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They used my comment. Bastards. >Some reacted to the property posted online, one [Reddit](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/reddit/index.html) user said: 'Next door looks like it's in defiant reaction. 'We've seen what plants can do. Having none of that.'' I want paying!


Ha I read that and nearly tagged you! Demand payment and retributions


I feel dirty. :-(


Yeah, you need a long shower to wash off the Daily Mail stain


Yeah absolutely filthy 😬


I think I'm just going to have to take a Breaking Bad bath to cleanse my soul of this.


I know if they use images from Reddit you can ask for payment. There’s a few threads about it in r/LegalAdviceUK and someone in r/CasualUK even made an [invoice generator tool](https://garysmith.org.uk/invgenerator/). Not sure if that also applies to comments though but might be worth a go.




As an NCTJ trained jouno, they are perfectly within their rights!


They've not correctly referenced you here, in publications this could be grounds for plagiarism. Ask r/legaladvice of the is any legal grounds for recieving payment/recognition and if so I'll be more than happy to give you a couple of quid on a go fund me for legal fees just out of the pure principle of the matter. They really need to learn that stealing Reddit posts and comments isn't journalism, not that they've ever engaged in that. Edit also if you link your original comment I'll go and update it, just to really stick it to them on how it was you that made it and how your one comment gets more upvotes than what they probably get in a year's sale.


To be fair it’s written by A Fiddler… 🤣


I nearly commented on this post. So glad I didn’t.


If the Daily Mail journalist is reading this (which they will), once, when I was a student, I was so skint I had to use your pathetic excuse for a newspaper as loo roll. As cathartic as the experience was, your paper wasn't really up to the job. I reasoned it was already too full of shit to absorb any more...


Waves to Daily Mail jounalist from the person whose words you used to boost up your otherwise lame article with my wit and perspicacity.\* \*look it up


Even quoting Reddit in the article. I need to get a job as journalist. Just browse Reddit and get free articles and quotes from people like us


BuzzFeed have been doing that for years tbf.


And the Mirror.


I found my reddit username quoted on an article by The Sun, they've literally ripped my post and published it themselves. [https://www.thesun.co.uk/motors/23127470/stanger-crawled-rude-message-car/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/motors/23127470/stanger-crawled-rude-message-car/) ​ Not my proudest moment


I was once quoted in the Daily Heil for a joke I made on Twitter about Nigella Lawson’s ‘liquorice box’. Not my finest hour, but I made up for it by being called a ‘Woke Cultural Marxist’ in the Telegraph for something entirely unrelated…


Did you get a cream to rub on that?


What a liberty 😲


AITA in particular tends to have "journalists" camping in it, ready to pick a juicy tale and summarise both OP and the comments below. Then if the publication is part of Retch (Reach PLC), expect to see it spammed across the Star, Express, Mirror, and all the [Cityname]Live websites...


Literally what I just said said to another commenter, I might apply for “Reddit journalist” at the Lazy Fail… I mean Daily Mail 🤭


I wouldn’t envy them. They’ll be on close to minimum wage, having to churn out 8 of these word vomit articles a day. It’s a shitty job


You mean Daily Heil...


Fuck it, how hard can it be to set up a 'news' website these days. Let's unite and make a Reddit based new paper website.


That’s literally what Daily mail have done 😂


Even BBC seems to do it with the articles about Scottish islands for sale!


Well it used to be twitter generating content for journalists. Was fun manipulating them. Think the mail used a conspiracy theory I concocted about Putin, they claimed it came from 'intelligence sources' but it was the usual week or so after hyping something on twitter timeline that most stories seemed to follow.


I got a message from my works internal slack quoted on GBnews a few weeks ago. My brief moment of fame. One day I might get quoted by a real journalist!


So how did they get hold of that?!


“*Daily Fail* in lazy journalism shock”


Literally 1/3 of the stories on DM are from Reddit it’s pathetically lazy to the point i might apply for “Reddit journalist at lazy fail “


“Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V… I dun a journalism!” Their social media correspondent, probably.


