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unfortunately it happens to other series too. i've unboxed sonnys with manufacture defects similar to yours as well :(


All my newer Sonnys have faults!


tysm for sharing, it’s unfortunate but i will still cherish them if customer service won’t help. i’m sorry that you had to go through this as well 🫶🏼


It’s the newer ones. they’re pushing them out so fast to meet demand and it shows the lack of quality in the sonny :(


bingo! they’re much more popular now so quality is declining due to rushing/producing more, faster (as what tends to happen with most companies/brands) 😭


Quality has gone way down. Sad considering they’re pretty pricey for one figure.


I feel like my unrefined sonnys have less faults than my refined ones :(


My reading cat came with a scratch on his face :( but I still love him so I put a little heart sticker on the scratch


u should honestly contact customer service


oh no! i’m sorry that happened to you. i will continue to cherish mine. i’m still very grateful to have them. i hope you come across another reading time cat though 🫶🏼


Yeah Sonny quality has changed. My guess is to meet to growing demand. I have noticed they switched the kind of plastic they use. It seems like they are rushing orders to make more which is why I don’t buy them anymore is a real shame


My reading cat and sleepy sheep have the same flaws too. My baking beat also has em


oh no! not the bakery bear 💔 i’m sorry that you had to experience this 🫶🏼


YES! mine both look like this. the the bottom of the feet say 2023 so it’s not like they were made that fast…


thank you all for your response! it’s just sad to hear that many of you have been experiencing this in your collecting journey. as a new collector i can understand these flaws can happened, sucks, but i will still continue to collect 👼🏻💕


Yeah I ordered from the flower series on the website last month and noticed similar thing. Almost like the paint was still wet and had smeared slightly in some spots?


I got a Robby a few weeks ago and there was a huge defect on its head :(


i’m sorry that happened to you. the crazy thing is that when i voiced these problems out to customer service, they emailed me back saying that it’s considered not a defect and that they won’t issue a refund/replacement.