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It can take much longer than you’d think, much longer. 5+ years sometimes.


yikes great


Don’t want to discourage you, but I also want to give you some realistic expectations of what to expect.. First, it is really difficult to get on SSI for a strictly mental only condition.. especially at a young age.. Also be aware they only request records back 1 year from the date that you apply.. so anything over a year in the past cannot be used towards making a medical determination.. and you would need current treatment from an approved mental health provider (PHD or PSYD), otherwise DDS will likely need to send you for an evaluation to get current functional information.. as other people have mentioned, there is a massive case backlog.. Currently there is 1.2M pending initial & reconsideration cases, of those, 900,000 of those claims are backlogged. So 3/4 of all current applications are “behind” on being adjudicated. As someone mentioned as well.. even if you were allowed, it would not likely occur for at least a year.. If you are able to find work online, that is honestly the best route to go.. you will make far more money in the long run working than you would make from SSI..


SSA is totally backlogged right now. Years ago it took at least 6 months. Since COVID, it’s now taking at least a year and over. So unfortunately, your mom will have to deal with you for a *little* bit longer. It’s called Social Security SSI/SSDI *checks* or *payments*. SSI is a welfare program and SSDI is something someone is entitled to after working and receiving credits. I would suggest filling out an application for SSI, section 8 housing, r/Medicaid for free health insurance/possible cash assistance program and r/foodstamps .


Whether you file for SSI or SSDI, it'll probably take 8 to 12 months to get a decision on and both programs have the same medical requirements.


any alternatives eekk


No.  Both programs are Federal govt ones.  It's slower than molasses.


No. I filed last July, got approved late April and won’t get a monthly payment until next month. It took forever and I’m one of the lucky people who got approved the first time and fairly quickly.


Can you share what your condition is that you were approved the first time? Thanks.


After working in medicine for 30 years, my spine has retired me. I had a lumbar fusion last year, my neck needs another surgery. Basically, I can’t stand, lift or sit for any length of time.


Dang! Sorry for your agony.


Thank you! I loved my job so much, I loved helping people, but the wear and tear on the body is pretty awful. I’d get called in and my patient would be 300 pounds with no legs. Now, how do you move that patient over to an imaging table at 3am by yourself? And you have to start your shift at 6:30 am. It destroyed my body.


god damn


Btw, get a consultation with a lawyer. They will listen to your case and decide if it a good one. They won’t take your case unless they think they will win. This is what I did and the $7200 I had to pay from my settlement was well worth it because I’m done on the first try.


How old are you?


i’m 19 doing my best to find an online job just been set back so much because of my mental illness.


We have a program here in Kansas called Voc (vocational) Rehab. Could go by a different name where you are. But if you have years of documentation like that, you can go to them with it. They'll tell you if they can qualify you for their program and what you need to apply for SSI/SSDI. If you're eligible, they will do an assessment (to see what kinds of accommodations you need on the job) and some career exploration. They can set you up with career training or education, depending on your needs and wants. Then they'll help you prepare for interviews and find you transportation if you need it. If you don't find a VR, all of the MCOs contracted with our state for Medicaid have lists of what they call "value added benefits." Each of ours has a different type of work program. So when it's time to pick a provider for your Medicaid, make sure to watch for those programs.


Do you have a documented medical history? IEP or 504 plan while at school? Hospitalizations? You can apply for SSI for a disability you’ve had since childhood. PLEASE SUBMIT AN APPLICATION BEFORE YOU TURN 22 BECAUSE YOU COULD POTENTIALLY RECEIVE A HIGHER BENEFIT AMOUNT ONCE YOUR PARENT/S RETIRE. If you can, contact the local county health department and see if they have a Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program that can help you. Here is a link to the one we have in MD. I think honestly you need a good social worker. (((HUGS))) https://health.maryland.gov/bha/Pages/psychiatric-rehabilitation-program.aspx


It does not matter if the application was filed before you are 22, only that social security finds you were disabled before age 22. You also cannot have worked above SGA and have to meet the same medical criteria as SSDI/SSI (the program you are mentioning is SSDI DAC or shortened to DAC). You can collect if a parent is deceased or receiving SSDI or retirement benefits.




