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depressing to watch....trump was lying so much and blatantly too but Biden was not able to reel attention towards it due to his speech being so scratchy


I felt the same way honestly. Biden had so much more energy in the 2020 debates!


Like a newspaper from my nation put it: "Trump said they would have to give Biden a shot in his butt to be more energetic, and a lot of the Democratic Party must be wishing they'd have just done that"


while true, I wish more people would understand that while being good at debating is important for campaigning, it is not the most important skill for actually leading a nation


A quote I heard from a focus group summed it up well It was Hell No and Oh No. It was so hard to watch. I was hopeful Biden could come out swinging to address the age concerns….instead he compounded the age problem.


Trump outright said that Putin told him his dream was to invade Ukraine and used the notion of Biden talking Putin out of invading Ukraine AS AN ATTACK AGAINST BIDEN! Trump knew about the invasion in advance! He's a fucking Russian plant!!


Where did he say this? I'm interested


[Sadly the only news I could find on it](https://newrepublic.com/post/183240/trump-spoke-putin-dream-invade-ukraine) I would go back to the debate footage and pinpoint the exact time mark when they talked about foreign policy, but I've already listened to that fucking dumpster fire of a debate enough and do not want to again.


Lol. I understand completely. I haven't watched the debate in full yet but I don't know if I have the energy too


Trump: dictator Biden: way too old Rfk: conspiracy theorists West: wants to abandon nato and Ukraine (plus not likely to win) Stein: same as west plus had a dinner with Putin Oliver: wants to abandon Ukraine


I think I’m gonna update my passport and move to Canada. We’re so fucked.


Were about to elect a far right govourment up here. Its like the UK but reverse. Atleast biden had a chance


Damn it's hard bro just can't stop audibly saying they're fucked Iam all the the democrats but it's times like these I wish they at least find another candidate or at most the US just gets rid of this 2 party system


Biden sucked, Trump sucked worse. At least Biden didnt lie a lot. Still, the whole debate was a dumpster fire and we deserve better than these 2 candidates.


It was a brain meltingly terrible experience. Biden did not acquit himself well. Trump acquitted himself even more poorly (if you ignore that he is confident and can actually enunciate). CNN probably came off the worst, though. If there is any upside to this debate, and there are very few, it is that it will be long forgotten four months from now as the country gears up for its the final month of election season. These kind of early debates have little staying power beyond a couple of weeks after they take place. What little influence debates hold over American voters will be taken up by debates that take place closer to election day. 90% to 95% of the voting public have already decided who they will vote for.


This debate just made me even more depressed about the current state of our politics, and utterly shocked that Biden agreed to debate Trump at all. What a mockery of the system this election is man.


For four years we knew that this rematch would happen and I was never worried until this debate. Biden looked BAD. Trump is a psychopath and spouted non-stop lies, but nobody checked him. Nobody called him on his outright lies! Not Biden, Not the moderators, Not the commentators afterward. The end result is that anyone watching who didn't already know better now thinks those are facts. I am absolutely gutted by this performance. Not a single thing will be better by having a diaper-wearing demented huckster in office, but Americans are dumb, they vote optics, and Biden looked bad. ... Anybody knows who is offering work visas to Ireland? (kidding not kidding)


Yeah things are not looking too great for the future of this country, at the moment. I still have hope…


Biden struggled in the debate. No doubt about that. His State of the Union was very good, so I think he’s fine. But he needs to get back in front of the nation immediately to prove he’s okay.


I'm Russian, so my perspective is not in demand right now but RBG de ja vu. Bidden had the chance to be one of history's greatest one term presidents but his confidence, pride, or ignorance got in the way of stepping down when he had the chance. Now it's too late. I still think he'll win, but the democrats have a long uphill battle ahead where they're going to eat a lot of crow.


Not american. Biden looked *rough* out there. Trump talked a lot and he didn't looked more "coherent" but definitely more present/aware. Still horrible human being though. Independents are in the shits because all Trump did was dig into his horrible agenda and Biden did not looked like a man who could stand to him or his movement. If it was up to me I would hand the continent to Lula at this point idk. Is Biden dropping out feasible?


