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I refuse to think at all and I won’t change my mind thank you very much. Joking aside, I too hope they are making a great game and taking the necessary time to do so. Now that we’ve all cooled down from Ubisoft Forward I think lots of this sub will eventually start to have the same hope. (I typed this in full clown make-up btw)


Inb4 disappoint


I'm terrified of Ubisoft doing anything splinter cell related. I feel like it's gonna be a massive screw up. I hope I'm wrong


Honestly expecting it to feel like Blacklist but set in the original game. I would really hope that it would feel like Chaos Theory but with better graphics but I doubt it...I don't think the current general audience would be receptive to the slower pace


I also would love SvM to make a comeback. I don't mind it being for a niche audience so long as it's solid. We don't need tactical shooter number 456. We might get a splinter cell but it'll be everything it SHOULDN'T be lol


Yeah I wouldn't mind a game made for a niche audience..but the Ubi execs will :/ But yeah SvM please


Well if you're on pc and you have the splinter cell itch there's a mod that enables multiplayer albeit with some caveats. We managed to get it working for coop and SvM


I just hope it ultimately improves upon what made the first game so good and then can be used for games going forward.


I think it can be successful, but we are dreaming, hopin it’s the best. And i gotta come in with the dark side of what it could be (to manage expectations): What are the odds that the game has been practically scrapped and remade from scratch (like conviction) and they’ve actually only been working on the newest version for like 3 months instead of the 3 years we think they have? At some points the shareholders will demand results, and the product will have to be rushed and shipped out in a less than perfect way What “uplay exclusive content” will they fuck us up with now? Will they also make it like Blacklist or Conviction where we are completely locked out of that content after some years or will they have the decency to make it fully cosmetic and not gameplay stuff?


This is something very common in today's Ubisoft. They just want the money, so charge their Devs of a lot of responsibilities and/or expectations. If they crack under the weight, it's "their" fault and they get all the blame. If they don't but the game doesn't sell well, same. If they don't and the game actually sells a lot, they're still liable of any problem, while the higher ups get to keep the cash. And as ActiBlizz showed us, even when they're making a lot of money, they'll still possibly indulge in thousands of lay-offs. Of course, if the game sells poorly because suits decided they wanted DLCs, battle-passes, Pre-Order Bonuses and bs "Deluxe" Editions, Devs still get the short end of the stick. So, yeah, saying "game development, is extremely difficult nowadays" is a gross understatement at best. I love this franchise, but considering how Ubi has treated other IPs (and their Devs), I don't have hopes for SC1r.


just think how much improvement could be made if they pumped out SC as often as Assassin's Creed games.


SC on an almost annual basis would be another way to kill the brand


so is AC dead or heading that way? Mirage was way too short of a game. Vahalla i'm done with all the quests, just got some auxillary stuff like collectables to finish up. I'm in for shadows but if we can play only as the stealthy option, then awesome, don't feel like being the big clunky dude.


Honestly i fear how ubisoft can botch it up, i mean gameplay/story-wise. It'll look nice because of the snowdrop engine, but they might dilute gameplay into very basic stealth (akin open world ghost recon titles) & make it more shooter-esque. That's my main fear, honestly. But probably i'm jumping the gun without anything to base it off


That is the reason as to why we do not have a new Splinter Cell game. It feel like after Conviction the story of it is done.


I dont get why people think stealth is niche... thats the whole purpose of splinter cell , splinter cell fans knows this ,you dont even have to be a fan


Honestly, I think super low budget is the future of Splinter Cell (if anything). I just can't see a full on stealth game selling well anymore and if they make an action game to appeal to the masses then why call it Splinter Cell when they already have Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six? I think best well get (after the remake which will probably flop if it even releases) is side scroller, pixelated mobile-esque games.