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I am vascular abdomen and studying for echo. We scan everything at our smaller rural hospital. Ob, peds, vascular, abd, echo, breast


I do Echo on Mondays, vascular OR on Tuesdays, and Abd / OBGYN / Vascular / Peds on Wednesdays.


May I ask what you used for echo ? Everyone says URR but I found it extremely overwhelming considering I’m dyslexic. I’m using eldman saminar book and Susan dweitt. Would you say the questions format are similar to eldman ?


I used The Notebook - latest version, URR, and Otto’s Textbook of Clinical Echocardiography


I’m in Aus and sonos here do all modalities except cardiac as that is a different degree. But we do general, vasc, obgyn, msk, paeds etc. Keeps it interesting as we do such a wide variety of scans everyday, would highly recommend. I can’t even imagine only doing one modality, I love the variety especially working at a hospital site.


Ive heard of people studying for multiple exams at once. It would definitely be a lot but it's doable. Personally, I studied for echo and after I passed that after the 2nd try I tried to jump straight into vascular studying but my brain needed a break. I had just graduated, started a job scanning, and was trying to study as much as I could. It was a big change I was adjusting to. I'm not sure if it would be easier to study for multiple exams at once and take your exams within days of each other? Or if it would be better to focus on one test and study back to back for the next exam a month or 2 later? Also I was told by my instructors we had to pass echo before we could sit for vascular but I'm not sure if that's entirely true ?


May I ask what you used for echo ? Everyone says URR but I found it overwhelming. I’m using eldman saminar book and Susan dweitt. Would you say the questions format are similar to eldman ?


The Edelman conference book is a great tool . I think I may have also used URR too but only for a short bit. I believe if you have credible study material you'll do great as long as you have a dedicated study schedule. The times I failed echo and vascular exams I believe was due to lack of studying. I felt like I studied a lot but when I actually logged it I realized it wasn't as much as I thought.