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This post is a Karma farming post


To be fair, originally Superman couldn’t fly. He could just jump like the Hulk does.


Tb more fair, og superman is broken as hell besides that


Golden Age superman is broken as hell. OG superman was just faster than a speeding bullet and could leap over tall buildings.


Golden age is OG, Silver age is when things got god tier


Technically, he started slipping towards Silver Age power levels in what was still considered the Golden Age... ... But it's true that what I typically first think of when I hear "Golden Age" is, indeed, the relatively low-power, flightless Superman. (So you're basically right ;-p.)


I think the creator said; “Superman can do anything, except for what he hasn’t tried yet.”


Like shoot mini-Superman's out of his hands.




He outright sent a clone of himself to his death. What a hero!


Idk if it is still around but at one point there was a website that kept tabs on various times that Superman was a dick. Mostly to Lois and Jimmy.


Ahh like when he’s adapting to The Flash


He can’t stop [eating hamburgers](https://www.comicbookdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Action-Comics-454.jpg)


I mean, yeah, that's how things generally work. The writers didn't say "okay Golden age is over, now we're Silver age and superman is way better." It just transitioned. Now we have that context in our history, so it *does* happen purposefully when they do a universe reset, but not back then.




Exactly, after midnight everyone changed into black or flannel and started adding heroin to their coke.


in the silver age era, superman made a chain from collapsed stars, hooked it to an entire star system, and dragged it to another part of the galaxy to avoid being wiped out by a supernova


There was a version of Superman that could shoot miniature versions of himself out of his hands. Pre-Crisis Superman is usually the title used for him.


I also grew up thinking of him as "pre-crisis superman", but there have been more Crisis events since then so I think people have settled on being as precise as possible in both directions by just referring to him as silver age.


Pre-Crisis Superman was the term used initially because that original crisis event was used to remove all the old continuity and reset many of the ridiculous powers and abilities many characters had at the time like Superman. All the crisis events since then made less and less sense.


This is correct. Golden age ("sweater superman") was killed by superboy prime in infinite crisis, golden age started to attain silver age level of power near the end of his comics.


Yes, but Bronze Age takes the cake 🎂


Golden Age Superman is the one who couldn’t fly and lept over tall buildings in a single bound. Silver Age Superman is when he was getting new random powers every other issue.


His super ventriloquism is so bad it's good


I was particularly fond of his super mathematics


I remember a robo chicken about some kiss


I'm a fan of his caller ID sense Yes this is a real thing, superman can see the identity of those calling him even if it doesn't show on the phone Source: Issue 145


I’m… baffled as to how that would be a super power he’d get from kryptonian physiology. Though that had to annoy Batman. Does he get to learn people’s secret identities? This is gonna live rent free in my head


What are some of the powers he had originally vs the Golden Age? I’m not too familiar with Superman lore


https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/s/7SlKV1GrqP Superman breakdown and discussion


The ones that stuck are the laser eyes, bulletproof skin, x-ray vision, and frost breath. Some of the ones that didn’t included being able to summon mini-clones of himself


I remember that! And the mini clone ended up being more popular than he was, so he got jealous and plotted to get it killed!


He didn't kill it, it's sacrificed it self to save him


Yes, but before that, superman did come up with a plan to get it killed, and he was very remorseful after his mini me did sacrifice itself to save him


So you're saying Austyn Powers stole that idea?


That wasn't standard power at the time just part of one issue, its like saying uni-power was standard spiderman ability back then


OG Superman was a catalyst of the golden age of comics, they're the same timeframe.


Shooting mini supermen from his hand is one


So the OG Superman had basically the same powers as Sonic


He just had moderate super strength. The golden age gave him the wacky powers. Edit: silver* I get it ppl I was wrong about comic book eras.


Fairly sure silver age had him inventing new powers on the fly




Is this the Superman that supposedly accidentally sneezed and blew a galaxy away?


Solar system


Oh in that case I reckon I can take him


My thoughts exactly. Honestly never got why they made him have flight, but I guess it adds to the ultimate hero thing


It's because it's easier to animate.


Also one of the reasons Akira Toriyama came up with "Super Saiyan." So they didn't have to keep coloring in the hair. Source: *Dragon Ball: Super Exciting Guide (2009)*


That was why they made Super Saiyan blonde, not necessarily why he came up with the form though


Fleischer asked Action Comics if he could make Superman fly to make it easier for the animators.


