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Whit is right - you can’t call yourself a journalist and a professional when you’re hammered wearing a bead choker with no voice barely able to talk.


Can’t remember the last time he posted an informative article/ blog. He just cry tweets every now and than


A couple minutes after the journalist line he said that he’s an “entertainer at the end of the day”.


The thing is, it’s actually pretty simple to get a press pass too. There’s just a limit to how many are available. I work with someone who has a blog and YouTube channel, all independent, and they’ll just contact someone at the home NHL rink to request one. Then they’re put on a wait list and if there are any left over by game time they are allowed to sit in the media section So for RA to call himself media is an insult to the profession, especially when he acts like he’s “growing the game”, but it’s also not like he’s a part of an exclusive club. He blogs for Barstool and rides the coattails of his cohosts. He just doesn’t understand that nobody in the NHL respects him when he acts this way


Serious question. Do you think he'd understand at all if he wasn't on some substance? And listen, I drink, I'll have a gummy (never tried shrooms because they say you have to be in a good headspace and I never am...so...) but a 50 yr old on a constant bender doesn't realize what he's doing and HE'S been doing it so long he thinks his body is just better at handling than others.aybe he can get up the next day with no problems but during, it's uncomfortable to watch. I don't know. He doesn't realize he needs help and they keep egging him on until.....I just don't want to hear he ended up in the hospital leading a pod.


Who knows, honestly. I’m convinced he’s on the autism spectrum in the first place because even when he’s sober he’s completely awkward. He can blame the booze and drugs but he doesn’t want to admit he has a problem. Ultimately it’s up to him to want to change his ways. For what it’s worth, if you start small with shrooms it might help your mental state. I’ve been taking small doses for a few days at a time and then taking a couple days off, and it’s helped manage my anxiety with work


He’s probably not autistic. Thats just how people become if they use too much substances for 30 years.


Yeah you're right. It's on him ultimately. I've heard that too. I'd try that but I'm in TX. All I can find here are those gummies in CBD/Kratom shops and those aren't even the real thing.


Hopefully you can figure out a way to get your mind right, it’s no fun going through it but there’s always light at the end of the tunnel


Thanks Oh it's nothing horrible. Just the normal worries you have. If I take something I know is going to make me *feel something " I fixate on that until I can't deal with it and enjoy the ride. That's all really. That and I watch too many paranormal videos.


Biz told him to wear the “chocker” it was a hair bandana I guess.


He may have been a journalist in the past, but he's certainly not one currently.


I don’t think he ever called himself a journalist when talking about covering the blues after they won but he did call himself a professional which is just hilarious


According to him it was a very embarrassing moment for the Tkatchuks


He’s actually delusional


I need his shrooms dealer


Hook me up!


Did he honestly say this? Wowzers


No NHL players texted RA saying the Tkachucks “acted embarrassingly” what a fucking loser crying to start this thing


Yes there were, but he can’t give up his sources bro. Trust him bro. Gotta protect the anonymity of the players bro


Not even players he said their family lol


He was trying to imply Kevin Hayes.


I think he was close with one of the Hayes uncles? That's the connection? I could be wrong 


I forget the details I just remember them talking that they always run in to each other at funerals. So something along those lines.


I love how fucking delusional he is Imagine millionaire NHLers sitting in their homes and their first reaction is to text some bald drunk about how it was a bad look on the Tkahucks part


I'm sure there was. The tkachuks were pretty lame in being that mad. However RA is falling flat. He's so cringe. Always has been.


Replace RA with Murls. The pod would be so much better. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do what RA does to write down a few notes and organize what topics/games get discussed in which order. Plus Murls is coherent, speaks proper English and doesn’t sound like a lawnmower that’s chewing up rocks


I was thinking that. I’m a big Murls fan


On the video Murls also has the most jacked quads, that should give him more room to kick other people out


Rocket *Scientologist* you plebe.


If the boys are telling the truth, he’s got more hot takes that come out correct than RA. and isn’t a massive B’s jock sniffer. It looks like Murls could be on the way up.


murls is also the plug god so he will keep sponsors happy. I think it would take a bit of practice for him but he can do it for sure.


Would love to have Colby “host” in place of RA, and then add Murls be the full time 3rd spot


Army’s a good guy but nah


Actually thought Whit was going to fight him in the first 10 minutes. Clearly some tension there.


