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Battle items and megas are garbage


I just lost a 15 winstreak because a guy I was chasing with 2 low hp non fusion colts got el tigre from a chest and DEMOLISHED me. I hope theyll balance it out before the game goes global


Same happend to me 10 min ago


You should have let him alone


Sure, ill leave 80 gems and a chest key so he can comeback


That’s the main thing about MEGAS dude


It shouldn't be a thing to just open a single chest and demolish the entire lobby


Battle items literally serve no purpose other than “I can buy my way to victory!” I know they limit how many you can use and you can’t use them at the start but it’s like if clash Royale had a option to pay 1000 gold every minute to have 10+ elixir, it’s just pay to win, but in a sly way


I mean I like rerolls but I wish it was just things you could get within a match with the gold you collect. And megas being a fusion of 6 fusions would be a nice mechanic (megas would need a buff in this scenario)


you notice that supercell wants to earn money with this one (at least for now).. buyable winstreaks, chests in match, only 3 chests every 9h...


not to mention all the packs are crazy expensive and 120k gold to unlock 1 epic and 100k to unlock 1 rare


Better than Brawl stars where you're required to win 8 matches for your 3 daily chest equivalents. I'd take 3 chests every 9 hours any day of the week


Yeah but with brawl stars you can keep progressing for a while even after you get your three starr drops thanks to brawler masteries There’s 0 point in playing squad busters after you get your 3 chests if you aren’t willing to spend more gold to get tickets, only thing you are doing playing matches is putting your win streak at risk


Brawler masteries aside, I don't think any Supercell game is made to be played for hours on end like a console game. There's just so much timegating in all of their games, and honestly I don't really think that's a bad thing. Gives you time to touch grass or something lol


I mean I guess lol. But personally trophy pushing in supercell games is a bigger motivator than simply progression. Brawl stars is probably the only video game I’ve ever played where I have 1000+ hours. And that’s because of times where I spent the whole day just pushing brawlers.


Aside from Brawl Stars, trophy pushing is meaningless to me. I get fractionally higher resource rewards in CoC and Boom Beach, I don't even play Clash Royale, and the rest don't even have trophies. It's really not worth it me in any of their games except Brawl Stars, because realistically that's the main mode of progression in that game aside from the Brawl Pass


That’s not better than Brawl Stars at all lol


?? How Brawl Stars: Win 8 matches, get 3 Starr Drops per day. Squad Busters: Play (not even win) 1 match every 3 hours, get up to 8 chests per day. Starr Drops: Not guaranteed progression because of an abundance of cosmetics Chests: Literally can only give progression (for now at least) That's 8 loot boxes over 3, and guaranteed progression over a possibility of garbage cosmetics like pins and sprays. There's no way the Brawl Stars reward model is better.


You forgot about trophies and the path for trophies


I also didn't mention battle passes, because neither of those things make the daily loot box situation better in either game. Getting to 7000 trophies doesn't make you able to get 4 Starr Drops per day instead of 3. I'll admit that it's a good way to incentive playing after you've earned the daily stuff, something Squad Busters maybe needs, but that's a different conversation


Maybe because starr drops aren't the only way to get rewards like chests in squad busters


Yes, but that's a separate issue. I'm talking squarely about the amount of loot earnable based on the daily potential intake, not progression outside of the daily matches systems


Continuing to play Brawl Stars can't hurt you. Continuing to play Squad Busters can literally slow down your progress because every game is a chance to kill your streak if you are playing when you don't have chest tickets.


I'm aware of this. First off, still unrelated to what I was saying. 2nd, unless you're losing your streak to five P2W El Tigres, it's entirely possible that losing your streak was, in fact, a skill issue. Not always, you could have bad chest RNG, but most of the time I lose I'm not like "well if I had a Witch there instead of Colt I'd have won". Also I'd argue playing Brawl Stars for basically no rewards and going on a 6 loss streak because of bad/afk randoms is very emotionally painful


Brawl stars model is better there are a lot more rewards than just 3 star drops. Also brawl stars actually has good game design and a fun game to play unlike squad busters