My favorite understanding of Superman's powers is it is a subconscious telekinesis that only works on things he touches. Because he touches himself, he can fly. It manifests as super strength when he lifts stuff he touches. It being subconscious is important, he doesn't have full access to it at will, thus it only scales with the threat he is facing. When he is unconscious, it maintains his physical body and protects him from damage. Laser vision is is the direct extension of his telekinesis exciting atoms in his eyes to generate specific wavelengths of light. His powers are limited to his imagination a bit. He might be able to shoot lasers from his hand, but he doesn't visualize it working that way in his mind so it wont.


No fly, jump good!




We don't talk about that.


No, we need to talk about that. That revelation fucked me up for an entire week when I was a teen. What the hell.


Thank Max Fleischer since he (rightfully) said that flying would look more dignified that jumping very high on a cartoon.


Where did “it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Superman” come from? Later on? I’ve always assumed that was old and he could always fly


That may actually be from the radio show that just soft retconned that he could fly, but I'm not sure. No one cared about specifics like that back then


It came from his radio show, I believe


Which also gave us Kryptonite, if I remember correctly, to fight against falling ratings


If I recall correctly, the VA wanted to go on vacation and they just said that superman weakened because of kryptonite and that's why Superman wouldn't come back until x amount of weeks.


“It’s a bird, it’s a plane--whatever it is, it's falling right out of the sky!! Oh the humanity! Oh nvm it's Superman!” -the original quote (probably). The middle part was lost in static, leading people to assume he can fly.


I still think that they should split the difference, have organic webs, have the web shooters be used to make intricate designs and functions.


Or maybe have organic webs but naturally they come out all sprayed out and unkempt, and the web shooters are used to actually accurately shoot a stream of them out


Would Peter attach the web shooters like an IV?


I think maybe a certain pressure nozzle just kinda presses down on the spot on his wrist and all the webs get funneled into it once activated


Lol, dudes just buying pressure washer nozzles in bulk


Hey it contributes to Peter being broke 🤙🏻


Funnily enough in the Sam Raimi trilogy peter had nozzles on the wrist, not to focus the webbing but to seemelessly shoot webs through his suit. They can be best seen when Spider man saves MJ and lands her on the roof a building


More like a catheter.


Nah, he just fills a jar with it beforehand. It's why if you look on his room you'll find several jars filled dubious white liquid.




Cyclops goggles for webs




He actually has that. That's how he does web balls and throws net-like webs. Some stories explore this, most only leave it implicit.


I’ve been saying this for a decade. Organic webs makes perfect sense, but it doesn’t make sense that he’d be able to shoot webs, just weave them like a spider. That’s what the web shooter is for! It funnels, directs, shapes, and shoots webs in different ways anywhere from zips, to swings, to web balls, to nets.


I always thought it was weird a random kid can do a bit of science and make a superpowered webbing that can literally stop super powered villains and such. Kinda cheapens Spider-Man when anyone can make the webs. Also it makes Peter seem like way too much of a genius and not relatable. Now making a simple nozzle to better control his webbing? Not only is it an organic power that makes Spider-Man feel special, but Peter also has to combine it with some basic science to make it truly effective. Best of both worlds. We see Peter apply his brain without it being unrealistic and it makes it so that the powers are important, but you also need the brains to use them.


Also leaves interesting situations where he has his webs but not his web shooters so he’s more limited in what he can do but he’s still distinct from any other super hero with heightened senses, strength, speed, and agility.


Exactly. He can still use webs, but not nearly as well. More challenging and creative than “my shooters broke so no webs” or the dreaded “I’m out of fluid” that they love using. Instead he just has to get more creative with his web use.


Marvel always went overboard with how intelligent they made their characters. Peter Parker was always a broke Everyman, but one with the capabilities to invent world changing technology, yet was still broke. Even in the movies, they made Stark a little too smart.


>I always thought it was weird a random kid can do a bit of science and make a superpowered webbing the point is that he's not a random kid..he's a genius kid...


