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Kneepad shows black and red so that'd be a Grey Hunter, but since it's probably a Primaris Phobos it's just what they decided to give him.


I'm 90% sure they'll just do what DOW did and just ignore the lore lol


Unfortunately it is impossible to do an individualized army patterns for our army painter. We couldn't give Iron hands metallic hands or salamanders black backpacks either. You could select an army badge and primary and secondary colour. It had to be one size fits all. We did not 'ignore the lore.' (Was a dev on Dawn of War 2 and 3k)


Ah man thanks for the background fill in but I only played DOW1 lol


Same idea for that


Irc in space marine 1 you could set a primary and secondary color for each core part. Head, L leg, R leg, L arm, R arm, chest, then back pack.


Primary, Secondary, Weapon, Trim, Trim 2.


I believe that would be for Dawn of War. for that color set. jumped onto SM1 for a mod and it's only 2 options for colors. Primary and Secondary which boils down to a primary armor color and trim color and you could go into each piece and chose a primary and trim color.


I use the Scout colors for Phobos when I paint but I hate how GW tried to shoehorn in the new Primaris units into the SW color scheme like it was always meant to be there. Granted having the arrow shoulders helps but still.


I doubt they plan to keep the current Primaris schemes. They just need to design some add-on sprue for it. I'm pretty sure it'll happen after they sort out chaos-Primaris


Oh I meant how they say to give Assault Intercessors the Blood Claw colors to denote them as a "close combat unit" despite red and yellow being specifically only for the SW aspirant/rookie denotion. The Blood Claw/Grey Hunter/Long Fang/Scout/Wolf Guard/Wulfen markings have been around for so long and trying to shove Primaris in this late causes issues.


This actually isn't a big issue to me. There isn't any reason that an Assault Intercessor isn't ALSO a Blood Claw in lore.


While I do agree that it isn't out of the possibility it's a sticking point for me when they make it clear in lore that they're supposed to be fresh off the ice/still haughty recruits. Primaris aren't that way, at least in the first batches before the SWs started using the new tech to make them. I personally use Primaris bodies but run them as Firstborn Blood Claws. This does lead to issues like with the Bladeguard and Sternguard veterans who both are painted with Wolf Guard colors yet I've also seen the BGVs as both Blood Claw colors because they're "close combat" and Sternguard as Long Fangs cuz that's now "fire support". Just makes it messy.


Since GW has removed the Primaris Keyword I have no issue saying my Assault Intercessors are young pups, my Regular/heavy are Hunters, and anything with a heavy weapon is a Fang unit. I have never seen another of the veterans as anything other than the Yellow/Black of the Wolf Guard. Where are you seeing these other schemes?


With how many Primaris units you use on table I end up using Primaris proxies for firstborn, and like you said with the removal of Primaris if/when we get a range refresh the kits will be of the same size so that won't be as big a deal. I'm just a lore stickler for the army I love, even to a fault. As for the second thing there was a guy at the gaming place I go to who swore up and down that the picture from the codex of the different markings with new Primaris units included meant that BGVs are "close combat/blood claws" and Sternguard are "heavy support/long fangs". He showed me some pictures from a con he went to that had those colors and wouldn't back down from it.


That guy is incapable of critical thinking then. The "Blood Claw/Grey Hinter/Long Fang" has always been a mirror of the standard marine squad names, just with different lore. The same goes for Wolf Guard to Veteran squads. I haven't seen anything official for GW that says Sternguard are Long Fangs or Blade guard are "Claw" units.


Commenting on Blood Claw Sniper Spotted!...they rolled into the rout proper in a way that works for them. Incursors are claw packs, infiltrators would be the upgrade. Inceptors are claw packs, suppressors are hunter packs. Etc.


If that works for how you view it I'm game, I just think that Scout units should all use Scout colors, especially since the Wolves don't have initiates as Scouts like other chapters. The Scout units for SWs are veterans and usually members of squads who have been wiped to basically just them. If they're veteran members they can elect to be Scouts and go solo or in a group of other solos. My biggest personal gripe is having Blood Claw colors on non-initiate units when that's what they specifically say it's for. I'm good with Grey Hunter markings being on the Phobos as seen above cuz you can kinda justify it but the BC markings should stay as just for the rookies, just like Wulfen should only be Wulfen. The rest can be interchangeable, like flame aggressors can be Long Fang/fire support while bolters are Grey Hunter colors. There's flexibility but idk it's like using Black Templar sword brethren and saying they're initiates.


That's an Eliminator


As others said here and on other threads, that seems like an Eliminator. He does not have Claw colors, and due to limitations in resources I doubt it is easy to portray lore accurate Pack markings, that are currently a mess.


Where have you seen that all cosmetics will be per chapter?


I was listening to Chapter Master Valrak on YouTube and went to the post he recently talked about in his recent video from the Dev’s news release regarding the game, got really overlooked because of just the hype of the trailer release. Then I spotted this on Space Marine 2’s steampage.


You mean this one? I couldn’t find anything that specifically substantiates your claim. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl1TK7thvKg&pp=ygUVdmFscmFrIHNwYWNlIG1hcmluZSAy And are you referring to this interview? (Taken from the video description) https://www.gamewatcher.com/news/space-marine-2-creative-director-oliver-hollis-leick-answers-our-questions-about-the-new-multiplayer-modes-and-more#google_vignette I’m not giving you a hard time for the sake of it. I just want to be sure the information you’re sharing with us is correct. I have not found any details relating to future DLC being chapter related. Do you have a specific link to a quote or something?


No he mentioned it in his most recent video, its like 5 mins long and i searched for the reference. Also, no worries on hard time, if i'm wrong I dont wanna mislead people. The dlc discussed like the MCragge's Chosen dlc that comes with a version of the game in preorder (not preordering myself) is just the first of many dlc's that are cosmetic only in regards to the chapters base skins that already exist with the game as shown but with obviously more on the way so we can all customize like they discussed. I'll reply when i find it again... The developer was talking about their plans for dlc. Lemme know if you find it in the meantime. I'll try and reply the post when i find it again.


You'd think people on the space wolves sub would know the difference between blood claw (yellow red) and grey hunter markings (red black). Also, that's an Eliminator, a role Blood Claws are not given for Space Wolves.


I’ll be the guy in chat just howlin


Space Wolves!!!!! Yay!!!!!


Then it's not a very good Sniper.


God I am so hyped for this game, everything about it is looking perfect. I really hope Saber sticks the landing


I’m just excited to play as a chaos marine in the multiplayer


I can barely tell that’s a space wolf without his 20 pieces of furry flair. Which I love and adore.


Blood claws typically only have a bolt pistol as a range weapon if any.


THis game can't get here soon enough!!


That's just a space marine in SW colors. He has no pelts, totems or Norse runes on his armor. Very rarely have I ever seen space wolves get treated properly with their armor decorations. That image is no different than assembling the standard bare bones box model and painting space wolf colors on it in a match by numbers method.


Unfortunately that is how SW are portrayed in 99% of games they're in. The only time they're not, is when they're the focus, (Like Space Wolves, the game, lol.) or a main character. (Rogue Trader has a single Space Wolf who's a main party member) Otherwise games are just "you get color A, and color B" when it comes to Space Marines in most cases. Maybe an emblem of your choice from a limited roster of the most popular chapters.


Indeed, which is a bummer that more effort isn't put into decorations for Space Wolves and other unique chapters like the Dark Angles and Black Templars when they appear in game.


Not sure why this is getting down votes.