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Lmao I was wondering if the other side would get a post šŸ¤£


Yeah there was a post just a while ago about a guy saying new Sombra is better šŸ¤£




The only thing I miss about her old self was her opportunist ability and translocating across the map just to see the enemy Rein waiting to solo shatter me. The old Sombra had more personality This new one makes her more fast paced and engaging So itā€™s really just a preference thing.


More personality? Sheā€™s still an opportunist but instead of tp across the map you do it nearby


You could fast tp OR across map tp with the old playstyle. There was variety. The current tp has less range than a moira fade. Its the same, unvis -> virus -> shoot -> tp out loop for every engagement now


Playing well with old Sombra was unparalleled amounts of dopamine


I do miss being able to absolutely LAUNCH my TL across the map at the start of each game, making Invis a passive is honestly more annoying than helpful, and getting rid of Opportunist was actually stupid. but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love Virus.


I miss the old one because I felt like I had options. Now, it's either stand around to hack the tank when they come in or is about to ult OR just run up to the supports, wait until they're distracted and shoot virus shoot. I don't feel like I can be a good distraction. I don't feel like I can duel anyone besides widow and Zen. Previous versions gave hack some power, and we could be back line finishers, not so much 100-0 assassin. Didn't need burst dmg. Plus we didn't have to wait around quite as much to find an opening.


I like them both but I rlly do miss the old one, felt a lot more big brained


Personally I find her more enjoyable now as the enemy, ally and playing her myself.


The fact that a sombra ult can be completely negated by a kiri wipe is utterly devastating.




i like the changes to translocator but they just made her more cancerous in the other changes. FUCK kevin the cube and FUCK 3 second ability lock out. i mean yeah ill live with it but MAN its annoying. tracers worse tho


Making invis a passive and removing Opportunist just killed her for me. I could live with everything else but those changes specifically just make me sad.


Sombra was most fun in OW1 like EVERY character was. Yā€™all are in denial.


I personally love the new rework except for one thing, the translocator was fine the way it was


Yeah it was ***SO SKILLFUL*** to plonk your translocator down next to a health pack across the map and press it again when you took the smallest amount of damage, then spend the next 10s running back to the fight. Such skill.


That's literally the most noobiest playstyle old sombra had. And she had like 5 playstyles lol. New sombra is linear & dumbed down compared to old. I guess that's the theme of Overwatch 2, hog can hook & heal during ult, it can't be canceled, Cassidy gets straight-up damage reduction in 2 diff abilities, fuck it.


Genuine skill issue, saddest part, you think youre right.


Sombrero rework is imo one of the best reworks in overwatch, I loved her before, but holy shit her playstyle became so snappy and satisfying. I pretty much one trick sombra whenever I can now.


You can one trick sombra now and not before? Lolā€¦?


I could before as well, but now it's a lot more consistent.


How could it possibly be more consistent if shes less versatile and just flat out worse?


Worse? She doesn't feel worse to me, she feels better then before


Maybe because you just werent good with her previously, idk. She was harder before than now. Maybe why you feel that way.


Newgen sombre is like python, where OG sombra is c++.


I played her before the rework but I like her rework alot because she more team oriented plus it's easier for people to play against too




The new one has the right intention now only if they could increase the movement speed during invis and invis speed. That will make it perfect.


Making her faster fixes literally nothing, though would be nice.


more uptime is just incorrect lol


Explain how new sombra has more uptime. You cant. You can try, and ill shut it down in 2 seconds.


Where are you getting the OBJECTIVE standpoint from? What are your sources?


Look at her kit. Translocator? Worse Stealth? Worse Damage? Worse Uptime? Worse Hack? Worse Opportunist? Gone. Wheres the benefit?


Translocator is reworked. Overall the old one might have been **stronger** but the new one is more engaging. Stealth is **weaker** than before because of only 15% increase to movement speed. But that problem is solved with how quick of a CD the new translocator is on. Damage is not worse. Her TTK before and now is relative. By uptime I assume you mean activity in the fight? I would argue you are forced to have more uptime now than before. The reworked translocator promotes more usage during fights instead of just being used to teleport back near a health pack when you hit 25 health or if you need another sneaky place to engage from mid fight. Hack I can agree is much weaker. Essentially gutted with really only gaining value from hacking people out of ults and the occasional lone support. And more skill? I have to disagree. Sombra was so safe before. I never was worried about ending a game with over 5 deaths before because unless I was instakilled I could escape immediately when things went bad. Now you canā€™t just hack every single moving target, you have to **think** about what you are going to hack and when you are going to hack. As for play styles, I have not felt anything change regarding how you can play her and adapt with her. Itā€™s the same thing as before. The benefit is all in preferences.


Ok so, you admit everything in her kit is fundamentally weaker LMFAOOO. Therefore a worse kit. Her ttk with virus is nothing compared to the consistency with her damage that she had with her damage boost on opportunist. New TL is not and cannot be more engaging than old TL. Youre just fucking stupid for thinking so, sorry. Old TL was infinite uptime.


There is no point in discussing this with you further if you do not listen.


Funny considering Iā€™ve been maining sombra since 2016 so Iā€™m not newgen. Plus all your points are subjective at best especially since sheā€™s more fun to play with now than in overwatch 1. Take off the nostalgia glasses and play the game.


This has nothing to do with nostalgia..she got reworked 9 months ago dude.


Yet people want old sombra back? If that isnā€™t about nostalgia then youā€™re lying to yourself.


People want her back cause she was more fun and useful. Idk why the fuck youre bringing nostalgia into this.


She was not fun. She was too passive aggressive and barely had any game time, now sheā€™s more aggressive with more game time and you want her to go back to not performing great? The idiocy you display speaks volumes to your miscomprehension of what sombra played like back then.


Especially if you mained support where can easily spawn camp a health pack and kill them over and over.


If she wasnt fun..why do you supposedly have 20k hours on her? LMFAOO. IF YOUU didnt have any game time, THATS YOUR ISSUE. YOURE FUCKING BAD AT HER.


I was referring to old sombra and regardless I play her cause I love her lore and her kit.


So..you say old Sombra was boring, yet you have 20k hours on old Sombra. Yeah ok, got it.


Just because I found her boring doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t like her at all. But ye have your little ā€œwinā€sombot.


While it was more fun it was honestly terrible for the game. Having a get out of jail free card with literally no drawbacks was hell to play against. Now its much more fair for the enemy and hot take you actually need a higher level of skill to get away successfully especially from better players


She was balanced, who cares what it feels like to play against.


Nah y'all wanted this, y'all cheered for a rework! Y'all got it, now reap what you sow.


Literally no Sombra main ever asked for a rework..idk what youre yapping about.


I'm stating for those that did and btw she was more passive before the rework, this rework amplified her ability to stay in the engagement instead of playing passively. Love the rework


Which has nothing to do with me, no reason to he ā€˜hurdur YALL ASKED FOR THISā€™ whenā€¦the entire sub was in a frenzy for 6 months in anticipation for the rework that no one asked for.


I clarified that already yet you keep bring it up, The majority of people on your post disagree with your view and like the rework though.


The people on this sub are mostly new sombra players or players who were dogshit with old Sombra: sorry not sorry.


Are you not reading? Seems like you are having trouble adapting.


If YOU played passively before the rework, that is a personal issue of you being bad at her. She had far more uptime previously than now.


Sombra mains did not ask for rework lmao. It was metal tier mains of other heroes.