I never thought of that, that’s an awesome idea


"why am I pissing like we had wild sex all night"


I've got a tattoo here that fully illustrates my point. It's of this rebellious young man, and he's webbing on an FM radio. And then this other stream of web is going onto that television set. Implausible, I know, but I like to imagine that he had sex the night before, and a little bit of residue is blocking his webrethra, allowing the web to flow in two separate directions.


lol wasn’t expecting a Hot Rod reference today


Thats what noirs webs were like. They just splatter everywhere


This is my headcannon and i dont believe anything else


I feel like a whole story could be made from this. Without shooters, Peter (or whomever) has like mid-range webs that hold a little more than his bodyweight, factoring in physics; he can swing while holding a person or two but he’s not stopping a moving train. He gets his butt kicked by Rhino or something. He then develops web shooters that weave them like rope, reinforcing them at the cost of distance. Make him lasso Rhino for fun. Shocker shows up. Peter can’t get close so he makes Bullet Shooters. They build web up into balls that he can fire. Whether it’s reloading or takes a second to do so doesn’t matter. It’s the fact that it’s not perfect or instant. Then Vulture shows up. What does he need? A net! He develops web shooters that act like that but the drawback is he can’t use his web to swing, forcing him to be on “foot”, crawling on buildings. He has to take them off to do that -OR- one gets broken and he has the idea to “dual wield” web shooters. He knows he needs to consolidate the contraptions but doesn’t have time because Electro is mad. He needs a way to make a long distance web so “he can ground the electricity and give him time to react.” The web shooter thins his web out so it’s frail but can shoot super far. …something something, he subdues Doc Ock who helps him create Web Shooters with 4 different modes (x2 wrists = 8). Green Goblin gives him the idea to make Web Bombs. The Venom symbiote strengthens the web into makeshift weapons. Morbius shooters let him suck lifeforce through the web and it gets dark. Carnage does another thing. Maybe one shooter makes the web not sticky. Whatever, whatever, so on and so forth. Edit: He has a love interest and this has the idea to make his webs like a 3D Pen and make a standing heart out of web. Edit 2: He finds that if he slams the two web shooters together they spray it out, much like holding your hand over a hose. He then uses this as the precursor to making a web shield sphere around him. tl;dr: he should have web shooters for specific tasks a la MegaMan; difference being he develops them to tackle the issue rather than get it afterwards. These are eventually consolidated into one, but the story is based on an engineer adding to his tool piece by piece instead of all at once. *this is just me spitballing while eating lunch at work


I love everything about this.


Happy cake day! And thank you! I was just spitballing while eating lunch. It does sound like it would make a nice MegaMan type game though! Haha


One of the few comments on this site where I actually feel like the person should actually be sitting in on creative meetings for these movies


That’s a HUGE compliment. Thank you. It’s all about building consequence and going through learning curves and growing pains with the character.


Marvel, please fire Wells and hire this guy. Thanks.


Thank you for the kind words! If this gets 100 upvotes I’ll pitch it as a live-action TV Series with Peter as a mid-30s Redditor so I can really get in the mindset of figuring it out as we go 😉


Boss, you’ve got yourself a fanfic here!


He used to do that in the old cartoons, the 1960s ones. [Like when he fought electro](https://archive.org/details/Spider-Man-67-Collection/Season+1+(1967-1968)/2B+-+Electro+The+Human+Lightning+Bolt.mkv) (skip to 5:15).


"Spitballing" Now I'm imagining Peter gets his wrists broken during a fight, and he decides to bite one of his web cartridges like they're a cyanide capsule. Cut to villain getting PTSD because Spidey "explodes webs from his mouth like he's that possesed kid from the Exorcist"


There's one comic where Peter goes up against Kingpin and threatens to shoot web right down his mouth into his lungs and by god I wish we could see that.


*Long ago, the city of New York lived in harmony. Then, everything changed when Spider-Man's rogue gallery attacked. Only Spider-Man, master of all spider powers, could stop them, but when the city needed him most, he couldn't use his webs properly. A hundred days passed and my brother and I discovered that Spider-Man had developed web powers. And although his webslinging skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Spider-Man can save the city.*


Love this. Feels like too much for a movie (at this scale. Could do pieces of it), but would work great in a game


i love you started getting slightly more deranged as you went on heh. i like this idea, like, a lot.


Never seen someone cook so much in my life


![gif](giphy|OK27wINdQS5YQ|downsized) It almost feels dumb to *not* do it this way...


For me...splitting the difference would be have organic webs, but have them shoot from Peter's butthole. I mean across the mutli-verse and not one Spider-Man has to poot his webs?