There’s been tension there for a while but now that RA potentially fucked up their access he’s not afraid to hide it


I don’t think we will get a Sandbagger with the Tkachuks in the near future. 


If that’s the case, pretty soft on the Tkachuks’ part.


Call it soft but do you really want to associate yourself with someone who consistently acts like that?


Not really. Super disrespectful for some shithead to intrude on the family celebrating while blacked out and try to self insert himself. Regardless of who they cheer for. RA doesn’t belong on the ice with the team celebrating a Stanley cup.


If you’re going to blatantly and belligerently root for the opposing team don’t come on the ice or into my locker room during my moment. Stay away and reconnect a few days later and we can laugh about it in hindsight over a beer. RA’s actions in that moment were more than embarrassing.


As someone that doesn't have Twitter and barely listens to chiclets anymore, I'm so confused trying to follow what happened. What is RA claiming the Tkachuks did that is so embarrassing?


He went onto the ice during the cup presentation and Keith, Matthew and Shawn Thornton (part of floridas front office) all told him to fuck off, and get out of there. Then he proceeded to go into the locker room and approach them again, only for Matthew to tell someone to get him out, which in turn, led to RA getting thrown out of the arena. And apparently he didn’t have his phone. Which, in his mind, the Tkachucks should have been aware of..?




Oh boy do you have a lot to catch up on


I am also very lost


Whit has been the only normal/rational one. Biz and RA have spun way off the rails.


Biz was on a bender after the TNT broadcast ended for the season. He can and does seem to take some time off drinking every now and then.


Biz is also very unserious about everything, he is just trying to farm engagement and content. Biz thinks RA being a mess is good content and to an extent it is but not when it derails the entire podcast from anything hockey related


Where can I see this video?


I think Whit posted it on his Twitter


The live pods suck. They need to go back to a relaxed, edited, polished podcast once a week.


Biz needs to stop playing good cop. RA doesn’t seem to take any pride in his work like in the old days and just wants to go on benders. He’s the pod mediator, not one of the party guys. Even grinelli knows his place


Biz is kind of like Big Cat and Dave at barstool in a sense. Its well known that Big Cat and Dave keep a little crew of characters around them that could have been fired and have no business working at barstool other than the fact that they entertain BC and Dave. Biz seems to be doing this with RA now. he entertains Biz so he's safe.


Grennelli is a habitual line stepper. 


There are Nazis hiding Argentina who take more accountability for their actions than RA does for his


RA get ready to learn janitor again buddy


I have no fucking clue how he thinks hes a actual media member doing his job. Guy shows up to a game 7 after partying and acting like a oilers homer, he is obviously drunk or hurting from the night before cause he can barely talk let alone string along a sentence, not to mention goes onto the ice wearing a fucking choker and a t shirt and jeans. If you want to be taken seriously atleast wear a suit like all the real journalists. If he really thinks he is part of growing the game he needs more of a reality check then we all think. I honestly think if he keeps going down the path hes going down hes either going to single handedly tank the pod or maybe it might drive Whit to say fuck it and leave the pod, my opinion tho


Shorts. Not even jeans. And a bedazzled hair band wrapped around his neck. They didn't even bring a microphone for the "interview" he did with barkov and you couldn't hear shit and RA is like drunk swaying into him the whole time.


It’s honestly so embarrassing. Barstool should be embarrassed with what happened with RA on the ice after the game but they don’t give a shit they’re so tone deaf and probably welcome it because it’s giving them clicks.


Saying that the Tkachuks' own family was calling their actions "embarassing" was a huge mistake. That is a career-ruining quote right there.


This is what I was looking for, it really wouldn’t be hard for Keith/Matthew to know who RA was talking about. RA won’t name the name of who invited him into the dressing room but felt really comfortable dropping that. Had to do the double take for that segment


Plus who are people most likely to assume that family member is? Brady? Tom Fitzgerald? Kevin Hayes? Their other uncle who’s an agent for literally over a billion dollars in NHL player contracts? Can’t imagine any of them are going to be happy if anybody asks or harasses them about it either lol.


100% agree, that was well over any BS he ever said on the pod. Who does he think he is??


Not to mention it’s probably bullshit. He was trying to claim their families go back to k 100 years. Yeah right RA……


Did you hear whit on PMT last week? He sounded exasperated with RA prior to this incident.


I’ve noticed this a lot over the last year or so. You watch the YouTube versions of the pod and Whit just looks so done every time RA opens his mouth.


