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Typical Republiklan government. As transparent as a brick wall.


They need total secrecy because they’re spending millions in secret to investigators to build a case against the corrupt democrats to drain the swamp - Republican voters


Kafka is laughing.


Well, the bricks are cheap Chinese crap—like the MAGhATs, so they’re gossamer … kinda transparent


Fascists being Fascist. Why do people accept this?


Oh please give it a break it’s not a red tie or blue tie thing… they want you distracted fighting with the other side so you don’t watch what they do. They are all corrupt red and blue and they all end up with big houses in Martha’s Vineyard and the layman keeps on keeping on.


If you can't see how much obviously worse the gop corruption is then your part of the problem. I'm not saying that there's not bad actors on both sides, but in the gop it's their identity, it's institutional.


Bro are you really fucking brain dead? Neither fucking party cares about you. They literally have you defending them rn while they are getting their cock sucked on a resort once they are done. It’s all money motivated. Idc if one party is worse than the other because the only thing that matters to them is keeping us thinking it’s red vs blue instead of us vs them. Why don’t republicans and democrats work together? Don’t even try to say one party is better than the other at doing that because they both suck ass and will hold out making something work if it’s better for them.


Only a Republican would get that upset about saying the Dems aren't as bad.


Or a troll farm resident.


Or Russian bot


And the fact that they're here, in a sub for a state that is 70% in favor of Trump shows just how extensively they've saturated our social media.


but... they do work together. at least until one party throws a tantrum. the border bill is a good example. couldn't pass it because it would 'look good for biden', and then they turned around and complained democrats wouldn't fix teh border. blaming democrats because they couldn't elect a majority leader (they had a fucking majority! how is it the democrats fault?) it absolutely isn't "both sides".


MAGA Orcs, Ruzzian trolls, Orange turds and TrumPutins are working hard to steal the November elections. TrumPutin knows that if he loses the elections his sugar daddy will go down with him, that is why they're doing what they're doing so they can claim the entire cake


Oookay comrade


I’m pretty sure we got the most conservative boarder bill drafted when they both parties met up. The republicans literally agreed to it. Then Donald said to leave it, we want chaos. No, both parties are not the same. One group is literally actively hurting Americans, and boasting about it. One side is literally being led by a man that documents prove has raped at least 2 twelve year old girls, while tied up, with his buddy Epstein. Only a piece of human scum would say these parties are the same. Take your animal murdering, child raping, fraudster propping party and fuck right off. Hilary had it right, one side is truly a basket of deplorables. You are literally pushing a Nazi agenda based on white nationalism, by a man who has a signed copy of Mein Kampf. Take your both sides and shove it up your ass.


Yes! This comment is satisfying.


Like when democrats withheld a healthcare plan for 2 weeks, and another 2 weeks etc. Oops that was the gop. Remember when the gop purposely tanked a bipartisan border bill because trumpy said so?


Even Lindsey f’n Graham said it was the best deal they were going to get…


Both corrupt only one seems to want a dictatorship only one seems intent on cheating elections. Last I checked as far as modern history goes only one part has kept the president from bringing forth a Supreme Court candidate. Only one party seems to be at the route of a lot of bad things. The Republicans. Drink a cup of milk and chill out. Both are bad one is definitely worse. The Republicans.


Yeah, you’re not paying attention if that’s your conclusion. The corruption happens when you mix humans with money, it always does. However, when one side does it blatantly or deliberately and consistently over and over again it gets tiring to hear it’s both sides. Especially when the leader of one is a convicted felon who was caught being blatantly corrupt and has for the last few decades. Stop with your false equivalencies.


No one is distracting anyone here. There are atleast 2. Count it TWO REPUBLCAN governors who will not allow the public to see what they do in some form. One is the puppy killer and the other is desantis who literally said nah sunshine law doesn’t apply to me


Dont forget Arkansas.


Totally forgot about him and the really expensive lectern


I see what you did there, he is a handsome woman isn’t he?


Idk what ur definition of handsome is. Lol


Like the bottom of my boots


Blah blah both sides BS.


What about, what about…..?


Cut the both sides shit. One party is trying to end democracy and the democrats are not that party.


We’re talking about Noem, not in hypotheticals.


Then stop griping and vote for better candidates. There’s a reason the GOP embraced Drumpt.


