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I think it could be improved a lot by simply painting a few walls with some colour, putting some proper turf and plants down, hanging a few bits of art throughout and throwing the door knocker chairs in a skip.


Maybe a chimney.


Not for me. They should have spent some money on the roof and chimney, BTW. Sellers own this company: [https://www.robert-leonard.com/copy-of-langly-developments-1](https://www.robert-leonard.com/copy-of-langly-developments-1) ETA: if you think the house you linked to is bad, check out what their sons \[who are also in the family's property business\] own: [https://www.google.com/maps/@51.5369572,0.6827961,3a,90y,30.52h,89.09t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sB9YODBZmWP1bp7AiKsC-nQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DB9YODBZmWP1bp7AiKsC-nQ%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D30.522492129837243%26pitch%3D0.9087274864124879%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.5369572,0.6827961,3a,90y,30.52h,89.09t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sB9YODBZmWP1bp7AiKsC-nQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DB9YODBZmWP1bp7AiKsC-nQ%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D30.522492129837243%26pitch%3D0.9087274864124879%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu)


im so confused aha the owners are some weird orange couple not sure that’s them f me that house you linked is truly even worse!!!


Grey, knocker chairs, the clock, astroturf. Scoring high on the spottedonrightmove bingo card.


I get irrationally angry over these houses. I’m a snob maybe


I would ban artificial grass


I’d put the owners od this house in prison. They ripped down a perfectly normal house and built this


Looks like something I'd make in the Sims


Could you demolish it on sims for me please


It’s heartless. Soulless.


Yes I agree. It’s nit just me aha. Walking past it it’s so out of keeping. Makes me kinda cross aha wanted to see if I were being ‘over sensitive’


It comes to something when the only splash of colour in the whole property is a daring navy blue bed throw and the ghastly artificial grass.


I despise them sorry. They took a lovely old ish house and did that to it


Grey children's bedrooms. Soul destroying


They are literally cultureless.


I bet the owner's eye starts to twitch slightly when they see that one of the kitchen cupboard doors isn't closed just exactly right in 2 of the photos


i Noticed also the dining table was in view of the front door. Bit weird.


Sterile and soulless. I loathe fake grass but have to admit I now have a square metre of it for my visiting ducks paddling pool to sit on!


It’s utterly hideous. and out of keeping in a kind of ‘dull area’ where this just doesn’t fit.


At least those stairs have handrails! 😂


🤣 i feel sorry for those opposite in perfectly average albeit a bit dull houses. It’s so illuminated at night as they are very insecure and want to be noticed


Is this Stacey Solomon’s house?




Stunnin babez the haters just are jeawius and wa just agaunst Essiz


Innit, innit, known what I mean, innit.


Izzaa luvleyy houseee don’t be so wascust


I can't wait for the plastic grass phase to pass.


It won’t unless there’s legislation against it


It’s hideous and stupidly priced. Yes, it’s not overlooked to the back, but it sits on a small plot on a main road with nowhere to walk the dog near the railway – house and price tag want at least twice the plot. Concrete in front, artificial turf in the back – that must limit potential buyers. And then the deathly staircase and little details like ‘we have all this space for a kitchen and turn it into a narrow galley where you can’t have one person cooking at the other doing a few dishes’ Nope.


I’m glad it’s not just me. it used to be an ok house but the trash who acquired it destroyed everything


I used artificial grass to cover up disgusting old concrete pavers in a tiny, shady London garden. That was 16 years ago and no regrets. People usually don't notice it's artificial straight away because the rest of the garden is full of plants and there are organic curves in the boundaries. Like many things, it's not necessarily the material, it's how you use it. For me the aesthetic of this house is yuck. I need gardening space. I need art and colour and real plants. But I'd be able to bring that with me. I wouldn't have this house because of the high potential for toddler drowning. Maybe that's why they're selling.


probably selling to make a profit before a labour government. They pulled an old house down and did that to the plot. Can’t blame nimbys in the countryside for wanting to keep new builds away from them I suppose


The wife was in charge of decorating, she's "blonde" has fake eyelashes, fake tan and a tiny shitty yapping dog. She thinks shiny equals luxury. For the floor and walls she took inspiration from a holiday place in Spain that she went to in her early 20, it was in Benidorm... and she thought it was fancy. The husband works in London and probably is cheating, she's less appealing now that they have kids... Etc... (just finished my poop).


I walk past it and wince the wife is blonde and orange ahah they are actual living scum who make the li es of others in the area hell by their security lights shining into others houses


Anyone else want to stand in the park just past the planters and stare at them in the pool?? Edit - just realised its a golf course. Still weird.


The locals are so angry I’m sharing their houses on the internet but if they were boring houses like many in the area people would say yeah that’s weird they are just blah they create hideous houses then think it’s a hate crime to laugh at them


It’s vulgar, no doubt. But there lots of great bits to it. I’d live there happily. Bit of redecorating, and you’d have a really nice place.


the main thing is it’s so out of keeping with the street it’s overbearing and the lack of greenery is just so bad for biodiversity


It’s too sterile and the fencing looks like something from sims 3 when you nearly run out of money and you’re looking for something cheap that does the job.


It’s vile and out of keeping in an area with pretty bland yet leafy surrounds


I like the staircase….. but too much greige….. but the price seems ok for a liveable house….. maybe a bit more land would’ve helped.


I think it not existing would help more


I’ve said it before but why are all the rooms so massive?! The furniture never fills the room and there is so much dead space. I hate it.


same the house before was normal this is just hideous


It’s very meh but is so would have that swimming pool


This sub makes me realise I have bad taste in houses - I’d love to live in it!!! 😂😳