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Just a bunch of nonsense and some made up buzzwords like "cronyism." How do they take themselves seriously?


REAL capitalism has never been tried


"Crony capitalism" is when you have capitalism, but it did something bad, so it isn't actually capitalism.


my friend says that shit while also saying "communism has never worked"


Lol. Okay. I suppose all the years between 1917 and 1970 didn’t happen? 😂 What an amazing level of historical ignorance.


i told him that the soviets got to space before us and invented the cell phone, he was like yep. he is smart by all accounts, but hes been slowly slipping down the right wing rabbit hole since he got into crypto unfortunately. his instagram algo feeds him wild bullshit


The USSR didn’t just get to space first. They accomplished *all* of the major firsts in space exploration up through the mid 70s, except literally landing people on the moon.


but US got man to go “one smol step” on the moon fuck the USSR communism sux america Win!!!11!1 Eagle eagle!!!11!


That wasn’t *real* capitalism 😏 I love using their own weapons against them


Cronyism is a real word, but it's used incorrectly here. It's not ubiquitous between capitalism or socialism or any -ism. It's just a word used to describe putting people in positions of power without proper regard to their qualifications. Under Capitalism, it's incentivised to have people in power and authority put people they want in positions of power and authority. Like kings appointing pro-monarchy individuals in Parliament early on in the industrial revolution. Like Capitalism is seperate from this but it's not a different form of capitalism. I wouldn't call a fuedalistic system crony feudalism when the king appoints pro-monarchy rule. I wouldn't call a CEO appointing his close friend an example of fake capitalism. But that's what that person is saying. lmao


Rehabilitated, just another made up word. Go ahead and quit wasting my time sonny


cronyism is apparently a thing, it's like nepotism but with your friends basically, "what if corruption did the found family trope"


Cronyism is a real word tho E: nvm i guess i thought this was just a regular conversation and not…this


Sure, but they act like it nullifies the state of capitalism, when it's literally always part of capitalism.


That’s a much more salient argument against the statement than “this is a made up buzzword”


All words are made up, and Cronyism is a buzzword because it's implied when one talks about capitalism.


Idk what you think a buzzword is but it definitely isn’t “something that is implicit but is still explicitly stated.” Picking apart their statement at this level is just an ad hominem argument, and I’d like to think we can be better than that.


A buzzword is a flashy word that means nothing, but riles folks up or signals something to a specific group. Since it's implied, it means nothing, it riles up leftists, and it signals to the capitalist group that "capitalism is good, it's just this thing that breaks it" despite it being inherent in capitalism. Did I address your concerns well enough?


> means nothing Ok but it does mean something > since it’s implied It’s not universally implied despite your insistence otherwise It’s inherent in all systems other than pure meritocracies, which don’t exist afaik. Acting like its presence in all systems means it doesn’t need to be talked about because everyone assumes it’s being considered is just incorrect. Never assume your audience knows and/or assumes the same thing you do. > Did I address your concerns well enough? Not really. I mean I’m not like desperate to keep talking about this or anything so I guess so? But it doesn’t really feel like you’re getting what I’m saying.


I mean yeah, but it was created as a way to excuse the actions of capitalism.


Assuming cronyism only happens in capitalist systems is…definitely a take.


So is socialism, but they don’t use that word correctly, either.


Ok? The person I’m replying to said it wasn’t a word.


No, they didn’t. They said it was a “made up buzzword.” All words are made up. Edit: this person who blocked me doesn’t realize that “made up” isn’t the issue. It’s “buzzword.” Using words the wrong way is the problem, not using non-words.


“All words are made up” is the kind of shit my little cousin says when he is trying to be a smartass. Cya.


The problem with competition is that it tends to end with a victor, and in economics, that means a monopoly.


Unregulated competition, at least. Rules seem to help.


And when a ‘competitor’ accumulates wealth and influence from the ‘free market,’ what do they do with it? Use it to change the rules. So they can accumulate even more. Capitalism will always trend towards monopoly.


The older I get the more sense it makes why I was libertarian from 16-18, because I was young and dumb


Same. Sounds great when you don’t actually understand the bigger picture


Unfortunately, I’m 30 with peers whom never grew out of that stage


I was a conservative piece of shit as a teenager🤣


See, the gold is soft, so you take your pocket knife and shave little soap slivers off to pay for tires and pemmican in the wasteland Capitalism creates.


>libertarians don't have much in the way of political theory Probably the other way around, those who don't know political theory are more likely to be libertarians.


Maybe it's a chicken and an egg thing. They don't know much so they flock to libertarianism because it doesn't require them to learn much.


It has that truthiness to it, which is what plants crave.


ppl rlly took the logical endpoint of capitalism and went “well it’s not capitalism it just happens when capitalism happens but it’s rlly socialism”


I feel like I just simultaneously coughed and sneezed inside


When the capitalists use their accumulated power to capture democracy? That's actually socialism.


Socialism is when one human cooperates with one or more other humans in any way for any reason. The only sure way to avoid the creeping menace of socialism is to grab ALL the things, drag them up your personal tree, and lob your feces at anyone who so much as looks at you. Freedom.


You need only to understand basic economics to become a libertarian. And then the moment you move past the basics you realize why it doesn’t work.


Libertarianism is a very appealing stance to idiots who yearn for simple answers to complex problems. Fortunately many grow out of it before the end of their teenage years. I worked with one in his thirties and it was basically like talking to a high schooler every time he talked politics, and he was always trying to convert everyone to seeing the beauty of the FREE MARKET. It was embarrassing to listen to. Wonder what he's up to these days, probably wasting people's time at some other shitty job where he thinks he should be philosopher king.


If people are suffering under capitalism, it's ashkually socialism!


I had three libertarian coworkers at one job and they wouldn't shut up about how great a truly unregulated market would be and taxation is theft, etc, etc. Listening to them I realized, the essence of libertarianism was "I want all of the benefits of society without any of the responsibility". Yeah, enjoy the fields when your local warlord enslaves you.


I mean, at least communism looks good on paper. Libertarianism…


I mean, theory and Praxis should always go Hand in Hand. If the Praxis fails while your theory didn't, then it simply means that your theory wasn't concise enough to go through every single possibility and/or in general considering deviations from said theory (as almost nothing in real life will be able to follow exact theory), which should still make it possible to carry out, even if major things couldn't be carried out.


Libertarians think the world would be better if only everyone had the same ideas as them. It's fantasy land and it's stupid to think unbridled capitalism could be anything other than world ending.


Socialism is when the rich keep all the money, and capitalism is when the invisible hand jerks off all the hard-working, worthy citizens.


Their famous representatives produced books actually, I doubt they read it.


"Power seems to concentrate around accumulated capital". Oh gee, if only someone warned us! 


There’s no such thing as a free market. Or to put it in memespeak: every market has rules dipshit it came free with your fucking society. They also assume that competition is always going to avoid monopoly, and I have a question for them: what about the mining industry? What about the shipping industry? What about the housing market? These markets have restrictions imposed by reality, as there are a limited number of places to build mines, limited spaces in a harbor, and limited spots you can reasonably build a home. This means a monopoly can easily be established by simply buying out all the land and sitting on it.


I've had a theory for a while now: **libertarians don't exist**. BRO HEAR ME OUT If you ask a self-proclaimed libertarian enough questions probing their values, they will eventually out themselves as either a liberal democrat (if they mean well but are simply ignorant), or otherwise a fascist pig (closeted for obvious reasons). Therefore, the bottom right part of the compass is a mirage: the kind and stupid ones belong to the left of it, while the evil and sneaky ones belong upwards.