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Oh he's got a couple of guns alright


just discovered a more appropriate place for this post r/swoletariat


Also shoutout to /r/RedCombatSports, newly formed and equally important.




I like this sub.


you may have guns but do you have *gains*


FWIW, if you look at photos from Virginia yesterday, you see a lot of out-of-shape chuds. Specifically, the big boi with the Barrett didn't look like he was capable of lugging that gun to a good overwatch position. Hit the gym, comrades. Taking care of our bodies is important to being effective.


Being able to lug gear around all day while remaining combat effective is critical to a survival situation. Doomsday preppers is a riot because these doughy suburbanites think they are going to be Rambo or Negan but they're really going to be Eugene Porter at best


An army runs on it’s stomach. Chuds live on their asses. Don’t be a chud. Eat healthy, work out regularly, and maybe read a few guides or two.


Also familiarise yourself with guerrilla doctrine, as espoused [here](https://mltheory.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/che_guevara_guerrilla_warfare.pdf) by papa Che. These fuckers are gonna be keeling over from heart attacks trying to chase guerrillas up into the Rockies.


> the big boi with the Barrett didn't look like he was capable of lugging that gun to a good overwatch position. You guys need to chill, the entire point of the protest wasn't for having weapons to start a revolution, but to protect the right of the people to have those weapons. Also, that guy walked around with it the entire time.


Maybe you didn't see all of the insane hate thrown at Lee Carter around this, about a law that wasn't about gun control or the lie that it out new restrictions on police? I saw a frothing rage of alt-right bullshit.


Not that it really matters since most people weren't alt-right with some even making an effort to call out people acting stupid, but do you have a link? I would wager that just about everyone there was there to show opposition against restrictive bills such as Va House Bill 961.




First and foremost, people routinely receive death threats, the Democrats were being whiny and that was even supported by one of their own who said that the death threats they were receiving were only a bit more than usual. Should he be getting death threats? No. You have to face the fact though, that just about everyone in the public eye gets death threats, it's nothing new. Secondly, it is convenient they don't link the bill or even quote it for people to read themselves. I went and found it myself: https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?201+ful+HB67 (this is a list of all his sponsored bills: https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?201+mbr+H293C) > "B. **Any public safety employee of the Commonwealth, or of any county, city, town or other political subdivision thereof, or of any agency of any one of them, who**, in concert with two or more other such employees, for the purpose of obstructing, impeding or suspending any activity or operation of his employing agency or any other governmental agency, **strikes or willfully refuses to perform the duties of his employment shall, by such action, be deemed to have terminated his employment and shall thereafter be ineligible for employment** in any position or capacity during the next twelve 12 months by the Commonwealth, or any county, city, town or other political subdivision of the Commonwealth, or by any department or agency of any of them." Whether or not he meant to write it in a way that punishes LEOs, the bill quite literally punishes them. This piece of legislation would make it illegal for LEOs to not enforce gun laws, which plays into the hands of gun grabbers. However, considering that the bill only talks about LEOs, I very much think he's a liar and did mean to make it illegal for LEOs to not enforce the new gun laws. EDIT: keep in mind that the bill also states that the striking has to be done with two or more other "public safety employees.


That law's been on the books in VA since, like, 1950. All Carter proposed was *narrowing* the strike restriction to *only* police officers. Under the **current** version of the law police, firefighters, teachers, could all be fired for striking. People are threatening Carter for something that's been a law in VA for 70 years. Public employee anti-strike laws are actually pretty common. Yes, if 3 police officers decide to not work in protest of being asked to enforce a state law (a "strike"), they could be fired. Was true before Carter proposed his bill. Read the highlighted version. It shows the changes (highlighted for new, strikethrough for removed). Then go click the highlighted section markers to see the text of the current law.


It would have helped if you started off by saying that, I see now what you're talking about. I still don't see where this relates to the gun rally other than a few of the people, outside of the rally itself, would not want to see this bill enacted because they didn't know it replaces an older bill. Are you trying to pin the misunderstanding of some people online onto the entire gun rally? That would be, at best, disingenuous to do, to my knowledge just about everyone was there to protest the bill that lays out assault firearms (aka HB 961 or it's now removed brother SB 16).


Fun fact: you can see a lot of old school bodybuilders and weight lifters have what we would today consider "underdeveloped chests" due to the fact that they considered overly big pecs to look feminine.


is that why? i just assumed bench presses weren't a thing yet and you can only get medium sized on push-ups alone and without roids. One reason why body builders have such big pecs now is because you have higher androgen reactivity and receptors in the upper pecs and deltoids so they get huge now because everyone is juiced up, if you look at real natural modern never juiced body builders they are competely different in form than the modern roid heads, much closer to classic body builders in form


Well yes your second point is also true, but bench pressing was a thing since for as long as weight lifting in general. They used to do it off the floor with out an actual "bench"


Push ups?


he means laying on the floor


Upside down, yes.


Not if you are lifting more than your weight.


Benching from the floor is commonly called a floor press. You unrack or get handed the bar while lying down. It's still used as an assistance exercise by powerlifters, for the triceps. Old time strongmen would also do a "bridge press" from a back bridge. Later they were trying to develop the look of a large chest by expanding the ribcage with deep chest breathing between reps of squats. Larger pectoral muscles came with the growth of barbell and dumbbell exercises off of a bench to hit the chest's range of motion.


They’ll still have big pecs compared to Eugen Sandow types because we do a lot more chest work than they did. Bench press and it’s predecessor floor press weren’t considered as important as overhead press - which, as Mark Rippetoe loves to condescend (albeit correctly) was just called the press for a long time. Remember bodybuilding used to involve powerlifting/strongman style feats of strength and throwing a shitload of weight overhead is way more visually impressive, especially in an entertainment context.


Not all heroes wear capes.


both sides committed violence against each other here, so they’re actually both equally bad. I am very intelligent. 😎 😎 😎


This is your brain on centrism.


He thicc


I fucking love old school weight lifters


looked better than the ones nowadays (imo)


He's pretty hot, and I'm a straight guy


A fascist lifted today. Did you?


This didn’t happen, sadly


"Legend has it..." "...bent jail bars and helped others escape. (citation needed)". Basically BS


This sounds like a friggin popeye cartoon.




Vive la France - Communiste!


Not all hero’s wear capes


Did all that and looking fabulous in the photo on the right, lol.


What a Chad


C’est pas un rigoulot lui !