If it's a "both sides" issue, then why fight it so hard when Democrats try to make reforms? Surely, your comment here isn't being made in bad faith 🙄


Some truth here. It’s a rich person thing. Not a red or blue. The rich are so powerful that they only contend with themselves and us poor ppl just squabble hoping our team wins. We don’t get shit either way win or lose it’s get back to work. I vote eat the rich before attacking just a shmuck like me.


Blow it out your ass.


What part of this isn’t true?


Democrats formed and still support the Klan.


Conservatives formed the Klan. Talking party names is irrelevant since the two parties swapped.


🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, yeah...no they didn't. They didn't swap, and Conservatives didn't form the Klan. But keep drinking that Kool aid, butty. Sen. Bird was not a Conservatives, he was a southern Democrat and as racist to the bone as Biden is now.


So the liberal party was the ones pushing slavery and the conservatives were trying to free them? Makes complete sense. Then why are the people flying confederate flags now 99.9% conservatives?


You missed that Lincoln was a Republican. And NOT A SINGLE Democrat voted for blacks to have voting rights then? Is that what you're saying?


Well, at least black folks are smart enough to be able to tell the difference between the Republicans of the 1800's and the Republicunts now. There's a reason that the KKK and fascist right wing white folk support the conservatives NOW and the whole black population supports the Democrats. But yeah, we can go with your ignorant notion that the parties haven't flipped. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Are you seriously here trying to tell us you’re so uneducated about history you don’t know about the right courting the Dixie-crats? Did your parents pull you out of school to work the farm in 3rd grade?


Seriously, dude should Google The Southern Strategy or something. Of course, nowadays I just assume people like that are Russians trying to sow dissent. But they’re probably Americans. *sigh*


Then why you peeps the ones always flying the Confederate Flag?


Heritage and tradition. It's about more than your ignorance and hurt feelings.


Which side are the proud boys and the neo Nazi groups supporting? Oh right republicans


What did they burn? How many city blocks did they commandeer? You don't have an argument because they didn't do anything. It was BLM and ANTIFA, who are all democrats.


Yeah January 6th was dems right?


FBI. Thanks for playing. And it could have been averted. Had Pelosi taken the time to beef up security, as Trump asked her to.


Bad troll is bad.


Hey Jethro, I guess you haven’t heard about the Southern Strategy, do a little research and you won’t look like a twat.


You don’t HAVE to support thieves, so why do you?


To own the libs…


Who said I support democrats?


Which presidential nominee was caught stealing money from their own charity? Oh that’s right, NOT the democrat. Why do you hate veterans?


PossibleBig is ProbablySmall


He is certainly trying very hard to compensate for something


You're special aren't you.


LOL! Public official. State card. No expectation of privacy. File a FOIA. State will deny, but on appeal, it’ll eventually be overturned.


There was a similar issue with Sarah Huckster Sanders in Ark using highway patrol air craft for fun and games and the podium. There most certainly are carveouts for their security, but is often expanded to give them cover for their fraud.


Agreed, but SCOTUS will step in after appeal to protect the “safety” of those two and other Republican gnomes.


Difficulty level: then they wouldn’t be able to use those same rules against Democrats lawmakers who also abuse them. She’s not important enough to protect against that.


You never know with current SC anymore. Maybe they will decide FOIA is unconstitutional amor that state can charge what we processing fee they want for documents on whatever timeline they make up.


FOIA doesn’t have any teeth state governments and they are well within their rights to deny the request and the appeal will be denied as well. Per FOIA regulations: The FOIA only applies to federal agencies and not Congress, the courts, or state or local governments.


Good thing my state doesn’t know that, otherwise we’d have never been able to use a FOIA to catch one of our Stat Senators pulling shady stuff that booted him from the office.


Lol Jesus Christ man... I love how Americans are just so amazingly stupid that we just let shit like this happen. Like it's not even behind closed doors anymore, it's like we just want Republicans to be this corrupt.


The swamp we keep hearing about


Prolly why they’ve not been able to drain that swamp yet - they were looking at the wrong one.


and what do you expect an individual to do about it? there's really very, very few effective ways to handle this. it's not like there's a corruption police, well I suppose there might be if they are targeting non-rich people.


I expect people to quit voting for them


well, good luck with that. it has n ot happened so far for the past 50 years of my life. I'm not expecting anything better in my last half.


Actually less than 10 years ago, SD had Tim Johnson as Senator. 15 years ago they had Stephanie Herseth as Representative. About 20 years ago Tom Daschle was the Senate majority leader. All Democrats.