I've said this about 100 times now, but I'm talking strictly about the daily loot drop situation, not trophy road or masteries, which aren't limited to daily rewards. Every day you get 3 Starr Drops, and you have to win 8 matches to get them. This is objectively worse than only needing to play the same amount of matches for almost 3x as many loot drops


Yes but you cant just only talk about daily loot that doesnt make sense


Ok, so Brawl Stars has the Trophy Road and Squad Busters has the Squad Journey. They're funtionally indentical, leaving the discrepancy to be with the daily loot, a system that's better in Squad Busters than it is in Brawl Stars. The only reward based thing Brawl Stars could possibly have over Squad Busters is brawler Mastery.


Free side of brawlpass is pretty great and brawl stars literally gives you a maxed out brawler in like a week after you start etc.


Yeah the free events like the Starr Drop + Coins one going on right now and and the Godzilla Eggs with the daily Starr Drops is nice, but that's so far separate now than what we are talking about. Those events happen one time ever and then they're gone. Trophy Road/Squad Journey and the daily loot drops are always there if you need more rewards


Gets really repetitive and their is a lot of p2w like mega unit and keys


Starting with adding hank


They need to add Hank before global so the game can be prawn ready


🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥I WAS PRAWN READY🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥 r/prawnready


Can't forget a support Doug.


btw mega isnt pay to win u neeed to just grind the pass faster


The Core Mechanic is fun BUT it needs more Gamemodes + Progression is really bad + The Megas dont make much sense


also the charecter fights are janky, why is my colt not behind my barb and primo


Take my upvote and get out




Fun but stills needs more content and variety




The thing is that the content is developed but for some reason the game is released with a low percentage of all the content


The core gameplay is fun but the consumables and megas really brings down the experience. You shouldn't lose to anyone because they bought keys or megas


A game about fighting worst thing in it is fighting....makes no sense


Actually really fun. I underestimated it but there's some litte things that can be improved like the battle items system, the megas and maybe and this things that help you win if you pay. One thing I'd love to have is more detailed description of the characters with stats of everything. Also I'd love to see skins again. they could gain money with skins like it is in Brawl stars (like in CoC no please)


Yeah itthe game starts to grow on you after a ehile


I don’t think skins are very visible in this game when you have a medium or big squad to be honest


But would be cool, they could get more money with skins and means we get more resource because instead of focusing the income only on the progression they get also income in the cosmetics. And I say it would be cool to be like brawl Stars mainly because the skins nowadays are not exclusive and is more f2p friendly :)


Thanks totally true! It’s hard to understand what they are trying because as you can see there are no paid currency in the game, in the betas there were diamonds but not now… strange and the game is going global soon


The problem with skins in this game is that it's already really difficult to gauge exactly what's involved in a PVP fight. Introducing skins would make this even harder especially for new and casual players. The only way I would be in favor of skins is if they add some sort of overall health/power bar for each squad.


Too repetitive


Battle items and megas should be removed.


Pay to win. There I said it


Feels like a walking simulator mini game with "modifiers" to change up the gameplay, lots of rng. Like LOTS of rng. Especially on making any account progress, especially if you don't want to spend money. Wouldn't exactly call it competitive, or deeply strategic, lots of things are out of your control in this game, it's more of a casual rng-fest that's fun in short bursts. If you don't go into this with a need to grind mindset, or need to win (you can keep your streak as long as you're top 5) it's okay enough of a game to warrant at least a try. Combat sucks and it's hard to tell if if you can win any engagements, you're pretty much punished for fighting anyway, and to fight you need to stay stationary (pro-tip: you can use your movement boost to increase attack speed too) If you like very casual gatcha games, with very simple controls you can play in short bursts, and don't want to make any serious investments Into this is worth a try.