Whit’s became the voice of the fans now 😂


what did he say


I don’t remember the exact quote but he sounded very annoyed with bringing the chick from Edmonton on.


It was a weird move to do without telling the boys imo.


Did the rest of the boys not know he was bringing her on? I am a bit behind in all this, but he was trying to get his dick between those tits right?


I don’t know for sure but based on whits reaction no.


Is actually wild how shit this pod turned into over the last month. Sucks. Nothing against whit or Murls cause they remained the same but the tryharding going on everywhere else is just beyond cringe


First time I had to take a break from chiclets was the past couple weeks, in the final series of the cup no less….


One of the best and a pretty historic Cup series no less. Great content should have basically made itself and they fucked it!


I’m glad it wasn’t just me, whit seemed to be the only one trying to keep the pod going normally and he has shit going on at home. Other two can barely talk and bringing up some random girl for a sandbagger, biz is embarrassing just for that.


the entire playoffs have been brutal, with the non-stop Oilers stroke fest, and even before that Biz going all in on the Leafs. I stopped listening around the conference finals. Not sure when I'll tune back in.


RA spiralling plus the live pods aren’t as good as the old edited pods.


Live pods have been tough for sure. Also the “surprise guests” were hitting at like a 10% success rate


Only one I liked was Kissel, he tried to keep it normal at least. Why would you ever bring on a girl who only claim to fame is showing her tits, and to bring her on multiple times and suggest and sandbagger, embarrassing from Biz and RA.


Seriously - the most exciting cup finals in a long time and they made a full segment each episode for a girl who showed her tits. What a horrible and weird decision by them


100% - RA crazy antics and Biz's obsession with Olier girl have been a flat out disaster for the Pod. They need to re-think and course correct (i.e RA needs a break from the POD and Biz needs to calm the f down) otherwise this Pod is doomed to fall apart. Stick to what made it successful - intelligent and insightful hockey talk and great interviews.


Intelligent and insightful lmfao I don’t think we’re talking about the same podcast. But agree with everything else.


Lmfao def no intelligence or insightfullness anywhere to be found


That‘s not true, think back 6 years, the pod was very interesting and provided a different look into the game. Long time ago, but still.


Yup - whit and biz are former players - of course the can offer valuable insight.


The product started it’s downfall a long time ago, unfortunately.


Is this an all time bad episode for RA? Wasn’t able to watch the live


Yeah, it’s embarrassing to listen to.


Do they bust balls and come to his defense like usual or tell him he’s offsides on this one


Seemed like Whit was almost doing an impromptu intervention. Paraphrased, “you slept outside when you had your hotel key in your pocket? You say you’re professional when you couldn’t talk and you’re drinking and smoking joints as you work?” Biz could tell it was getting tenser than they probably all anticipated and redirected the discussion to hockey.


That was a tough listen Jesus Christ. RA saying he’s not fucked up and Whitney like yelling at him. Legit think whit was trying to get through to him like “I don’t give a fuck if you say you have a problem I’m not gonna make you change, but stop saying you weren’t fucked up”


There was very little coming to his defense. Murley sat quietly but Whit was really getting after RA and Biz kinda didn't say anything either at one point getting up. Fuck RA, good for Whit.


They challenged him a little but didn’t dog pile when they definitely could have. They more just laughed to themselves or made reactions that told me they didn’t agree with what he was saying at all


Could be his worst ever


Whit could have buried him for an hour straight but they eventually had to get away from the topic but I think Whit and even Biz had a lot more they could have got into


Oh easily watch their faces during the discussion


I wonder if they’ve ever tried to have a serious conversation with RA about his alcoholism. As an addict I always hate trying to speculate on shit like this for other people but the videos from game 7 are extremely concerning


I’m a brewer. I deal with alcohol every single day. There’s two types of brewers in our industry. We all drink too much, but there are those, like myself, who occasionally take breaks and check themselves, and other who are full blown alcoholics, who justify their drinking because it’s their job. RA reminds me of countless brewers that I know who are the later. I hope he either cleans it up or they boot him so he finally gets a kick in the ass where he has to do some self reflection


They celebrate his antics on the pod. I think if we stop hearing them laugh about it and constantly bring it up, then we know they have had a serious talk.


