years, earned a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, learned fluent French, got married, and has children, fully free of any legal restrictions. In the U.S, people are hoarding their insulin - to death, but substance users get safe injection sites, like you said. If governments and society can do that, and I believe substance users do need help if they want to quit using - insulin, asthma chambers, epipens, and antidepressants, etc, should also be available to those who need them, not just to those who can afford them, or have them covered.


Thank you for the helpful insight.


I don’t think Peruvian prisons are known for the humanity (coming from a sister country). The predator was never even unfortunately named, so I don’t understand the point.


Let’s be honest, it was likely someone close to her….aka her dad.


It was her uncle


Her father is actually the person a lot of people suspect. But it's impossible to know for sure now.


They don't even know who it was. Iirc they suspected her father but let him go for lack of evidence




Unfortunately that club appears to be far bigger and more entrenched in power than we ever thought. Heads on spikes is what I’m thinking.


What's the weird part of that? That the predator is being forgotten or was never known, and doesn't deserve to even be part of the discussion? There is something fascinating to be discussed about such an early pregnancy and the circumstances with all the experiences that would entail and how the future of their lives might go. There is nothing fascinating about acknowledging that someone raped her to make the situation happen at all, I think everyone understands pretty easily that it is horrific.


No one's ignoring it because it's obvious and goes without saying.


Lina had a C-section.


C-sections are still a form of labour, delivery, and birth. I'm still surprised that, physically speaking, she and her son survived with no permanent consequences.


Article said she delivered via c section. So at least she didn’t have to go thru vaginal delivery. Poor girl. Edit: chill guys, I’m not saying it’s ok because she has a c section. I’m saying for a child that young and that size a vaginal delivery would have torn her body apart and almost certainly killed both of them. Person I replied to said I’m surprised she survived. I’m saying they survived because it was a c section. Stop assuming my thoughts when I went no where near saying it was ok. But logically the c section was the better option. *at least she didn’t have to go thru vaginal delivery*.


I’ve had 3 c sections. They’re not “the easy option” it’s literally major abdominal surgery.


I think they just mean it was the easier option for Lina. A vaginal birth would have almost certainly killed her and the baby.


Either way a c section is brutal on a grown body never mind a 5 year old who doesn’t understand you can’t play until you incision has healed. .


Totally agree. The whole thing is messed up and sad.


No one said it was an easy option. It was the safer option of the two, but not easier.


The fact that she was forced to carry the pregnancy AT ALL is sickening!


You’re right that premature menarche can occur without secondary sex characteristics, but this isn’t what happened here. She clearly had precocious puberty, you can see the secondary sexual characteristics.


Please re-read my comment. I said it can occur, I do not know if it did in her case or not and am not in a position to venture an opinion. As I am not medically trained in any way, any opinion I might have is quite irrelevant. I have however worked with many cases of child sexual abuse, it is heartbreaking. And I know that the perpetrators will use anything and everything as an excuse to justify their crimes.


Unfortunately a risk factor for early puberty is sexual abuse 😔 it's likely this poor girl was being abused for a large portion of her life


Miracle my ass that poor girl was molested


The miracle isn’t the fact that she was pregnant, but that she somehow managed to pull through without any major physical complications toward her or the child.


Without ? She had to have a c section at 6 years old. C sections are no joke they fuck you tf up no matter how well it went. I don’t think she had anymore kids after him. He also died of cancer and there are a few drs who wondered if x-raying his mom with him en utero could have contributed to that.


Wikipedia says she married and had another kid in 1972.


The comment said "he" so I think they meant the baby


“I don’t think she had any more kids after him.”


Oh right, my bad!


Not to mention this was a c-section in the 1930s- which was traumatic and painful for full grown women in that era, let alone a child. No epidural. Poor pain management. And she was FIVE. She had to be terrified.


Especially after being sexually assaulted!! What a fucked up world


I had a c section in October and I'm STILL dealing with pain and my incision is only about 3-4 inches across, but it's STILL tender. I can't imagine going through that at 6 and being cut from hip to hip.


No kids for me, but I had to have an ovary and excessive internal bleeding taken care of and they cut me open for it. That shit is NO joke. You really don't realize how many muscles you use moving until after that procedure and everything hurts like hell. Bonus points for the JP drain I had, clipped it to the shower curtain when I showered and my mother came into the bathroom one day and ripped open the shower curtain :| This was 2019-2020 ish and that area is still tender, and likely always will be I figure.


She was most likely cut from bellybutton down back then.


That’s how my first two c sections were done in 2015 and 2018. It leaves your lower stomach looking like full blown ass cheeks.


