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Hey man, It sounds like you’ve gone through some incredibly unlucky times and then turned to gambling for some sort of satisfaction... then it’s done what it always does and taken back more than you put in. Don’t beat yourself up about it just never make the same mistake twice. Life is about learning, whether you are 20,40,60 or 80 you never stop learning and this should be one of the most memorable lessons. You seem to reflect well on what you have done wrong, I’d remember that. What that means is everything from here gets better. You mentioned how you can’t pay for help, which is fine but talk to someone about it. It’s embarrassing maybe, but it could save your life and prevent anything like this happening again. Set some goals for yourself, starting small and go from there. I wish you the real best of luck.


Hey dude, I'm really sorry this is all happening at once. Gambling addiction is a sickness that these huge billion dollar companies profit off of every single day, and they prey on people like us. I hope this is the turning point that you need to get on the right track. Good luck with everything!


This could be the single, most important decision you ever make mate. I genuinely wish you all the best for the future.


Exactly this. One day you WILL look back at this moment as a defining part of your life. It’s only up from here.


I can't believe all these responses I'm reading. He's physically handicapped. He fell in ice. Yet despite his handicap, he managed to pull himself ou His last remaining relative's died in a car accident? He's going blind? And nobody suspects this whole post is a sham? Come on people, get a clue. And all this time I'm wasting reading all this, I could've been picking winning bets!


It's no sham. More like it's a shame for me that I let myself be swallowed by the addiction. Besides, I am not looking neither for sympathy nor lecturing anyone to do as I say and recommend. At all. I should've also been more specific about the blindness, since it's only 1 eye, so not completely blind anyway. And I am not going to be handicapped forever either. It'll get better. Eventually. Pardon if I offended anyone with my post. That was most definitely not the purpose of it!


Take care.


I got absolutely addicted. I'd win so much and then lose the value of money. When you're staying up betting on games and depressed it's awful. Especially every time you get clarification that it's wrong but you slip back into it. It was like another full time job and drains everything from you. I closed every account at the start of this year and got gamcare to block me from all online places that have signed up to that. I have tried to give up countless times but this time it's going good. Urges to bet on the boxing and so on. But no bets this year so far and all accounts blocked. Good luck to your brother. Really good you took a big change that goes in the direction you need and want.


thanks, i kinda needed that i guess. been betting for a few months, am on the plus side and trying not to let it get to my head. if it makes you feel better i got screwed because of that exact same liverpool bet haha


You are most welcome. I mean, do stop if you feel like you are losing it. I can only recommend to continue IF you feel like you're having control AND you're having a nice win, but be VERY cautious. It's the beginning that can be the most harsh part of it before you get bitten by the addiction. And yes, I definitely feel you on that... However, I have a saying that do NOT bet using your favorite team. You are likely to fail on that, especially if you're only missing that match from the slip. I made a mistake with that and chose Liverpool when I could've made countless of other choices. Bummer.


yes, i had to learn not to bet on your favorite team the hard way, and wont unless my gambler friends tell me to (i tend to trust their judgment and actually won betting on my favorite team yesterday. i find it easier to control myself because i gambled last year for about a month and stopped after i began to lose (made pretty good money for few weeks and lost it all in a few days). now i know all the basic things to avoid


Amazing post, I was actually thinking about quitting over the weekend as I have lost a lot of bets and more importantly money, reading this post though I definitely will not be going back into gambling over stupid fucking football. Best of luck and know that your post definitely positively affected at least one person.


Yep, I can relate to that, though I didn't ruin my life in any way with it. I was betting rather successfully for a while and I was a couple hundred on the plus side of things. I bet rather sensibly, spent time watching the shitty streams from the Bolivian league to find inconsistencies between the odds and what I was observing. In low-profile games like these it's not *that* hard to spot value where the majority doesn't. However, I lost quite a few bets in a row which I feel I shouldn't have lost. "Bad luck". I don't know the exact numbers anymore but let's say I had 300€. Due to my bad luck streak I had "only" 200€ left. But for some reason it bugged me to no end. How dare this bad luck takes away *my* money! So I was chasing the loss. I put my entire bankroll on some 1.50 overs bet in the Icelandic league in order to reach my initial 300€ again. Even though I normally bet very carefully I didn't know anything about that game. It ended 0-0, which was the first scoreless draw in that one teams' history. Later that evening I again thought to myself "I will get that bankroll of 300€ back!". So I deposited 1000€ and made some stupid overs double on MLS games for combined odds of 1.20. I won, but obviously didn't reach my target. So I bet the 200€ I won on some 1.50 bet in order to be done with it. But I lost and was back at my initial 1000€. I was super stressed and just wanted to be done with it, so I bet the remaining money on a first-half overs double at 1.30 - two games in the Paraguayan league. Both were 0-0 at half and my 1000€ were gone. At that point I definitely wasn't myself anymore. I deposited 2000€ all at once and blindly played 0.5 FH goals in *every* game that was about to start at that time, a couple hundred each. And that's pretty much the end of my high rolling gambling career. I was having shivers for a couple minutes and was amazed by my stupidity. I didn't quit betting completely. It's still fun. And I made quite a few stupid bets since then, no doubt. But my "compulsiveness" was cured in an instant. I have no desire to chase beyond my very little bankroll and as of now I haven't bet in half a year. To imagine that there are people doing what I did once every month is a tough thought ...