I’ve been a RA defender for a while. He needs a nice sussy for a few months. Give him some time to cool off and deal with his personal life a bit. It’s just getting to be too much at this point


He thinks he’s taking the divorce much better than he is, let’s get his ex wife on for a few episodes.


I don’t think people realize that RA probably owns a part of the IP for chiclets given he even did the logo. It’s not so simple to cut business ties with an addict that will probably cry fowl the whole way


Barstool owns the IP. Call Her Daddy and Mean Girls proved it, and Barstool literally made pink whitney happen.


Dave has also said Chiclets have different contracts than those same pods because they came to barstool already established 


Sad thing is that we're now teetering close to have to hear Portnoy's opinion on this.


Cut him a check to go away, for the sake of the listeners. It'll be better for the pod long run. Stop the decline


I think barstool owns all the IP just like they did with Call her Daddy


He didn’t do the logo one of his buddies did


You are correct. However, most equity firms or private equity firms involved do not like losing money or brand recognition with sponsors and viewers. Even with RA having a small revenue share in place, the higher-ups will see that it's hurting the bottom line and brand image within the hockey circles. They may respectfully ask RA to take a leave of absence or force him out in front of the camera or microphone. Let's not forget he just recently showed up for work as well. If the viewers can tell there is some tension, imagine what it's like behind the scenes or what the production crew is going through.


There is a very strong possibility that drunk RA tries to get onto the floor during the draft. Hell, he might even try to go on stage as a team is about to announce their pick and he’ll say some “scout” texted him to come on stage since they want a “journalist” present


Does this guy think he gets a free pass to waltze in wherever with no respect blackout and then claim journalism? Ridiculous


I hope he does 


I just told my buddy that RA should not go to the draft. I'm a fan of RA. Early in the beginning of the pod he is big part of why the show clicked for me.  But he needs to chill for a couple of months. 


What did your buddy think of that?


How can he watch those videos, see the overwhelming negative response from fans and also have your cohosts call you out and still double down and vehemently argue everything? The lack of self awareness is insane. Just admit you fucked up and everything would be fine. He even argued that he wasn’t that blackout! That’s insane! Everyone say that you couldn’t put a sentence together lol. The guys a complete joke


Agreed. Literally all this could’ve been put behind him if he just came out and admitted he’s been acting like a clown for a bit now and he’s going through some shit. To double down and blame everyone else and think you’re totally in the right is actually banana lands. I think he’s honestly delusional and he’s def an alcoholic. Alcoholics don’t see their addiction while everyone else is staring it straight in the face.


The whole time they were laying into them you get the sense they’re not really talking about the Tkachuk thing but like…all of it and he’s still doubling down. Wild shit. I hope he gets help.


Because he “doesn’t give a fuck” and of course had members of the tkatchuk family telling him he did nothing wrong 🙄🙄🙄


The members of tkatchuk family that also didn’t get invited were texting him, Kieth’s 5th cousin twice removed, big RA fan.


It’s a real shame too. I know he gets a lot of hate on this sub and he plays up the professional journalist stuff which can be annoying. But especially in the beginning when it was just him and Whit / when Biz first came fully aboard RA was the one who was able to put hockey things in a historical context , had a bigger knowledge of pop culture/ real news history, and was media savvy enough to sus out real news vs rumors. Plus he had different views on things than the other two which made for fun / fair discussions about hockey/news/pop culture sometimes. And his story of a janitor to full time Podcaster was a cool success story! But between his downward spiral, Biz going all in on being a troll , and these side characters getting more air time lately I’ve found myself staying away from the pod more over the last year or so. Way way back Erika suspended RA for an episode because he was drunk and the sponsors didn’t like it ( if I remember correctly) . Whit and biz need to give RA a suspension for the summer and tell him to focus on getting himself right.Whit then should also probably tell Biz “you’re still on the pod but reel it in. You’re just annoying not funny right now”


What’s that saying ? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, talks like a duck.. it’s probably a duck Just replace duck with addict


I want to see the damn video of Keith telling him to get off the ice


Here you go! 26s in, but watching Sean Thornton prior-to says what a lot of us were thinking no matter who we cheer for… https://x.com/barstoolsports/status/1805675695139352644?s=46&t=IfFnNYlyVdsgoiuIUqbXRQ


Now that’s embarrassing


When the pod started the Aggro Biz was more of a bit and he spent most the pod as a nice and sincere guy. I think this really changed the perception around him and opened up a lot of opportunities he was able to take advantage of. He was a guy you were happy to root for. Now all we get is Arrgo Biz all the time


In one night, the guy got blackout drunk, went on the ice with players and families without a voice claiming to be a "journalist," got kicked out of the locker room and arena by the Panthers, almost got in two fights at a bar, and slept on the beach. Then he doubles down claiming he got texts from families in the NHL saying the Tkachuks were in the wrong for telling him to fuck off. For most people, that would be lower than rock bottom. Not RA..............he comes riding into a Pink Whitney event in Las Vegas on a fake zamboni acting like he's the second coming of Christ. What a fuckin clown.