So-called casual game when "get 300 spells in 48 hours" mage quest pulls up:


A Grind isn’t =/= difficulty 🤷‍♂️


Supercell should add a button where u 'lock' megas, meaning that you will not be able to use your mega units.   Idk if it's just me but I want to save my mega units and stock them up. But twice an El Tigre popped up and then I accidently clicked it instead of the change chest button. So I wasted 2 of my El Tigres      Either this or make it so that megas aren't consumables, but just a powered up version of their based characters, which you can also level up/evolve.   But anyways I find sb an extremely underrated game which is relatively fun and I look forward to the upcoming updates from Supercell :)


Oh my, I didn’t realize that was I thing! I always just took my mega! Thank you


is the OP referring to Reroll which is a paid item? Where is the "Change Chest" button I have never seen it :)


The game is good but is too pay to win


I like it, but the progression feels bad. You don't unlock characters enough, especially epics. Also keys are dumb.


I haven’t even gotten the game yet I just joined this sub in advance




It’s really slow to unlock a new character from chests! Do they even come from chests?


I honestly really enjoy it and I don't understand the hate about this game, indeed it needs a lot more content / characters ect, but it's on the good way and I think, after one or two updates, the game will be absolutely ready for global


Concept was great and visuals that this game is serving are very beautiful but the gameplay is... specific. They need to work on some aspects like pvp and cunsumables but overall 7.5/10


Gameplay wise fun . Not bad . Progression wise(I've dropped the game) it takes toooooooooo long to reach last world it seems like every day it's gets pushed further and further away.


How long should it take according to you? It's been out for less than a month and most people are Already halfway through royal world.


I actually really like it. It's not perfect, but with a little bit of work, effort and rework to Mega units (and less p2w), it could be a great game.


Could be great, but so many baffling design choices drag it down


Has potential, but as of right now executed terribly


I really LOVE this game even though there's some minor changes needed before going global 🌎


This game can be really fun but right now it's missing some improvement. My main complaint is the game fps. On a pixel 8 it's lagging every time. On top of lag, the boost button give me the impression of lag when you run out of boost everything stop. Not a great gameplay experience. I always use the boost when I don't use it sqade move so slowly. I'm just frustrated when I don't have boost. My suggestion, remove the boost button and add other actions. ( select unit to attack or other mechanisms)


ta wapo


I think it's pretty fun!


Its like a mini-game as a game. I think thats it


Balance what’s can be purchased, more content / modes, would like a pve mode that can be saved and to progress. More control or input on fight mechanics. Some features like chests in game, mega as consumables, are both not balanced, or fun to play. People complain about p2w, it’s a business and they need to make money. You can still progress and win as free to play. Yes, mega should not be a consumable, chests or win streaks should not be purchasable. But in the end, the game is free to play and they need some form of economy to sustain servers and infrastructure.


Can’t wait to play it regardless of other ppls opinions


In terms of skill on the game, your performance is dictated by efficient APM. Peak APM is a talent that players can relatively quickly reach. Then there is a gravity effect to the middle of the level to push your luck for bigger “jungling “ rewards. You can’t control how many other people make an early decision to jungle in the middle so there is a random volatility to the game, which is fine. Toon pulls during gameplay are highly random, this decreases player agency to be able to choose to jungle near the middle of the level. Strategic player intent is basically whether to choose a fusion or not, and deploying power ups like bomb. This is vastly below the player agency and strategic intent in clash royale and brawl stars for example. One thing that is missing is it is not knowable by the player who is in 6th, what specific goal he needs to do to gain rank (assuming all players have equal APM skill). In fact, sensation of rank ingame is very bad. The inability for the player to get better through skill once they have mastered APM/micro means that the ingame experience will have retention problems. So they have dressed around the ingame with top tier box gambling and daily mission reward systems. I would like to say this game will do worse than clash royale or brawlstars due to lack of skill ceiling. But the box gambling is really well implemented, on the level of Monopoly Go gambling. So we’ll see


Oh and forgot to mention, the keys and consumables to start “ahead” of non payers basically eliminates any competitive for this game right out of the gate


Skill will only get you so far in this game, whales will always beat you no matter how well you play. Trash concept for a game.