“Just the wrists as far as I know”


Venture Bros has an anatomically correct spiderman called Brown Widow. He does this.


the brown widow




So web slinger hose nozzles?


This is my favorite take. Honestly the distinction between making your own webbing and having to create it is what makes the difference between "Spiderman" and "Superhuman who is really into cosplaying a spider". Like, all of his power-set isn't even indicative of spiders. Climbing walls, peter tingle, really strong, he could just be Geckoman, or Silverfishman, or Lazyfrogman.


I actually love that he chose the spider theme. He had story lines where he did dress in a different outfit and still utilize his powers no problem. I find it more creative when the superhero can Batman-style, choose their identity. I don't get the obsession with "spider" powers. Hero name =/= abilities. Cyclops has two eyes and requires a visor to even look like he has one eye. Negasonic Teenaged Warhead isn't a warhead or negasonic whatever that means. Ironman isn't made of iron and doesn't wear iron. Wolverine has claws that have nothing to do with the animal. Vision doesn't have sight powers.


I’ve been saying that for a long time, glad someone agrees




That and maybe for launching spider tracers, those darts that I think Ben Reilly had, and other gadgets.


Or if Captain America had all his powers and a shield.


The shield grows out of Captain America's discarded molted carapace. He fights crime with it, but when he gets too big (such as the rob liefeld incarnation) he sheds his outer layer and what used to be America's Ass becomes the next shield.


I love that it’s the ass, and not the chest which already has a big star in the middle of it


As if the ass doesn’t have a big star in the middle of it.


Our nation's banner ain't spangled with brown stars


E pluribus anus


Obviously he emerges from his chest section, did you see that thing? He's literally already turned around in his shell and has started escaping by using his back/shoulders.


> The shield grows out of Captain America's discarded molted carapace. Just like the radioactive America that bit him and gave him his America powers.


This should be canon.


Or if the Rocketeer was just some fly boy…with a…jet pack!


I don't personally get this comparison because the web shooters serve a purpose that works for Spider-Man beyond utility. They demonstrate Peter's intelligence since he invented them when he was a teenager and they provide occasional tension since he has a finite amount of webbing in his web shooters to begin with. This works for Spider-Man because it adds to the everyman aspect of his character. It'd be kind of dumb to give Superman a jetpack rather than letting him fly or leap tall buildings in a single bound because one of the central points of Superman is that he has this god like power, which of course he uses to save people. Giving him a jetpack as opposed to allowing him the power of flight takes away from that element. It's like having Batman replaced his gadgets with guns. Sure it's more efficient but it's not nearly as interesting. That's just my two cents. I personally prefer the web shooters over the organic webbing because they're just more interesting narratively.


There is no point in me even commenting on my own thoughts because you just covered them all. Well said my friend.


Thanks man!


The comparison is so bad I didn't even fully get their point until I saw this. Instead of driving cars we should all bolt wheels to our limbs.


See that’s kind of my bugaboo with the mechanical shooters. He’s coincidentally both the person who gets bit by the super spider *and* the only person who is capable of making military-grade spider-like technology? It’s a hat on a hat. I like Peter being an intelligent scientist, but that’s just too much IMO.


Well, I mean, comics! BUT, if we're looking for some in-universe plausibility... Peter doesn't necessarily develop spider-like tech. What he develops is a compound with lots of potential applications. When he takes on the persona of Spider-Man, the applications are then motivated by that - but if he was just your average Joe genius, the same stuff would probably be used differently


I could just be headcanon-ing this but I swear one of the comics mentioned that being bitten gave him the knowledge of how to make the web fluid Is it stupid? Kinda. Is it any less stupid than the idea of a spider bite giving super powers? Not really


I do believe that's from the JMS run, but I might be wrong


In the 90s cartoon he said that after being bitten by the spider, developing the web shooters was instinctual/natural


He's a smart kid who also got powers from being bitten. I don't see the conflict here. If Tony Stark got bit, he'd still be Tony Stark. Does everything have to be "fair?" Peter can't have another impressive attribute because he already has spider powers? That doesn't make sense. There are plenty of people who probably could reproduce his web shooters, but they don't because ultimately it's a comic book story and it would be lame if someone also had that. Like if invented a mass produced Ultimate Nullifier and gave it to every hero, why would anyone read comics anymore? Batman could give his gadgets to every hero he works with to give them an edge, but he doesn't because that would be boring if every non-flier had a grappling hook and glider cape.


