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Ugh, I can feel the dread and frustration for you reading your post. I loathe Accredo, but I did speak with a super kind woman,that was actually through the shipping department, that had to jump through hoops herself for me for over an hour. My clinic deals with the Spravato- thank god… but I do have to go through them with my migraine med. with that being said, sometimes it is hell. This last time I was so late for my migraine medication, I did end getting a really bad migraine. Here’s some pointers for you that I learned after calling everyday and hearing the same things you are without any movement. Funny thing, even my medical insurance called to see what the issue was (it was a representative from the prior authorization department) the number should be on the back of your card. That’s who you would want to call. 1. Call the prior authorization number through your insurance as stated above- although it still didn’t get them moving, there is notes left behind etc. 2. Ask to speak to a supervisor or manager that can help you. After calling everyday for two weeks and spending a ridiculous time on the phone getting no where- I went to being an”Karen.” lol and honestly me refusing to get off the phone until the issue is rectified did get the ball moving. And it was that nice lady in shipping. But they even lied to her when they said they’d ship it out so I needed to call again. 3. I see you are on the website checking… I have the App and you need the prescription number to track your med- what status it is in. And you can follow the delivery. You can get the script number from your insurance claims (if you go on that website) or called Accredo (I know lol). 4. If the representative that spoke to you states it is set for delivery the status will change in your Accredo app. They lie a lot. I don’t know if they put you on hold and sit there and come back to tell you BS or if someone else tells them they are doing it. 5. Idk what status your med is in but if they run the Spravato and they tell you they need a prior authorization (which they did this to me as well-?calling my doctor for a new one and a new script lol when they already had one and I could see my insurance approved it) Tell them to run it through medical insurance not prescription. I wish I could help you more. Don’t get off the phone until you get somewhere. They have some nice people and also rude ones. But that lady that helped me, I won’t ever forget her after two weeks of hell. Not to mention my medicine was due 2 weeks prior to that. If I can be of any more help- let me know. Not to discourage you, but stay on the phone. Don’t let them keep telling you the same answer with it not going anywhere. Best of luck and deep breaths …


I don't think you can use Accredo, even if you wanted to. I've used Accredo for other specialty drugs and never really liked them. When my insurance changed, the pharmacy I'd been using was getting rejected by insurance and that I'd need to use Accredo. Accredo, at least at the time, wasn't setup for the spravato REMS protocol, once that was cleared via insurance, they just had to over ride the rejection, I was able to use a different pharmacy. You may have to call Accredo and/or the insurance company and tell them about the REMS protocol and ask if Accredo supports that. That SHOULD be enough for insurance to let you use a different pharmacy, assuming Accredo still isn't setup for the REMS program.


I just checked and Accredo is one of the specialty pharmacies that can be used for Spravato. Do they have the prescription from your provider yet? They have to have the prescriber's REMS information too so they know they are sending it to a certified treatment center and they need the DEA attached to that center.


They have my prescription, the prescriber’s REMS info, the DEA for the clinic, and my prior authorization from the insurance. From what my psychiatrist said and the reps at Accredo said, it’s just a matter of them finishing their check of insurance coverage/benefits and then calling me to deal with co-pay and arranging what day it should be shipped. My biggest concern is that finishing the check might take several days and then shipping might also take several days, and so my next session might not be until late next week (two weeks late), if not later.


They are very slow, and my patients are very spoiled! We do everything for the patients, except they give their consent and card on file. I never even thought of having the patient figure out what pharmacy to use or set up delivery. We call and order for those that have to use the mail order ones.


I had it pretty good before this. When we used the local pharmacy, all I had to do was give my consent and provide them my card to put on file and the clinic was able to get my Spravato (and my other psychiatric meds!). When we had to switch to Genoa at the start of this year, I had to jump through a few extra hoops but after about a month we had it set up mostly the same. Never had issues with delivery or with how long it takes to process insurance with either of these, so that's why Accredo makes me nervous.


I was about to say, my clinic doesn’t even let me worry about any of this!! I didn’t even know this was something patients had to worry about elsewhere! I do feel quite spoiled, the people at my clinic are freaking awesome


Accredo messed up my treatment because there was “a supply issue” — the clinic I go to went to bat for me and I now use a local pharmacy with zero issues.


I have to use Accredo for a different REMS med and have always been pretty happy with them. But I wonder if it’s bc I’m dealing with a specialist for my med? I did go through a couple other pharmacies though and it was such a hassle getting started!! This was actually an issue with my insurance company approving stuff. Maybe once you’re setup, it won’t be like this? I hope not!!! As far as Spravato, I don’t know where my office is getting it, and I’m so sorry your office isn’t doing this work for you!


I use Accredo for another medication and it’s generally fine, but I did have one instance where it took two weeks to process a new prescription (higher dose). I called multiple times to escalate the issue. I think the second or third call finally moved things along. Ask for a supervisor. See if you can conference call with your dr’s office and Accredo at the same time