Before all of the big money people started buying up land in droves out there forcing up the price. People in SD, ND and Montana can tell you probably? My theory it is going to be their Berchtesgaden.


I'm not even from that part of the country and I recognize the name Tom Daschle. I don't know why that stuck, because I wasn't political for a long time and my parents never were. Not to any conversational extent, anyway.


"In a stunning setback for President Obama, Tom Daschle abruptly withdrew his nomination to become secretary of Health and Human Services today, following an admission that he failed to pay about $140,000 in back taxes". Feb 3, 2009


I swear he ended up taking that job. Did they get a donor to pay it off?


He was the main nemesis for GWB in his first presidential term. He was considered a possible presidential candidate in the 2004 cycle. Then he lost his senate race in 2004 to Thune. States don’t always vote the same way. A lot of historically working class areas, especially rural areas, went red in the last 20 years.




and they were quickly torpedoed the moment they have the power to actually do something.


Quit voting for the Grand Ol fascist Party, for starters


who says I've ever voted any of those shit stains? but the fact of the matter is that has done about as much good as pissing into the wind.


The Attorney General _is_ the corruption police. But in this case he's corrupt. Next stop is the Justice Department, but that requires a federal crime.


i guess i've never seen a "clean" AG then. "One of the revelations of the Pandora Papers leaked in 2021 was the proliferation of tax havens inside the US. They’re used not just by wealthy Americans but by foreign politicians, business leaders, and criminals as well. South Dakota in particular has become a destination for the wealthy to stash their riches, and it currently hosts more than $512 billion in trusts, according to the IPS report. The ultrarich have parked trillions of dollars in secretive trusts within US tax haven states." https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2023/1/4/23413342/us-tax-havens-billionaires-wealthy


Ah. So it’s our fault.


Yes, it is all OUR faults for the way things stand right now.


In a place like SD, I’d imagine every single aspect of state government and appointed positions is GOP, essentially like a club. Nothing can happen or infiltrate the club unless the leaders allow it to happen.


That's sad, man. Who voted for the people in the club?


Riiiiiight, safety is the reason. I can only hope her taxpayers are listening to the grift excuse. The trumpet motto, my money is mine and so is yours. Grifting and sexual freedoms are fun. Her taxpayers will vote her in again if she is eligible.


Someone who is a public servant, with public events, public address, public phone number, wants to protect their privacy. Geeeeetttttt the fuck outttaaaa here




throw ted nugent on the list


Small government + trust us = fuck me


Here's the petition to have her arrested:[ https://www.change.org/p/charge-arrest-and-convict-kristi-noem-for-felony-animal-cruelty-and-child-abuse](https://www.change.org/p/charge-arrest-and-convict-kristi-noem-for-felony-animal-cruelty-and-child-abuse) Even mentioning it generates all sorts of butthurt amongst conservatives, so signing it is guaranteed to give them a big sad, all day. Go on, do it.


Botox and hair extensions on the tax payers dime.


She and Sarah Huckabee Sanders really are cut from the same cloth.


So a state CC that has no oversite by an neutral authority? I would think these record would be kept for perpetuity? You know so historians can look at them down the line and point out modern day corruption and how it happens.


Well, not *no* oversight.  The state gets audited every year (not by Sattgast) and credit card expenditures would be looked at along with the other expenditures. So, there are people who see those and keep certain info confidential, but if waste or fraud is found in the audit, there would be a comment about it and probably further investigation, depending on the amount.  The annual audit reports are public record.


Thank you! It’s not a fucking red or blue tie thing these politicians are stealing our money it’s not fucking right they need to have a neutral authority 10000% yesterday.


except democrats aren't doing this, and if Democrat breaks a law they get arrested. Republicans are the ones that change the rules right before they leave office so that Democrat replacements have less authority or power (Michigan, I'm looking at you) democrats aren't the ones covering for the misdeeds of other democrats. stop with the 'both sides' shit already. one side is demonstrably worse and is LITERALLY telling people they'll be changing everything about government to slant in their favor on 'day one'. fuck 'both sides' this shit is CLEARLY the fruition of 40 years of planning. heritage foundation and project2025.org aren't hiding it anymore and it's clearly a grab for more power. pay attention, learn some shit, and stop pretending it's 'both sides'


Why am I surprised that South Dakota State Government operates berift of any ethical standards or oversight of the spending of state funds? Those funds came from their taxpayers in the state for christs sake. I spent my career working for a City in Oregon. I had a procurement card that I could use for any expenses related to my job. However it required a monthly spending report with all receipts that went to my boss for verification and approval. It then went to his boss who approved it and sent it to the City Auditors office. Gawd help you if you lost a receipt or could not explain/justify an expense. That is how government is supposed to work.