Haha! Well when you put it like that, it's almost as if Stan Lee didnt really think this through. Probably because, let's face it, he didn't lol


Well yeah, Stan Lee’s goal was to make a cool character in a time where people were less scrutinous of pedantic stuff like this. But here we are. He also invented like a gazillion superheroes with unique gadgets, powers and backgrounds. Some stuff is just gonna be wonky sometimes.


How useful would web-shooters be, though, without spiderman's suite of complimentary powers? If you can't crawl on walls or jump really high, the webs are just a sticky net gun


You could headcanon that web slinging puts a lot of stress on the body that only Peter can handle because spider exoskeleton. So military/corporations didn’t invent web shooters because they’d only be able to use them for sticking stuff together, not swinging through the city.


Or like wolverine's gloves being the source of the claws


That was actually the original source of the claws


Exactly, imagine how shit wolverine would be, just healing factor and super senses as his powers Edit: people are really defending no claws huh? In a world full of extraordinary powers somehow accepting an extra set of bones an actual mutation is a no


"So what are your powers" "Well, Bub, I know how to get my ass kicked, and my nose is good"


Those are pretty fuckin strong powers... add in some sarcasm and is that not deadpool?


Don’t forget the super cancer!


Ah shit, definitely can't forget the super cancer.


I mean, his non-adamantium healing factor lets him literally re-build his body from almost nothing so long as a small amount of biological material remains. He also has super strength, and his senses, while frequently downplayed, are ridiculously honed - he's able to track/recognize sounds and smells from miles away. Frankly, the bone claws aren't much different from just wearing some equipment. The adamantium claws/skeleton is where shit got intense; but that came at the cost of a downgraded healing factor (though still very powerful).


Please for the love of god tell that to the X-men fans who hate the whole bone claws thing. Because they preferred the whole Adamantium claws being surgically implanted in him


I mean, the way they did the bone claws in origins was just terrible I wouldve been more behind them if they didnt have knuckles (why would claws have knuckles?)


“It’s glovin’ time!” *snikt*


Not really. You’re kind of giving the perfect counter example The base of Wolverine’s claws are natural powers, sure.  But the entire reason Wolverine underwent the implantation of nanites and adamantium grafting are because they augmented his powers  How is Peter using technology to augment his natural powers different? 


Wolverines claws are natural, but pretty shitty without the mechanical advantage given by being coated in adamantium. Wolverine is probably a great example of a character with mutant powers augmented by technology, just like spiderman.


or like wolverines claws being weak as hell unless infused with a metal. Wait a second


This is a terrible argument. It’s based entirely on the assumption that a Superhero can’t use both gadgets/weapons, and superpowers. Captain America shouldn’t have a shield, he should just be able to shoot metal discs from his hands. Deadpool shouldn’t use katanas, his hands should turn into swords. Wonder Woman shouldn’t have the Lasso Of Truth, she should just naturally be able to make people tell the truth. Aquaman shouldn’t have his Trident, he should blast energy from his hands. Thor shouldn’t have Mjolnir, he should just fly into everyone like an electric Superman. See how stupid that is?


Deadpool internal swords is a unique concept, I wonder if it'll ever happen in a movie


My god, that would be so cool to see. Fingers crossed they did that for Deadpool and Wolverine.


I hate you, take my upvote


You’re not gonna believe this buuuut…




I was adding to the joke. Clearly it failed miserably


i s upport you


You should see how r/Superman feels about Superman needing a spacesuit to breathe in Space.


That Thor bit also happened in the Ragnarok movie, haha.


Ah, but doesn't fly or levitates, he goes "activate electric torpedo"


To be fair the web shooters look cool plus We have spider people like web-slinger who has really cool Pistol Web shooters bro


You’re gonna definitely have to own the fact that as with any other part of your body, your organic webbing would be affected by physical limitations and obstacles. Your web pores could become occluded, your diet could be off affecting the strength and quality of the web you produce, or maybe even a nutrient deficiency that can reduce web production. I’m a nurse so i love thinking about the pathophysiology behind super powers lol


This is why it might be interesting to mix and mash the two concepts. For more varied use, he has to make tech web shooters in order to manipulate the webs he creates. Maybe with the tech comes charging/ammo issues. Then for the organic component, he has to maintain his lifestyle well, which can create conflict with him fighting crime. "If I don't eat well today, my web pores will clog up in the middle of a fight! This healthy food is way too expensive though...I need a better job..." etc etc




Spam bot. Copied comment from copied post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/1b86gcb/comment/ktnzjsp/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/1b86gcb/comment/ktnzjsp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Wow how tf do you guys find stuff like this ? Are you a bot yourself ?


