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This was really fun to read. I’m glad you’re seeing and embracing all the small changes. I hope they keep adding up.


Me, too. I appreciate your comment.


I’m so happy for you! Things have been seeming different but nobody notices but me. After reading this, I think I need to divorce my husband


Please do not divorce your husband if he is an otherwise pretty awesome fella. Maybe just ask him to keep a journal? Another thing is, I mentioned to my ex-husband during the conversation we had that he was treating me like 2019 me, and no the 2024 me who has done a lot of work. He 100% said, "There's probably some truth to that, and I will work on it." Sometimes they don't know that they're also reacting from the past. Some thoughts?


Most of the time he gets offended and/or responds passive aggressively if I try to talk about how he treats me Edit: in addition to depression I also have pretty severe anxiety, yet instead of seeing my anxiety and being supportive he internalizes that I’m a control freak and treats me as such


I’m so sorry you don’t have a more understanding and supportive partner. I support you! You’ve got this! Are you in therapy for yourself?




Yes, I have had this experience. Personally, as I started feeling better on SPRAVATO, I was less tolerant of the angry things said to me, the screaming, the slammed doors, the silent treatment. Sometimes it can be worked out. I’m trying to make it work, but again, not tolerating the screaming. I just leave the house and go to a friend’s.


I was in the same place with mine until I convinced him to also try ketamine therapy. Things are still very very rocky but we have had noticeable changes in the amount of time we go in between fighting, how long the fighting lasts and also starting to have healthier communication. It’s definitely not overnight but things are (albeit slowly) going in the right direction. Divorce still isn’t off the table but it’s at least still left on the table for now while I see where this goes.


Happy for you !


Thank you!


I finished treatment 10 two days ago. SI is completely gone. Triggers are a lot less triggering. Based on numbers — my depression symptoms have dropped by nearly 75%. I spent decades miserable and ready to die. I almost gave up many times. I thought being horribly depressed was just my default. It isn’t my default. I’m still me, but it’s like I can finally relax because it isn’t a fight to get through the day. Today I spent time with my partner while he cooked lunch and I loved every moment because I was fully present.


> I almost gave up many times. I thought being horribly depressed was just my default. I could have written this sentence. I'm so glad it's working for you, too! Here's to us continuing upward!


and I could have written this too!


Absolutely freaking awesome!


It feels really awesome. :)


Love your handle, too! Pho-k yea!


I would love on pho if I could.


I’m currently in the recliner doing treatment number 33. Keep writing all the little changes down. Progress hasn’t been linear for me, so remembering the small changes is a great reminder that this medication does work, even on a bad day. Also, I’m currently wearing tennis shoes with a dress and I don’t care a bit. I used to care a lot.


I absolutely love reading these positive posts! Converse?: Yes!!! The president of our college wore them with her doctoral gown while giving out diplomas on stage. Loved her confidence! I’m hoping for some good stories of my own soon. My nurse says I was a 9/10 (10 is the worst) now my depression is at a 5/6. I wish I could be at a 3. I’m at treatment 14. Two treatments every week. I have hope. 🤗


The part about the clothing speaks to me. I know the anguish so well. So very happy for you!


I'm sorry you know the anguish of society's judgment. Wear the Converse - or whatever makes you happy! <3 And when you do, I hope you too don't notice them once you put them on.


Celebrate, right before our eyes! It's inspiring. It never occurred to me you were showing off!


Fantastic ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you!


Love this for you. And it’s so encouraging for me! I’ve had 3 treatments and I do notice some small stuff. I kind of hate the whole process, so thank you for sharing 💗


I'm sorry that you hate the process; I want to tell you it's worth it, though. At least, it has been for me. And I'm glad my sharing is encouraging someone else. That's all I want to do.


I'm so happy to hear that you're seeing the small changes! The big changes are sometimes so much easier to focus on, but the small changes are just as important to take notice of. I hope you continue to see progress and I wish you all the best on your healing journey!! ❤️‍🩹


Thank you! I wish you best of luck, too! I haven't really seen any big changes yet, but that may be because I am prone to ignoring those things in case they don't "stick." But these little internal changes are mind blowing.


Not a small thing at all. Celebrate this tremendous step forward! So happy for you.


SO AMAZING!!! congrats for getting your life back!! ❤️


You got this! Love to see it.


That’s wonderful!


Reading this makes me so happy, and sad all at the same time. I wasn't able to continue my treatment due to my insurance no longer covering it. But I did notice small changes while it lasted. Keep up the good progress!


Love to hear these personal signs of progress! One of my coworkers told me it was nice to hear me whistling in the office again. I hadn't really realized I'd stopped or started again. I love jewelry but putting any on seemed like too much to do when I was at my lowest. Today I wore a few rings, earrings, and a necklace.


It is so great to hear about your progress!!! I think it gives us all hope. 💕 And thank you for the reminder that it IS the little things that make such a difference!


I love this!! It really is the small changes that add up because that small change is a change in your pattern of behavior so that positivity will just become the new pattern of behavior. And then that’ll allow more positivity to compound on top of that. I loved this post, thanks for sharing!