RA is trying too hard to be young Biz, and frankly Biz is encouraging it


Biz has been killing me lately. He 100% tries to give RA an excuse every single time and defend his addiction, where Whit is trying to expose him, Biz tries covering it up with stupid jokes and changing the subject.


1000%. Biz is enabling it and I think RA looks up to him and is partially spiraling because of his encouragement. RA is like that one kid in school who would do anything to fit in with the cool kids


I mean it really is unhinged behavior. Whit and Biz kept trying to soften in by saying “I wouldn’t have done it because I’m an oilers fan”, but you could tell that Whit just wanted to come out and ask him why the fuck he felt like he should have been on the ice at all, regardless of who he was rooting for. I’d toss Grinnell in the same boat as RA. Save the celebration for after, let these guys celebrate their championship without you idiots following them around


I’m not even kidding but “professional journalism”all while wearing a choker is pretty wild. Someone needs to tell him those things really can’t co exist


Screw the choker, how about doing a post game interview with Sasha Barkov and being so drunk the listeners can’t even understand what you’re saying. THEN denying that you were even drunk in the first place and calling yourself a journalist. Absolutely wild behavior.


Listening to this pod was scary. Man, RA was speaking SO quickly, I could barely follow him. Dude was pretty defensive.


Get RA off the fucking pod. I’ve had enough


RA is just in crazy denial. It’s kinda sad. Because he’s talked openly about how good it is when players join the substance abuse program. But he can’t see the damage he’s causing. Addiction is a crazy disease and it’s genetic.


Pods been going downhill for a while.. but after the oilers girl cringe episode, it’s fallen off a cliff. Agree with OP that this live episode today felt like Whit was actually making it a point to publicly call out RA. What’s the over / under that sometime next season there’s gonna be an episode that comes out with them explaining why RA is gone? Like when a band kicks out a key member because they just can’t get their shit together.


I wouldn't be surprised, and while I've passively defended RA in the past, he's getting too big for his boots. However if they kick him out, that would be a huge hypocrisy, as they really seem to egg him on and celebrate what a burnout he is. I imagine there will be some behind the scenes discussions about cleaning it up. If we hear them stop chirping/cheering on his drunken antics, we'll know the talk has happened. On the other hand, all press is good press for the barstool gang, so maybe they love this.


Didn’t get a chance to listen to the Oilers girl initial episode, but I heard the following one where they said “they weren’t prepared..yada yada could’ve done better” What happened on her initial interview? Was it just like awkward silence or short answers? I’d look into it myself, but I’m a lazy fuck.


It was terribly awkward. The whole time insinuating it wasn’t her and she should prove herself by showing her tits again. They kept saying she was dating RA. She’s also incredibly awkward herself and talks extremely monotone and probably has no business on a live podcast. She seemed super uncomfortable and they invited her to a game which she declined because she had to work. Overall that pod sucked too because they barely discussed any hockey. Since , of course, she’s done a playboy photoshoot, and I haven’t paid attention to anything RA or the rest of the guys said if she ever actually tagged along with them to a game.


Yeesh..thanks for the update. Sounds like a good one to miss haha.


I’ve never been one to come on here and complain about RA but that’s about reached a breaking point… it’s annoying as all fuck


So many pearl clutchers in here. RA is a mutant, but spare me the holier than thou “he ruined an extremely sentimental moment for the family” BS.


I would say more like he embarrassed himself and the brand.


Maybe “The brand” isn’t as serious as people think. Seemed like none of Portnoy, Biz, or Whit were that upset about any damage to the so called “brand”. I’m not defending the mutant, more just surprised that people are upset that mutant acted like a mutant.


He's a professional. One who makes jokes about his divorce and him looking for early twenty year old girls, getting sloppy drunk at every live event, and now trying to market/pimp some trailer park Edmonton skeezer because she lifted up her shirt. RA is a total train wreck right now and the podcast is suffering.


