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Emp to lock everyone out of abilities for 5 minutes


5 minutes is too short should last the game


Lasting two games ain’t asking for much.


Are you guys serious? Anything longer than a couple seconds is obvi broken, this is why sombra haters are so loud. We want the dumbest stuff. Realistically, EMP should just boot anyone caught in its radius. I feel like that's more balanced and fair to the health nerf.


Better yet, it should blue screen of death their computers for a minimum of 15 minutes


Sarcasm flew over your head


Bro I think it rocketed over yours


Fr.. people didn’t even read the second half of your comment 😂😂


Read it through the notification my bad💀


Lmao no worries, been there


EMP should shut their game down. It's only fair.


Hack to last longer


Make a second game called Overwatch 2.5 where the community gets to make all the decisions and see how long it takes for it to implode.


T4 is three chimps in a trenchcoat at this point


Wym ow2 is already that


Its not though, because Sombra, Kiri, Mauga, Hog, Orisa, and Widow are still in the game.


You really think they will give sombra a buff rather than changing the hp to 225 and call it the day?


They said they like where she’s at now so if they nerf her they’d have to buff her.


But they won’t, because shitty FTP players refuse to learn how to play against her and just scream and cry that she ruins games because they can’t be wildly out of position without her punishing them.


can confirm. i play widow a decent amount and i quit playing her for a while because “it’s impossible to deal with her as widow” but in reality, it’s only impossible if you have the game sense of a 3 year old. i have improved my widow gameplay significantly since i actually have taken the time to learn how to deal with sombra. only times i have problems with her now is when my fucking moira is sucking her off while she’s throwing kevin the cube at me instead of HEALING ME SO I CAN KILL HER


i feel so bad when i’m gunning down the widow and the mercy pocket pulls out her pistol LMAOOO


guilty 😢


You people don't get it do you? The problem isn't that it's hard to play against Sombrero, the problem is that it's really boring to play against her.


It’s also boring to play against a lot of heroes. “You people” will get over it, I believe in you.


Not as boring as it is playing into sombra.


I’ll take sombra any day over falling over instantly because I dared to show my earlobe around a corner and get sniped from 100m away by widow Or spectating two maugas rub each others nipples in the front line inflating their damage numbers and egos.


Never did say widow was any better, but yes a good widow is much worse to face than a good Sombrero.


Sombra probably will just be getting a flat nerf. 225 health and longer hack (maybe on tanks exclusively). The devs have already said she’s the hardest hero to balance because of her stealth and community perception. She’s just got a reputation of being the most annoying hero by a landslide whether she actually is good or not.


Alec also said they're considering reduced CC duration as a tank passive, specifically calling out Sombra. Honestly, only Ball and Doom suffer a lot against hack as far as tanks go so I don't see it as a big issue


Doom is going to be genuinely unpunishable if that happens


We still have hook, hinder and Mauga to feel with him. Tbh, there's nothing you can do against a good Doom as a solo player. If your team doesn't adjust to counter him then one counter isn't going to do a whole lot




Something no one understands is that if you genuinely make it hard to punish tanks as any class other than tank it becomes rock paper scissors specifically for the tanks cause only switching to a different tank can successfully punish the tank. Idk why the devs reduce how much other classes can disrupt tanks but then wonder why tanks have to keep playing counterswap


I feel like the real problem is that too many abilities are rock paper scissors, I prefer the game to be more neutral heavy. Things like anti-heal, hack, hinder and suzu are abilities that are used more like a trump card than a tool. Once upon a time, these abilities were so rare that you could bait them out but now an entire team can have a cooldown that invalidates your plays so you're better off just playing safe


Devs put themselves in this situation a long time ago with permanent invisibility. Literally nobody asked for it. Not anyone in the right mind at least


Given that I saw they also planned on making hack take longer to effect tanks, if they do this AND nerf her health at the same time I'll just put her in the dumpster next to symmetra and play Soldier/Sojurn for however much longer I can tolerate this shit game given they're both braindead heros with 10x the value of Sombra yet never receive any massive playstyle changes or nerfs. I'm fucking tired of Sombra just being shat on repeatedly.


I just hope they give us some more kill potential. It feels like I’m shooting tic-tacs most of the time and virus doesn’t even do a whole lot anymore


Exactly, she's so much harder to play than even before her rework, it's frustrating.


invisibility, hack, and infinite prep time and you have 0 kill potential? skill issue. impressive for a skill-free free-kill character too 🤧


if Sombra killing you is 'free' then i think the skill issue might be with you.


“Skill free free kill” meanwhile she has a 43-46% wr even at high levels Probably a Reinhardt player mad I keep hacking him out of his pins


Clearly you're the one dragging that winrate down with your mid ahh approach 🥰


In the same way you drag the average IQ down to the 50s I guess


Statistically speaking, sombra is not good. She's been around bottom 3 winrate in damage and mid to low pick rate for all of OW2. if you think she's easy to play and free value, why don't the stats show that? Maybe that skill issue comment is just you projecting and you should learn how to better position yourself. Just an opinion though. 🤧


Coward's main always hiding in yap city


My b I should start playing more training wheel heroes like soldier who's win and pick rate are way higher and takes just as much or less mechanical skill to play.