Pros : - Very fun Gameplay. - They give a lot of gold. - still only one currency. - only 3 Evolutions Cons : - Keys. Please remove. ( exept reroll ) - Nerf Evolutuion ( Members needed ) -> 8 for one classic / 6 for one super / 5 for one ultra - BUFF THE FREAKING CHANCE TO GET NEW CHARACTER IN BOXES - only 3 chests per day ( make that 10 ) - No currency to know if the guy is cracked or not ( trophies / mastery )


I’ll just put it like this: if supercells name wasnt attached this would be considered pretty good for the mobile game space. However supercell has such a high standard that I’m actually surprised this is how it turned out. Its so boring and the jankiness shines through pretty much right away. Why would you want to fight someone just to cut your squad in half, thereby making you an easy target for the next person? The meta is literally to avoid fights and just farm monsters, which is insanely boring. Expected a lot better from a supercell ip


It has potential but the one lone game mode gets old and it's weirdly punishing to engage in combat


At first I liked it but it had so many flaws and was quite frustrating to play. But it's growing on me. And I'm enjoying it more and more each day. I only play 3 games a day I think if I played it more I would enjoy it less


just playing 3 games a day is a good idea


Not developed enough to go global.


The game is amazing! However, I think some people are playing it wrong. I’ve seen lots of people saying they get bored easily, and well yeah!? You’re not supposed to play like Brawl stars or Clash Royale it’s more like clash of clans. Log on use chests tickets maybe buy some things in the shop do the daily challenges then log off. And I know a lot of people don’t like games like that but that doesn’t make it bad, it’s just no for you!


Aim to attack pleaseee!!!


shit game , gonna die like hayday and boom beach , imma wait for moco , the GOAT GAME


Hay day is successful among older ppl why did u group it with boom beach lol


I'm sorry , I'll add cr as shit game and offically retract Hayday from the list 👍


Because moco is a real PvE game, not some fake ass PvPvE


Naah its not "Shit Game" and why you think that mr


clash mini was better


Fun, people is trashing cause haters gonna hate


Game clearly marketed to children, yet feature the most pay to win items and useable of any SC game. Kinda odd if you ask me If this is their “Clash of Clans” for this upcoming generation, they are doomed. Lol


It's all good, except combat, that is trash


Gets boring, lacks depth or complexity, really reminds me of those bad mobile game ads, literally p2w. Really don't understand why they greenlit this but axed Clash Mini.




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Too boring. ik its still in beta/pre realease


It lacks the substance that brawl stars or clash royals provide. It was clearly made as a cash grab for very casual gamers. The game loop itself it’s addicting and fun because of its simplicity and the rng involved both of which up the skill floor and reduce the skill ceiling, anybody can play the game and have a good time but that leaves no space for people to take the game as seriously. The progression often doesn’t feel as rewarding as in other supercell games. It also gives the player little incentive to continue playing once they have claimed all their trophies. I could go on but in general, I think it’s a kind of a monetization mess, but a fun one at that. I’d prefer they do this to this game than they touch my beloved brawl stars


Too much p2w, no fair Fights, my 2 classic Babarians loose against a maxed out barb. Everyone has atleast one maxed troop and i am in 2nd stage


Gets boring and annoying really fast since there isn't a real skill cap in the game


Pretty good game still dont like that groomer dude tho


Double the trouble


Pretty good game still dont like that groomer dude tho.


The gameplay loop is boring after like 3 days of playing it and pay to win is plastered everywhere. It's super undeveloped and not made to be global


Get bored already. I will wait for the global update.


Honestly I only play for the strategy and not for the gameplay, having to stop to attack just sucks since others can run away easily. Items should not exist and the megas-units are bads.


I would say the progress is not that good to attract people and keep bonding if everyone gets all the characters and has all things then they will stop playing and that's a problem for this game


I'm already hooked to it


Has HUGE potential, just megas being a consumable and.. actually just consumables in general. Maybe also they should add some variety early game? I've seen plenty of people complaining the gameplay is dry without getting past Desert World (no pun intended), so it's definitely a need.


Let me get this straight forward we all downloaded this cuz of the Shelly skin


Honestly I really like the Shelly skin so I’m mad excited for this game


Luck based on who u get from a chest movement us sometimes weird people can just run from u when u try to attack and all it is, is u move and stop move stop move stop boring af


I uninstalled it after 2/3 days. It's completely RNG and pay to win it's not even fun. I can play better games


It needs less rng and more skill, because currently it's just a walking simulator. Also one time use items should be removed.


