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You could tell Walt was actually pissed. Everyone else it seemed was more of a whatever get away from me. Walt genuinely seemed disgusted


Probably never took RA seriously to begin with


Yeah, Thornton seemed to be a bit of a tongue-in-cheek, just busting balls kind of thing, Big Walt was pure distain.


Can’t wait for RA to get on the pod and say everyone was joking around how they actually didn’t mean it.


Just has absolutely zero grip on reality, I don’t know why it still surprises me after all these years


Oh you know it’s coming.


Nope, RA doubled down.


Love RA or hate him, Thornton was 100% joking.


Not a chance in hell Thornton was joking and you know it. Dude wouldn’t even shake his hand.


Thornton looked like he was giving him shit half serious half in good nature. Walt and Matt on the other hand didn’t want anything to do with him. Think it’s possible he fucked up that relationship


Being pigeon tossed by Matthew and big Walt had to hurt bad


And his hero Thornton.


Yeah that one has to cut deep


You’d think being a family friend he would’ve been on the Panthers wagon the whole time.


Yes, that’s what normal and good friends do.


Family friend seems like a huge stretch.


It’s been brought up before he has known the Tkachuck/Hayes/Fitzgerald family for a while.


Yeah I’m just saying knowing the family and family friend are pretty different things. You really think Keith tkachuk considers that guy a family friend?


You know it kills him because he thinks he’s family friends with the Tkachucks and Fitzgeralds


What’s the connection here?


I don’t know the actual connection, but I think the Fitzgeralds, tkachuk’s cousins, have some ties to Charlestown, so RA thinks he’s boys with them.


Around the same age, from the same area. One just watched his son lift the cup. One is blacking out and creeping out girls chasing their 15 minutes.


Contacting porn sites on behalf of a girl who flashed her tits


I was always an RA defender but something changed after these playoffs. His behavior the last few weeks has been beyond cringe. I’ve seen 21 year old college kids with more couth than his sloppy ass. He’s supposed to be the journalist on the pod? He could barely speak trying to talk to Barkov. Couldn’t get an interview from anybody else in the organization because they don’t respect him. Why is it ok for him to represent the chiclets brand when he’s a drugged up or drunken mess 24/7? Clean it up RA, your “career” depends on it.


Yeah I loved RA for the longest time but he’s gotta reign in his drinking. Him being hammered at a sandbagger, yeah whatever. Him being not able to speak from being too drunk game 7 Stanley Cup Finals? Like dude get it together. I think he’s just gotta get do what made the podcast awesome, be a fan, be a journalist, and slow the fuck down on the drinking and whatever else


Yeah. I mean I completely agree with you, and ya gotta think at some point Biz and or Whit will start to realize that he’s giving the podcast a bad name. And I’m 110% sure they’ll lose potential panthers guests now bc RA was down there being a phony and sneaking in the lockerroom and shit. It’s embarrassing… while before you could chalk it up to “WeLp tHaTs jUsT hOw hE Is” now it’s just straight up annoying to most people.


If the Tkachuks actually want nothing to do with RA in the future that’ll be a huge loss especially this summer. Probably just in the heat of the win not wanting to deal with him (and I know they’re not always the most entertaining guests), but if it’s legit it would be so wild to see them finally cut him loose over it.


Honestly I get maybe in the heat of right after the game, but if they’re still sore about it long term that’s pretty soft on their part.


I think it’s more just that RA didn’t deserve to be on the ice fucked up for the cup celebration. It’s a special moment these guys worked their whole life for and some bozo is making a mockery of it and ruining their moment. RA is a loser


Yup. I get a big part of their brand is the drinking and party culture and all that but Biz shut it down for his season on TNT. There’s no reason why their founding member and self declared “journalist of the podcast” can’t do the same so he’s sharp and ready to work. Especially at a game 7! That is unless he physically can’t which seems likely at this point. Poor guy needs professional help.


What does RA actually bring to the pod or hockey in general? In public at best he's cringe and embarrassing and at worst he's a drunkin mess. On the pod he says hello and then really doesn't have a role besides that. Why's he even around?


