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Remember when this guy got drunk and killed a guy and then became a gym owner and then somehow became a conservative icon for a few weeks and then thought he'd make a great congressman and then later got pulled over drunk driving again and said "don't you know who I am" to the cop? That was awesome.


The kids name was Kevin Ade, he was 20 years old and was from Galloway NJ. Ian smith killed him while drunk driving one night and only served 5 years for it. https://www.courierpostonline.com/story/news/2022/03/29/ian-smith-atilis-gym-bellmawr-congressional-candidate-cinnaminson-dwi-charge/7200132001/ He then got caught drunk driving again while running for office after capitalizing on the maga movement during covid.


Kevin was only 19 when he died. šŸ˜”


What an asshole, I canā€™t stand that guy. I hope his license was revoked. Killing one kid wasnā€™t enough for him, heā€™s trying for another?


Small price to pay to "own the libs" or whatever.


People still voted for him after all of that!


Heā€™s president of the NJ branch of the Douche Party


Then he tried to say the cop set him up due to a high school baseball rivalry.




It was a pretty crazy time in our lives with Covid and lockdowns and this dude had to be a giant baby and throw a fit like he was the only one dealing with restrictions


If he was black heā€™d be in jail. And Iā€™m white and I believe that ! He had friends in high places..


lol and the downvoting beginsā€¦.


I didnā€™t understand the reason why some people downvoted you. I upvoted because you actually talked about a real issue: discrimination by judiciary and the police again people of color. It happens even in NJ and they are all sort of evidence to suggest that.


Itā€™s the "****crowd" Iā€™m sure because they think itā€™s acceptable behavior . And just because I happen to be white, doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m blind to the way it is in this country. They say Iā€™m a bleeding heart. Maybe thatā€™s true, because it does over the disparities in justice. Like the white mass shooter kid that the police bought a hamburger for before they brought him into the stationā€¦ a black man would have never made it into the police car. My local police are great I must say, and Iā€™m not a cop hater by any means. But if thinking people like you, look at statistics and "real news" they would see the differences. A crime is a crime no matter what color you are, and this is a slap in the face to anyone who has a loved one that has been killed by a drunk driverā€¦. ā€¦and Iā€™m not being woke , just an old hippie thatā€™s just wanting peace and equality for everyone. āœŒļø


Dont forget fleeing and stashing his drugs and needles at a friemds house


It wasn't a friend. It was just a random person who lived there who was trying to help him get cleaned up after the accident.


Thanks for the fact check.


The internet never forgets.


MAGA crowd: that behavior is a feature not a bug.


So typical South Jersian?


fuck this drunk driving piece of shit




Of course he is. He made more money off this hill then he ever has as a "businessman".


Based on the intelligence he has displayed since making a public spectacle of himself, I'm sure he has already found a way to waster any money he's made.


Why don't a fuckin bunch of us go in there with masks lol


Yā€™all donā€™t work out thatā€™s why.




Unfortunately heā€™s not.


That pizza spot is excellent though. Lucianoā€™s.


The linked site gave my computer cancer and I'm dumber having even looked at it. Pretty much all the sites reporting it are just right wing media repeating his tweet. Are there any actual new sites that have the actual story available? I'd like to know why the case was dismissed; I googled and can't find anything more recent than his DUI stuff and links back to his tweet. edit: yay, my first Reddit cares!


Report the Reddit Cares message, the person who sent it to you might catch a ban for misusing it.


I did, but Iā€™ve heard of others posting anything critical of anything conservative getting them too. Itā€™s just bots or burner accounts at this point Iā€™m guessing. There will be more, Iā€™m sure of it.


Yea, the DA has some explaining to do


Except none of that is true. The Department of Health collected thousands - over a hundred thousand dollars in fines from him and his business. And the State is actively pursuing the remaining fines. Including going after any proceeds from his loser book. So he's a 100% liar. The municipal fines may have been dismissed, but the State fines most certainly have not.


God I hope this is true. Some people need to get their comeuppanceā€¦heā€™s one of them.


They should drive him into bankruptcy


This the guy that killed a kid DUI in high school, helped make COVID worse, tried to run for Congress but got pinched for DUI and tried to drop his name? That guy?