You take medications as needed?


and medication when i did take it for months i felt emotionless, heartless, controlled, and numb. i hate it.


They are going to require you to be trying to improve your symptoms. Did you talk to your doctor about altering your dosage/trying different medications? It's been awhile for me, but I don't think it's an exact science. In my experience, it requires trial and error to get the right meds/right dose.


Tell your doctor about that feeling. They can't do something if they don't know about it. If your doctor doesn't listen, remember, they aren't the only doctor out there. Medication can be a good thing. I have bipolar I and PTSD and take medication for both. I have had to switch many times over the years before I found something that worked. Some of those involved hospitalization.


i have been. nothing has worked except the as needed chlorpromazine. i’ve been in and out of places and therapists tried damn near everything i’m also terrified of the thought of needing to take a man made pill that does nothing but suppress and try to “fix” who i truly am, i can help myself through worksheets, cbt, exposure therapy and many more. i’ve just found it never works for me and i’m not going to keep trying bc i don’t want it in the first place. plus i took as prescribed lexapro sent me into full blown mania… scary. I’m sorry you went through that and i’m glad meds work for you and i’m happy that you are able to make it work. therapy + microdosing has worked wonders this is just how i manage myself knowing my needs etc. thank you for commenting!!! 🧍🏼


yes it’s the only thing that works for me i can’t be committed to meditation it’s one of my phobias too many long term effects and i don’t want to take something to fix my mental i want to do the inner work myself. when i freak out and can’t calm down or i can’t sleep bc of my head i take one and it calms me down.


Not sure social security will look favorably on that. Good luck to you.


That's the doctors decision


Like I said. Good luck with that when it comes to proving disability.


i’ve literally been taking something as needed my psychiatrist works with me !!!


Usually social security requires that you take meds if they would be deemed beneficial to your condition and I don't think phobia to take them regularly will be a way out, there may be other issues that social security require you to do before you receive benefits, i sae this happen with many homeless people I knew it doesn't matter weather you want to or not if you want benefits you have to do what is required.


that’s kinda fucked up… i’ve been on meds for years just recently in the last year i’ve been better without them. shit idk what it is but meds make me worse !!!


If your meds make you worse, they aren't the right meds or the right dose. Work with your doctors to find something better, and to document the medication side effects so it shows that you have at least been trying to get better.


again. i’ve been doing that exact thing you said since middle school i’m done with meds they are out of the question fr. if i need to take meds for a ssri or whatever then i guess i won’t be getting that. i’m not ruining what i’ve built up i’m good with what i’m doing and where i’m at. i appreciate the concern thank you for commenting!!!


You don't have to be on meds, but you probably have to have recent records showing why, and showing that a doctor you are currently in treatment with agrees that there are no appropriate medications for you at this time.




Taking a patient out to lunch is a weird thing to do, FYI




Your local federally qualified health center may help you get therapy, which may be free for you. https://data.hrsa.gov/data/reports/datagrid?gridName=FQHCs


i appreciate you !!!


Mental illnesses looked at as invisible. You have to really have a few years of documentation how it fucks up how you can work. And I know I’m going through it and I can’t work. I haven’t worked in like 3 1/2 and I’m bipolar, one with psychotic features a list of other things. But I’m 55 and out of my mind.


i have multiple records and documents of diagnosis and multiple hospitalizations and mental hospital hospitalizations as well as residential places records.


I'm sorry you're going through all of this.


i appreciate you!!!


There are people who care. Try to remember that.  