Normally you see the original post and then op reposting and copying the comments as well.


I hate this comparison. The more accurate one would be if superman had the jetpack from the introduction of his character, then 40 years later they gave him organic flight, then brought back the jetpack because fans said they didn't like organic flying. It sounds much more ridiculous now, right?


I grew up watching the animated series and reading the comics so I knew he had the web shooters. Then I watch the sam raimi movies and see the organic webbing and I'm just like " why wasnt this always a thing." Like honestly, without organic webbing, Peter really isn't all that spider. He's super strong, fast and agile and has his danger sense but lots of characters have powers like that. I'll go further and say I even liked the spider stinger things peter gained from the other. Lol.


I’ve always thought organic webbing just made more sense than having to make webshooters, sure the webshooters help display peters intelligence, but like that guy said about Superman, it should just be included in his physical powers


I disagree. I think Peter's intelligence and enginuity build his character. Having part of his abilities come from his own capabilities as a human rather than having it all come from the spider bite that made him superhuman is a lot more interesting in my opinion. Superman wishes he had cool shit going on like that. He just got his powers, all of them, just like that. How is that cooler?


There's intelligence and then there's being able to design webshooters. That takes not only a genius-level intellect and understanding of chemistry, physics, and mechanical/electrical engineering, but also access to design equipment that really only NASA could afford. If Peter is a smarter-than-average high school kid who struggles to pay his rent, I just don't buy that he's able to design that kind of device. And if he *is* able to design that kind of device, it's a bit strange he's not doing way, way more with his engineering capabilities. The webbing alone is Nobel prize-worthy. I also don't relate as much to a guy with that level of intelligence. I'd much rather read about a kid who's smart but not a genius rather than someone who's so brilliant he puts engineers with decades of experience to shame. Of course, the idea of organic webbing is ridiculous - but it's something I'm able to accept with a bit more ease in a fantastical universe, as it doesn't really imply anything about the character or clash with the limitations that have been set around his personal life.


Completely agree with you. And even if he was able to design and create this amazing technology he also just happens to be the guy bit by a spider? Really? What are the odds. Organic webbing can make sense since it exists in nature, I mean spiders do make their own webs.


Spiderman. Spiderman. Can do anything a spider can. Except shoot webs, the most notable ability of a spider... Web shooting only available as purchasable DLC content with the web shooter addon.


Also like…webs are probably the most unique thing about spiders. Pretty much every other bug is strong, fast, tough, and able to stick to stuff. Hell Peter could’ve called himself Ant Man or The Beetle if he wanted to when you think about it because he doesn’t naturally have the one thing that’s most unique to spider.


He doesn't even have eight legs! (I prefer organic webs)


I agree I mean like he’s kinda just a dude with little hairs on his arms and legs and super strength and spidey senses without the webs that doesn’t really remind me of a spider that much


A fair comparison to say is if deadpool had his swords coming out of his hands instead of being katanas, and he used Lazer vision to shoot instead of guns


I'd rather have web shooter. How are you gonna modify organic web to shoot out electricity?


Swallow a nine volt battery and pray you get cool powers instead of a cool obituary


Or you could have organic webs and the web shooters is for more web customization like electric webs. It’s comics, stranger things happen


[how bout these?](https://superman.fandom.com/wiki/Flight_Boots)


I prefer Peter to make the web shooters because his ingenuity and innovation is part of his character. Him being a nerd and genuinely enjoying science is a big part of humanizing his character and gives him a fleshed out personality.


I think webshooters are far more interesting. Sure it has been played out to death by now (how he never runs out of cartridges until they need it to raise the stakes) but I like how it plays off of Peter's intellect. I also happen to prefer how Wolverine's mutant power used to be his healing factor and it was kind of implied that his claws and adamantium skeleton made him a cyborg, instead of they just being his coated bone claws. I know that's old as all hell and been retconned for like half a century at least, but since I was and still am a casual reader it seemed curious to me that his powers would be something more defensive that allowed him to get made into a cyborg afterwards.