This is how it works for those who aren’t in the governor’s office. There is definitely a different standard when it comes to other state employees, not saying it’s right. I wonder how many states would turn over their governors’ state card expenses to the public when asked to. This is a curiosity statement, not an assertion that they wouldn’t turn it over. It would definitely have officials be held accountable for things on their statements. However, I think that making their income from any non-state entities public knowledge would be more fruitful in showing their actual interests than credit card statements for a state card. It seems that, for being state officials, there’s a lot of money that moves around at both the state and federal level.


Krusti Gnome shenanigans?


Is she sending money to Trump the Billionaire?


Immunity for GOP governors now? You know official acts🤬


This won’t come to light. The whole party will fight to keep her safe so they stay safe.


SD GOP like "this is America."


Kristi Noem is an absolute POS with a dirty car.


Welcome to kleptocracy


SD is a weird state


Who’s paying for all the Botox?


Corrup people are just in broad daylight now. This is crazy.


That’s some corrupt BS


Is MAGA ok with this? The deep state hatters of career politicians? Where is there outcry? I won't hold my breath while I wait.


The GOP: The Party of “We Care Until We Don’t.”


"Personal safety" is the sloppiest argument If their concern is identifying their location/movement routines then it's straightforward to eliminate that issue with basic obfuscation that they likely are doing already -- a transaction at "Panera #8552" would just be "lunch" and no CC I have gives a time for transactions, only date. So that argument is pure nonsense. This is 100% hiding inappropriate spending.


Probably charged the gun that killed Cricket to the State


How exactly would this “compromise their personal safety?” What, are people going to be *that* pissed off?


If there’s a state-allowed allowance for something like childcare and the bill is paid with a state-issued card, then some nutjob could use that information to target the children. Or if a closeted cardholder buys an official state business newspaper at the same gay-friendly newsstand everyday, he could inadvertently be outed. That outing could create safety risks. Most states will honor the request for records but redact the line(s) in question. It’s odd that they didn’t do that here.


If she gets childcare free while taking it away from south dakotans, rage.


Probably bought the gun she used to kill puppies with the state credit card. Corrupt as fuck.


The gnome needs her slush fund


Republicans - transparency only required from Democrats.


It’s amazing how the Republicans just want to avoid all accountability, except to their big-money donors


*PATRIOTS, please send $666 to DONALD TRUMP for these eight important projects:* *1.                    REPLACE Theodore Roosevelt on the $75 bill with DONALD TRUMP.*                 2.                    *RENAME Grand Canyon National Park to DONALD TRUMP National Park*. 3.                    *RELEASE January 6th hostages from prison and pardon DONALD TRUMP* 4.                    *RESTORE the Right of Prima Nocta to DONALD TRUMP.* 5.                    *REMOVE women's healthcare rights DONALD TRUMP promised MAGA Nationalists.*       *DONALD TRUMP is the ONLY accused sexual predator/34-time convicted criminal felon ENDORSED BY Kristi Noem, Jared Fogle, Vladimir Putin, Judge Alien Cannon, Randy Quaid, Gary Busey, & 6 MAGA U.S. Supreme Court Justices.*  */MAGA*


Wish there was a way to send a charge of electricity to these Russian bots and shock them out of existence.


If that dudes working for Russia his supervisor is doing a shit job.


That's a broad request.  Id ask for monthly statements, one at a time.


South Dakota polluting the Nation.


What can you buy that compromises your safety? Wtf


For Trump, this might make up for Cricket!


Umm, those are public records EVERYWHERE


This reads like catch 22


Republicans have no morals. No ethics.


The swamp was the MAGAs all along.


In Iowa, the Republican governor got the Republican-controlled House and Republican-controlled Senate to pass legislation that allows the democratically-elected State Auditor, Rob Sand, to get documents like those being discussed here, ONLY by making a request to the Office of Governor. Only if the Governor says it’s ok to release those documents, are they then turned over to the State Auditor’s office. So South Dakota, Iowa sees your corruption and raises you! Amateurs.


