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Stay out of our state and go to the beaches in Delaware or Maryland. Ya twats


They just hate us because they ain't us. Jersey StrongšŸ’ŖšŸ»




Like go to any warehouse you will find half of the cars got PA plates lol


That's all the criminal record having ppl who need a decent wage bc they don't make shit over there and warehouse has no background checks.. but jersey sucks? šŸ™„


Itā€™s mostly because the PA minimum wage is $7.25. But, you know, weā€™re the problem.




So is their intelligence.


50% of crime blotters


They all hate on NJ til the summer. Stay the fuck out of my stateā€¦Iā€™m fine with it


Is this why our beaches are trashed in the summer? And they wonder why we have such a problem with them.


Gotta include New Yorkers in that. "Jersey Shore" was all ppl fr New York.


Or better yet, [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1003443143213068308/1228566736408674314/IMG_9834.png?ex=662c82ef&is=661a0def&hm=35b76d43ec7d27caee04a4485fc4632000988131d56b3e4a28648ea316c05247&)


I 2nd that!


We do.


Lmao that's what we do too




Omg I want the wall!!! Living in the cherry hill area- theyā€™re a pestilence to our roads, stores, and gas pumps.


And left lanes


The terror of the left lane are either the older drivers or people from Pennsyltucky.


I'd like to add New York to that left lane vehicular road block.


Don't let em fool you. They do it in Philly too


Deal, so long as you keep Camden.


Iā€™m happy to. K&A is all yours.


Fair trade.


Whenever people outside NJ tell me that they have heard NJ smells bad, I tell them it does because Pennsylvania and New York send us their trash figuratively and literally.


Anyone who has stepped into Philly has no room to said NJ smells lol.


The smell definitely waffs over from PA. Especially near Florence.


florence fuckin reeks idk how people can live there lol


Theyā€™re bringing crime, theyā€™re rapists, and some, I assume are good people.


Nj smells so good wtf


I just tell them that it's the Bayway Refinery, also known as "the reason our fully staffed gas pumps are cheaper than yours". That shuts them up pretty quick.


its solely because of the linden cogeneration plant. its the first thing new yorkers see when they get out of the city. its all they think jersey is. for the most part pa loves jersey and any slander is just to get a rise. the CT people might have the most hatred of nj based on literally nothing and they dont realize it's basically the same stateĀ 


Idk why this came up on my feed and I promise im not lurking in the south jersey sub but i live in CT and grew up in Bucks County PA and love NJ. Never really thought about how NJ and CT are the same state but its spot on except you guys have way better beaches than we do (long island sound sucks)


What separates man from beast? The Delaware river, scrapple eating savages


ā€œScrapple eating savagesā€ I love this šŸ˜†


Whoa whoa.... Don't bring Scrapple into this scrap.




offering peace - we will have the scrapple & pork roll summit on the river island of your choice


And the pork roll/Taylor ham debate begins...


People who have a genuine hate for states have brain disorders. Let me combine a bunch of stereotypes and assumptions about an entire state and hate them!


Right? Iā€™m from Philly, live in NJ now, but lived in Illinois for several years til moving back a few months ago. People in Illinois constantly trash talked Jersey to me, and Iā€™d ask them if theyā€™d ever been thereā€¦theyā€™d say no. Or that theyā€™d only been to the Newark airport. And theyā€™d be bashing New Jersey, meanwhile so much of Illinois is flat farmland and industrial waste ā€” and horrendous roads plus a city thatā€™s covered in litter. Every state has shitty areas. I donā€™t know why people assume New Jersey is some wasteland. So much of it is beautiful!




Honestly I struggle with the PA. Itā€™s the driving and busy roads for me mostly. But at the same time I 100% realize this is a silly form of tribalismā€¦ but then another PA plate cuts me off or stays in the left lane on 42/expressway all the way from the bridge to AC and is just oblivious to how much traffic theyā€™re holding upā€¦


You are coming to this conclusion unconsciously because I driving on 202 think people with NJ plates on 202 in PA driving to and from work are the worst drivers. And I grew up in NJ. I know it's not true save like the Newark, NYC drivers cutting you off giving the middle finger and slamming the brakes, but that's city driving, even philly and Austin, Texas. City drivers are the problem prolly for good reason. My God getting on the beltway to JFK you have to force someone to put on the brakes and be aggressive.