I think that someone put it well why I feel like his webs should be organic, that I could never put my finger on before. It’s the fact that webs are unique to spiders. It’s what we associate with the animal. His webshooters still accomplish that, sure, but it feels sort of “off” in my head to imagine “Spider” man as someone who only replicates the unique feature of the animal. Faster reflexes, sticking to stuff, strength, is something that could be associated with nearly any bug. And I think that the webbing kind of sets him apart from other heroes who have the same basic setup of powers as him. Admittedly, spidey-sense is unique but not something I would associate with spiders (where you could consider it almost mystical with how strong it is, like a limited foresight). Also, I do understand emphasizing Peter’s intellect, and I think that is an important part of his character. People mentioned how he could easily Tony Stark his way into being Spider-Man with the ingenuity needed to create the shooters. However, it’s not just that, but the humanitarian aspect that kind of turns me away from that. The marvel he has produced could be hugely beneficial for mankind, and him not selling that just seems odd to me. I guess I like to see Peter as more of a classic genius. He doesn’t have to be either Tony or above average high school kid. He can be a top 0.1% scientific mind and not be able to engineer revolutionary scientific breakthroughs as a teenager in his bedroom. This can still shine with him leveraging physics and chemistry on the fly to outsmart his opponents, or utilizing it in a more grounded way to have him rig together a potent taser or something for a specific opponent. That reserves truly remarkable superhuman engineering/tech for characters that deserve it, like Tony. Having every smart person being able to invent gadgets and tech that blows conventional human tech out of the water almost makes Peter seem like his intellect is superhuman as well, which I don’t like as part of his character.


I’ll always be for mechanical web-shooters.They’re not a deal breaker, by any means, but It’s good show-don’t-tell writing when it comes to Peter’s intelligence, not to mention a fun balance between natural power and human ingenuity. Also, and Troyoboyo17 made a fantastic video about it that I can’t find, it’s really cool that a character like Spider-Man could maybe open the door for kids to get into STEM because it’s Peter’s love, passion, and aptitude for Science that not only allows him to “create” his coolest superpower (shooting webs) all on his own, but his love of science that kinda gave him superpowers in the first place. So yeah, while organic web-shooters aren’t awful by any means, I’m always gonna be for the mechanicals. And, not for nothing, Superman was cool before he could fly and, while I’d much rather he be able to naturally fly, a super strong do gooder fighting for Justice with a Jet Pack ALSO sounds kinda awesome. Just saying😅


I prefer the web shooters. Peter is a genius. That’s the point of the web shooters as a concept coupled with the characters inception. That comparison to Superman is lame, poor argument. We could make an argument just as superfluous, “Imagine Peter being dumb as a rock but he has organic web shooters.” No comparison needed. As the original argument was comparing apples to oranges despite trying to compare apples to apples. Superman and Peter are only the same in that they are both comic book characters.


A) Pretty sure this is a Repost B) it is absolutely a fair comparison. When Stan Lee wrote Superman, he did in fact get a jetpack.


Stan Lee doesn't like flight without some sort of propulsion. Jetpacks, rocket boots, magic items, or energy field, there always has to be a reason for flight, no matter how flimsy (Mjölnir). It's why not many Marvel characters "just fly." It's mostly the characters not created by Stan Lee that can "just fly."


They just fly now?


They just fly now!


Which fun fact, it's because Stan Lee hated the idea of heroes flying because yes


Web shooters, that was his whole thing. Other characters were known for organic webbing.


I’m sorry but organic webs are a lazy take in my opinion. Web shooters inform us so much about the character of Peter Parker and ENHANCE him because it shows how committed he is to being a hero and how smart he is to invent something like that. It’s also just a cool concept. Organic webs are just lazy to be lumped in with this other powers.


I don't think it's fair at all. Marvel's philosophy and approach to Superheroes was to take a grounded and human approach, which, okay there's stranger fiction in a Marvel comic than organic wrist webbing, but there is no wrist webbing without the device, because the idea of natural webbing had to have been considered and disregarded for a reason. Plus, for a long time didn't Superman simply jump around without the power to fly?


Superman could only leap high and i still found him impressive. Its a strawman argument, using entirely different characters and circumstances to make a point Hell if superman couldnt fly i may like him even more since hes less stacked now lol


I like the idea of web shooters because it adds to Peter’s genius characteristic.