Cancer is probably more of a genetic risk if your parents are father-daughter 🫥 Wikipedia says he died of bone marrow disease at 40, but the point still stands.


Literally everything is at higher risk of happening in that situation.


I still think that the fact that she was able to have children after and didn’t die from giving birth or after is miraculous. I don’t think they’re trying to downplay c sections, but it doesn’t seem like she had any serious long term physical effects from it. This is 1939 too, which is even crazier. C sections happen all the time today and they’re brutal on healthy adult women. I think that pulling through that at that age and time without any serious physical long term effects is their point. The fact she was able to walk afterwards is a miracle.


That’s still pretty fucking incredible tho. No one is arguing this isn’t tragic and horrific and a testament to the evils of man. People are just saying that it’s pretty incredible that both parties survived the birthing process


My mother had both me and my brother via C-section 4 years apart and never suffered any horrible lifelong side effects from it. Granted I imagine having a procedure at that age took much more of a toll on her than it would an adult, (And obviously the fact she needed to have one at that age at all is horrible. ) but a C-section is not a crippling event which will leave you sterile or otherwise maimed.




Yes I completely agree and perhaps should have chosen my words more carefully. Just so no one questions what I meant. This child was raped and the rapist deserves the death penalty for his crime.


No-she was raped.


She was 5 way under the age of consent, rape.


That’s my point.


>The experts were baffled Um, I have a theory…




Raped. Not molested. There’s a difference.










Yeah that’s pretty obvious.


The headline seams like marias shit wtf, this is child abuse not a mystery


The true mystery was who the father was. Her dad was arrested at first but then let go because they couldn’t prove it was him. The census is that she herself might not even know.


Oh, a 5 year old not understanding what rape is and why that might result in a child? *You don't say!*


I think the point here is that she was too young to even identify / remember the specific person who did it. Even if the child do not understand what rape is, it's often possible to get them to identify the person who did things they did not understand.


And it could have been multiple people abusing her


What point do you think you're making? When they say it's a mystery, it's not because they don't know how pregancy works and are standing around scratching their heads saying, "WhErE's ThE sToRk??" It's because they don't know who did it, if it was a family member or a member of a local church or a family friend or a friend's older sibling or any number of other possibilities, leaving what exactly happened............ ***a fucking mystery.***


Bet it was her dad


The medical side is the mystery, nothing else


If you read the wiki on her, she had precocious puberty and had been having periods since eight months old. When they delivered her baby they found her sexual organs fully developed. So the only mystery really is who raped her. She is still living today.


How do you think we found out what precocious puberties were? It left experts baffled at the time but since to this horrific case of rape we now know.


No it didn’t, they knew what it was at the time. Read the wiki article.


Every article I see about this is "ooooooh what a mystery," but there's not mystery A 5 year old was raped, and because of rather unique medical circumstances, a pregnancy resulted. Unfortunately, it looks like this little girl was then forced to raise/care for the product of an assault. The only mystery is why no authorities went to that girl's home guns blazing to figure out who did this to her. And let's face it, they probably wouldn't have to look very far to figure it out.


She wasn’t. Her mother raised him and her as siblings in the same household. He didn’t find out she was his mom until he was in elementary school and the children told them. They never knew who raped her because she never said who. Her dad was ruled out, so was an uncle. Her son didn’t look like them either. Her parents mostly tried to let her live as normally as possible and didn’t force her to parent her child and she interacted with him like a normal little girl would her toy doll.


She was one of nine. Could have been a brother, or cousin, or multiple people


Unfortunately she never revealed to the world at large who raped her. That’s something only she and that person will ever know.


No one thinks it's a mystery about how she got pregnant 🙄 The mystery is who raped her because they couldn't be sure. More than one male had access to her. The mystery could also be how a 5-year-old even survived pregnancy back then when adult women still die from it today. With a little critical thinking, you can see that people aren't asking HOW she got pregnant 🤦🏼‍♀️




Not even slightly baffling. Poor child was raped, and iirc her father was prime suspect number one in this.


He was, but they let him go pretty soon. She knows who the father is but she’s refused to reveal it. Either way it’s heartbreaking.


At that stage of mental development losing the father might have been the greater pain than not getting justice, so she chose to remain silent. Typical abuse situation. Horrible in any way. Poor woman.


She's too young to even understand that her dad would disappear in that situation.


Unless her father told her that if she talked, then they would take him away.


If I had to convince my 5 year old to not speak on something with the penalty being that I would be taken away, I'd surrender right then. Maybe that's what happened, maybe it didn't. All this is way too much to assume from a wiki article.