At least you'd have the guts to show your face. You can do it! I believe in you <3


What?! You don’t like how they keep knee capping the character with the historically worst winrate in the game?!!!!!!! How could you!


Tbf, Soldier is fine as is. He has a very specific niche where he is better than Ashe and Sojurn. And most of the time, if you are a good Ashe or Sojurn you would never bother with Soldier.


But that's my problem. He's always been "fine", whereas fun and unique heroes like Symmetra and Sombra can repeatedly get nerfed into throw pics that are only viable on like 3 maps or specific conps and still get complained about. Soldier may not always be broken but he's never usless like I've seen other heros be for months at a time, and he can always be picked in almost any match without any kind of issue.


There’s never a time soldier is better than Ashe that’s why Ashe and sojourn are always near meta tier


What a fucking ridiculous idea. Blizz must have laid off all the devs who actually play overwatch.


Less max spread, same with Tracer


I'd argue she's not particularly agile. She has one very linear movement ability and plays very close range. Compared that to Tracer or Genji who have multiple means of movement and defence built into their kit ( deflect and recall). They would have to dish out serious compensation buffs to justify that imo.


The thing with sombra’s mobility is that she’s different than Ball, Lucio, Tracer, and Genji in that she doesn’t zip around it’s more so that she can be anywhere at any given time. If they did it and buffed translocator then that would be pretty helpful with being a able to use one in a fight or something


invisibility is a huge part of her mobility and defense


Its hinge on people aiming badly. Compare that to genjis deflect and you see how truly limited she is in her mobility compared to him.


Yeah but sombra gets to engage for free, while invisible. I'd be interested in seeing her invis go on a timed cool down like how it was originally. You could hack and stay invis but it would be a very short hack, just to cancel an ability, and then have a longer hack duration if you chose to hack while visible. It would give her so many more chances to make varied kind of plays.


We just need hack to how it was at the end of ow1 “But muh one tank!” Yeah and sombra does shit all damage and there’s been the health buff So stupid people whine incessantly about sombra when you’re soft throwing using her, just go anyone else and shoot them in the face instead of hoping your hack doesn’t bug and your team does something with it


Make emp reload




225 but it's all armor.


gotta pray Tracer isn't in that "some of the most agile"


Tracer is already at a super low 175.


Bro. Came to say this, I don't care if she's still considered meta; if you need to canalize proper every single game in order to be able to play her because they lowered her health even more that's also not gonna do the trick


Hold up. Their abilities are based around them being agile, if their going to reduce their HP, they also need to buff their damage and we know that's not going to happen.


I would want less spread.


smaller translocator so i can throw it through doors from an angle, better edge/ledge detection for translocator so its easier to throw it against a wall and land of top of it, also 20% more range and faster execution on translocator


Brain dead change


Something you aren’t talking about that would be most important is speed. More than damage she would need a Translocator speed or cd buff and maybe a speed during stealth buff because with the lower health she needs to able to get out faster.


Little less bullet spread at mid ranges


Sombra more than anything to me needs a better means to escape, I hate how janky and punishable translocator is now. Especially compared to tracer (instant cast recall that almost always puts her right back to safety especially if she even has one blink left) and genji (dash, deflect, double jump, and wall climb make him evasive and hard to hit and can disengage reliably). It’s so incredibly easy to chase down her one cooldown in translocator after she uses it with any hero with mobility, and once you do she’s dead meat as she has no other way to defend herself or get away. While sombra does have very good burst potential and can solo kill targets really well, especially in higher ranks she is just so punishable that the risk of engaging on anyone who isn’t super isolated or when you don’t have an ideal spot to TP too (high ground when you know they can’t chase you) is just not worth it when tracer exists. Nerfing her HP would only go on to exacerbate her biggest weakness right now and make her borderline unplayable in masters up. I would love to see her TP have its hit box size reduced so it isn’t clipping random bits of geometry that you are clearly not looking at, better yet, have it act like a ray cast from your cursor like a sym laser so it feels much more reliable, if that TP messes up, you are dead 100% of the time. Maybe have it travel faster in the air and activate faster but at the same range so you aren’t a sitting duck for a full extra quarter of a second, doesn’t sound like a long time but it is in practice.


I wish that they will increase the speed of the trhowing translocator and more dmg on virus


I honestly don’t think she needs a compensation buff. She feels very strong


but it’s fine if Cassidy has 275 hp….yeah


rather they just do something about infinite stealth instead tbh


I think EMP should be reworked completely. Everyone knows that ability lockout is busted, and it's one of the main reasons everyone hates sombra. If you disagree with me, you're obviously hard stuck bronze. Instead of doing a little bit of damage and locking characters out of their abilities, it should send a tactical missile to the homes of everybody in the lobby. You'll get an onscreen warning of approximately 10 seconds to escape, so there's plenty of counter play.


I say make it 225 and 0 compensation 🥰