Iā€™m in Cherry Hill and itā€™s funny because when he was running for congress a few years ago you didnā€™t see his signs here, but as soon as you crossed into Marlton they were everywhere. Fuck this jerkoff.


Well he was running in a district not in cherry hill buddy


Buddies. Nice.


I used to help the landlord of the commercial property that Atlas is at. Landlord said he was the biggest pain in the ass and never paid his rent (this was 2018)


I used to work at the Cherry Hill Whole Foods and he came in pretty regularly during COVID. Pretty sure he got straight up banned at some point. Regardless, he's every bit as big of a shithead as you think he is and then some.


Does he also think DUI laws are tyranny? Or does he just endanger the public as a hobby?


I remember living right around the corner from his gym right before / during Covid & worked at that dollar store. The crowds, people, he was such a pain in the ass. I felt so bad for the old people that would come in the store.


Why were they dismissed? The article doesn't give any details on that.Ā 


Wonder if he thinks it was still all worth it at this point. The whole thing was just so stupid and pointless. His 15 mins definitely are over, totally forgot about this clown until this post.


Standing up to tyranny is stupid and pointless? Guess you were all for the pos governors bullshit over a political cold virus. Get in line for your next round of shots because thereā€™s no hope for you anyway.


If you think a plague that killed over *a million people* in this country alone was no big deal then you're too stupid to be having this conversation.


The average age of covid deaths was 80 so even with the motorcycle accidents being attributed to dying ā€œwith covidā€ it was still only a concern for the elderly and obese- not gym regulars.


TennDawg- go fuck yourself 17 ways to Sunday. Scumbags like you are lower than navel lint.


Boot licker


He didn't care about killing people with Covid. It was all about money.


*Still a dick


what did a dick ever do to you? Dicks everywhere should be upset to be associated with this piece of dog turd somebody scraped off of their shoe.


Listen here buddy, I just picked all of my dogs turds up off my lawn today and my boy is offended you're comparing his turds to this piss stain. Show some respect to dog turds, they were once something beneficial at least.


God this guy makes me so angry. I was working in the ICU @ the hub of S NJā€™s sickest. The echmo machines, the feel good story about the cop that made it. All that. I missed 1-2 months of my first borns life bc I sent him & my wife away bc we just didnā€™t know enough. But I think what kills me about this truly sick in the head asshole is that like him, Iā€™ve been involved in some less than savory stuff in my lifetime. & when people really feel awful for what theyā€™ve done, they for lack of better term ā€œrepentā€. They simply donā€™t live a certain way anymore. & for a guy who killed a 20 year old boy & did time, his actions say he doesnā€™t care. HOW could you make the pandemic about you? Make no mistake, someone with that psyche is not making a stand for your freedom. Heā€™s doing it for his own ends. I really have to try to remember thatā€™s heā€™s a sick guy. But fuck, you kill someone & then opt to risk more peopleā€™s lives? & THEN get another DUI & try to big time the officer? This guys story isnā€™t over. & mark my words, it doesnā€™t end with him dying from heart disease in his 80ā€™s. Bad fucking news in between those ears.


The guy is an asshole but he was right about the virus. Unfortunately I suspect he was the reason Murphy took his time lifting the gym ban. We all didn't know a lot in the beginning. But I think we can all agree Murphy did make errors (travel between 4 states only, closing parks, fines for walking outside on beaches...). He took a little too long with reopening. We all are bitter about the aftermath of covid. I understand why the guy tried to keep his business open. I would feel equally the same no matter what his past vices were. That's what it boils down to. No matter what political party you are for, he was trying to keep his business open. The fines were ridiculous. It was happening in California as well. And I think people got upset. I am glad if he had his fines lifted. I absolutely do not condone the other behavior.


Thatā€™s what I mean though. The idea that COV was handled incorrectly or was a big conspiracy is revisionist history. The level of care needed for the amount of sick was over run WITH measures to flatten the curve. Things like no parks or beaches were stupid. If I was giving them the benefit of the doubt Iā€™d assume that was implemented on like day 1 & then government takes forever to adjust. But for the individual @ hand, Iā€™d posit that itā€™s way more likely a case of anti-social personality that caused his defiance. Someone here said he didnā€™t pay rent regularly. & when you look @ his behavior before & after COV, I think itā€™s a fair assessment that selfishness was the driving factor. His personal life influenced his place in society & he wasnā€™t prepared to deal with catastrophe. Guess what? A lot of people werenā€™t & they didnā€™t say fuck you to society.