Same, mine is famous for “accidentally” saying what she’s not supposed to say.


Probably was her father if that's the case


I think the baffling part here is that a 5yo is able to become pregnant. Everybody understands she was molested tho


Precocious puberty isn't baffling. It is terrible and sometimes cause by tumors or hormone problems. And she was raped, not molested.


When is the last time you’ve heard of a 5 year old have a menstrual and get pregnant?


I know a young girl who was put on puberty blockers as a toddler due to precocious puberty. She did not get pregnant as she was not raped like this poor young girl. You don't have to hear of something happening for it to be a thing, unless you believe the world ceases to exist outside of your awareness of it.


Puberty blockers were created because of precocious puberty. Even newborns can suffer biological malfunction like that. Her getting pregnant was a rape thing, the precocious puberty was why her rapes resulted in a pregnancy. She was four when she became pregnant, five when she gave birth.


It is a medical fact that it can happen. If you want to read more information about it look for eg "premature menarche." And (try not to vomit) the fact that it \*can\* happen it is used by very, very evil people to justify sexual abuse of children.


lol fr.. a 5yo pregnant? “not baffling at all bro!”


Yeah, but I suspect the family had close relations nearby given the time period and culture. Lots of uncles, cousins, brothers, and neighbors probably had access to this poor child. I suspect that the culture also pressured her to leave the paternity question alone, but I don't have any evidence to back that up.


This child was sexually molested. There have been other cases of children almost that young giving birth after being sexually victimized. Look for news stories like this on outlets near you, from states where abortion is outlawed.






If she had descendents, dna could clear up the mystery of who assaulted her.


I am willing to bet that the family pressures its members to leave that question alone.


Only if her first child had a DNA test could the father be discovered, and according to comments on here, he passed away some time ago


Or if her first child had children of his own, their dna could provide proof


Could it, even if, as is most likely, it was a family member?


Yes it possibly could


She is still alive at 90yrs old.


I wish this article would remove the word “miracle” from its title. Hardly an appropriate word for a poor innocent child who must have been raped.


The mystery is about how she could have ovulated and have a pregnancy at that age, not the sexual act.


Quote from her wiki. "Dr. Edmundo Escomel reported her case in the medical journal La Presse Médicale, including that her menarche had occurred at eight months of age, in contrast to previous reports that she had had regular periods since the age of three or two and a half."


Look up "precocious puberty". Yes we don't know what triggered it, but we know of precocious puberties.


How she was ABLE to get pregnant is a mystery. HOW she got pregnant isn't. She was the victim of an absolutely evil piece of shit.


The amount of people in here who don't get that, is quite sad.


Didn't she live to be 90yo or something as well?


still alive after a quick google search, aged 90


“Baffled”? She got raped and they knew it.


the news cycle in 1939 be like: omg a five year old got mol- ***OH MY FUCKING GOD THE NAZIS AND THE SOVIETS ATTACKED POLAND!!!***


i thought i had read something like 10 years old a long time ago.. 5 year old mother is horrific.. and i hope her dad got locked up because thats no accident!


He did, briefly, and was released due to a lack of evidence. It's a reasonable assumption he did it, but then again there could have been a dozen possibilities.


Exactly. She was 1 of 13 kids. It’s also likely an older brother.


This article is creepy af. Marveling at her young menstruation while dodging the HOW she got pregnant to begin with.


"a lasting mystery" she was raped.


It's not a mystery, she was raped by a family member. She started puberty early. She's a victim and this shit is sad.


Who is baffled at there was a terrible man who raped a small child?


why is the title anything other than CHILD RAPE/VICTIM, nothing baffling about this


It's no mystery. Her father raped her.