Much appreciated for the support and advises, people. Also to those who took time and effort sending me a PM. Thank you. Well, unfortunately, I do not only have this betting problem to handle. I will most likely be forced out of my house eventually since the bills will be piling up quite heavily the upcoming months. I am currently on the lookout for several smaller jobs in order to gain some €€€ to get through the summertime, at least. Too bad that it sux I cannot move awfully much due to my injuries. I am not socially awkward, though. I can talk. I am a good listener. I am no scaredy cat either. I have great people understanding. I can advise. I can write. I can also act. I have previously figured as a radio host as well. In fact, I was planning to focus on that part now. Maybe I can build a career out of that. It's worth the try, I guess. That said, I also wanted to let you lot know that I have not actually deleted my gambling accounts. That's simply because I am using these accounts as a help for me to prevent from gambling anymore. It's like a forcing mechanism technique of mine. I believe it will work. IF it would happen that I will "lose it" again, for some magic reasons, I will close them for good, for sure. But yeah, right now, I am just trying to get through my real life matters. I have no need nor lust for gambling as I am writing this, for sure. I must again say that I am not blaming anyone for my stupido and foolish actions. These bets and losses are all on me. It's me who have to find ways to deal with it and work myself for the better. I shouldn't have done it, but it's already done, so it's something I must live with. I believe it's vital for me that I've at least taken this step. Also, I am not asking any of you to actually listen to me, but I definitely recommend to at least take my words into consideration. That will neither hurt nor cost you much. Take it from someone who've lost everything. Not only because of gambling and all, but also from various happenings and incidents. The important bit here is that you realize I am not asking nor telling you to QUIT gambling entirely, but to be more balanced with it all. See things outside the box. Take things and matters into consideration before it might be too late. As for me, I have literally no one to talk to here where I am. And unfortunately, I am in such a position that I cannot just leave everything here and move away. It's not that simple. Being forced to go through this by myself ain't no walk in the park. I noticed that yesterday when I went to bed. I curled up next to the wall, but my eyes refused to close, because I was shattered from the smack I got by harsh reality of the entire situation. Eventually, I started to drift into dreamland and got about 3 hours of sleep before I woke up again. When I woke up today, I also realized that I do not wish to say "good bye", at least not to this subreddit. I will still continue to advise people as much as possible even if I will not be betting anymore myself. Pretty easy to say that after just 1 day since the breakdown, right? But in all seriousness, that's how determined and certain I am about it all, and I am most capable to stand on my words. Thank you for listening to me, but most of all; thank you for your support and time. Really. I will continue replying you lot, if you wish. Feel free to reach out to me in PM too. I am open for a chat, yes. Take good care and good luck with your bets.


Well, it's fortune for me to realised that gambling is not easy to win inspite of whatever odds could be in my 20s i have lost multiples times which odds are around 1.5 or even lower. As soon as i realised i found myself other hobby like watching sport without betting, or reading books. I hope u all the best and stay away toxic betting.


Can completely relate to the way in which you've gambled when at your lowest ebb. At times in my life when things haven't been so good I have went in hard, thinking that a few big wins would make me feel much better, and fill some sort of void. This is not something you realise at the time, it just comes with hindsight. I think gambling is just like drink or drugs (whatever you're into), it's fine in moderation, but can also be very addictive. The highs and lows are comparable, but the most important thing for me is never do any of these vices (gambling included) when in a bad mood. It usually ends in disaster. Very sorry to hear of your troubles mate, hope you can find a way back to happiness, and soon..


Get a hobby. EZ.


take care of yourself man. don't give up. you'll bounce back :)


Good luck brother


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/problemgambling] [Unfortunate story of a gambler](https://www.reddit.com/r/problemgambling/comments/ber1a4/unfortunate_story_of_a_gambler/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Don’t give up!! You are a lucky man in life, you still have a son who loves you even if you don’t get to see him . Attend GA meetings since it’s free and allow TIME to heel your pain.




Start with meditation and do not forget about this post, never! Its gonna be hard but you can do it! Take care.


It sounds like your on a massive downswing just waiting to pay-out so now would be the absolute worst time to give up. Try getting more money in anyway you can and get some more bets on son trust me it will pay out soon


I can see why you are on the Internet so much.