Biz just said RA is going nowhere on Twitter/X


Didn’t biz also say something about RA hanging with some crackhead lady and then somehow he got chaperoned to Florida by some chick. RA needs a little break. I’ve been a fan for years now and i can barely finish an episode lately


Agree on the sussy pick one you can either be hammered guy or a journalist you can’t be both at the same time. I imagine he would have pulled a salt bae with Messi nonsense if he got on.


It’s been wild. Before the divorce was announced he was kind of a little irrelevant and making comments that the boys would talk over, then since it got announced officially, he’s truly been a mess. I think at first the guys were going to rally around him and try to show him a good time and support him, but i think he took that a little too far into crisis territory. He’s too old to be doing shit at the pace he’s doing it, and it isn’t healthy or entertaining but since he’s on a massive pod, he has a million eyes on him with the socials always buzzing so he’s going overboard to keep up. On top of that, just like with his over-the-top takes, I think Biz is leaning into the hate and sort of embracing and stirring the pot to get more ‘content’ and engagement through the hate. He’s always seemed internet savvy when it comes to growing and building the brand so I think he’s somewhat capitalizing on that. They really only have to last through the draft and once we’re through this little window, the guys will step back and I truly believe they’ll make some changes or decisions to either let go or at least cap RA’s nonsense.


I certainly hope so. They 100% read the comments and engagement on all platforms (probably this one too) and you gotta think some of this will get through to them.


Let’s be real, RA is a clown, and SC is just a traveling shit show anytime they go to these types of events, but without out the stories, the show would be half as entertaining. Let this fucking train reck happen, none of us are gonna look away.


Whit should be mad at ra, whit is away from his family and new born who sounds like had issues days after he was born.


RA-rtie Lange at this point


Whit telling him he would have gotten “dribbled” if he tried fighting anyone had me laughing out loud.


He needs to fucking go man he’s a joke. What a disgrace to hockey. Whit and Biz or G if you are reading this please cut the dead weight!!!! He’s not even fucking funny, you can find someone else to take notes and schedule an agenda. Or just buy a subscription of Microsoft copilot they’ll do that shit for you. I’ll help set it up (DM me lol)


I brought this up months ago in one of the sandbagger. It’s an absolute embarrassment at his age for how buckled he got. He continuously gets fucked up out of his mind. And then he try’s to defend it. I don’t know how he doesn’t have shame and regret when he sees himself like that on camera.


That’s what addiction does to ya. It’s powerful and makes you think there’s no problem when there is


RA lately has been causing unnecessary tension with players and others. It's no surprise he inserts himself into cup celebrations like he did in 2008 with Detroit. He needs to understand he has a much larger platform than he did back in those days and tone it back a little. I loved chiclets when it was all about giving players chiclets bumps and not causing drama, seems like RA took a turn with the tits out girl and his drunken behavior throughout the playoffs.


The Bieksa interview was the worst, could not understand a single thing RA said and you could tell he was like get this fucking guy away from me


RA getting nuked in sandbaggers is when I started noticing him going off the rails. It’s only gotten worse


If he didnt double down all the time he wouldn't be nearly as bad. If you're gonna play the court jester role you need to own it.


It’s definitely time for the boys to take the summer break


I used to defend RA for awhile but man does he need to get himself some help. Honestly, it's also on Biz and Whit and Barstool for not pushing him to take a break and work on himself. Biz seems to lean into it which I'm sure makes RA think it's all just good fun. Not taking accountability and then trying to blame the Tkachuks was pathetic. Guy just won the Stanley Cup and you're trying to steal the moment because you're blackout drunk and think you deserve recognition. I hope there are internal discussions about this shit but judging from how he doubled down on this pod from the last one I genuinely don't think barstool or anyone else thinks it's a big deal and won't do anything.


I legit thought that was going into a live intervention. As a Panther fan or hockey fan in general I thought it’s so greasy that he tried to weasel in on the celebration under the guise of journalism…but passing out on the beach and almost getting in two fights while looking as old as Emperor from Star Wars is something else. His story isn’t going to end well if he doesn’t get clean.