Looking back I don't think it was handled correctly in say 2021 to 22. Lot's of rules for some not for others. Yes absolutely in the beginning as we didn't know. But then it became really obnoxious to those who started to question and were mocked and ridiculed for simply asking for example why is it ok for elected officials to travel and not for me? Yes this gentleman was NOT what I wanted as the poster boy for keeping things open. Trust me. But, he had a point. Overall, thankfully it's over. A lot of bitterness on both sides. A lot could be resolved if the name calling and covid shaming would stop and both sides could just communicate like adults.


Yeah TBH after seeing that shit, I didnā€™t even know there was still things happening that late. All kind of a blur of time & trauma. Haha.


And for the record, I was in on the lab leak theory from the beginning. Itā€™s always been a case of the most obvious thing being the most likely


I don't think we will ever really know. I just know I don't want to have all that shit back. I need my zen life undisturbed!


Definitely wonā€™t ever know. I just hope the governing structures are more prepared next time.


Here I was hoping he'd gotten syphilis and gone the way of the dodo.


some reason i have been following him on social media since this all went down in 2020ā€¦he gets more psychotic by the week lol heā€™s out to lunch


Ive seen that dickwad drinking in bars since his last DUI. Schileens for one.


He certainly seems like the Schileens type.


My cousin slowly became a die hard maga cultist and tried to convince me this dude was a local hero. He was an asshole is what he was. I agree with the principle of standing up to your government when your rights are infringed upon, but he was consistently an asshole up until his 2nd dui charge. What an asshole


Boo this man. The guy seems like a real bag of dicks.


~~marijuana?~~ MAGA? You in here 'cuz of ~~marijuana?!~~ MAGA?!?! Man, this is some BULLSHIT!


I donā€™t get the reference? Should I?


Itā€™s from the movie Half Baked, just like ā€œboo this man.ā€ Iā€™m guessing by the downvotes nobody else got the reference either.


I used to suck dick for coke!


Quite a few people were shocked at what Danny Tanner did before Wakeup San Francisco šŸ˜‚


Haha how did that not dawn on me! Great pull by you.


Ewww not this dog turd showing up on my reddit


He got his 15 minutes of fame.


What a scumbag


He is not worth the state's time, nor mine.


Of course, the article is written by that other Jersey Jerk, Matt Rooney. šŸ¤”


"Public health? UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Public safety? TREASONOUS!" What a tool this guy is.


So many people in the gym i go to (delco) wear those stupid shirts


According to him only


Imposing public health restrictions is absolutely constitutional.


And, in another time and place where people actually gave a single fuck about anyone or anything other than themselves and their own entitled conveniences, it wouldn't have been an issue. Humanity is doomed. Most folks haven't realized it yet, but we are.


Where in the constitution does the government get the power to shut down a private business?


**Tenth Amendment**: This amendment states that "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Public health is traditionally considered a state power under this amendment, allowing states to enact health regulations, such as quarantine laws and health codes.


Then why were the charges dismissed


He was nice enough to allow comments from anyone on X...


https://breakingac.com/news/2021/feb/02/hammonton-man-ordered-detained-in-years-long-sex-a/ Just to spread the word on POSā€™s in SJ. This Hammonton gym owner was my long time abusers BJJ coach. Heā€™s a pedophile.


Wow thanks Trump


Ā ALL OF THE 80+ municipal citations of violations of a governorā€™s order, public nuisance, disturbing the peace, and operating without a license against us have been dropped by the courts WITH prejudice. This means the State has NO ability to revist or refile these charges **confirming everything Murphy did was unconstitutional.**


Sounds like you and Ian both need to learn the difference between state and municipalities...


You're implying that Murphy and his OAG weren't involved.Ā  Ā Hysterical.Ā 


Oof, you sound like the kind of genius that thinks the governor is personally issuing you your parking tickets. That's not how the world works, chief.


After Ian Smith and Frank Trumbetti, the owners of Atilis gym, opened the gym in May 2020 in defiance of Murphyā€™s order, Murphy pronounced, ā€œIf you show up at that gym again tomorrow, thereā€™s going to be a different reality than showing up today. These arenā€™t just words.ā€ So....