They are trying to make this the norm in the US currently: Tennessee Republicans reject bill to allow raped children 12 and under to abort up to 10 weeks https://tennesseelookout.com/2023/04/03/tennessee-lawmakers-must-understand-rape-when-drafting-exceptions-to-abortion-ban/ Idaho Republicans vote to provide no exception to save the life of the mother, even if she is a minor https://idahocapitalsun.com/2022/07/16/no-exception-for-life-of-mother-included-in-idaho-gops-abortion-platform-language/#:~:text=By%20a%20nearly%20four%2Dto,abortion%20to%20save%20her%20life South Carolina Republicans propose death penalty for women and up to life sentences for children who receive abortions, including victims of rape and/or incest https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/14/south-carolina-bill-abortion-death-penalty/11471997002/ Idaho criminalizes helping minors travel out of state to get an abortion https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/idaho-criminalizes-helping-minors-travel-out-of-state-to-get-an-abortion Idaho senator proposes bill to remove rape, incest exceptions from abortion laws https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/capitol-watch/local-idaho-senator-proposes-bill-remove-rape-incest-clause-from-abortion-laws/277-d1ceb554-ba01-4ed0-971a-594ceeee1632 Ohio Republican Warren Davidson publicly supports forcing raped 12-year-old to give birth: "You don't know you were raped for 2 months?" https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2022/06/27/warren-davidson-child-rape-victim-pregnancy-abortion-supreme-court-brown-nr-sot-vpx.cnn Indiana Republican attorney general Todd Rokita asks medical board to discipline doctor who provided abortion for 10-year-old rape victim https://apnews.com/article/abortion-biden-health-indianapolis-indiana-e73ecf4f60ed68f1ad1d11db7c223359 In 2021, Ohio’s Children’s Advocacy Centers saw 6,717 cases of sexual abuse against Ohioans between infancy and adulthood. And in 2020, the most recent year for which statistics are available, 571 girls aged 17 or younger received abortions in Ohio, according to the state department of health. Fifty-two of them — or one a week — were 14 or younger. https://odh.ohio.gov/know-our-programs/vital-statistics/resources/vs-abortionreport2020 Rep. Cindy Crawford, R-Fort Smith of Arkansas publicly defends forcing young children to give birth, even if potentially fatal https://www.reddit.com/r/WelcomeToGilead/comments/128o9m2/video_of_arkansas_decision_on_child_rape_amendment/ Republican Sen. Mike Moon reiterates support for 12-year-old's right to marry in Missouri https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/12/sen-mike-moon-reiterates-support-for-12-year-olds-right-to-marry-missouri-senate/70107573007/ Tennessee Republican Tom Leatherwood sponsors bill to remove marriage age limit https://www.wkrn.com/news/tennessee-politics/a-get-out-of-jail-free-card-gop-bill-would-eliminate-age-requirements-for-marriages-in-tennessee/ A Kentucky Republican has introduced legislation that would force 13 year olds and older to give birth to their cousin's rape baby. https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/record/24rs/hb269.html The amendment would reduce the designation of incest by contact to a Class D felony for some cases "unless it is committed with a person who is less than twelve years of age," in which case it is Class C. Affidavits: More pregnant minors who were raped denied Ohio abortions Documents describe dozens of painful situations under Ohio abortion restrictions https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/09/22/affidavits-more-pregnant-minors-who-were-raped-denied-ohio-abortions/


America needs an “in her shoes” campaign like Ireland had in the run up to Irelands referendum on abortion a few years ago


This is what happens when the country is run by religious nutjobs and pedophiles. No child should be forced to birth a child. Matter of fact, *no one* should be forced to birth an unwanted child or force to birth a child if the outcome is going to be fatal for the mother and/or child. The land of the "free" ain't looking too free anymore.


Oh my goodness this is appalling… what on earth is going on in the country I have so admired and loved ( American father rip) I’m in the uk…. Why is this happening; what on earth is going on over there… I thought it was a land of the free…. These misogynistic lunatics will bring about revolution… it’s like reverse time travel… oh I could vomit… why does America hate women so much… why take the rights of a child subject to incest.. away from her. This is the wealthiest country in the world… and yet in these strange enclaves this is being allowed to happen… wtf is going on… it’s sickening 🤮🇬🇧🇺🇸


"Religion" is their excuse, but I'm very glad I don't live there right now. Disgusting.




Oh my God! That isn’t even right!


I’m sorry, but it was NEVER revealed who raped her? Because that’s the only thing that could have happened. I feel so sad that she carried that burden her entire life.


There are a lot of hurdles in the way. The legal implications of having a very young child witness is they are regarded as being susceptible to leading questions. Even if they are not. So you cannot ask leading questions at ANY stage of the process. You also need to be very careful to restrict who talks to the child about the incident, to keep their own memory of the incident free from interference, and you also do not want to re-traumatize the child. (Imagine how relatives would react to something like this, there would be screaming.) Usually a trained intermediary is used as soon as it is believed that child sexual abuse (in my country, this is a legal definition that includes rape and all variations thereof) might have taken place. Leaving the legal process out of the equation, they first have to explain to the child that someone did something to her to put the baby in her tummy and does she remember anything like that. Now, if she does not know what a penis is and what it does she is simply not going to know, bearing in mind that the rape in all likelihood occurred a few months before the pregnancy was discovered. Just as an example, I handled a CSA case once where kiddo (aged about 5) said that mommy's boyfriend poked her with a white stick. That is how the little kid interpreted what he did.


Youngest so far, American law makers say, hold my beer


“ Miracle”?


