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I enjoy his commentary. I couldn’t imagine being married to him. Doesn’t strike me as a compassionate, selfless person.


Not surprising. I am entertained by Feinstein when he is on the Junkies but I can’t imagine he’s easy to be married to.


I wish everyone the best. Marriage isn't easy, especially when extensive travel is a part of your career.


Especially all the driving he does


I thought he was already divorced years ago. He would complain about it saying he needs more money cuz of his divorce


He was. This will be his 2nd.


He's still paying the first wife and now will be paying this second one and child support.


If this is true, the fact that he still needs to pay his first wife shows how much of a sham alimony is. Once your kids turn 18, all payments need to stop to the partner.


Damn that sucks. Gonna have to do more books to pay up now


He is argumentative and always has to be right (sounds familiar to the only divorced junkie), so it isn’t surprising but it is sad for his kid. Hopefully he will remain single and just enjoy being a bachelor in his old age because I don’t see his temperament improving enough to sustain a healthy relationship.


but is he marrying a much younger trophy wife and having a kid way too late in life to appease said trophy wife?


He already did that, see wife number 2 and of course “Jane”


Didn’t JP cheat on his wife tho? I can’t imagine Feinstein doing that now


He did the commencement speech at Longwood in 2023: https://www.longwood.edu/news/2023/commencement-speakers-2023/


He probably told us that already.


From Shelter Island, to Potomac to Farmville. What a f-ing fall. Get a prenup kids. Dude's gonna be living in a shoe before he clocks out.


what was it? hes leaving the junks?


He’s getting divorced and taking a teaching job at Longwood.


Feinstein is getting divorced? Next you'll tell me water is wet. I had the misfortune to interact with him in a professional setting a few years ago. He was an arrogant, self-absorbed a$$. I can't imagine anyone married to him can deal with him for long.


Authors are often times self absorbed dick heads who only care about their profession. My uncle wrote for the Wall Street journal for decades. Was very similar to Feinstein. Just a cold person


OMG could you imagine being his student at Longwood? Seems unbearable


Some of my greatest teachers in Grad School were self-absorbed a-holes. I never want to blame anyone in a divorce, but when you’ve been through many, you have to think what is the common thing in all these divorces? It’s like when women say they can’t attract any good men. Well, maybe you’re the problem? Wish him the best. I hope he is just paying child support in the future and not alimony.


Wow! Sincerely surprised


I thought he was quitting the show or something. His announcement has no impact on the show.


He is a pompous ass


I dodged the Feinstein-esque prof during my history degree and couldn’t have made a better choice.


As much as I dislike JF as a person and it comes to no surprise to me he’s getting divorced (again) he is a really good story teller and has a great memory. His story about getting pulled over in Alabama and the cop letting him off with a warning because he too is divorced always makes me chuckle.


Later in the show, I think middle of our four there was a hilarious joan for just a line or two about taking a job at longwood. They did not drop Feinstein’s name at the time..


Whatever they are paying him weekly to be on the show can surely be spent better elsewhere. Time to move on.


I thought he was leaving the show at first


I don't know why but I was surprised the Junks seemed to genuinely have no idea. I feel bad for Feinstein and especially his daughter (and son who seems to have had major health issues, I had no idea). Hopefully this is something he's genuinely excited about, and not purely done out of desperation for money. It's hard to tell exactly.


Feinstein is an auto skip for me. Couldn't care less.


Fast forward through his segment weekly.


I think it sounds like a sweet gig for him. I totally missed this - who were the in-studio guests?