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He was positively giddy when Flash was mistakenly kidnapped by Dr Doom. He didn't give af for whole page until the guilt and responsibility kicked in.


Ditko Peter was so cocky and sassy. I feel like a lot of people now think Peter was just a spineless nerd when in reality, he was the coldest mf alive. He was just antisocial


This is what real Peter Parker is not the wallflower that people think him to be.


The ‘adorkable’ character trope became very popular, which has definitely affected him. Ironically, Ditko’s Peter is actually closer to the snippy and insensitive nerd stereotype that became popular with Sheldon and BBC’s Sherlock (but way more interesting.)


Considering Peter has a literal 250 I.Q. and spider sense also can be trained into being a form of precognition, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to have him [discombobulate an enemy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u-z5139CW1I&pp=ygUUZGlzY29tYm9idWxhdGUgc2NlbmU%3D).


He reminds me more of Chendler Bing, he's still "Nerdy" but the ironic type with a strong character. When I saw Raimi's movie I thought the movie was okay, but that wasn't Spiderman.


Please do not compare Sheldon with the goat again thanks


It's also more relatable than whatever Lowe and his clown show try to push as so. Stop screwing over Peter and just have the dude be stressed AF at all the bullshit that just happens in life, Nicky boy


An be happy every once in awhile


Yes, he's earned it. It's not relatable to still be sane after all that shit he's been through


Reminds me of that short fan comic where the Joker is rethinking his priorities when he realizes that half of Spidey's life is just endless one bad days.


Starts off as a bit of a dick, post spider powers, and still kind of is towards his villains, but slowly develops more humility overtime. Frankly, if you had spider powers and were a nerd getting picked on as a teenager, it’d be weirder if you *didn’t* fantasize or consider getting revenge.


Sam Raimi's movies completely destroyed Peter Parker's personality Remember when Ultimate Peter punched Nick Fury? Or the time he insulted teachers?


The worst thing is when Raimi fans claim that they've read original comics and that Raimi's is perfect adaptation. Like, how?


Yeah like I love Raimis Spider-Man movies, they're my childhood but they're not really accurate.


I feel like the Amazing movies did a better job at showing Peter be abrasive towards the people around him. Not overly nerdy, but not friendly except to certain people. As soon as he gets his powers he taunts flash on the basketball court, he was going to attack him after uncle Ben died. Rami’s Peter tried to run away from flash and only fought him when he no other choice. Plus I loved Garfield’s quips


He’s still a wallflower; he’s just not a nice wallflower.


Wait until they become villains


Not a single spider man movie has included Peter use his powers for fame like he did in the comics


The Raimi trilogy kinda tipped its toes onto that water. But he was more about the money than anything else. And MCU Spidey has a youtube channel and wants to be an avenger.


Considering what he was getting the money for makes that whole situation kinda funny. He specifically wanted the wrestling money to buy a car to impress MJ. Dude you have *spider powers*


In the comics after his wrestling match a tv producer went to him and then spider man had his own tv show for a bit before JJJ shut it down


"Hey, you're Spider-man right? You had your own TV show! it got cancelled after two episodes"


Adaptations tend to forget that Peter was a very famous hot head, especially in his early days as Spidey. It’s one of the reasons that I liked Tom Holland’s performance in No Way Home so much, he was genuinely pissed when fighting Osborn at the end.


Yeah, it's a pity he was all "Oh golly gee gosh" in the rest of his appearances.  Andrew Garfield was the best at getting across that hot-headedness, especially in TASM1. I also like that he doesn't immediately realise that he has a responsibility to be a hero. Sure, he was told that, but it's not until he actually saves the kid on the bridge that it sinks in. That gradual realisation is a lot better than what the Raimi films did. 


I dream one day we'll see an adaptation that has a proper arc of Peter being a sheltered dick who consciously puts an effort to be a better man through asking how Spider-Man should act (I mean, TASM1 kinda did that, but it's like, for every good decision they had a bad one coming, so I never liked it). I'm bored by the awkward little nice guys from Raimi, MCU and Insomniac


This is why Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker was an accurate modern interpretation but everyone denied it because they never actually read the original Lee and Ditko era


They didn't even read ultimate if we're being honest, Peter was an absolute menace there


Ultimate was savage, my dude wasn't afraid of defending Mutants in public, he followed Nick Fury for over an hour and fucking decked him in the face, and then he cussed out the X-Men for like an entire page before going on to date Kitty for a while lmao People say MCU Spider-Man is a lot like Ultimate but no. No, he really isn't. I don't think Sony even has the balls to put that kind of savagery on screen.


So Peter's basically one step away from going all J.D from Heathers huh?


Idk if this is gonna be considered a hot take but uh... I prefer it when Peter is nice. Kinda goes against the whole "pure force of good" schtick if he's actually an asshole lmao


I think the "pure force of good" thing came many years after his debut, him being an asshole during the early years makes sense due to how things were goin for him


Oh sure. But looking through comments it kinda felt like some people just want him to stay an asshole through lmao (and I've read enough fanfic to know it's a common thought that "Peter should be meaner" lmao)


I think Peter’s character growth works better when he starts out an asshole. If he was nice the motto, “With Great Power there must also come Great Responsibility” doesn’t impact as much, and when he’s an ass he has to work harder to strive to live by the motto. Nice Peter works better in a movie setting I think, since you want to root for the protagonist. Not to mention it invokes a classic “Clark Kent Superman” feel to it, nostalgic and what you want your heroes to be.


I think it's better if he goes from being an ass who only saves people out of guilt to a pure force of good over the years.


I was kinda hoping that we would see this in the MCU when they first announced Homecoming. Maybe in the new triology we will get a real Peter Parker?


Honestly, I hope we get more scenes of him being more of a dick in the next MCU trilogy, considering what happened in NWH. It would be a good way to show how everything has affected him




Short temper "better than you" Peter is the best Peter