I support Jersey hate, we're already crowded. We don't need folks realizing the state is actually nice.


I moved from NY to Beachwood in TR. From one stereotyped state to another for me!


Beechwood is full of stereotypes.




Just more tribalistic bullshit, ya know the same shit we've been rocking for hundreds of thousands of years.


someone's never been to mississippi


Many times


Iā€™m from PA. I just meme about it.


Build that wall, then I wonā€™t have to worry about too many idiots in the left lane going 50


True, but the ones that make it over the wall are DEDICATED idiots.


Having just spent a long time driving in PA and making more than a few stops recently, I say we start a Kickstarter to raise money for 3 things: 1) to send every PA driver through driver's Ed again. 2) get all of NEPA a gym membership 3) send them all to the dentist


As someone who moved to just outside philly after 32 years in SJ, I definitely agree on point 1. Jersey drivers can be crazy, but PA drivers are either wreckless as fuck or just straight up aloof. Not saying Jersey drivers never were, but its so much worse here. That's not even counting philly. Driving down broad st is a life or death adventure every time. Cars with no plates running red lights and going into the median or oncoming lanes to skip traffic. Cops no where to be seen, or just straight up take no action. Fucking wild west


Philly drivers either drive way under the speed limit because they're never seen on higher than about 30, or they're driving it like they stole it or like the fuzz it hot on their tail. Turnpike regulars don't care about rules, or personal safety. And then there's those roving ATV mobs in Philly. Literally the most reckless drunken assholes on the planet. Running them over should be a right, or even a duty. Flattening one should earn you a medal. Us Jersey folks have some agreed upon standards: we all gotta check out the crash, the speed limit is a minimum, stay right or get fucked, the bird means everything from hello and good morning to get the fuck outta here! We're all in too much of a hurry to really give a shit.




Guess it depends how far you call East. Wilkes Barre area through Towanda had a bunch of fat fuckers. All very oaf-y looking redneck types. PA and Bucks county area generally in better shape.


The people in north eastern PA arent even that fat dude try going to central PA. Its all a bunch of rednecks who consume exclusively lite beer and fast food


I'm from PA (Delco) and heard shit talk about NJ from a very early age. At this point, I've lived more of my life in NJ than PA and really like South Jersey. I've had chances to go back and didn't because the variance between different parts of the PA suburbs is just too much. The public schools are better here in South Jersey and I don't think it's close. At this point, when people shit talk South Jersey, it doesn't bother me because I hope that means they stay out. We're all full up here.


I haven't smelled anything worse than Center City in the summer scent, boiled piss and pretzel. Although Bristol, PA chemical smell is an all year around stank.


The hate that Pennsylvanians (mostly middle of nowhere rural or boring suburban areas) have for NJ is so funny to me. Like I NEVER thought about Pennsylvania or its inhabitants until I moved to Philly and weā€™ve just been in their heads rent free since they were born. I truly donā€™t understand it. Maybe itā€™s because our produce is better? Or perhaps our progressive policies ? Or the fact that we have more culture in a 5 mile radius than those honkeys have in the whole state.


Pennsylvanians as a whole are pretty nasty. They absolutely do litter. I work in PA, their roads are covered in garbage. State roads, turnpike etc. Big difference compared to NJ highways.


I concur. From Jersey originally, had to spend 15 long years in PA unfortunately, and back in Jersey for a long time now. Most PA people can't drive, won't talk to you, and treat you like you're an outsider no matter how long you live there. I even saw a KKK rally near Boyertown about 10 years ago and never went near that area again.


I was raised in boyertown until 1998. Mom and stepdad got us out because of that BS. I saw marches as a kid in the early 90s. I turned out ok. I do live in south jersey now and like it quite a bit.


I'm sorry you had to deal with that but I'm glad you family was able to relocate. Welcome to South Jersey. That's where I am now too after being born and raised in Middlesex County. It's much more peaceful here. There are small pockets of nonsense here and there but I guess that's everywhere.