And Murphy still did nothing. The wheels of justice took over and enforced the law. Ian Smith has been cancelled. You too.


Oh. So Murphy didn't threaten him directly?Ā  Ā Another goalpost moveĀ  Ā Ā 


"**confirming everything Murphy did was unconstitutional.**" Nah.






*MUNICIPAL* Reading is fundamental šŸŒˆ


Governors order.Ā  Ā  Ā See that part??


Murphy literally involved himself against Ian.Ā  Ā  Ā Murphy egoĀ 




I had no idea.Ā  Ā I'm shocked that the fascists running reddit let me live this long.Ā 


They wanted you to be able to get laid at least once before you die. Still waiting.


I'll ask your mom for a extra weekend day.Ā 


Oh my god does the victim complex ever stop šŸ˜†


People still act like the nations Covid response wasn't a joke and everything they(the government and cdc) said was right. Anything opposite what they said is wrong and MAGA.


It was a joke- not enough was done. There was never a "lockdown". Applebee's was closed for a few months. Kids went to online school. Show me where the mask hurt you.


Show me where they helped.


This. The burden if proof is incumbent on the government to prove that what its enforcing actually helps, not the opposite.


Have a Truly Marvelous Day.


NJ courts are never wrong. so... let it go... let it GOO.... if extreme leftist courts and the AG dismissed it, then it was never a case. i hope he sues now for damages.


In general I agree that if the courts dictate something itā€™s almost always best to move on. With that said ā€œextreme leftist courtsā€ is down right funny.


If you're a white guy with a legally purchased firearm and stopped in NJ, you're going to jail.Ā  Ā  Record.Ā  Felon etc.Ā  Not white.Ā  Back on streetsĀ 






News.Ā  Ā  Ā And reported rap sheet of repeat felon.Ā 


Extreme leftist courts is the funniest shit Iā€™ve ever heard.


Trump in NY is perfect example.Ā 


have fun siding with the guy who killed a kid while drunk driving


Where did that happen?


He killed a kid named Kevin Ade in Galloway, NJ in 2007. Spent 5 years in jail for it. He is human trash.


When did I side with him?


i just think itā€™s weird to hope that a guy who killed a kid while drunk driving ā€œsues for damagesā€ or hope that he does anything but rot


I don't get it.Ā  Ā You're all about the legal system and doing your time, but if someone is still right about the bu llshit opressive activities by the.goverent, it's still a problem.Ā  . I get it. You're right.Ā  He's not a good guy.Ā  Never said he was.Ā  He's also not wrong.Ā 


i feel like the fact that heā€™s a guy who killed a kid while drunk driving kind of supersedes any possible point he could have been trying to make, like i donā€™t care if heā€™s mother teresa, if he killed a kid while drunk driving thatā€™s enough for me to just like hate him forever and hope he rots regardless of his beliefs or if i agree with them


I understand you have lots of anger for this guy.Ā  Ā  Ā  I never said it was okay.Ā Ā  Regardless of his past.Ā  His business was ruined by Murphy and his EOs.Ā  As were so many others that didn't try to fight back.Ā  Ā Ā 


His business was ruined by his incompetence and by thinking that laws don't apply to him. Everyone else managed to not fuck up their livelihoods. Sounds like a lesson about personal responsibility and not being a dumbass.


Are you a gay Republican?




How do you figure?




Itā€™s not obvious to me. Go ahead and explain your thinking.




Yes since it seems youā€™re afraid to explain yourself publicly so I figured youā€™d be more comfortable in private.




No go ahead and explain your claim that it was a slur first and Iā€™d be happy to respond


Gay Yes. Republican no. Conservative with hints of Libertarian. We can meet on the roof of the local Hamas headquarters.


> Republican no. Conservative with hints of Libertarian. A distinction without a difference. I'd bet a shiny new nickle that there's a **lot** of Rs in your voting history.


You have access to my vote records? TypicalĀ 


Yes. George Soros gave them to me in the pizzeria basement in exchange for my last vial of adrenochome.


Wasn't the pizzagate story confirmed as actually valid.Ā Ā 


Holy shit, really?


JFCā€¦. No. Youā€™re in deepā€¦get help.


Love it when they pretend to be gay. Or black. White people saying "blacks for trump" is my favorite.