How is this a mystery??? A crime, yes! A mystery, Jesus.


A mystery?? To whom is it a mystery? Do they need me to tell them how she got pregnant?


HATE SEEING THIS!! Child was raped and made into a tidbit


Is it a mystery though? She was clearly raped.


I’m so tired of seeing this story come up everywhere as being labeled as a “mystery” and not rape. Like… come on.


It's neither a miracle nor a mystery and I'm so tired of people behaving as though she was anything other than the victim of a rape by an adult man. This is at least the second time I've seen a thread about Lina Medina that took this bullshit "medical mystery" tone about CSA.


The GOP: “*this girl is an inspiration to us all*”


This is the most awful thing I’ve ever borne witness too… my heart is broken ..the poor child… may she rest in peace ❤️


[She's still alive...](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina)


Oh my goodness… bless her heart. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


But still she can rest in peace if she chooses to while still alive.


There isn’t much mystery on “how” she got pregnant 🙄


Obviously this poor child was raped by a piece of shit. But, that isn’t the medical mystery. The medical mystery is how the fuck could a 5 year old get pregnant? The thought of it is sickening but there still is some interesting science to understand as people usually are not fertile at the age of fucking 5. Still disgusting as we would probably have never asked science this question if it wasn’t for a shit scum human being.


It’s not a mystery. She was repeatedly raped. Disgusting and sad. Poor babies.


Jesus christ the poor girl was raped. Probably by a family member. IDC bro religion or not there is no excuse for a lil girl to be pregnant. God or not.


Jesus Christ


I hope the dirt bag got hit by a truck.


Disgusting. Poor child


Omg that poor girl 😢 the real miracle is how she survived that 😔


statistically, the one 5 year old girl who *could* get pregnant, *did* get pregnant does not bode well


Ok as a complete idiot, I want to ask ? Isn’t there like theories that molestation and of course rape in young individuals brings on a premature physical maturation ? Could her precocious condition somehow stem from being sexually abused from ??toddlerhood ? I wish I didn’t have these questions but Reddit is the place for answers 😂


What happened to the dirtbag that raped her?????


She never revealed the identity


"mystery" she was raped, case closed.


I read a few years ago she was pregnant at 9


she was raped. tell it like it is.


The circumstances are that she was raped. 😒🙄


A “lasting mystery” to fucking who? The list of suspects should have been pretty damn short here.


Just DNA that fucker ......volla mystery solved


I can see how experts were baffled on account of her age, but the other part of this isn’t a mystery, and that part of it is disgusting.


Conservatives - "It's a miracle. She's so blessed."


Rape is such a mystery! Sickness


Medical experts were baffled? Did they not study rape in 1939? Oops…I’d better not rile up the Red State Rapers. They don’t need any more triggers setting off their compulsions to legislate the evil act.


I think the mystery is someone starting puberty at 5(especially in 1939) not the logistics of the pregnancy.


Baffled? I know it was 1939, but clearly, Lina had had sex, and by "sex," I mean that some boy - or most likely, an adult man - had raped her. Lina has apparently never revealed the "father" of her son, or if and how he was known to her.


Uncle Ernie.


The backdrop this fact sits against is horrifying.


What happened to the kid?


On her wiki it says he passed at 40 from something with his bone marrow iirc


Rape or divine intervention are the only two possibilities. Sad. The abuser must have been a relative..


A horrendous and extreme example of why we are lucky to be alive in a time where abortion is safe from a medical perspective (though threatened politically). This poor child should not have been raped or forced to carry a pregnancy to term. Historically speaking, were there methods of safe abortion in the 1930-40s?


Is said she was born in 1933.. and died in 2002 at age 85... that doesn't math.


She's still alive. She's 90 now.




Obviously a virgin birth, immaculate conception.




# To the father: https://preview.redd.it/9tdhh2xrfd8d1.png?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=833e582550087f217266059c765413ed6cb457f0


I'll make the world a deal: I'll accept capital punishment if: A. it will be used against rapists and child molesters and B. I can be the one swinging the baseball bat. I don't give a rats ass what condition this poor girl had, the sperm had to come from somewhere! I'd gladly dispose of him.


>leaving experts baffled and the circumstances of her pregnancy a lasting mystery ![gif](giphy|8vyZouWSVhslwWA7Lp|downsized)


This is messed up.


Didn’t they think it may have been her father or uncle but it was never confirmed (sorry if it’s in the link I didn’t click on)


Overall this is just fucking awful.


Fucking sickening


Who raped that little girl?! Was he ever brought to justice???


Obscene and heinous.