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I think it's kinda the point, it's supposed to be like a drug fueled romp you go on and then want nothing to do with the morning after. They draw it so well though you can't help but miss it. 


Literally had it for a couple of hours


So disappointing. It would've been nice if Peter had it for at least one arc before he had to ditch it.


My issue with most black suit stories is that that entire arc is leading to Venom, so there's so little time to just enjoy the black suit.


It's why my favorite is the 616 original. They didn't know what anything was leading to so he had the costume way longer and has had it come back as cloth or symbiote several times.


This whole sequence is so awesome, and that first shot of him as Venom is one of the best depictions I’ve seen. https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/s/KyF4Kbpgmd


That shot where the dude’s hand is digging furrows in the suit, specifically over the spider symbol. Damn.


Yeah I really like how much they emphasized the suit being like a sludgey goo, and the symbolism with the symbol there is awesome


Ya seeing the symbiote with purple highlights just hits so different!


USM in general was compressed into way too small of a timeframe. Threw the rest of the Ultimate universe's pacing off too. Everything goes kaput within a few years max. But yeah, also Ultimate Venom with the spider symbol is a sick as fuck design, shame that also only got a couple of panels. Didn't like how it got turned into just a big black blob later on.


I think that’s the one nitpick I have with the Ultimate Spider-Man comics. I feel like pacing is too fast and I wished Venom was saved for much later along with having Peter with the Symbiote much longer. But yeah, I love the dark purple shading for the Ultimate Symbiote


It felt like they wanted to venom, and they knew they would have to do the whole black suit, so they kinda phoned it in


I think I remember reading that Bendis had no interest in Venom, so I assumed that’s why we got only one issue of him in the black suit.


The black symbiote suit looks really cool especially from Amazing Spider-Man #252 1963 it’s a shame we’ve only gotten one symbiotic Miles Morales in canon