I think the idea of kicking a guy off a podcast that he helped create is tough optics even if most people would welcome it


Nobody ever tuned in for RA though. They want to hear an ex pro talk about hockey. Literally anybody could’ve been in RA’s spot.


There’s a limit to that. And he may have reached it.


He seriously needs rehab. Maybe him getting crushed publicly will push him there.


Shawn Thornton also told him off as well. It’s pretty embarassing jumping onto the ice to be buddy buddy with these guys after cheering against them all series. It’s the biggest moment of their lives and it’s just scummy of him to try and shake hands with them like that. Notice how Whit and Biz aren’t out there.


Correct. At least they have some integrity. And RA acting all surprised as they all told him to eat shit is utterly priceless. What a douche. Of course he’ll brag about taking pics with Barkov and shit on the pod 🙄


Barkov seems like too nice of a guy to tell him to kick rocks


Divorce is kicking his ass, he’s gotta take the offseason to get his head back on straight. Make the simple plays, just read ads and spit obscure Simpsons references.


At that point why even have him around? Just have grinelly do the intro and read ads. He's at relatable and not a complete wreck Everytime he's in front of a camera. Like he tried to be a journalist on the ice for the Stanley cup wearing shorts, a dirty ass T-shirt and a bedazzled hair band wrapped around his neck. Dude would be fired in an instant anywhere else.


And reincarnate “Alright Hamilton”


Biz probably encouraged it too much at the beginning forgetting that RA is a grown ass old man and not a former player in his 20s


this x100


Damn there’s a clip of TR getting bounced from a bar. He was sloppy af too




TR said in his pod he deserved it and was back the next day getting free drinks and laughs from the staff.


Haha glad it was cleared up


lmao not surprised


Wearing a choker no less




Honestly this whole last series has had fucking terrible content from the boys. With the over-aggressive groping of that oilers chick to RA sneaking onto the ice while the panthers celebrate what could be the best day of their lives. The whole thing just felt off. It’s such a slap in the face to have this fucking loser trying to grab players while they celebrate what could be their life’s work….. just feels so disrespectful.


Well said! Tbh I’ve been boycotting listening to the pod because of his clown-like antics. Painful.


Chiclets stock plummeted during the Stanley Cup playoffs, impressive.


Stocks been plummeting since they went to once a week, this sent them off a cliff


RA might’ve fucked up his relationship with the Tkachuks just so he can impress Tits McGee. Sad! Seriously tho he did rep the Panthers after they bounced his Bs in back to back postseasons so hopefully they’ll cut him some slack for that.


The pod became an Oilers’ fan show so I won’t be surprised if Cats won’t come on. I don’t expect Oiler players to go on either. RA sure ain’t helping.


Fuck RA


RA’s plus minus has gotta be -1000 this season


Ya this playoffs was a hard listen for me and the first time ever I wasn’t dialed in to every episode. The YouTube stuff is killing it for me I think. RA is getting hard to listen to, then seeing him with tits McGee and his skipping around in their private box was cringy as hell.


Honestly they have to realize RA is probably costing them guests


That’s what I’m saying!!!


If he wants to be a real journalist with press credentials he needs to handle himself accordingly but he’s only cosplaying as one. I don’t think the other press on the ice after the game are creepy drunk old guys with a substance abuse problem who can’t string together 2 words without choking and swearing and taking sides with the oilers when half the panthers team are his Bahston buddies


Kinda wild too given Walt is a Boston legend.


Yea dunno if Matty Tkachuk is off the table, but he normally does a ton of media. Prob not anytime soon atleast. Just embarrassing for em...


Why were they so pissed at RA though? Was he just cheering for the Oilers and that’s it? Or was he saying specific stuff about Florida? They looked really fucking pissed at him


If a drunk nobody crashed your party being belligerent and weird pretending to be important you’d be pissed too. No one likes people like that.


He spent literally all week cheering for Edmonton and bad mouthing Florida and then hops in on their celebration like he’s been a fan all along… if you can’t see how embarrassing that is I can’t help ya lol


Definitely embarrassing and cringe. I haven’t listened to the pod in a few weeks.


