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I think it’s a legit concern, but I’m not a doctor. I would definitely talk to an experienced Spravato provider about this. Some people don’t have trippy side effects, so it could not be an issue at all, but you definitely want to know what the risks are before trying.


Thank you. I am definitely planning on bringing it up in my pre-assessment, but I was hoping to know other’s thoughts and experiences before I even bother going to that.


I have the same fear. I used to experiment with LSD and ketamine when I was much younger. I just hope I enjoy it and it helps me not make my anxiety worse.


That is something you definitely should bring up, don't suppress that information


It is a legitimate concern and something you should discuss with your psychiatrist and someone from whichever clinic you want to go to. When I was in my late teens and early twenties I did LSD a few times and a lot of mescaline, as well as other drugs. I did not get hppd, but despite that background, I never had any issues during my course of Spravato treatment.


Any concern is a legit concern! I just had my consult and basically told the doctor all of the drugs I’ve done and why I did or didn’t like them 😂 I don’t have hppd. If I did, I’d definitely want to talk about it. I feel like if your depression is bad enough to be considered for it, then it’s worth being open and discussing this stuff. Good luck. To you and all of us!


I have severe HPPD and I’m still trying to do it although haven’t gotten to yet. Honestly the mental health/depression aspect makes HPPD so much worse I feel like it might actually help me but I’m not sure.


Hello, I had the same concern as you and posted about it here because I was scared, and dragging my feet to start my esketamine treatment because the only psychedelic experience I had prior was not the best. I took a 3g mushroom trip last year, and in the first half, I was having a good time. The final half was traumatic, I was looping so hard, and after my trip suffered from hppd. I was scared, paranoid constantly, and second-guessing "reality" 24/7. Anyway, I prepped for my first esketamine session (relaxing music, hard candy, comfort blanket, sleep mask), and it was liberating. I got and have gotten such a confidence boost each session. I realized the power my mind holds during the sessions, yes I can think about work/school, but why? The medication makes it easier to shift and think of good feelings, memories, or random stuff without the stress. Now, I don't notice my hppd, for me the treatment has changed my perspective on "reality" and life. This was just my experience, and I know for some people it is harder, but I was not expecting to feel this good. Best of luck to you!


Being paranoid is why you have hppd. Normal people see things too, it just doesn't freak them out. If anything, going through the ketamine storm will cure hppd. It did for me. But be prepared for some interesting experiences along the way. Pick a comfortable, healthy, safe breathing pattern like 4-7-8, practice often, and you never have to worry about a rough experience again.


I was concerned with a side of fear. I’d never experienced with any hallucinogenics. I started Spravato, November 2023 and I would say go for it. Especially, if you’re considering it because of your depression. I’d say it’s not that bad go ahead and do it. Pro tip it doesn’t have pretty strong taste, I take a mouth spray & earbuds.


Sorry to say, but the Spravato website says the drug is not approved for minors. I’ve heard of minors receiving ketamine treatment before however. This, along with the fact that doctors typically will not prescribe it to folks who haven’t been on at least 2 different antidepressants first. Not sure your current situation, but I’d definitely suggest doing some research if you haven’t found a prescriber yet to ensure you would be a good fit.




Oops! I somehow incorporated the “15 years ago” into that you were 15! Totally my bad! I am dyslexic and while I manage pretty well, sometimes I just don’t read things fully correctly. Ignore my comment and good luck to you!