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Track your study time! I found keeping a log of days and times I studied helped with accountability.


Also I would go through that Edelman book multiple times cover to cover. I did that with my RVT book. I think I read mine a total of like 4 times. Once attending the webinar, once reading through on my own taking notes, once highlighting in the book, and once quizzing myself with the "read a page, shut the book, and talk about everything you remember from the page" technique. Good luck!!


Hi, Thank you for your response. Yes for spi thats what i did, like 9-5 shift and studied the whole time with ten min break between two hours or so. Did you use the Edelman book alone? For me i have a hard time making a connection with the ideas being presented. I feel like its just a bunch of random information that are not flowing. Thats where i have an issue with the edelman book.


I think I may have had access to a website too? I think it was Xzone? I also used all my school notes.


I see i think xzone was only for spi? Yea i have the pocket refrence book do you recommend?


Oh I think you're right. I'm not sure which website I used for echo, it was a couple years ago 😅 sorry! I don't have the pocket book either, but I'm sure if it has good reviews it's a good tool!! :)


I’ve passed my Abdomen, Obgyn, Breast and FE, using only Edelman… basically using the method described above.


I have the edelman book so you suggest only going through it multiple times in and out and i should be good for exam?


If you study the Edelman book you should be more than good. If you can do some xzone questions that would be even better. When I took mine years ago, some of the questions were so close to the registry questions that I didn’t even have to finish reading the question to know the answer. I’ve taken 7 exams between X-ray and US and the 2 that I used Edelmans for were the easiest. Good luck!


How do you go about the random facts that they have with no explanation. There is multiple things i cant figure out why they are the way they are. I dont want to simply memorize. I didnt know there was xzone for AE i thought it was spi only?


Can I borrow your FE book ?please


I have no idea where it is… also, there aren’t a lot of words in it, mostly pictures. I would recommend participating in the seminar.