Its ever better when you use it as an implied insult. so.. Hate crime? report?


So you're the one who just Reddit cares'ed me?


Love it when white people shame black people for having a difference of opinion. It's almost like they think they know what's best for black folks...totally not racist at all.


NJ courts are never wrong? Bruen would like a word.


NJ courts were wrong about that too.


So not only was he correct with his views on the lockdowns as they were going on, he had 80 charges dismissed? Maybe more people should question and stand against authoritarian rules that donā€™t make sense.


> So not only was he correct with his views on the lockdowns He wasn't.


Some of you seem confused It's a good thing they stayed open and fought the charges The lockdowns were 100% unconstitutional Forcing businesses to close is unconstitutional Mandating experimental medicine is criminal The fact that this guy killed someone while drunk driving is a tragedy. The fact that he was caught drunk driving again is unforgivable. Should not have a license period.


Case was dismissedā€¦.. Get over it people Waaaaaaā€¦..he wouldnā€™t wear a mask for a make believe disease 4 years ago You do know those paper masks were a joke? Or are this many people still getting those vaccines šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


goes without saying that drunk driving is terrible what he did concerning that is absolutely unacceptable. This guy also refused to listen to in my opinion absolutely ridiculous government mandates. During a pandemic, closing a gym, a place where people go to become healthier..... during a respiratory viral infection... makes 0% sense. Also, the government has 0% authority over determining what private businesses are non-essential. Not to mention all the shady things that happened with pipes breaking, police constantly there, making the gym shut down. What was that all about?! This man was the only one to fight back. Murphy made this mans business a martyr of his tyranny, and he fought back and won. Pretty black and white "Don't Tread On Me" territory IMO. Right message, wrong person.


> During a pandemic, closing a gym, a place where people go to become healthier..... during a respiratory viral infection... makes 0% sense. A gym...where people are breathing heavily, *during a respiratory viral infection*, and the questionable sanitary habits of the average person...and you can claim, with a straight face, that it makes "0% sense"? Come on, man. Like, it's perfectly fine if you're conservative and don't like Murphy. But Jesus Christ.....so many angry piss-babies chanting "1776" because they had to wear a piece of cloth. You should really look up the definition of "hyperbole".


Idk, man. Wouldn't we be better off right now if all of these "but my gym freedoms" people dropped dead of COVID? I mean, we not talking high quality individuals here. We're talking about people who are dragging us down into the slop pen with them.


60% of covid deaths were obese and the average age was 80. When will covid come for the gym bros?


Good job trying to be technical as if you're telling anyone here revelatory information. But let's be technical about your publicly advertised medical issues. Your "burning mouth syndrome" is because you got ill and had an oral herpes flareup. I just wanted to make sure you're not blaming your latent herpes infection on the COVID vaccine.


With the straightest of faces. Covid killed people who weren't healthy, the gym makes you healthier. Can you site any sources that the people of this gym contracted anything? Any gym anywhere that claims that gym being open lead to any deaths due to covid? Wouldn't the people that went to the gym be all sick?? How come the people who went there didn't all drop dead? You believe in the executive emergency mandate over people choosing whats best for them.


So if youā€™re unhealthy you deserve to die?


Thats not for anyone to decide. Your individual health is your individual responsibility.


So you disagree with the Americans with Disabilities Act?


Anyone downvoting care to explain why?


I didn't downvote you, but if I did it would be because it's four years later and you're still clearly confused by the literal basics. If there was COVID 101, the information you're lacking would be in the program description.




You even typed it out in your own comment.




Good. This man stood up for his rights against the unconstitutional witch hunt our clown governor and his entourage personally launched against him. If not for him and fighting to keep his gym open amid the sea of businesses who just let their rights dissolve at the hands of the state, I wouldn't have become the person I am today. I've been going to Atilis Gym in Bellmawr ever since. It's a community of people who support one another and promote physical and mental health. He did what everyone else was too afraid to do. It's amazing that even now people still believe the covid hoax and are so far up their own news/media programmed ass that they try to disparage this guy .. and probably still wear masks


You believe covid was a hoax? Never spawn, maggot.


It's absolutely terrifying that "people" like this breed.


You spelled MAGAt wrong. Same definition. Same pronunciation. Different spelling.


Heā€™s got my vote


You got mine.


Good. Tyranny