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Holy fuck this sub is out of control right now 😂


So is RA’s drinking


Maturity and spittin chiclets don’t work together lol the boys made it this far talking about “it’s my duty to please the booty” “shitty Cindy” “stinky pussy” “shitting in the garbage can” “pissing the bed” and “upper decky zyn bjs” along with getting buckled every trip they go on lol


You're not wrong, and I could care less what they say. Locker room talk does get the team together. I just think they're putting a target on their back for those that envy them.


They said at the end of the last ep that they were heading to Vegas and were hoping to get interviews/Sandbaggers stocked up


I think this is a bit far but agreed in the sense that SC/barstool being so short sighted to post these videos for clicks may end up being what illegitimates them in the eyes of the league


They are making a strong case for it. Some teams and players are going to keep their distance from them. All of the agents and PR people will play it safe to avoid this crew.


Honestly I think if the Oilers won this would whole situation would be completely different. Edmonton as a whole took the crew under their wing. Sure, they probably partied too hard while supposed to be working but man, they made me wish I was in Edmonton. If Edmonton won they would probably have McDavid and everyone on the pod and endless content, access to everything, hell, even the owner of the team seemed to even be parading them around as VIP's. I think they pushed all their 'content' chips into the oilers winning and getting unlimited access and it backfired on them pretty hard.


I gotta say, seeing those young kids hang around those boxes and giving (buckled) RA high-fives was a bit unsettling.


The guys are a great laugh and it's refreshing to hear some banter rather than robotic anchorman who can't say what they want. If you don't like.it, why watch it.


You need to take a break from the internet


Okay, snowflake.


The irony..


You might be taking it a step too far but I don’t even disagree. It’s one thing to drink and have a good time at the game but a bunch of men their age acting like this is just embarrassing. RA needs to seriously reevaluate the direction his life is going and it is probably for the best that Biz lays off the booze. As others have commented Whit and Murls are the only ones holding this podcasts reputation together


I'm not expecting a lot of people to agree with me on this one, but I think it's somewhat necessary and should be discussed. Having a few beers at the game with the boys is part of the fan experience, especially with a significant chunk of the target audience being males 21 and older. However, this behavior is degenerate and out of line, especially for men over 30. Call me a person, "That's fun at a party" (sarcasm intended), but I'm sure journalists, advertising agencies, PR departments, the Panthers organization, etc., are discussing this. I believe I have an idea of how they think, but I'm sure they don't want to have that issue, especially at an event at a prominent venue like "The Sphere." The NHL Draft is full of teenagers with their families who have been dreaming of this day for all of their lives. If I were the NHL, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with RA or similar shenanigans being part of this. RA needs to re-evaluate his health. The people encouraging him are not his friends at all. I hope he learns from this and focuses on his overall health. P.S.: I worked in PR for over five years.


There’s no way they’re getting near the draft. Firstly, Whit is the only guy who doesn’t get blackout drunk and he’s mentioned that while his wife is a good sport about him hopping on flights to go to games, I doubt he or she wants him going to Vegas to cover the draft. Secondly, the NHL is aware of what an idiot RA is since the Allstar game and I’m sure the videos from today have been seen by someone at the league.


If I'm an agent, I wouldn't want my prospects near them at all.... The SC publicists should be fired on the spot


Didnt Whit say something about they cant afford more fuck ups with the league after the all star thing when RA was hammered and fell in the locker room? If RA have any brains left, which i seriously doubt, he should probs sit the draft out for everyones best.


I'm interested to hear someone from the league perspective. Gotta be someone from the inside.


Look, they themselves have said that this is not a show for the young. As a parent you need to be mindful of what your children are consuming. If this podcast is a corrupting influence on anyone under the age of 18 then it’s that individual and their parent’s fault. Is the show kinda off the rails the past month or so? Absolutely. Should they tone it down or maybe self filter a little more? Absolutely. But assuming you’re an adult - if you find this content to be disturbing or embarrassing or off putting in any way and you STILL consume it - that’s no one’s fault but yours. Don’t consume something willingly and knowing what it is and then complain about it for being exactly what you already knew it was.


I agree with your two sentences. Yes, I'm an adult and don't consume as many chiclets as I used to. I'm just stating how I see these things and marking my opinion. The RA fiasco was all over the Twitter feed and their lack of respect to the Panthers players celebrating. I'm criticizing the downfall of this show. Taking common sense criticism is part of growing and saving their brand. They need to tone it down and maintain a good relationship with the league.


Reckon they’re still gonna be too drunk to cover it


If you don’t like the podcast don’t listen to it. I’m so tired of people complaining about the same shit on here every day. Get a life


I'm not complaining, I'm criticizing. Two complete different things. Healthy criticism, like growing up, don't blame society, and working harder, is healthy criticism. RA needs to go to rehab and prioritize his wealth and well-being. That criticism regarding his health is honest. His peers aren't being honest with him and using him to be a complete clown.