Most p2w supercell game to date not even close it does the crap people joke about clash royale you literally just pay to get 3 units from 1 for free. Megas are consumable. They are desperate if this is the game going golbal.


I am playing it but I don't get it. It's a game where you build teams to fight and in my games, most of the time, people run away from each other the second the other squad appear on the screen. Is impossible to understand how the fight goes and to react/microplay it. The only thing that gives you advantage is the boost button that makes you go and attack a bit faster and that's it. Some games you get fusions after fusions and the economy is easy and you a free to spend your gold fast and sometimes you get fucked and end up last min with just a couple and the next box that cost 40/50g makin it very hard to farm. They are gonna need to polish this a lot, is a game where I play 3 games for chest and that's it. It gives you no reason or purpose to keep playing, personally, after those chest are open. ATM: 5/10


I wish it was possible to get more rewards for playing more. For example getting a chest ticket every hour not every 3hours. Or maybe we could earn some gold after every game that way we could maybe save up to buy chest tickets so the more we play the more we progress


keys should get removed, megas shouldn’t be limited, there should be a way to get more coins (once you finish the gem pass they start lacking even though there are quests), chests should be cheaper, winstreaks shouldn’t be buyable and parties are broken af


Has potential but currently pretty bad. I can't believe they axed some of the previous games being developed for this one. As of now it's just a game that you farm and play tag on. Tbh supercell has been pretty shit ever since tencent bought them out. I've been playing supercell games since COC, so it makes me sad to see what was once a great company be driven into the ground.


The game is p2w there's no way f2p player can max even a single character


What the What


Played for 3 days after soft launch and then Lost interest. Maybe Will try again after updates.


Walking simulator


Characters are hard to unlock and cost way too much coins in the shop. Spells are literally useless as enemies would easily dodge them. Hard to fight sometimes if the enemy has a lot of boots or has hog rider, worse that you have to stand still to attack. Essentially, it is not good at the moment and mostly wants to drain you of your money with all of the "offers" it has.


I felt it like a voodoo game about gathering an army and destroying them it's not my thing


p2bored xd


Fun, needs adjustments and needs to kick the f off the amount of kids crying everyday. Consumables are kinda useless. Will get removed at some point. They're not p2w as people claim, due to the low impact apart from Megas, and Megas are restricted to chance, so still no big impact. Squad randomness is not fun due to big imbalances between units. Some mods are really not that fun. Needs variety, and obv som QoL in Battle so it feels less obscure. A single HP bar is an improvement, but still think something else will be needed. Targeting feels too random and you get too punished by losing a single unit. Progression is good but also needs adjustment. Chest buffer increased from 9h to 24h to not enforce unhealthy playing habits. Allow chest tickets to be used at will, so they don't reset the countdown. Unit unlocks really are rare. Unsure if needs tweaking. The 3rd world feels quite more boring than the 2nd, due to squad randomness and mods being less fun imo. Fing remove the kids from the game. It's 1000% the worse thing here. Every Supercell community gets worse and worse with the entitlement and need for attention. They claim "constructive feedback" and just open a new thread "p2w, I lost, Megas broken, mum love me, look at me, I'm not bad but matchmaking hates me, clash mini this, won't survive, I'm a game dev expert and I know, I really have a unique take on why this is p2w (not), I have daddy issues but Supercell is at fault...". Really not sure how to fix this, and this is what will kill the game. Edit: It's SO fun and blatant to see the most single reasoned opinion (whether you agree or not) in the sub reddit downvoted. It just proves the point even harder. 😂


Tl; Dr Hurr durrr I'm right and everybody's wrong, they must just be kids, megas are fine guys, keys aren't that p2w guys, guys guys look at me guys please


😂 Struggling to understand an opinion. It's tough.


I think I understood it fine, and your edit makes you look even more like an attention ***** Bros trying to gaslight the whole sub 😅


So are you saying you struggle to understand other's opinion and call them kids? Or is the above person struggling to understand your opinion about how you struggle to understand other's opinion?