Not just that but popping champagne in the Oilers box when Edmonton was coming king back in the series


Hopefully RA didn't ruin their chance of getting Matthew and Brady for a Sandbagger too. It sounded like they almost got them to do it last summer


They’re 100% staying away from this pod


IDK about that, seems a bit hyperbolic


We will see, but that Walt actually seemed genuinely pissed and I’ve heard the Tkachuk family doesn’t fuck around when it comes to people they feel slighted them. I think they go way back with RA and feel like he just flipped to edm for page views and tits. I think they lost a bunch of respect for the guy.


You might be right but I wouldn’t be surprised if they looked at is an opportunity to build their fan base on the biggest hockey podcast in the game. Why would they give two shits about RA. Just ignore his dumb ass or tell whit and grinelli you want to do the interview but down want RA on it. They will pretend he is sick or some shit.


0.00000% chance they (a) stay away from the pod (b) it permanently impacts their relationship with the pod


Did you listen to the pod tonight? They literally threw him out of the arena…


No shit. RA has a drinking problem and is "that guy" when he's drunk. Probably needs rehab and a shit ton of self reflection/accountability. Still don't think the Tkachuks will say away from the pod.


Idk sounds like they have a pretty big beef right now based on the pod tonight. Not sure if you know dudes from Boston but when they say they’re fuckin done with you they’re fuckin done with you. Especially now that RA went on live and told the world what they did was “embarrassing.” Seems pretty tense. Doesn’t seem like a little thing whatsoever.


Alright let's talk in 6 months anchovy paste


RA will be in rehab by then lol


Oh Christ give it a rest


Nah. Not when RA is burying the pod and we’re losing content from actual players that we want to hear from.


Burying the pod according to the 75 people on the subreddit. Sound the alarms


And everyone in barstool, and everyone on the IG page…. Seems pretty resounding


RA being a degenerate that no one has ever liked has no implication that the pod is crumbling lol


Yeah but him being a degenerate has never really led to them losing out on potential guests on the show. Now guys like Tkachuk and other potential panthers players/staff are going to avoid him like the plague. Maybe burying the pod is a bad term but it is definitely feeling the affect of his actions.


It’s not helping the image of the pod or their credibility


I haven’t watched/listened all week cuz I didn’t wanna hear the gargling of the Oilers(Panthers fan) what was RA saying? Also Barkov did talk to RA but he was probably the only one


Barkov is just that kinda guy he’d talk to anyone lol


This is very true lol


they don't need to be so butthurt about a guy like RA...


I don’t think they’re “butthurt” they just don’t respect him


RA surprised he is being dunked on by the cats players after pumping tires non-stop for edm. Is all time..


Him trying to say he’s a “journalist doing his job”…….. I also call BS on all these alleged support texts he got


They were definitely over the top on the Oilers and Idefinitely wondered if they will get panthers on because of it. I get that RA is a Bruins fans and Biz a leafs fan so the last thing you want to see is someone in your division win it, i'm a leafs fans and hate that florida won. But you gotta play it a little more down the middle if you are hoping to get some interviews. They just got too caught up int the comeback.


They should have roughed his ass up when he went into the locker room lol




This is definitely ra


For laughing at what happened?


Hahaha I knew you’d be here 🤣🤣🤣☠️


I hate to burst your bubble, but I thought it was hilarious


Oh me too, I loved it. Seeing his surprised face when they all tell him to fuck off was awesome


I’m sure it made your whole life to see that happen


What? Are you okay over there?


I’m perfectly fine lol like I said I thought it was hilarious


This some kinda reddit rivalry?


This dude gets really upset whenever anyone makes fun of RA


He’s my stalker lol


Dog you commented on my post how am I your stalker 🤣


So... it is a rivalry then


Ok… and so do I. Only we’re all laughing AT RA. Clearly, as usual nobody agrees with you lol


Except I thought it was hilarious lol so no one agrees with me?


We all thought it was hilarious, we’re just laughing at him, not with him. Getting pigeon tossed out of the locker room and getting told to fuck off on the rink was hysterical… so idk what you’re arguing about I agree


No RA. Time to take a few months off and start next season clean. Take a page from biz’s plan