Everyone around where I live is from south philly. So it doesnā€™t feel culturally any different for me, and i lived in philly 12 years before coming here. But I like that there are well kept parks and lakes in almost every town I can go to, the beach is 45 min away, Philly is close but i donā€™t have to live there. I loved living in a city and having everything at arms length and convenient. NJ is the most densely populated state so I still get that sense but I have a driveway and peace and quiet added. Iā€™m also in love with free car inspection. I feel i was swindled with the inspection process in PA! I still have friends in PA that hate on NJ and it seems baseless and childish. Itā€™s just a weird taught tribal thing.


I graduated from there in 2000. I think back to my years there and I'm so glad I left. I was up there about 3 years ago for a birthday party and it had an eerie vibe but that could have been my feelings projecting. At least we have some cool people that graduated - Steve Burns (blues clues) and Nicole Barnhardt (us Olympic Gold winner for soccer).


Nah, itā€™s definitely weird up there! And i only moved a short distance to Reading, but it was way different and more open. Ur my brotherā€™s age and he still lives there, the few friends he has that are still there are tough to be around. He wants out badly.


I remember those marches too. Down the street from my friggin elementary school! My brothers moved back there, on purpose. Best of luck to your brother! RIP Reading Pagoda!


Wait WHAT?! What happened to the pagoda. That was my stomping ground as a teen. And yeah, my other brother just moved 10 min from Boyertown. To each their own i guess. Marches were nuts. Glad u got out too!


I lived in Boyertown until I graduated and left. I go back every 10 years or so. They were so terrible to us "outsiders" and played favorites big time. Anyway, I'm glad you also got away from that nonsense!


Yet this is where they all pay their hard earned money to vacation. Our life is their vacation


Jealousy is not a good look.


ā€œKeep Pennsylvania beautifulā€ funny everytime Iā€™m in PA it looks the exact opposite of beautiful


Donā€™t worry Iā€™ll clean up your litter every Saturday when I cut my grass. ā€œOh south Jersey is so beautiful let me throw my trash out of my windows so it looks just like paā€


Where would they go on vacation if there a wall??


Kensington in Philly


Lmao we can only hope they stop ruining our beaches


F shoobies. Let's build the wall.


Every plate is PA from April -October shore traffic shoobies šŸ˜”


Until college I lived in NJ, now I live in Philly. Do these people know their biggest metropolitan area is part of Greater New Jersey? Philly's a lot more Jersey than it is the rest of PA...


They sure do enjoy coming over for the legal weed šŸ‘€


Most of them are from NJ


Weā€™ll kill Punxsutawney Phil and show them whoā€™s boss


And feed him to the Jersey DevilĀ 


I support the wall idea. After all, thereā€™s no natural boundary between our states. Thatā€™s why George Washington was able to surprise the Hessians at Trenton- they couldnā€™t believe that the Americans would just walk on over on Christmas.


Thatā€™s why I didnā€™t disliked it! technically we got Delaware river as a ā€œwallā€


I've been a NJ resident for about 5 years now. Lived in Delaware County for almost 15 years. Definitely prefer NJ over PA and it maybe took 3 months living here to take that stand.


Grew up in Delco and while I'm proud of where I grew up, I would never go back. South Jersey is objectively better in everyway.


Came here to say this. I'm 37, lived in Delco my whole life until 2021 when I moved to South Jersey. I love parts of PA but Delco is a shit hole compared to South Jersey. I hate the fact I even have to go back several times a year.


Honestly I would help push from this side.


Link - https://www.reddit.com/r/Pennsylvania/s/thzUUJf1hh


People from NEPA think camouflage is a color.


So does South Jersey.


That is true. When I go to Freedom Mortgage Pavilion, there is no way to tell them apart.


Can confirm they litter their slowest cars all over the left lane here.


Meanwhile at the beach, Every single liscense plate: pEnNsYlVania Also i dont have actual hate for pa my family moved to south jersey from south philly but philly is still different than the pa suburbs but still.


Does this mean we wonā€™t have to deal with Pennsylvania drivers anymore? Because Iā€™m absolutely okay with it if thatā€™s the trade off.