Did anybody else catch like two episodes ago when they were talking about the oilers girl and RA was like “yeah I even hit up one of those playboy agencies pretending to be her manager to get her a good deal for her haha like as a joke” it was so fucking weird. And then he continued to talk about her like he’s in love with her. And then next thing you know biz is on a date with her. I used to think they were too mean to RA. Now I completely get it especially lately. He sounds like he’s chewing on rocks when he talks I literally have to fast forward when he starts talking


he needs a break man … he needs a rejuvenation just like all the boys. all the fellas could use a break.


I've thought about it more and he definitely needs a mini intervention which includes a break from the pod and content.


I dont wanna see him kicked off because hes a cool story, regular guy and all. But god damn he needs to be reeled the fuck in. Just a pathetic look for the pod


Good hockey game though. Talking about the guys on a podcast is whack .






I mean dude, I know lots of 40-50 year old dudes that can drink me under the table and even they don’t sound like RA at a public event. The guy gets so piss drunk that he can’t construct a sentence. And this is like every single day… that shit isn’t normal.


Yeah but that’s a pretty massive issue that’s he’s 50 years old and unable to drink in moderation. His divorce and the SCF seem to have only made it worse or maybe we are just seeing it more now


The start of the pod was brutal for RA, he could not sit still


If he went down with a mic and actually did interviews then that’s one thing, he went down just to be down there


The pod has needed a shake up for a long time. It’s gotten so stale.


This is what Barstool does. They just want engagement right now and we’re all biting on it. They aren’t much of a serious sports media company any more other than a few podcasts. Portnoy always said he wants these kind of antics and Biz and RA are really leaning into it all.


I agree with Biz leaning into it to make it into content BUT I do genuinely think RA has a drug and alcohol problem. And I do genuinely think that’s, at least in part, what led to the divorce


They were able to fill 35 minutes with entertaining banter. Not sure if many of you RA-haters get that he’s playing a role—the fuck-up buddy who embarrasses the boys and they all rag on. Pasha has a similar role, the nerdy buddy who talks shit and has polarizing hot takes. Part of RA’s shtick is that he gets sloppy and creeps out players and the guys then bag on him in the pod. It’s all part of the show. I’m sure they are stoked that RA was booted from the locker room and dissed by the Tkachuks. It’s entertainment gold and gets clicks. If the Tkachuk’s beef is real, I’m sure they are still cool with Whit and Biz. And if RA really does have a friendship with Keith that predates hockey, it will blow over. They’ll have Matthew come on the show in good fun, explain their side, than RA comes on. They all make fun of him a little more and “make up.”


No he’s really not. I know you think he is just playing this role but Whitney clearly is annoyed by his shit. Tkachuk got so annoyed with him he actually booted him out of the rink. The RA lovers in months prior would always ask “where’s the proof” when ppl would talk about how awful he is. Well now it’s here. Multiple nhl superstars who won’t even give him the time of day bc of how much he sucks. If he would’ve just come on and apologized for being a sloppy douche all would be well… but alas, that’s what happens when you never learned personal accountability as a kid.


Yes its embarrassing for him. But I seriously doubt he's getting booted off the pod anytime soon man.


The narrative on RA right now is hilarious. People are mad and saying he’s a clown because he danced around for Oilers goals and drank alcohol during the Stanley Cup? RA being a character has always been part of the pod. If the Panthers weren’t so bitter about it, I’m 90% sure nobody would care about this.


A character that needs to be drunk/high to be entertaining is not a good character.


I don’t care if someone’s high (no, I don’t smoke) but drunk people can get annoying for sure. Thing is I’ve never really assumed RA is hammered during my time listening to the podcast. He’s a strange but funny host. Sure, the videos they’re all drinking and if RA is an alcoholic he shouldn’t be. I just don’t really think he’s deserving of all this backlash because the Panthers threw a hissy fit that he was excited for the Oilers comeback like every neutral hockey fan. I feel like I need to emphasize the backlash only began after the videos came out of the Panthers complaints. Oh, that and the 3 minutes of Oilers girl on a podcast that goes 2+ hours.


I do not understand the amount of hate RA is getting. Yes he fucked up on Monday night but good lord reading this sub it seems none of you have ever made a mistake. They are not like normal media at all and don’t deserve to be treated as such. RA is going to get kicked off either, if you hate it so much just stop listening lmaooo


It’s not one night… it’s weeks and weeks of just acting like an idiot and watching him downward spiral into rampant alcoholism. We just think he needs some help.


You’re all such fucking girls on gossip sites. Jesus Christ