Those records will be helpful.


i’m sorry to hear that :/


You need to apply for Medicaid in your state... You need to file for SSDI and SSI..Also, look into section 8 housing. Honestly, you need to listen to the Doctors.. If you really wanted to get better, you would take the meds.... Otherwise, your going to find life very difficult... I know because I have pretty much the same thing as you... You sound like you fall under Schizo but, that's the doctors call.... You need to give up fighting to stay with the mentality and feelings you have, if you can't be wrong.... Things will never get better!! I hope you find balance and peace soon


thank you so much for commenting!!! as i said in another post meds just simply aren’t right for me i’ve tried for years they make me feel worse than better … i have found microdosing helps SO MUCH though not in a psychotic way either look it up it helps many people some are doing it instead of man made pills.


Have you tried a job? SSI is not a good life.


applying places tomorrow bc i’m in flight mode but usually anxiety prevents me from getting any in person jobs. i have online side hustles i do but not enough to get an apartment with my gf. smh there’s just too much why can’t shit be affordable.


Call or visit your local ssa office tomorrow. The day you apply for it determines your back pay benefits. Check with your local SOAR program if you are at risk of being homeless.


i appreciate you kind person!!!


Do you have anyone who can help you? There are organizations that can help but you need to know where to go. When you discharged from treatment did you get any discharge plans? It is a long waiting list, years, here for section 8 housing and they only open it for new applicants infrequently. Is there any way you can stay with your mom until you are able to find a place! As far as disability there is a lot of information on the SSA website. I was denied but my psychiatrist turned in paperwork and I was approved on reconsideration. I don't know if they still have that step. I had to pay extra for his time to fill out the paperwork sent by SSA. You don't have to be on disability forever. I have been for years but just started working full time. I did not think it would be possible. I am worn out by the end of day. I really encourage you to work with your doctors. I felt flat, emotionless. my Dr changed my meds and I feel better. I am not psychotic any more. I still get anxious but it is bearable. Not crying for no reason


i do have all the paperwork from previous hospitals , I appreciate you for commenting thank you so much!!! i’m sorry you had to go through all that :/// i’m just trying to figure out what i can do at the moment i’m very overwhelmed and overstimulated not quite sure what to do as there are waiting & so much that goes into it 🧍🏼


Hey, sounds like you have issues that the SSA considers. Here are some things... start therapy right now. Get tested for everything. This is very important. It took over a year on the waiting list before I was able to get adhd testing. Make sure you get an official diagnosis for each issue and seek treatment for each. Start looking for a lawyer. They will help you navigate the ss Go ahead and apply for disability and ssi. They do them together. Be ready to wait years. The initial phase takes about a year, as others have said, they almost always deny on the first level. The reconsideration takes another 6 mos. to a year, then after that, another 6 months to a year for a hearing if you are denied I've been fighting the ssa since 2021.


i have official diagnosis OCD, ADHD (got diagnosed in middle school), and bpd, bipolar 3 as well … many other diagnosis in mental hospitals like ptsd(which i’m guessing they had no info so they just slapped that on there as good enough) and major depressive disorder. so idk i know i need to get an evaluation for autism as one of the recent mental hospitals i’ve been at i had a behavioral analyst preform an evaluation on me and she said i’m on the autism spectrum but she can’t diagnose me i’d have to go to someone with her documentation on the assessment so yeah.


Contact all of the places you've been and ask for your medical records so you have your own copies. Maybe you said you have them? I can't remember now. At any rate, you need to be able to review them yourself so you know if they are doing their reviews. And make sure to start looking for lawyers. They will tell you how they use the answers you give on those function reports. And will make sure everything is done correctly. They also have an advantage by having access to a system the ssa uses for evidence. The SSA is very difficult to navigate on your own... and we have similar mental health issues. The ssa drove me to the point of doubling my need for therapy due to all the injustice.


i appreciate you!!! i’m sorry for your experience:(((


Hey, even though my experience with the ssa has been a nightmare, hopefully, this experience might help others. Good luck!


Its all about the medical records