I live in NEPA I'm from South Jersey. I miss South Jersey.


For any Pennsylvania drivers reading this: It is not acceptable to go 20 in a 40. For good measure it is not acceptable to go 45 in a 50. Please leave. We don't want you here.


Are they mad people want to live here and not in pennsyltucky


Good lord, I currently live in Pennsyltucky (moved from Texas), and I hate it. Inbred hicks with single digit IQ's everywhere that stare the second I hold hands with my wife. I can't wait to gtfo. I can't say for Jersey as I've never been (yet), but fuck Philly. Pittsburgh is ok imo.


Lol don't worry, you can all stay over there


Maybe if theyā€™d drive faster than 30 mph on the turnpike I wouldnā€™t say the feeling is mutual


I find Pennsylvania charming with their second city mentality. Come to Met Life Stadium and wear your Eagles jerseys. We wonā€™t attack you, we have lives to live after the game is over.




PA people drive into Nj and do 10 under the speed limit. I drive into pa do 5 over and have PA driver on my ass alwaysā€¦ anyone else?


Iā€™ve noticed that too


Meanwhile every Friday around 2-9pm all the bridges are damn near grid locked with PA drivers going down the shore lol, theyā€™d be doing us all a favor


STOP DRIVING 55 in the fast lane when speed limit is 65 (or 80 for us NJ residents)


Passing lane. You mean get the f@ck out of the passing lane unless you are passing.


You are CO-*RECT* , sir!!!


When you see someone driving like a complete moron around here you have an 80% chance that car has PA plates Most likely with one of these stickers


I live in PA but I drive into NJ for work occasionally. A lot of the places I visit in NJ are pretty nice. We should be focusing our efforts on removing Florida.




Itā€™s fine, weā€™ll just install jughandles when they try it to confuse them.


New Jersey is so horrible


If they build that wall around us, they better not cross it to touch our beaches. In fact, we'll help pay for it. ... if it means getting the Left Lane Hogs out of this state, PLEASE build it.


Meanwhile 1/2 of the assholes in PA work in NJ..... fuck off you stupid taters.


Exactly they are stealin our jobs šŸ˜†


This from people who couldn't operate a turn signal if it was connected to their motor cortex by an electrode? "Watch out, babe, that's a Pennsylvania driver there."


I drove out to the ikea out west in Plymouth meeting PA. Took the backroads through small towns etc. Trash all along the roads everywhere. Every road was like the worst offramps/jug handles in nj. I was so shocked by it. I guess since most of our backroads are preserved farmland or woods theyā€™re cleaner. Pennsyltuckians like their pills and trashing their streets. Lets be real about drivers. There are no good drivers in this whole country. Shit here, there, everywhere. 95% are bad. Most of the ones who think theyā€™re not are too. Maybe I am to someone else despite my best efforts.


Maybe it is time to impose a shoobie tax.


Imagine admitting you are from Northeastern PA. Lol NEPA.


Do the shoobies know that it would keep them off our beaches, cause I'm all for it


But they have no problem coming here to buy legal weed.


North Jersey here but fuck em. They just want to use the greatest state ever to go down the shore and to gamble.


North Jersey here too. Love going to OCNJ every year, hate the PA plates coming off the AC Expressway.


Outside of Philly, Pennsylvania is terrible. Build the wall and stay the hell away from the shore in the summer.


As a south jerseyan I actually wholeheartedly admit that Philadelphia is better than any city in NJ, but the rest of Pennsylvania is dead asf.


See Iā€™m kinda the opposite. Iā€™m not huge on Philly but love some of the mountains and great views other parts of PA has.


Philly is a shit hole.


Big talk from people who don't even know how to operate a moving vehicle


Yes, build a wall and charge PA for it.


Fuck PA šŸ–•


We donā€™t want u bennys either.


Yet they will flood our roads, towns, beaches as soon as the weather is good.


You douchbags can't get the fuck out of the way on a major roadway. What makes you think you can pull off professional fencing installation?


Can that wall also keep them out?


NYC & Philly have more in common with Jersey than the states theyā€™re located in.


They hate us cuz they ain't us


They hate New Jersey so much but they sure love our shore points.