Probably because it would reveal that she's been carrying on with Cory Lewandowski.[ For a loooooong time. ](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/09/governor-kristi-noem-god-fearing-family-woman-and-corey-lewandowski-trump-creep-reportedly-had-yearslong-affair)


Plastic surgery probably on those cards


Republicans are so full of shit when they talk about ‘transparency.’    They’re always hiding shady shit.  Fuck them all.  


Gotta be the most corrupt state in the union? There is no reason the people shouldn’t be able to see what their money is being spent. This is what happens when you put all your trust in one party. Figure it out already idiots.


If the taxpayers are footing the bill, we damn sure should have the right to see those expense reports in a timely fashion. I think we should riot at the Capitol.


She had a vahjayjay cleansing/refresh on taxpayer money.


WHAT!!! Well shoot my dog , I did not know that. You mean to tell me Republicans have set it up ,so that "you" can't know they ripped "you" off until 3 years after the records are destroyed. Well golly !


FOIA the living shit out of this clown until it becomes his full time job. Ask for the government-side payment and accounting vouchers for the same transactions. Those often aren’t PII documents. Document and publish every time he refuses or stonewalls.


The botox bill alone must be astronomical


Is she screwing Rich, too.?


Kristi Noem is an absolute POS with a dirty car.


Personal safety....? Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Here. Time to open criminal investigations across the board




Garbage. But that’s not my state. We have common sense.


State officials are only the first stop on this road. Take them to court.


That doesn't seem shady at all. the fact they don't want to show us makes me and I'm sure a lot of others think they're hiding criminal activities


Wait, wait, wait, you thought this was about governing and not grifting?


Checks out


Well we know she didn’t spend it on doggy daycare.


They are crooks just like their dear leader.


These people deserve their shit hole states. Put bad in and get bad out.


Your government hates you and thinks you are stupid


We know. Apparently, we like it that way??? 🤷


So we can add thief to puppy killing. Good to know.


they’re criminals, all of em


“Russia, if you’re listening…”


Obviously, AG Garland needs to get a special prosecutor assigned to investigate this after a word with his boss Joe, just to make it clearly ”official.” Corruption, embezzlement and fraud are criminal acts, particularly when one is a governor who has been placed in the people’s trust. That may need to send some federal troops to secure the statehouse (considering SD’s National Guard troops are at the border).


Just out here drainin’ the swamp. (The swamp is your taxpayer funds).


I have to assume there is improper use of state funds since they are hiding this! I hope someone sues the government for failure to provide this information.


Ah, wait? Elected officials have a taxpayer paid credit card to use and have no requirement to inform the bill paying taxpayers what was purchased? And revealing that would compromise their safety? Please elaborate how that compromises safety? Oh right, cause we'll be pissed to learn Kristi's Melania trandsformation, Texas dental work, and funding of an Affair will be known? Yea won't be safe at all from the guillotine. How the hell do we allow this? Our elected officials are our servants. They owe us damnit. We're the boss.


Crooks, the whole lot


There are all kinds of monetary malfeasance going on in the state of South Dakota. It's where people are going to hide their money now. I would bet you Kristi has some sort of scam running along side that.


WTF???? Surely there is a winnable court challenge to that law of corruption? That’s a license to steal otherwise. Kusti’s cosmetic life missions alone would account for millions I expect. And what about the cost of bullets to shot Cricket? Did the taxpayers ‘shell-out’ for that too?


Don’t fool yourself this would happen in just about every other state, Republican or Democrat.


Vote the people out who allow this.


Law suit.


Well she keeps getting worse every time I hear about her.


Can't listen to anymore of this bullsht. Just wake me when the shooting starts.


Yeah it'll compromise their safety because people will be fucking pissed they've been paying for the fucking criminals' every whim. Disgusting, these people belong in jail.


A public account is…public. It can’t be held back by anyone.


Typical republicans Bull shit. 💩 never ever vote republican


Nope. See you in court!


GOP cannot be trusted, example #11,567,523…


Our governor in Iowa is doing the same. She's hobbled the auditor's office so even he can't request certain records "for safety". Graft so plain you can see it from space.


I'm sure it's all the ammunition for the gravel pit along with her photo shoots in Texas .


Lots of puppy slaughtering ammo.


Everyone throwing tantrums over everything she does gets so tiresome. None of you have ever cared about how much the government spends on frivolous things until it's a republican spending. Climb down off that cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it.


It. It’s a lot to fake meeting Kim Jongh un and even more to screw Lewandowski