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I think he more thought she would be okay with it because shes 27.


Gosh, such a young age to be doing such salacious things.


So scandalous


New word acquired.


New Response just dropped


holy hell


New slang learned


Actual education


Call Mariam Webster


Neurons go on vacation, never come back.


This is a great comment


He uh probably assumed she's fine w it considering the circumstances. And I think he asked her if it was ok anyway and she agreed. Also she's almost 30 šŸ˜­ like realistically speaking she should be ok with a kiss


Yuri senses would kick in and punch anyone who dare attempted to touch his flawless sister


She's only 27.


Well I did say almost. Technically she's 90% on her way to 30 šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I normally see someone who is approaching 29 or is 29 yrs old say they're almost 30


Potato tomato potato


Suit yourself


bro i am 27 and yes i am almost 30 :D


No you're notšŸ˜‘. I'm 30 and till 2 yrs ago, I never said I'm nearly 30


chill out bro xdd its ok, we are old :DD


Nah I'm not....


lol, good amount of copium :D your body is close to its peak before the genetic downfall :DDD enjoy the last 5-10 years of relatively healthy organism :DDD


You would know about copium, wouldn't ya? Nah my body is fine. Maybe you need to get checked out. People like you take ageism to another level. Blocking ya since you are crossing the limits of respectful discourse.


From a boyfriend or maybe a peck on the cheek sure but at this stage theyā€™re still relatively strangers. Sheā€™s gone all in on being a good mother to Anya but her relationship with Twilight, while friendly, is far from romantic. If someone asked me to snog a friend I know Iā€™d sure be uncomfortable with it.


Yea well if you don't kiss your friend are you at risk of getting taken away by the secret police? Sure it's uncomfortable but if the situation calls for it it's pretty low on the crazy meter. Honestly these Yor and Loid scenes are purely gag scenes and we rlly shouldn't take them seriously.


Yeah, even in IRL Cold War, gay men would fake marriages with (sometimes lesbian) women to fit in society. Even they could fake a kiss just to survive lol.


They're faking a marriage. In a cold war-esque era, where a simple suspicion can cause you to get "disappeared" by the secret police. They both consented to being married, even if it's for convenience. They know there were limits, since that was the point of their "contract". But they know they have responsibilities when it comes to pretending to be married, ESPECIALLY in front of other people, very ESPECIALLY when that people is a member of the secret police who is gunning for Loid to be suspicious so that he can separate them. Strangers or not, on paper and in the eyes of the people and country, they're married. It's fair to assume that kissing is already something they've done, they're not FRIENDS publicly, they're LOVERS.


Yeah in their position I would have done it and wouldn't have hesitated. It's the job. You're essentially actors. You hash out any heavy details either before or after, where and when it's safe. Between those lines, you do what needs must.


They married the night of the day they met, playing a kiss at 27 is something most people are fine with, especially when they are trying to fake a relationship


its an anime my friend itā€™s not that deep lmao


Loid was in full Twilight-mode at the moment, so I doubt he even stopped to consider Yor's feelings when he agreed to kiss her. He probably assumed that, since they're working together, she would be just as willing as him to keep up the charade. It was only when he noticed her hesitation that he backtracked, saying she didn't have to if she didn't want to. Personally, I don't think Loid has that kind of impression of Yor. It was a one-time implication that has never been mentioned or brought up again, so I don't think it made a lasting impression on him -- nor do I think Endo intended for it to do so.


Yeah, Twilight praising Yor at the party was him being smooth and spinning an attack on her character. Later when he planted the bug and listens to her conversation with her coworkers he notes that she doesnā€™t have experience with men.


That's possibly part of it. Another part is that Yor's embarrassment isn't a normal reaction, and I think most people would have been able to do a stage kiss in that situation.


I doubt he actually thinks she was ever a sex workerā€” probably assumed her coworkers were bullying her by saying that. Westalian Intelligence did a thorough background check on all of Loid's potential spouses. The only reason they didn't discover Yor's affiliation with the Garden is that the Garden is just as covert as Loid's organization. As far as Loid is concerned, Yor has led a fairly ordinary life.


> probably assumed her coworkers were bullying her. Especially when Camilla threw a hot tray of food at Yor.


Even so, I appreciate that the manga doesnā€™t disparage sex work or see it as a bad thing in and of itself. Even if Twilight was just acting, the manga portrayed his words in a positive light. I donā€™t know much about the field, but I do know that social disgust about it only makes the dangers and lack of legal protections even worse.


Very good point! I think that's holds double when we consider the setting. Sex work would be even more stigmatized in East Germany post WWII


never let bro cook


Bro burnt the kitchen


How does does the way Yor acts look to Loid? She keeps a physical distance to him and started to panic when he made a move to get physically closer to her. It wouldn't be that crazy if he assumed she was traumatized in some way (she probably is, but not in *that* way)


Thatā€™s a stretch realistically itā€™s because sheā€™s damn near 30 so something like a quick kiss shouldnā€™t be an impossible thing to do for 2 adults considering they both want to keep up their cover story.


I think its more about age. At the at of 27, experience or not. A kiss isn't that special to most. So ex sex work or not. He probably thought it was nothing to her, despite that its everything for her. I also really hate her coworkers


That coworker looks super evil in this. I'm actually a bit torn about them giving her a bit of a redemption. I really find Yor's coworkers insufferable.


I imagine that Loid believes that Yor is like him, a person who desensitizes herself to do her job (and he imagines that hers is sexual). It's curious that he might think that she still does these things to this day and never seemed to be bothered by it.


Loid assumed that Yor would be fine with the kiss because she's pushing 30


Not a sex worker, but a massagist


Loid just praised her for doing anything for Yuri's future, even "that" work.




Asian coded women vs the stereotype of Asian "massages" (stereotype wins neg diff)


He never thought that. In the chapter in which he is following her he said her interactions with the colleagues confirm his suspicion that she never had a relationship before. She wouldn't be so embarrassed if she had been a sex worker.




Yes it was, started watching the anime yesterday lol


Or, hear me outā€¦ sheā€™s also a near 30 year old woman and he didnā€™t even understand the sex worker jab so he thought ā€œoh sheā€™s probably kissed like a boyfriend or something beforeā€


Im more surprised with everything that loid said emotionaly, she has never noticed something suspicious like how did he know about her personal info like her dead parents yet he mention it even tho they just met and barely know each other... both are blind and distracted each other mysterious character and just overlook it


Dude was overloaded with new subconscious feelings he was developing for Yor and his old way of dealing with such a situation. So he just panicked and tried to kiss Yor without considering her position. But when he saw Yor flustered and panicking, he whisper-asks her if she was ok with it. Also he never had experience with healthy relationships. He had to seduce women for missions. So he didn't think much about how different a kiss/sex is to a woman like Yor who is inexperienced when it comes to men.


Twilight is the one person who would not take anything he is told at face value.




Wait...they already kissed?