Everyone wants to vacation at the Jersey shore. No one wants to vacation in Filth-a-Delpha let alone PA!


Ironically a majority of people in south Jersey moved from Pennsylvania in last couple generations because it sucks worse than here


This is why I key pa plated cars in Wildwood


all these shoobs vacation in NJ....




Iā€™d much rather live in PA than here ngl


Good. We donā€™t like you either.


Moved to Pa from Jersey for a woman, god how much I fucking hate it. I didnā€™t know food could be so fucking garbage


Pa and Nj are siblings. Thats why they fight. Remember that


Then just stay in your own landlocked state and drive 20 mph under the speed limit in the passing lane there.


Itā€™s okay. They litter everywhere.


Them Pennsylvanian blumpkin fucks drank canal water their whole life


Funny because the PA trash seems to LOVE New Jersey whenever I go to the South Jersey beaches!!!




Yeah. But they LOVE all their goods that delivered from NJ. What a douche


Can confirm, we hate Jersey


Pennsylvanian here. I will always love nj for my aunt, the beaches, and the pot


Hey, i like Jersey! Itā€™s where i go to buy my weed and alcohol!




Hey PA work in your own state we donā€™t want ya. Buy gas in your own state and for fuck sake learn how to drive and get out of the middle lane.


The irony is that most of rural central PA is one big landfill thanks to all the terrible gross people who throw trash everywhere in the woods.


I would love if North Jersey was just a separate state. Make them apart of New York and build a wall.


See if we got pushed out to the ocean where would all the homos that live in PA go to the "SHORE" fucking idiots. No A.C. or wildwood, Cape May and all of the other beach towns will not be accessible to you for a daily adventure to the ocean and boardwalks. HAHAHAHA GOOD Penisanalvania co go fuck itself. HAHAHA Get fucked. Welcome to New Jersey, now fuck off and go home.


the beef between Pennsy and NJ will never not be funny


Cut the bridges and push the state out to sea


Y'all are the pigs. Coming over here clogging up stores, not knowing how to drive. I used to complain about NY but y'all are as bad as Maryland drivers. Deer in headlights. Do they teach you about speed limits and distracted driving over there er...?


On the western side of Pennsylvania I have a litter in Ohio one.


Philly is dogshit but the Poconos are lit the only thing I donā€™t like is having to drive through Philly to get there the rest is alright I guess


Jersey born, long time Delaware resident thatā€™s often in PA for work. PA has so much trash on the side of the roads itā€™s actually disgusting. Not in Jersey all that often but never noticed so much trash that it stood out.


half the people in nj donā€™t even get bothered by out of state drivers lol you guys complain about anythingā€¦ try living down at the shore in the summer


Call **1-877-WARNDEP** to report littering on state land. You can assume any PA driver in the left lane doing 55 is fleeing a littering crime.


Jersey sucks. Also you guys can have Philly. Philly is basically Jersey and sucks just as much as Jersey.


South Jersey is Pennsylvania's dump, North Jersey is New York's. Why do I still live here?


If it keeps all those PA left-lane-loiterers off all of our highways, I'm for it.


Yā€™all donā€™t pump your own gas and still think you have any grounds to talk shit about other states? Laughable at best. Let me know when yā€™all can make left turns across intersections too.


Fuck them... The only thing I agree with is building a wall and keep the PA people out. Fuckers can't drive anyways and with their criminals, they can stay out. If Murphy orders the state NG to build a wall between NJ and PA, I'll support that. It's worth all of my taxes. I'm not a fan of NY neither but I'll give them a waiver...for now. They can go to the beaches of Maryland and Delaware and trash them.


Dirty jerz


I support the idea of pushing New Jersey into the ocean


Since when does PA hate on NJ? Are they trying to be NY? Pretty sad. NYers hate on Jersey like a sibling but PA isnā€™t even on our minds. Itā€™s like Ohio. Literally the afterthought of an afterthought.


The only reason NJ is there is to keep the seagulls from shitting on Pennsylvania.


People just love this tired ā€œletā€™s shit on NJā€ boomer ass Jay Leno shit. Itā€™s cheap as hell and they donā€™t feel right about their dumb life unless they place someone beneath them