Copyright © ™️


I'm pretty sure if someone posted a raspberry and claimed it as the largest haemorrhoid, the Daily Fail would report it as fact


“Bottom's Up! Giant haemorrhoid sets new world record (you won't believe your eyes!)”


Picture #8 is unbelievable!!!


People born between 1955 and 1979 MUST see this ONE THING which could affect their retirement


Can we try it?


Sure, have you got the Rightmove link for it?


Im sure we can create it 😂


Spacious Two up two down, with a back garden that needs some attention…


Great investment, front drive needs some TLC


Please 🙏


If you work for the daily Mail and are reading this thread: My condolences. I hope you find something better


Well, they could be the Prime Minister one day...


I need to go to sleep... I legit read that as "swallowed by hedgehog"...


Instinctively I want to say "that's cheap/lazy of them" - but, actually, if it's what people are reading (you said it's top story), fuck it - that's their job. Disclaimer: I can't stand daily mail - that's not really my point though.




One of the many, many reasons I don’t have the Daily Mail app


News outlets do this all the time now. Game news sites take posts off gaming subreddits. It's no different to taking people's stories off the street. A small local newspaper once took my very detailed comment on Facebook about a local issue and made it 70% of their article, just quoted it word for word" I laughed so much. Basically I ripped the council a new one for wasting an enormous amount of money on a particularly wasteful temporary display. And I'm a professional writer, so I wrote well about it. So they just took the entire comment. I don't own that, it's not my intellectual property. So why not? It got great engagement for me and the paper got buzz from it too.


Literally the news of the people then. Yet back in the *good old day’s* the local journalist would ask permission for comment. “Social media comments” apparently are a free for all. You can’t expect for anything to be private once you press send…. 😕


alright, who told the daily mail about r/SpottedonRightmove


Some chump 👀


i like gary's invoice generator, whoever found the property and had their comments used or described in the dailymail article need to get paid.




They nick content everyday lol I laugh cos I've seen it the night before....new journalism.


Standard mainstream media, they just take what evers trending on social media because they know it’s going to generate revenue


No need for them to leave their bedroom, have any knowledge relating to the subject, no fact checking required and don't even have to interview anyone


Anyone else read the headline as "house swallowed by hedgehog", or was that just me?


A "Top Story" on the Daily Fail isn't really a great achievement. We could post something like a Bag of Lidl Brussel Sprouts being used as anal beads and they would "report it" as if its some real news article. Their "journalists" likely use an AI bot to scrape sites like Reddit or Shitter to get their "hot articles" and use us as their fodder to be paid.


Correct but i couldn’t believe it is literally thee top story like #1 It’s pathetic i know


The people that should be rioting about this are the journalists themselves. If you let this shit go then you will be replaced by AI, and not even good AI. Or maybe that’s a already happened here. The AI can churn out all the fluff that people like to fill the paper while actual journalists do actual journalism for real stories.


That is such a good point that shouldn’t be shrugged off tbf


typical lazy "journalism" from the Mail.


I’ve had Reddit for years with a different account that I deleted for various reasons. But didn’t use it much for the first few years of having it until I eventually realised so much of what you read in other places started it’s life on Reddit. And a lot of the time other sites don’t even give full context


Yes, whenever I have the most random google/ internet search about the maddest things it always takes m to a Reddit thread


I’ve also realised you get better and quicker answers for technical issues with phones laptops etc


Yeah everything from my car to my coffee machine to some random celebrity that pisses me off.., all Reddit 😂😂


Time to start creating fake posts to screw with lazy "journalists"?


I feel journalists are lazy these days. I've heard lots of instances of them just lifting stuff off tiktok quite often with an incorrect article beneath. I didn't realise they also took stuff from reddit


In todays non-news headline - daily mail still absolute dogshit. No idea how or why people even still support it.




It’s literally there bread and butter it pathetic of them but I understand they just watch what people watch then Nick it!


This is buzzfeed level “journalism”


You didn’t expect the journalist to actually do journalist stuff. I’ll bet they have algorithms that trawl Reddit for this stuff.


Yeah I saw that, old new dm


They should've written an article about the Leeds house.


🤫 don’t tell ‘em


Anyone got link to original post?


Probably AI


Who... Cares? Really?