We might be too far in for Biden to drop out. And if he did the nominee would certainly have to be Kamala, who I honestly think would make a better candidate at this point


Not that she would be a worse choice than Trump, but she is so “unsympathetic” and it’s not like she stands for anything especially good, I don’t know why dems did not change the VP that people can relate more.


Barring some kind of severe medical episode, Biden dropping out of the race is not feasible at all. It would be a political disaster for the Democratic Party. The disaster would not just extend to non-Democratoc voters. I think a sizeable number of Democratic voters would sit out the election if Harris was foisted upon them, the party and the country by dictate of Biden and the DNC. It would be a highly undemocratic thing to do. Especially since Harris is not a popular Vice President. We're all in it for the long haul.


>Barring some kind of severe medical episode Wouldn't yesterday count as that?


What are you talking about? Biden didn't have a medical episode.


From Canada here, thought some parts of this debate were very unprofessional from both sides. For example, Trump and Biden arguing over golf was a sight to see. I also find Trump should have tried to answer the questions instead of fighting over how good he was. I think he was trying to prove he had done much more however just made him seem self-obsessed. On the other hand, Biden was very hard to understand and he seemed to be out of it when he wasn’t speaking, as if he was ignoring everything being said.


The Omori Fight theme started to play in my head when Biden was struggling. It went almost the worst way it could ve went, the optics were horrible for Biden 


They’re both too goddamn old, they’re both right wing. Biden is just center right and Trump is far right. They both suck but Biden at least isn’t running just do dodge felonies.


Nor overthrow democracy, with this race I am really concerned hat Trump will kneecap American democracy, not to mention withdrawal of support to Ukraine, which only guarantees that there will be an escalation in Europe a few years down the line.


Biden seems to be way more pro-union than drump so if I was american he’d have my vote.


How tf is biden center right???


Economically he’s still neoliberal. If you look at most of his policies they’re squarely centrist to center right.


Examples please


His tax policy… his continued support of cooperate welfare… I mean the examples are endless.


is public investment neoliberal???, I'd argue creating jobs is a good policy and the exact opposite of neoliberals who just cut spending especially on "cooperate welfare"


Public investment is the opposite of neoliberalism and you know that. No one is saying the hasn’t don’t some good things but it you look at a large portion of his specifically economic policies… buddy that’s where he pretty squarely lies. He’s a center to center right politician in almost everything he’s pushed for. The Overton window in the U.S. is just so fucked he seems “”””liberal””””


I feel like we as people tend to compare society and politicians to ourselves rather than the other way around.


Kamala would beat Trump easily. The only thing getting in the way is Biden's ego.


No she wouldn’t. She wasn’t even a popular candidate in 2020. She was one of the first candidates to drop out. She’s a diversity hire, at best.


She can string three sentences. Therefore better than both Trump and Biden. Also, I don't like her policies but you can shove that racist dog whistle right up your ass.


The only person who can’t string sentences together is Biden. As was displayed last night.




Everyone gets banned at socialism reddit. Its almost like they are authoritarian…


Not sure about democrats subreddit, but almost all the socialist subs all got taken over by Russian agents about 6 months to a year ago. If you got banned from there, that's a badge of honor. Those people are trying to elect Trump


I think vote for Green's is only option.


I see it as the political theater of a declining empire. I think the states themselves are strong and improving, but DC as the imperial center is falling apart. While the United States does not have a will for what happens after it's inevitable death (states have yet to self-reflect strongly enough to write a constitutional will or even recognize their mortality), I'm quite optimistic about what is coming next for the individual US states (I call them nations at this point). I think a peaceful series of secession and then a reconstitution is on the horizon.


Completely irrelevant. No minds were changed. No new information was revealed. Debates and polls mean nothing on election day.


I agree honestly


The time limits of the debate were hard for Biden. Given a bit more time, he could have communicated better.


On a meta level, I think this was still the right choice for the Biden campaign. A terrible performance is still a better look than refusing to have a debate at all.




Eh. You’re only right about the gas tbh, which the US president has no control over of course.


January 6th was terrifying. It was especially terrifying in the middle of the pandemic. The only hope I had was that we’d have a new and saner president soon. You said there was no war when Trump was in office and then in the next sentence about how Biden, not Trump, pulled out of the war in Afghanistan.