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Space wolf by William king. That whole series is great. Takes you from ragnar as a normal human to becoming the legend he is.


Noted, added to the list 👌🏻 thank you !


I read the entire Space Wolves omnibus, which of course starts with the William King books. Holy Throne Inquisitor Batman, that series is so phenomenal and is absolute essential reading material for a Space Wolves fan. Particularly, every time Logan Grimmar makes an appearance is a treat as he is exactly what a lusty barbarian space king should be.


"lusty barbarian space king"..... Did it land just right? XD


I think so. 😂


Emperors gift is a good one. It’s a grey knight book but there some really awesome space wolves stuff. It’s on audible too.


Brilliant, thanks mate. I'll keep an eye out. I've got a credit or two spare so I might nab it this evening. I like grey lights so it'd be cool to learn about them with some wolf stuff thrown in!


Emperor's Gift is an incredible book, you're in for a treat! It's so good on the Wolves. 


Fellow audible user here. Space Wolf is the 1st ragnar book and is available and is honestly a great read alot of lore in there. Ragnars claw is also in there and grey hunter. Reading wolfblade atm (book that details how ragnar got frostfang) and so far its very meh. But those first 3 i highly recommend


Brilliant, thanks mate. I'll take a look and get listening 🙌🏻


I listened to the Horus Heresy all the way to Garro: Knight of Gray, while driving for Pepsi xD since leaving that job, my book intake has slowed significantly. But I did really enjoy the entire Heresy series to where I am. It's not centered around the Wolves, but it helped me understand a lot of stuff, and despite the time commitment, I'd recommend it.


Ahhh interesting! Thanks I'll take a look. I am really interested in reading more about other legions so I'll have a look at what to read next!


Yeah, the Heresy series covers the imperium as a whole leading up to the HH, and through it. So it might be exactly what you're looking for! And the entire series is available on Audible, and maybe some other audio book apps! Have fun lore diving!


Jarnhammer trilogy, starting with Blood of assaheom Lords of Fenris has lots of good short stories. Emperor's Gift grey knights×inquisition vs space wolves


Blood of aserheim is amazing


Battle of the fang is my favorite book atm. Don't know if it's on audible, but it's worth a try.


This has been discussed pretty thoroughly in the sub already. Use the search function on the home page and just type in “books”. I found a chronological list in one of the comments and will link below. I just finished the Space Wolf audiobook trilogy by Chris Wraight (Blood of Asaheim, Stormcalled, Hellwinter gate). They’re very character driven so you can enter the mentality of the faction. I think this series in particular is a good way for new fans to start off, since it isn’t strictly following a named character and gives you a more direct perspective of the average space wolf. [list of SW books/comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceWolves/s/BqiXZMrADt)


Oh brilliant, cheers mate. I'll take a look! That's for the help 👌🏻


Wolfsbane is a great one.


This is the most comprehensive list of books I’ve ever found. https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/hy1r26/space_wolves_novels_stories/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf